Justification of Eternal Punishment

way 2 go

Well-known member
Or anything that contradicts eternal suffering for other people?

Are you serious? You take this literally despite the plethora of biblical scholars who regard it as a parable? How many people do you know who can talk if they're actually in flame?

That isn't any sort of logical argument. Why would it necessarily have to be eternal suffering?

So says you although you're not supporting that presumption with anything and you'd be hard pressed to. Frankly it's just bizarre...

So death is destroyed but still goes on, or the place is destroyed but the state continues. This is just plain nuts.

Wow, convincing argument there...:plain:

No, it's rather people like you with their callous attitudes towards other people just like yourself that grate. Never lied? Never lusted? It's just so easy to write other fallible folk off as wicked, sit in an armchair and pompously pontificate on the justification for their being in unbearable torment instead isn't it?

So not actually good news after all then, well, except for people like you apparently.

so far your stance for , oh wait you have not stated what happens
to the unrepentant when the die or I missed it.


New member
Not MY Bible, because I haven't cut any Scriptures out of It or re-defined any words to make It say what I want It to.

Well, you must have either cut John 3:16 out of your Bible, or redefined "perish" to mean "to have eternal life in hell bing tortured alive".

You said that you could not imagine why anyone would believe that the wicked perish. I believe that because that is what John 3:16 says. What do you want "perish" to mean? Are you certain that you are not redefining perish to mean what you want it to mean? Are you certain that I have redefined "perish"? Did perish stop meaning perish? Are you confused or just really hoping for eternal torture? For other people, I mean. I think the real problem is that you are just too stupid to understand what the Bible says.


New member
Maybe Revelation 14:11 is closer to what have been thinking about?

Revelation 14:11Modern English Version (MEV)

11 The smoke of their torment will ascend forever and ever. They have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Come on! That doesn't even say that their torment lasts forever. It says the SMOKE ascends forever. Please deal with the scripture that I gave, John 3:16. Why are you IGNORING it??? It specifically says that whoever believes in the Son of God will have eternal life and whoever doesn't will perish.

way 2 go

Well-known member
It is CALLED 'second death,' but it isn't DEATH, since it would make this Scripture into a lie:

And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

After ONE death (men are not put to death twice, according to Scripture) then men face judgment. There they are either given eternal life or they are cast into torment in flames in the Lake of Fire.

like the first death was spiritual followed by physical
Gen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die."

we only get this body once and it dies once

we all get resurrected

Mat_25:46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."


New member
He doesn't believe that Scripture says what it says, he believes what he believes because that's what he wants to believe. Don't try to confuse him with the facts.

I believe what the Bible says. What does John 3:16 say in you Bible. I'm not trying to confuse you, you are doing that to yourself. I believe what I believe because what I believe in written in the Bible. Except for your Bible which has John 3:16 cut out of it, along with over 100 specific verses which specifically state that the wicked will be destroyed, and they will perish.

You believe in eternal torture in hell because that is what you want to believe, not because the Bible says there is eternal torture in hell. I showed you where the Bible said "whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have eternal life", Why don't you show me the scripture that says "Whosoever doesn't believe in Him shall go to hell when he dies where he will be tortured alive forever"?

You and I both know that there isn't a single verse in the Bible that says that. But you and I both know that there are plenty of scriptures that specifically state that the wicked will perish.

You can enjoy your sadistic doctrine now, for a little while. When Jesus Christ returns the wicked will perish, then you will no longer be able to deny the truth. Have fun, it will be short lived.


New member
It is just unbelievable that so many seems to believe God is sadistic even though it says God is love.

They reinvent their god in their own image. People like Aimiel can't imagine God without their sadistic love of torture. To them it doesn't matter what the Bible actually SAYS, they only see torture. Did you see how Aimiel couldn't even SEE the word "Perish" in John 3:16? He actually tried to accuse me of redefining words just because I believe what John 3:16 says. What a doofus!


New member
They don't realize they are misrepresent God to the world.

It is a grave sin.

I agree and Peter wrote that false teachers would be destroyed.
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." 2 Peter 2:1 ESV

The Master saidin Matthew 10:28 "Fear the one who is able to destroy both body and soul in Gehenna", but they deny the Master's Words saying that evil souls will not be destroyed but will live forever being tortured alive. The Master said in Matthew 7:13that the road is wide that leads to destruction, but they deny the Master and claim that nobody will be destroyed, they claim that everyone will have eternal life either in heaven or "hell". Since they deny the Master, they are bringing upon themselves swift destruction. It's sad that when we tell them the truth, they mock us for it. It's sad for us who tell the truth, because we are not believed. It's even more sad for those who scoff at the truth, because they will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment and Destruction of the ungodly.
2 Peter 3:7 ESV
But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.


They don't realize they are misrepresent God to the world.

It is a grave sin.

I agree with you, but they are getting their ideas about God from the Bible which says many conflicting things.

But it seems some people need to be afraid of a mean God, if not they might hurt others.


I agree with you, but they are getting their ideas about God from the Bible which says many conflicting things.

They are picking the verses and twisting them. I is so biased version.

It has to be consistent with "God is love".

"God is love" is the whole concept of the Bible, both OT and NT.


What is so sad is that most churches endorse sadistic God.

And that's what the world believe because that's what they hear from most Christians.

And the world attack Christianity using their misrepresentation of God.

You can see it abundantly this is true if you read non-believers' comments.

God, have mercy on us, sinners.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
When people hate Christians and can't bear to be near them you can be sure they will hate God and will not want to be in heaven.


New member
I agree and Peter wrote that false teachers would be destroyed.
"But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction." 2 Peter 2:1 ESV

The Master saidin Matthew 10:28 "Fear the one who is able to destroy both body and soul in Gehenna", but they deny the Master's Words saying that evil souls will not be destroyed but will live forever being tortured alive. The Master said in Matthew 7:13that the road is wide that leads to destruction, but they deny the Master and claim that nobody will be destroyed, they claim that everyone will have eternal life either in heaven or "hell". Since they deny the Master, they are bringing upon themselves swift destruction. It's sad that when we tell them the truth, they mock us for it. It's sad for us who tell the truth, because we are not believed. It's even more sad for those who scoff at the truth, because they will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment and Destruction of the ungodly.
2 Peter 3:7 ESV
But by the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are stored up for fire, being kept until the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.

Define the word eternal Tim.



New member
Define the word eternal Tim.



Eternal means forever.

Define the word "Destruction" everready.
Define the word "perish".

I just believe what the Bible says, that those who reject Christ will perish. What does John 3:16 say?

I take it that you are trying to find a way to reject the Master's words. Are you looking for some loophole in the scriptures that allows the doctrine of eternal torture?


New member

Eternal means forever.

Define the word "Destruction" everready.
Define the word "perish".

I just believe what the Bible says, that those who reject Christ will perish. What does John 3:16 say?

Its clear that you don't believe what the bible says, you believe a false doctrine that somebody taught you. There is everlasting life and there is everlasting punishment both are eternal.

John 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.



Its clear that you don't believe what the bible says, you believe a false doctrine that somebody taught you. There is everlasting life and there is everlasting punishment both are eternal.

John 25:46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.


Ever lasting punishment is not everlasting life in the lake of fire.

get real dude.