Justification of Eternal Punishment

Word based mystic

New member
"And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness." Romans 8:10 (KJV)

Funny, my body isn't dead now nor ever has been. Perhaps you can reconcile that wording with your doctrine?

you must not have read my above statements.

the body/carnal/flesh will die. yup amen, agree.

The spirit man/inner man now has life due to being born again.

It was dead after the fall/sin in the garden

Had to wait till Christ came to bring life and be born again.

Resurrection will bring life to all of the whole man.

unless of course you are not in Christ. Then You die/perish/destroyed/vanish away/cease to be forever.

because your spirit man was never given life or born again in Christ.

who is the life.

no one not in Christ who is the life is sustained after the fire or after destruction.

Word based mystic

New member
your body is dead in the sense that it cannot commune with God or the Holy Spirit without our spirit man being born again.

otherwise the all consuming fire of God would destroy body and soul.

it is the Holy Spirit dwelling in the born again spirit of man that will allow for the whole man to have eternal life. thus the resurrection and thus the book of life

Cross Reference

New member
you must not have read my above statements.

the body/carnal/flesh will die. yup amen, agree.

The spirit man/inner man now has life due to being born again.

It was dead after the fall/sin in the garden

Had to wait till Christ came to bring life and be born again.

Resurrection will bring life to all of the whole man.

unless of course you are not in Christ. Then You die/perish/destroyed/vanish away/cease to be forever.

because your spirit man was never given life or born again in Christ.

who is the life.

no one not in Christ who is the life is sustained after the fire or after destruction.

". . . . . then began men to call upon the name of the LORD." Genesis 4:26 (KJV)

Reconcile it.

Word based mystic

New member
yup. not the Father.

but the Word. the Firstborn, the physical manifestation of the Father. The Father is Spirit and no man has seen face to face.

They communed with a bodily Word/First born pre-incarnate Christ

who walked with Adam, enoch and the like and talked with abraham

Cross Reference

New member
yup. not the Father.

but the Word. the Firstborn, the physical manifestation of the Father. The Father is Spirit and no man has seen face to face.

They communed with a bodily Word/First born pre-incarnate Christ

who walked with Adam, enoch and the like and talked with abraham

Who knew that when they prayed except you, in your imagination?

What was His NAME??

Word based mystic

New member
Who knew that when they prayed except you, in your imagination?

What was His NAME??

john 6:46 Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the ((One)) who is from God; He has seen the Father.

the One is The Word.

exodus 33:20 But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"

these two scriptures show a fullness of the subject.

No earthly man can see the Father who is Spirit.

John 14:9 He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '? 10"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?

john 4:12-14 1 John 4:12-13New American Standard Bible (NASB)

12 ((((No one has seen God at any time)))); if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit

thus scripture is true. No one has seen the Father

they have seen the Son/Word/firstborn of all creation/.

put all the scriptures together in fullness and you have your answer.

otherwise you disagree with scripture.

Cross Reference

New member
john 6:46 Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the ((One)) who is from God; He has seen the Father.

the One is The Word.

exodus 33:20 But He said, "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live!"

these two scriptures show a fullness of the subject.

No earthly man can see the Father who is Spirit.

John 14:9 He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '? 10"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me?

john 4:12-14 1 John 4:12-13New American Standard Bible (NASB)

12 ((((No one has seen God at any time)))); if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love is perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit

thus scripture is true. No one has seen the Father

they have seen the Son/Word/firstborn of all creation/.

put all the scriptures together in fullness and you have your answer.

otherwise you disagree with scripture.

You are being dishonest and you know it. That leaves your contribution to any discussion, corrupted. No one should give you the time of day.

Word based mystic

New member
You are being dishonest and you know it. That leaves your contribution to any discussion, corrupted. No one should give you the time of day.

go back and look at some of our interaction in other threads.

I have given you MANY rep approval for other thread discussions.

because i disagree with your thought on the wicked soul being indestructible, you have now said

i condemned you. past post.

now you call me dishonest and to be ignored.

you have not answered my first question in response to saying i condemned you. Never happened.

Now you call me dishonest.

never answering directly why you say that.

knowing your age i give and gave you the benefit of the doubt to possibly be an elder.

but I see maybe your accusations by name calling is putting that in doubt.

or maybe you are answering someone else by mistake.

why am i dishonest? And i never condemned you in any character way.????


Eclectic Theosophist
Transcending false concepts/erroneous beliefs.....

Transcending false concepts/erroneous beliefs.....

name calling and a claim of dishonest.

how am i being dishonest???

by showing scripture

For those engaged here,...and many other doctrinal issues,...much is just circular argumentation, circular reasoning. Who woulda knew? :)

As we've covered, there is no justification for 'eternal torment' by a loving all wise, all just God...whatsoever...since that is not Love's nature or will. God is not insane, neither are his ways (laws, principles).

Arguing over meanings of words, terms and definitions may assist but not necessarily resolve any issues, but perhaps to clarify and make room to re-consider our 'position' or 'belief', since such may be subject to change if clearer or better light/information is given upon the subject, so being OPEN for such is essential, if one is to learn, comprehend and grow in truth.


> A defamation of love


Cross Reference

New member
For those engaged here,...and many other doctrinal issues,...much is just circular argumentation, circular reasoning. Who woulda knew? :)

As we've covered, there is no justification for 'eternal torment' by a loving all wise, all just God...whatsoever...since that is not Love's nature or will. God is not insane, neither are his ways (laws, principles).

Arguing over meanings of words, terms and definitions may assist but not necessarily resolve any issues, but perhaps to clarify and make room to re-consider our 'position' or 'belief', since such may be subject to change if clearer or better light/information is given upon the subject, so being OPEN for such is essential, if one is to learn, comprehend and grow in truth.

Why Of course. Nothing matters except your inane opinion about God that you deem scriptural because of other inane religious opinions you haven taken to yourself to be true. Ergo, take your own advice.

Cross Reference

New member
go back and look at some of our interaction in other threads.

I have given you MANY rep approval for other thread discussions.

because i disagree with your thought on the wicked soul being indestructible, you have now said

i condemned you. past post.

now you call me dishonest and to be ignored.

you have not answered my first question in response to saying i condemned you. Never happened.

Now you call me dishonest.

never answering directly why you say that.

knowing your age i give and gave you the benefit of the doubt to possibly be an elder.

but I see maybe your accusations by name calling is putting that in doubt.

or maybe you are answering someone else by mistake.

why am i dishonest? And i never condemned you in any character way.????

I have no argument with your character but your spiritual intellect. You use scripture in an illegal way to support your opinion. Calvinist' do that. Do it once with approval the crowd and the approach to understanding scripture is left wide open to repeat the error.

Why you insist on keeping this argument going is beyond me in LIGHT of what has been submitted to you that comes against your unscriptural notions and ideas about God's irreconcilable character and attributes regardless of how you "feel" about how loving God is. They are absolutes that need be understood in His economy of what words mean and not ours. My disappointment with you in this is that you and your crowd refuse to accept any idea that God's economy and mans thinking about his can be different __ and for reasons you DEMAND to be accepted.. Why not consider what I, and others, have found to be true, i.e., Jesus was correct when He said the Holy Spirit would guide us into ALL truth, whether we like the outcome or not?

Cross Reference

New member
What do you mean "in an illegal way"?

Work it out in your heart and mind what I wrote to Wbm as in"better felt than telt". Perhaps in doing so you just might experience a rectification in your heart and mind as to how you use hand picked unrelated verses and without understanding to support you religious bent,..


Well-known member
Why Of course. Nothing matters except your inane opinion about God that you deem scriptural because of other inane religious opinions you haven taken to yourself to be true. Ergo, take your own advice.

Yet those scripture you except as literal and historic have been weighed and found to be originally based on the allegorical method, instead of the heavy yoke of literal fear based dogma fed to the world since the third Century. That ignorance has made a religious hell out of this planet for those programmed under its lie.

Cross Reference

New member
Yet those scripture you except as literal and historic have been weighed and found to be originally based on the allegorical method, instead of the heavy yoke of literal fear based dogma fed to the world since the third Century. That ignorance has made a religious hell out of this planet for those programmed under its lie.

Specifics please. Who weighed them to be allegorical except "unlearned" intellectuals who have, with their prowess, persuaded you with an opinion of their own. I am not going by someones's opinion. That is part of the strength of Pentecost that has gone unreceived/unregarded by the rejecting out of hand, of it all by those filled with unbelief.

Cross Reference

New member
is that your opinion?
Based upon what I have experienced on this forum to be a confirmation, no. I believe for the 'deposit' of Pentecost in it because of the antagonism against what is perceived as my opinion.
"We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Satan" who we don't recognize as being the one contending with the Truth of the Gospel with those who hold the Truth of it..