Justification of Eternal Punishment


New member
Use the same rule when defining both words: "destroy" and "see".

"Destroy" means put an end to the existence of something by damaging or attacking it.

"See" means to perceive with the eyes.

Neither "Destroy" nor "See" means "to torture alive forever in hell".
I hope this helps.

Word based mystic

New member
cross reference said "Amen! They are the ones who NEED to interpret scripture to make it fit their bias (((((and we are condemned if we don't see it their way)))). For the reason "why" is anyones guess. Problem for me is that it "shades" everything else they say one might agree upon being recognized ((((((it is all based upon an untruth that only compromises their belief __ a belief that, in the finality, won't take us home to "Father's House".))))))

I said in response.

when did I ever condemn anyone for seeing the wicked as having eternal life and being indestructible and imperishable. I condemn no one.
Don't put words in my mouth.

However you seem to be in that path of borderline condemning as evident by the 2nd parentheses above.

i went back to look at some prior quotes.

in this one you are implying that if i don't take your speculative supposition on the wicked having eternal life and being indestructible than i shall not go to the Fathers House??

or if I dont change the meaning of forever (AION) period of time or of the age, but rather change the meaning to be (incorrectly) never ending I shall not inherit eternal life???

Ben Masada

New member
Sorry, I thought I was. So as to your II Sam reference I say, so what? How does pertain to anything?

In yellow, where does it say that?

It wasn't a lesson. Nor was it a parable. End of discussion.

So what! It means you have no truth to teach. That's what. And for Lazarus, you ask me where it is written that he died. I'll tell you but, you must first tell me if there has ever been a living man who has not died? It is only obvious that Lazarus died again if Jesus ever called him from the grave.

Cross Reference

New member

Cross Reference

New member
cross reference said "Amen! They are the ones who NEED to interpret scripture to make it fit their bias (((((and we are condemned if we don't see it their way)))). For the reason "why" is anyones guess. Problem for me is that it "shades" everything else they say one might agree upon being recognized ((((((it is all based upon an untruth that only compromises their belief __ a belief that, in the finality, won't take us home to "Father's House".))))))

I said in response.

when did I ever condemn anyone for seeing the wicked as having eternal life and being indestructible and imperishable. I condemn no one.
Don't put words in my mouth.

However you seem to be in that path of borderline condemning as evident by the 2nd parentheses above.

i went back to look at some prior quotes.

in this one you are implying that if i don't take your speculative supposition on the wicked having eternal life and being indestructible than i shall not go to the Fathers House??

or if I dont change the meaning of forever (AION) period of time or of the age, but rather change the meaning to be (incorrectly) never ending I shall not inherit eternal life???

"SEE". Define the word as used by Jesus.

Ben Masada

New member
Enoch and Elijah. That's 2. One more than you asked for.

Were they men upon earth? Yes, they were. Had they done only good and never sinned? No, if you read Ecclesiastes 7:20. So they died too. What is said about them was only embellishment as a result of the chronicles of famous people which was allowed in Judaism. Moses was much more famous than Elijah and Enoch and, his grave was in the plains of Moab.

Cross Reference

New member


New member
Again. God is a spirit. Ever "see" a spirit?

Oh, I understand your confusion now. I believe that Jesus Christ is fully God. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". Jesus Christ is God, only the pure in heart recognize Him as such. When He returns, those who are His will see Him, and recognize Him.

Cross Reference

New member
Oh, I understand your confusion now. I believe that Jesus Christ is fully God. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God". Jesus Christ is God, only the pure in heart recognize Him as such. When He returns, those who are His will see Him, and recognize Him.

LOL!!! This who aren't will also ___ and tremble. Try again.


New member
LOL!!! This who aren't will also ___ and tremble. Try again.

That doesn't make any sense. "This who aren't will also and tremble"???

Try again, and use Regular English Syntax. Okay, take a deep breath and think about you are trying to say, and then carefully type it in. Relax, you will eventually make sense.

Cross Reference

New member
That doesn't make any sense. "This who aren't will also and tremble"???

Try again, and use Regular English Syntax. Okay, take a deep breath and think about you are trying to say, and then carefully type it in. Relax, you will eventually make sense.

Glad to see you can't say you don't understand because of my "syntax" error, better understood to mean my overlooked mis-spelling.

Try again yourself, snot-ball. You boast of your syntax prowess. You know what I said. Find another way to obfuscate.

Word based mystic

New member
Who will they (((see))) when every knee shall bow and tongue confess?

colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

The Father being invisible.

2 thess 2:8 Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of his mouth and ((destroy)) him by the splendor of his coming.

isaiah 11:4 And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips (((He will slay the wicked))).

in the garden and all throughout scripture when men would see or speak face to face would it be Christ, the firstborn who is the visible image of God

or would it be The father who is invisible?


New member
Glad to see you can't say you don't understand because of my "syntax" error, better understood to mean my overlooked mis-spelling.

Try again yourself, snot-ball. You boast of your syntax prowess. You know what I said. Find another way to obfuscate.

"Snot-ball"??? I understand that. I don't boast of my syntax prowess. You weren't making any sense. "This who aren't will also and tremble".
I didn't know what your problem is. "Those who aren't will also and tremble"? Okay, so they will see Him. That also refutes you.

"Snot-ball"??? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruit". Blessed are you when people insult you, and call you snot ball. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for they also called the prophets snot balls.

"Snot-ball"??? Are you a Christian? Do you pray with that mouth?

Cross Reference

New member
"Snot-ball"??? I understand that. I don't boast of my syntax prowess. You weren't making any sense. "This who aren't will also and tremble".
I didn't know what your problem is. "Those who aren't will also and tremble"? Okay, so they will see Him. That also refutes you.

"Snot-ball"??? Jesus said "you will know them by their fruit". Blessed are you when people insult you, and call you snot ball. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for they also called the prophets snot balls.

"Snot-ball"??? Are you a Christian? Do you pray with that mouth?

Yes! I am a Christian ___ and I don't believe you are "without cause" for my labeling you.

You started off with me on a "snotty" foot from the beginning and haven't let up. Is that your attitude when you pray? Apparently so, given all else you are posting in this reply.

Cross Reference

New member
Who will they (((see))) when every knee shall bow and tongue confess?

colossians 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.

The Father being invisible.

2 thess 2:8 Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath of his mouth and ((destroy)) him by the splendor of his coming.

isaiah 11:4 And He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, And with the breath of His lips (((He will slay the wicked))).

in the garden and all throughout scripture when men would see or speak face to face would it be Christ, the firstborn who is the visible image of God

or would it be The father who is invisible?

Since time as we know it has ended at the outset of eternity when it is said by Jesus that the fire is unquenchable, why not believe the implication is that destruction is also, unending __it can't end. There is no future point in which "Time" could ever be a factor.

OMT: Do you believe this might be a better rendering of Matt 5:8:

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall "perceive" God"?


New member
Yes! I am a Christian ___ and I don't believe you are "without cause" for my labeling you.

You started off with me on a "snotty" foot from the beginning and haven't let up. Is that your attitude when you pray? Apparently so, given all else you are posting in this reply.

You called me a snot ball. I did not call you a snot ball.
I do not believe that you are a Christian, based on how you post.

Word based mystic

New member
Since time as we know it has ended at the outset of eternity when it is said by Jesus that the fire is unquenchable, why not believe the implication is that destruction is also, unending __it can't end. There is no future point in which "Time" could ever be a factor.

OMT: Do you believe this might be a better rendering of Matt 5:8:

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall "perceive" God"?

destruction in essence is to bring an end. also related to other scriptures like cease to be forever and or vanish away.
and specifically summed up in perish = to utterly destroy.

the destruction ((cannot be unending)) because the context of the scriptures are (forever) aion = within the age or period of time. also relating to the end of the age.

the only kingdom or entity that is related as having no end in scripture is the kingdom of God and that which dwells in Christ/life.

all others are not sustained by Life/Christ

Word based mystic

New member
God being the all consuming fire that He is consumes all temporal things.

by the breath of his mouth He kills his enemies

eternal fire destroys, brings death.

continual resurrection after the fire destroys would have to happen
in order for destruction to be never ending

or the fire or God won't have truly destroyed.

Life in any form can only be sustained by Christ.

All things and former things shall pass away that are perishable.

isaiah 33:14 Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual burning?" 15He who walks righteously and speaks with sincerity, He who rejects unjust gain And shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe; He who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed And shuts his eyes from looking upon evil;

Cross Reference

New member
destruction in essence is to bring an end. also related to other scriptures like cease to be forever and or vanish away.
and specifically summed up in perish = to utterly destroy.

No time, no ending. You can try to rationalize it till the cows come home, you will not change that fact __ not even by injecting "end of age" as being some sort of limiting factor. Sorry, it ain't there.

What you forfeit by sticking to your position is the understanding of what God meant when He said the soul that sins dies when in fact, the soul is eternal __ it cannot die..