Because I didn't interpret the Bible as saying "the soul who sins shall die". That is actually what it says. Why can't you consider that your interpretation is wrong, particularly since your interpretation is the exact opposite of what the Bible says? You claim that a soul can't die. The Bible says that some souls shall die. Obviously, souls can die, since they will die.
It is quite obvious to me that you and Wbm need to be right in order to keep going in your religion. That is the reason you keep ignoring what is posited that counters it:
"Behold, all souls are Mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is Mine; the soul that sins, it shall die. Ezekiel 18:4 (AMP).
Here is the principle you must understand: Only love can create. Love never fails in what it creates. Don't ever believe it is love's failure when love is rejected. God is Love. His Love never ends and continues except when completely severed by the soul of the one who wilfully rejects it.
Until then, God's Love goes on even while the "rejecter" is released to do his own thing to somewhere where love exists but cannot abide because of lawlessness (cf Sodom); where reprobation awaits him either by physical death or the death of the patience of God. To say he is destroyed would be an understatement because the destruction never ends from the day he leaves his father's presence until he returns __ if he returns.. Why it never ends?, because what God creates in His image remains somewhere and that is the important point to remember. Where is that somewhere for one who rejects God and dies his physical or spiritual, death?
Adam sinned. Adam died his physical death. Where did he go when departed the land of the living?
I hope you understand that when the body dies the soul and spirit are separated out. Ashes to ashes and dust is the destination of our body. The spirit returns to God who gave it per, Ecc.12:7 KJV and the soul, well, it needs a place to reside, doesn't it?
What is the soul that it cannot die?
The soul of Adam was the only thing that was created. His body was formed and his spirit given.
It was created in the image of God Who has a Mind, Will and Emotions:
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." Psalm 82:6 (KJV). The mind, will and emotions are indestructibles unless you believe the Mind, Will and Emotions of God are destructible? Man was gifted and sealed to these lesser particular attributes which included Faith to believe, when God breathed into him the breath of life. He made man a living soul after the pattern of Himself as the basis for what He planned both for Himself and man had man obeyed. It was the basis for calling man up to something higher in God when God was satisfied man could handle His glory.
Try viewing the prodigal son story as an example of this. Ask yourself the question what would have been the disposition of the prodigal had he not returned to his father before either him or his father, died?