Just a System

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Rather, you're continuing to illustrate your problem, confusing the willingness to place a scriptural quote next to your unproven declaration/assumption as though it agrees and supports you, when you haven't made the case, let alone the connection, with argument and a conclusion following it.

That's you doubling down by throwing out quotes and scripture you haven't connected to any particular thing I've written.

Additionally, unclear is a valuation. You'd have to establish an objective rubric and establish that the particular writing you've yet to set out is unclear by it, and that the lack of clarity is found in the construction and not in your comprehension. That's accepting the constraints of Prager's quote, which isn't self-authenticating either. As someone who has helped a good many people with academic writing I'd suggest that many people who are clear in their understanding/thinking still find great difficulty in communicating that through the written word. It's widely problematic among the math/science crowd and disturbingly present among too many of the language/arts people.

And the justice system, the thing you keep saying this is about but won't actually discuss, remains a demonstrably superior model for the world. I've yet to see a proposition to match it in protecting right and serving the ends of justice.

when you bang out a response like this, are you even aware that your ocd meds have stopped working?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Today we do not have a justice system. We have just a system." ~ Bob Enyart Deut. 32:4, Prov. 8:15


God and the Death Penalty
The Bible's Criminal Code

wouldn't it be interesting to see town address Bob's points instead of just playing his silly game of compiling "witty" and "clever" zingers to you?

And the justice system, the thing you keep saying this is about but won't actually discuss, remains a demonstrably superior model for the world. I've yet to see a proposition to match it in protecting right and serving the ends of justice.

Bob appears to think you're full of crap

why not address his points?

you could start here: http://theologyonline.com/showthrea...bate-By-Bob-Enyart&p=8494&viewfull=1#post8494

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Discuss :peach: issues :idea: not :yawn: people (Eph 4:14).

See: Town Heretic
She said, once again linking to a page dedicated to her personal ad hom attack on yours truly while stepping around the rebuttal on the point she declared the appropriate consideration. If hubris were a commodity SD would corner the market.

wouldn't it be interesting to see town address Bob's points instead of just playing his silly game of compiling "witty" and "clever" zingers to you?
Would it be as interesting as seeing you write something about me that wasn't a gross mischaracterization? :think:

Bob appears to think you're full of crap
Good for ol Bob then, if true. He's entitled. :thumb:

What's that to me?

why not address his points?
I haven't been to the thread. I've addressed the DP before. I'm against it. It allows us to put innocent people to death. Until we can be certain that's not the case, it should be off the table. So should the possibility of parole for murderers. If Bob doesn't agree with that he's entitled, again. Lots of people, laymen and lawyers, have differing opinions on the point.

It doesn't impact the fact that we have the greatest system of justice in the world in any rate.


the American "justice" system is a steaming pile of crap that is typically only defended by those dishonest enough to benefit from exploiting it for personal gain

Can't wait 'til they
meet the judge of all the earth (Ps 96:13, 1 Pe 4:5). :popcorn:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Your words (Eph 4:14). :peach:
Some of them were. Some of them lacked context, as I noted in debunking your ad hom "control freak" charge by noting that the quote was actually just an answer in a thread asking for suggestions for changes. Then there are your other ad homs, like "deceiver" , things that reveal your nature.

That sort of thing. :plain:

Can't wait 'til they
meet the judge of all the earth (Ps 96:13, 1 Pe 4:5). :popcorn:
That sounds like you're hoping for a negative outcome, which is about the least Christ like inference that could be advanced.

In any event, people pursuing justice and the safety of others in an imperfect world will, I hope, be happy to see the job in the best possible hands and I don't know why you'd think that's different from any other human approximation, including love...like I have to tell you.

By which I mean it really looks like I have to. :plain:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:yawn: If anyone is interested in your
argument, they can click the link (Eph 4:14).


I don't close my threads as some cowards do.

Your threads are pretty much closed from the get go. It's not like you actually debate but just throw spam about 14 hours a day. You've been shown up on here alone to be disingenuous and just scuttle away behind your usual crap. You honestly think nobody notices?

Cue: "proof please" along with some Dennis Prager link and a bible verse...

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: If anyone is interested in your
argument, they can click the link (Eph 4:14).
Sure. And they can read what I have to say here in response to your bringing the link here. :plain: You do realize you did that, right?

I don't close my threads as some cowards do.
Well, the coward bit is ridiculous, but sure you do. That link by way of. No one else can post on it. You have a whole section as SD where that's the case.

How is that different from locking a thread? How isn't that, judging as you judge, cowardly?
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
That's how the site works. :plain: That's what links are for.
That sounds suspiciously like:

:yawn: If anyone is interested in your
argument, they can click the link (Eph 4:14).
Sure. And they can read what I have to say here in response to your bringing the link here. :plain: You do realize you did that, right?

You'll note I answered on that point and why. Also, you missed my setting out your hypocrisy on the cowardice nonsense...and by missed I mean lacked an apparent answer for, but here it is again:

I don't close my threads as some cowards do.
Well, the coward bit is ridiculous, but sure you do. That link by way of. No one else can post on it. You have a whole section as SD where that's the case.

How is that different from locking a thread? How isn't that, judging as you judge, cowardly?

See, that's what comes of trying to get through life on looks, I suppose. They can't help you when no one can see you. :nono:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: This thread is not about me. This thread is about the Just-a-System (Eph 4:14). :peach:
That's not how you felt several times in this thread, when you felt free to drag in a link to an off site bit of locked ad hom editing of my posts.

But all right, back on the topic:

This thread is too often (and entirely, as you use it) an illustration of the inherent danger in approaching a statistically driven topic without any apparent understanding of the methodology involved.

Do you have any idea how many cases are adjudicated in this country every year?

Juvenile courts alone handle over 1.7 million cases. If 99% of the time the courts made the right decision that would still leave 17 thousand cases where something went wrong.

In other words, a system that was nearly perfect would leave anyone who wanted to confuse that near perfect rule with the exception thousands of cases to complain about.

We have a great system. You simply have to be able to distinguish the rule from the exception.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: Proof please (Eph 4:14). :peach:
You already gave it, posting that link to your off site holding pen where no one else can post. You want me to prove that you did that? :plain:

Omitting smilies and scripture, here you are calling for a discussion of issue while not discussing the issue but leaving a link to that off site oddity of yours I noted.
Discuss issues not people.
See: Town Heretic

Here's an earlier post. Same omissions, and here's the only other thing in the post:
This thread has been updated. Discuss issues not people.

See: Town Heretic

Your words
Some of them, with your context and on a site that is essentially locked preventing answer, a thing you call cowardice here...well, you did before I pointed out the hypocrisy of the charge, given.

Now, I dare you to follow your own advice and address the issue related statement I made to critique your attempt to pile anecdotal impressions of the justice system and leave an impression that isn't reasonable when you consider the volume of cases involved.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
:yawn: I quote you exactly (Eph 4:14). :peach:
I've answered on this prior.

I'd rather talk about the topic and your mistake in approach. You must have missed it. Here it goes again:

Do you have any idea how many cases are adjudicated in this country every year?

Juvenile courts alone handle over 1.7 million cases. If 99% of the time the courts made the right decision that would still leave 17 thousand cases where something went wrong.

In other words, a system that was nearly perfect would leave anyone who wanted to confuse that near perfect rule with the exception thousands of cases to complain about.

We have a great system. You simply have to be able to distinguish the rule from the exception.