Jesus' word is the center of Christianity.


This is sad. If you do not know about humbling yourself, tell me how you were saved.

By Jesus. By God, in Jesus. If you are saying you believe a person can be saved by humbling themselves, I don't know what you are talking about. Humility is a personal characteristic. There is no need for people to be humbling others. If you are saying I should humble myself, why are you saying so and what is your motivation? Your pressing to do so comes out of nowhere to me and I see no need not knowing either anything of what you are saying or what I would humble myself in regard to if I were to come up with it on my own. Plus, your being a woman means you are instructing a man to humble himself, which is embarrassing to a man but should be more so to you in that you feel you need to resort to this. I cannot comply with your wishes. Sorry. I have no idea where you get your teaching from, but I can venture to say it along with your actions in telling me what to do do not agree with scripture. You don't even have a context for what you are saying. This has more to do with you as a person and how you are toward me than God telling me to do something. Do you know that you can close a man off from humility toward God by what you are doing, even if there is a need? It is aggravating and it is something you are resorting to.
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Please go back to OP.

thank you.

Can we discuss Jesus' word? I would like to discuss Jesus' word with you. I see the reason for discussing the New Testament, but I believe you wanted to discuss Jesus' word.

What do you believe about Matthew 5:17-20 NASB?

Do Christians need to obey Jesus' word? Does this mean Jesus' word was for Jews or Gentiles or both? I think it would be wrong to say Jesus' word is not for anyone today. Paul is not a substitute for Jesus, even unto the Gentiles.


New member
Yes, she is:

Philippians 3:18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

Philippians 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

I don't think Meshak is an enemy of the Gospel. I think most of the other people here are.


New member
Those who reject God's Grace and go a different route such as good works/deeds, water baptism, obeying the Law, etc. will be judged by God, by their works and be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

You are certainly an accomplished blusterer. JWs do not reject God's grace. We realize that we must FIRST accept Jesus' atoning sacrifice, and THEN follow his example. (I Peter 2:21) We have never said that we are saved by works of the Law. You misunderstand and spew forth lies.


Can we discuss Jesus' word? I would like to discuss Jesus' word with you. I see the reason for discussing the New Testament, but I believe you wanted to discuss Jesus' word.

What do you believe about Matthew 5:17-20 NASB?

Do Christians need to obey Jesus' word? Does this mean Jesus' word was for Jews or Gentiles or both? I think it would be wrong to say Jesus' word is not for anyone today. Paul is not a substitute for Jesus, even unto the Gentiles.

Jesus was sent to fulfill the law, meaning He corrected what OT people did wrong and He did it right. Of course His word is for everyone today too.

Why do you doubt?


New member
Which tells us who she is working for 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV.

That is so unfair. I have asked questions of all of you, which you have not answered. You have decided that certain ones are satanic and you stick to it, no matter what the actual facts point to! You do not know how JWs arrived at their conclusions, and if you really wanted to know the truth, you would take the time to understand those things.

And Meshak is not a JW. She is searching just like most humble people are doing. Do you really think she will end up deciding that YOU have the truth? You have treated her like the Pharisees in Jesus' day treated people.


TOL Subscriber
That is so unfair. I have asked questions of all of you, which you have not answered. You have decided that certain ones are satanic and you stick to it, no matter what the actual facts point to! You do not know how JWs arrived at their conclusions, and if you really wanted to know the truth, you would take the time to understand those things.

And Meshak is not a JW. She is searching just like most humble people are doing. Do you really think she will end up deciding that YOU have the truth? You have treated her like the Pharisees in Jesus' day treated people.

Galatians 1:8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:9 As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

Oh Paul, that's so unfair...SMH


New member
Isn't that what you believe. Jesus isn't God but a god. Actually a man, not deity.

He is DIVINE---of God, or, from God, just as the angels are divine. He is not a man now, though he was truly a man while he was on Earth....but not JUST a man. He was a perfect, sinless man. He was sent by Jehovah to the earth to declare the truth about the only true God (John 17:3) and save mankind from their inherited sins. (Isaiah 61:1,2; Luke 4:18-21)


Jesus was sent to fulfill the law, meaning He corrected what OT people did wrong and He did it right. Of course His word is for everyone today too.

Why do you doubt?

I don't doubt. I just don't find people that say Jesus' word is for today. I believe it is for Jew and Gentile alike.


New member
Do you believe that a person that is born again by the Spirit of God is saved?

Some believe if you are a born again Christian you have been saved, (you are being saved,) and you will be saved.

See Romans 8:9 NASB.

A born-again person ALSO has to "endure to the end." Jesus was speaking directly to those "born again," back in his day. He wasn't talking just to hear himself talk. What he said about enduring applies to those born again AND those who are not.


New member
I don't think Meshak is an enemy of the Gospel. I think most of the other people here are.

At least, perhaps not intentionally. In this, you just might be right - God knoweth.

And don't let my response here surprise you - both the Lord and the Apostle Paul can be found every so often agreeing with a thing, where it is sound; regardless of its source.


New member
A born-again person ALSO has to "endure to the end." Jesus was speaking directly to those "born again," back in his day. He wasn't talking just to hear himself talk. What he said about enduring applies to those born again AND those who are not.

Not in Romans thru Philemon.


New member
John 8:58 New International Version (NIV)

58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

LOL. An example of ridiculously MANGLED WORD ORDER, and a strange, unsubstantiated idea about the words "I am" themselves, independent of the objects and phrases associated with "I am" in Jesus' speech.

Even the "I am" at Exodus 3:14 is an uncertain rendering of the Hebrew. It is translated not only as "I Am," but as "I Will Prove To Be," or "I Will Become Whatsoever I Please." Try putting that in Jesus' speech.

What he said was actually what The Living Bible says about it:

"The absolute truth is that I was in existence before Abraham was ever born!"


New member
He is DIVINE---of God, or, from God, just as the angels are divine. He is not a man now, though he was truly a man while he was on Earth....but not JUST a man. He was a perfect, sinless man. He was sent by Jehovah to the earth to declare the truth about the only true God (John 17:3) and save mankind from their inherited sins. (Isaiah 61:1,2; Luke 4:18-21)

What angel is equal with God; what son is equal with his father, John 10:33; Philippians 2:6?