Jesus' word is the center of Christianity.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I AM means more than to simply exist, it means self existent, that is to be existent by one's own power. It can only apply to God.


New member
KingdomRose, were you raised as a JW from childhood, or did you go from, say, the mainline Christianity that is out there, to JW?

If the latter, what did you believe about how salvation is attained before you became a JW?

Thanks, in advance.

I was baptized as a baby in the Methodist Church. I attended that church until my parents started going to the Baptist Church when I was a teenager. I was then baptized into that church. When the choir director ran away with a married woman, my parents left, as I did, to go to a fundamentalist, non-denominational church. When that church refused a black family to come in to the church I became disillusioned with that church, and we all went to a little hole-in-the-wall fundamentalist church, teaching the same things as the Baptists and the other fundamentalist, non-denominational, "born-again" churches. Sick of the hypocrisy I saw in all those churches, I left any religion and got into the occult, but quickly left that when I started to study with Jehovah's Witnesses.

Before I came into contact with JWs, I believed that I had to believe in Jesus Christ as my Redeemer. After I came into contact with them I continued (and continue) to believe the same thing.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
shackles is not searching, she is come to accuse us as YOU do of being enemies of God. She is the great apostle meshackles, she admits she is not saved but she can lead others to salvation

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I was baptized as a baby in the Methodist Church. I attended that church until my parents started going to the Baptist Church when I was a teenager. I was then baptized into that church. When the choir director ran away with a married woman, my parents left, as I did, to go to a fundamentalist, non-denominational church. When that church refused a black family to come in to the church I became disillusioned with that church, and we all went to a little hole-in-the-wall fundamentalist church, teaching the same things as the Baptists and the other fundamentalist, non-denominational, "born-again" churches. Sick of the hypocrisy I saw in all those churches, I left any religion and got into the occult, but quickly left that when I started to study with Jehovah's Witnesses.

Before I came into contact with JWs, I believed that I had to believe in Jesus Christ as my Redeemer. After I came into contact with them I continued (and continue) to believe the same thing.

Never once do you say you found Christ...THAT is your will still be bound by the occult if the Holy Ghost has not delivered will keep you from understanding the gospel


New member
Jesus did no such thing.

God the Father came in the flesh as a Son.

God did not pretend to come as a man, he really came as a man.

So you're saying that God prayed to Himself. Why would he do that? And how did Jesus get his own voice to come from heaven when he was baptized? Can you answer that, or will you just keep putting my beliefs down without any reasoning on your part?

I never said Jesus pretended to come as a man. He was very much a man, born to a human woman. He was just a PERFECT man, sinless. He balanced out what the first human man did. (Romans chapter 5.)


New member
Who is lucifer in your religious beliefs?

We don't call Satan "Lucifer," because that name doesn't clearly refer to the actual fallen angel that we call Satan the Devil. But Satan's story lines up with that spoken of in the Bible that refers to the king of Babylon and the king of Tyre. (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:13-17) So we view Satan's story like these portions of Scripture. But we refer to him as "Satan," or the "Devil."

Your point?


New member
Well, to be honest, I don't take the word of cultists. I just don't see the validity in it. Know what I mean? Perhaps not?

Neither do you take the word of the Scriptures, though you know from whence they are being quoted (the Bible itself). Because they contradict your beliefs, you ignore them.


A born-again person ALSO has to "endure to the end." Jesus was speaking directly to those "born again," back in his day. He wasn't talking just to hear himself talk. What he said about enduring applies to those born again AND those who are not.

It would make no sense to those who are not.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
We don't call Satan "Lucifer," because that name doesn't clearly refer to the actual fallen angel that we call Satan the Devil. But Satan's story lines up with that spoken of in the Bible that refers to the king of Babylon and the king of Tyre. (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:13-17) So we view Satan's story like these portions of Scripture. But we refer to him as "Satan," or the "Devil."

Your point?

Satan means accuser of the brethren

YOU and shackles are his servant


New member
Well, to be honest, I don't take the word of cultists. I just don't see the validity in it. Know what I mean? Perhaps not?

Its easy to hurl a label at another and then determine how one deals with them based on that label.

In itself, the word "cult" is neither a negative, nor a positive, only the thinking of some makes it so.

The word cult is closely related to the word culture.

And as with the Apostle Paul's use of the word "traditions" - its meaning depends on which one of several he is talking about when he uses it where he does.

In this, we are each part of one "cult" or another.


New member
Satan means accuser of the brethren

YOU and shackles are his servant

Actually, it refers to a wedge meant to split things apart.

This is why the Apostle Paul is so dead set against divisions or divisivness between Believers whenever they find they hold a difference in understandings.

2 Corinthians 2:10 To whom ye forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes forgave I it in the person of Christ; 2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

"For" writes Paul "we are not ignorant of his DEVICES," or mean of divisions between Believers.

Our divisions, factions, or sects, over differences only serve the Adversary's desired intents.


New member
IMHO, in the NT we find the teachings of Paul and not those of Jesus. The teachings of Jesus are found in the Tanach. We are forgetting that Jesus was a Jew and not a Christian. The Jewish gospel is to be found in the Tanach.

Paul taught just what Jesus taught. To say that he didn't shows a lack of understanding of the N.T. Jesus himself, a full-fledged Jew, taught that he FULFILLED the Law. He taught that his own body would take the place of bulls and goats. (Matthew 5:17; 20:28)


New member
I AM means more than to simply exist, it means self existent, that is to be existent by one's own power. It can only apply to God.

Yes. That is the point. Jesus was not quoting Exodus 3:14. What he said is as the Living Bible rendered it. He wasn't stating who he was, but how long he had been in existence.


New member
shackles is not searching, she is come to accuse us as YOU do of being enemies of God. She is the great apostle meshackles, she admits she is not saved but she can lead others to salvation

No one IS saved at this point, unless they were to die today. Then they would be saved, because they stayed on the road leading to life, and they endured to the end of their life. If I died today, I know I would wake up in Paradise, thus being "saved." But I have to keep on obeying Jesus to the end, if I want to be saved. Why do you ignore what Jesus said at Matthew 24:13?


New member
Never once do you say you found Christ...THAT is your will still be bound by the occult if the Holy Ghost has not delivered will keep you from understanding the gospel

Er, I did say that I found Christ. Read what I said again.

I apparently understand the Gospel better than you do. Jesus said that the "gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a witness..." (Matt.24:14) but you don't ever mention that kingdom. You leave out of your preaching the main theme of Jesus' preaching---the Kingdom of God. Everywhere he went he preached about the Kingdom. You don't even know what it is.

Bright Raven

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No one IS saved at this point, unless they were to die today. Then they would be saved, because they stayed on the road leading to life, and they endured to the end of their life. If I died today, I know I would wake up in Paradise, thus being "saved." But I have to keep on obeying Jesus to the end, if I want to be saved. Why do you ignore what Jesus said at Matthew 24:13?
Ephesians 2:8-10 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.