Jesus' word is the center of Christianity.


I am not "born again." But I understand what Jesus meant by enduring to the end. And that applied to those who are "born again" as well as anyone else.

Why do you say you are not born again. I understand that to mean you are not saved, which means you have not accepted the gospel.


New member
KR, unless you hear the "true Gospel" and place your faith in Christ as your Savior, you're headed for judgement and the Lake of Fire.

Though I keep saying that I place my faith in Christ as my Savior, you keep inferring that I do not. How do you know that I don't do what I SAY that I do? Can you read my mind?


New member
Why do you say you are not born again. I understand that to mean you are not saved, which means you have not accepted the gospel.

Absolutely not. I have accepted the Gospel, totally. Those who are "born again" are those who are chosen to reign with Christ in heaven, during his Millennial Reign. (Revelation 5:10; 20:4,6) His co-rulers are a relatively small group, compared to the total number of those of mankind who have ever lived. I am part of that "great multitude" that will be the citizens of God's Kingdom who will live on Earth forever, our numbers running into the billions. (Rev. 7:9,14) The "born again" Christians are only those who will be ruling in heaven.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am not "born again." But I understand what Jesus meant by enduring to the end. And that applied to those who are "born again" as well as anyone else.

And if you are not born again you cannot enter the Kingdom of heaven.

John 3:3 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”


Absolutely not. I have accepted the Gospel, totally. Those who are "born again" are those who are chosen to reign with Christ in heaven, during his Millennial Reign. (Revelation 5:10; 20:4,6) His co-rulers are a relatively small group, compared to the total number of those of mankind who have ever lived. I am part of that "great multitude" that will be the citizens of God's Kingdom who will live on Earth forever, our numbers running into the billions. (Rev. 7:9,14) The "born again" Christians are only those who will be ruling in heaven.

I believe you are mistaken.


I don't doubt. I just don't find people that say Jesus' word is for today.

I know, that's why I spread Jesus' word instead of arguing about teachings of man.

YOu see, I don't have my own doctrines, yet I get so many insulting comments and personal attacks in my threads. Don't you see so many posters here attacking me personally instead of talking about OP?

This is the reality of many churches. They don't like to see what Jesus' says.


I know, that's why I spread Jesus' word instead of arguing about teachings of man.

YOu see, I don't have my own doctrines, yet I get so many insulting comments and personal attacks in my threads. Don't you see so many posters here attacking me personally instead of talking about OP?

This is the reality of many churches. They don't like to see what Jesus' says.

I believe what Jesus said is for Jew and Gentile.



In order to inherit God's kingdom we need to know what Jesus teaches or commands, and practice what He says.

His teachings are not so hard to understand. It is just hard to practice because He teaches us to forsake our own worldly way to His ways.

this simple truth is not accepted by most churches.

That's why I get so many attacks in my threads because I point people to focus on Jesus' word.


have you ever thought why so many posters here don't accept your view?

Maybe those who do move on because there is nothing to comment on. Also, those who know the truth may not comment if they see the truth. But if salvation is of the Jews, where does that leave Gentiles? Gentiles can be saved too. :)



In order to inherit God's kingdom we need to know what Jesus teaches or commands, and practice what He says.

His teachings are not so hard to understand. It is just hard to practice because He teaches us to forsake our own worldly way to His ways.

this simple truth is not accepted by most churches.

That's why I get so many attacks in my threads because I point people to focus on Jesus' word.

The truth can be accepted by anyone.


New member
I was baptized as a baby in the Methodist Church. I attended that church until my parents started going to the Baptist Church when I was a teenager. I was then baptized into that church. When the choir director ran away with a married woman, my parents left, as I did, to go to a fundamentalist, non-denominational church. When that church refused a black family to come in to the church I became disillusioned with that church, and we all went to a little hole-in-the-wall fundamentalist church, teaching the same things as the Baptists and the other fundamentalist, non-denominational, "born-again" churches. Sick of the hypocrisy I saw in all those churches, I left any religion and got into the occult, but quickly left that when I started to study with Jehovah's Witnesses.

Before I came into contact with JWs, I believed that I had to believe in Jesus Christ as my Redeemer. After I came into contact with them I continued (and continue) to believe the same thing.

What specifically do you mean that before you came into contact with the JWs you had already believed in Jesus Christ as your Redeemer? What was it you had understood about that before you came in contact with the JWs?

Thanks in advance.

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
No one IS saved at this point, unless they were to die today. Then they would be saved, because they stayed on the road leading to life, and they endured to the end of their life. If I died today, I know I would wake up in Paradise, thus being "saved." But I have to keep on obeying Jesus to the end, if I want to be saved. Why do you ignore what Jesus said at Matthew 24:13?

There is no road to life, who told you that. There is LIFE and this life is in the Son of God, He that hath the Son hath LIFE, he that hath not the Son hath not life.

Again Jesus teaches [Jesu's teachings are His commandments that we are to keep] "He that hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me HATH ETERNAL LIFE"

Again Peter teaches we have been born again, we are dead unto sin but ALIVE unto righteousness

So do you have eternal life?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Yes. That is the point. Jesus was not quoting Exodus 3:14. What he said is as the Living Bible rendered it. He wasn't stating who he was, but how long he had been in existence.

So you agree Christ existed before He was born at Bethlehem...did YOU exist before you were born?

God's Truth

New member
By Jesus. By God, in Jesus. If you are saying you believe a person can be saved by humbling themselves, I don't know what you are talking about. Humility is a personal characteristic. There is no need for people to be humbling others. If you are saying I should humble myself, why are you saying so and what is your motivation? Your pressing to do so comes out of nowhere to me and I see no need not knowing either anything of what you are saying or what I would humble myself in regard to if I were to come up with it on my own. Plus, your being a woman means you are instructing a man to humble himself, which is embarrassing to a man but should be more so to you in that you feel you need to resort to this. I cannot comply with your wishes. Sorry. I have no idea where you get your teaching from, but I can venture to say it along with your actions in telling me what to do do not agree with scripture. You don't even have a context for what you are saying. This has more to do with you as a person and how you are toward me than God telling me to do something. Do you know that you can close a man off from humility toward God by what you are doing, even if there is a need? It is aggravating and it is something you are resorting to.

You do not know if I am a man or a woman. If I am a woman, are you going to throw out what you have learned from me?

As for being humble, God grants repentance unto salvation to those that humble themselves.

2 Timothy 2:25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,

Where do you get you can be saved without humbling yourself?

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Er, I did say that I found Christ. Read what I said again.

I apparently understand the Gospel better than you do. Jesus said that the "gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a witness..." (Matt.24:14) but you don't ever mention that kingdom. You leave out of your preaching the main theme of Jesus' preaching---the Kingdom of God. Everywhere he went he preached about the Kingdom. You don't even know what it is.

No you say were baptised a Methodist [not because you believed but because your mother said so] then you joined the Baptists, then you dabbled with the occult, then you joined the JWs....nowhere do you speak of encountering Christ....THAT is what you needed. Those demons you dabbled with will keep you from understanding the truth.

You cannot even see the kingdom of God because you say you are not born again...we ARE the kingdom of God, He dwells and reigns in us

Oh dear you and meshak hate the kingdom of God....that's not good


You do not know if I am a man or a woman. If I am a woman, are you going to throw out what you have learned from me?

As for being humble, God grants repentance unto salvation to those that humble themselves.

2 Timothy 2:25 Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth,

Where do you get you can be saved without humbling yourself?

I have no idea what you are saying. Are you saying that you believe I am not saved? Is that why you were saying I should humble myself or were you saying to be humbled?

If a man tells another man to humble himself, if the man who says it is a humble man himself it might make sense.

God's Truth

New member
I have no idea what you are saying. Are you saying that you believe I am not saved? Is that why you were saying I should humble myself or were you saying to be humbled?

If a man tells another man to humble himself, if the man who says it is a humble man himself it might make sense.

God is no respecter of persons.

Don't you know we have to humble ourselves to be saved?