It says Jesus and his disciples were called to the marriage. Why were he and his disciples invited if it was Jesus's wedding? He wouldn't have gotten an invitation. Further, Mary tells Jesus, "they" have no wine. Also, it says the governor of the feast went to the bridegroom. It doesn't specify Jesus, so its probably not Jesus.
All signs point to the fact that it is NOT Jesus getting married.
In the Hebrew, the bridegroom remains throughout the party place until the bride is ready and the bridegroom is "called to the Chupah" This "called" aka invited does not mean he was a guest but the bridegroom. I got married in Israel and I am able to tell you about this. His disciples were perhaps interpolated into the text as invited to deviate the mind of the reader from the fact that Jesus was the bridegroom.
Now, there is another evidence that Jesus was the bridegroom when Mary his mother reported to him that there was no more wine. How? Thus: According to the Jewish culture of the time, which is still used by Yemanite Jews, of all things in the Wedding party, the Bride groom was in charge to provide the wine; nothing else but the wine and, obviously, I was reminded of that ancient custom as I happily complied with. My wife is a Yemanite Jewish lady.
The mother of the bride, according to the costume was to be in charge that every thing went as smooth as possible. Probably Mary Magdalene was an orphan by then and Mary the mother of Jesus had to take the charge as you can see by her giving orders around to the servants. Then when they had run out of wine she obviously had to go to the bridegroom to remind him of the incident. Who could it have been if not her own son? So, she did as she was expected to and every thing was fine. Jesus got married and guess what? He could get his license to operate as a Rabbi because here is another evidence: Rabbis had to be married or they would not be licensed. Rabbis were akin to bishops and, according to I Tim. 3:2 a Bishop aka Rabbi had to be married. (which I thank Paul for having come to the rescue!)