Jesus Will Never Return

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1 - So, the commandment to get married was upon him too.
It is not a commandment to get married.
2 - And so was Jesus with Mary Magdalene.
No so. You are promoting falsehood.
3 - Is it recorded in the NT that Jesus did NOT have a wife? No, it is not. So, let's stop with this paradox.
It is incumbent upon a person who feels a need to prove something to prove it and not its negation. You have it the wrong way around.
4 - Oh! Thank you! You are finally coming into commonsense.
You mentioned Adam, and he was indeed one man, the first of all men.
5 - Good! So, you must stop forbidding Jesus to have been married.
You are asking me to make something up that would pass for true. Jesus died without having been married. I cannot change that fact for you.
6 - Again! How can you bake your cake and eat it too? Either Jesus was a Jew or he built his Church. Jews don't build churches bud synagogues. Paul was the one who built Christianity. (Acts 11:26)
You need to accept all of the scriptures for what they say, not reject some scripture so you cannot be in favor with Paul. It doesn't even have anything to do with Paul but you reject it because you don't like Paul. This has to do with your feelings, not Paul.
7 - This was never said by Jesus but by the Hellenist who wrote the gospel of Matthew.
Incorrect. You want to make scripture written by Hellenists so that you can reject it.
8 - No one has ever been saved by the death of Jesus because it would be a contradiction to the Prophets who say that no one can die for the sins of another. (Jer. 31:30; Ezek. 18:20)
Jesus never sinned Ben Masada. Every other living person who has ever existed has sinned. No one should die for the sins of another, and yet Jesus did.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

1 - Paul did not promote being a sinner,

2 - though he had sinned (which was not the case with Jesus) in his life as the rest of us have as well.

3 - He promoted being single if you can (to serve God) and being married if that is better to you (to serve God).

4 - In being single himself he was no different from Jesus.

5 - This is, marriage was designed by God whether it is for everyone or not.

6 - Sexual immorality, or sex outside of marriage, is strictly forbidden for single and married alike.

1 - Did I say Paul promoted being a sinner? You are the one promoting his gospel that's okay to be single for life.

2 - Jesus was a sinner too for two reasons and not for being married. First reason, Eccles. 7:20 and, second reason, Mat. 23:13-33.

3 - A man serves God better in the company of a believing wife than single. The emotions are easier to deal with when one has a wife.

4 - Jesus was married. Prove to me that he was not. You can't.

5 - For every healthy man.

6 - So, it is better to have a wife. For instance, if Jesus did not have a wife, he could not have been licensed as a Rabbi. All the Pharisees had the same point of view.


1 - Did I say Paul promoted being a sinner? You are the one promoting his gospel that's okay to be single for life.
He is neither not promoting the Torah nor not promoting Jesus who promoted the Torah. It is your understanding of Torah that is wrong.
2 - Jesus was a sinner too for two reasons and not for being married. First reason, Eccles. 7:20 and, second reason, Mat. 23:13-33.
You are wrong, not these scriptures. When Solomon wrote this he was correct. Jesus had not been born yet.
3 - A man serves God better in the company of a believing wife than single. The emotions are easier to deal with when one has a wife.
Your problem then in not being able to see the life of a single man is that your emotions are cared for by your wife so you see that need met in her and cannot imagine that need is not universal for all men.
4 - Jesus was married. Prove to me that he was not. You can't.
Did you know it is impossible to prove a negative?

For example, consider that we can prove there is a God, but we cannot prove there is not a God.
5 - For every healthy man.
You mean to demean and insult a man not by saying he is not a man but by saying he is not healthy.
6 - So, it is better to have a wife. For instance, if Jesus did not have a wife, he could not be licensed as a Rabbi. All the Pharisees had the same point of view.
It matters what Torah says here, not what the Pharisees say. Plus, I don't think there were licenses to be a Rabbi. Certainly, Jesus the Son of God did not need one.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

Where does it say Jesus is married?

A Rabbi was akin to a bishop and, according to Paul, all bishops are to be married each to his wife. (I Tim. 3:2) Otherwise, he can't be licensed to operate as a Bishop or Rabbi. Jesus was a Rabbi according to Nicodemus in John 3:2. Therefore, Jesus was a married Rabbi.


A Rabbi was akin to a bishop and, according to Paul, all bishops are to be married each to his wife. (I Tim. 3:2) Otherwise, he can't be licensed to operate as a Bishop or Rabbi. Jesus was a Rabbi according to Nicodemus in John 3:2. Therefore, Jesus was a married Rabbi.
No licenses are mentioned, and it is your translation that says bishop then?

The question is if a single man can be a teacher without being a pastor or an overseer.

Ben Masada

New member
Yahshua did not marry, he was an ancient being from heaven. But even if he did, that would not prevent him from being the Messiah. As you know, people are awaiting the day of the resurrection. In the mean time, if God wants to make an acception, He can. (As in accept)

God can do every thing but one; the thing you wish He did or should have done. About Yeshua, I am talking about a Jew called Yeshua ben Yoseph from Galilee and married in Cana. (John 2:1)

What were the requirements for a Jew to be the Messiah which in your opinion Yeshua had to be the one? Do you happen to know?


New member
God can do every thing but one; the thing you wish He did or should have done. About Yeshua, I am talking about a Jew called Yeshua ben Yoseph from Galilee and married in Cana. (John 2:1)

What were the requirements for a Jew to be the Messiah which in your opinion Yeshua had to be the one? Do you happen to know?

That wedding was not his. The Rabbi's ruling on who is a Jew changed after Christ.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

1 - It is not a commandment to get married.

2 - It is incumbent upon a person who feels a need to prove something to prove it and not its negation. You have it the wrong way around.

3 - You are asking me to make something up that would pass for true. Jesus died without having been married. I cannot change that fact for you.

4 - You need to accept all of the scriptures for what they say, not reject some scripture so you cannot be in favor with Paul. It doesn't even have anything to do with Paul but you reject it because you don't like Paul.

5 - Incorrect. You want to make scripture written by Hellenists so that you can reject it.

6 - Jesus never sinned Ben Masada. Every other living person who has ever existed has sinned. No one should die for the sins of another, and yet Jesus did.

1 - You have denied the book of Genesis. That's final.

2 - Okay, let's go your way and prove to me that Jesus was single.

3 - What did he die from, AIDS? Well, he spent 3.5 years of his life hanging around with 12 young men and in love with one of them called John. If he was not married with a wife, he must have died of AIDS. Doesn't that make sense to you?

4 - Paul deserted Judaism to found an anti-Jewish church and preach against Jesus' Faith which was Judaism. (Acts 21:21)

5 - The Apostles of Jesus were all Jews and I can prove to you that none of them wrote a single book of the NT. So, who wrote those books if not Hellenists former disciples of Paul? Think for a change!

6 - It means you reject also the gospel of Matthew as the text of 23:13-33 is concerned. Jesus broke the Golden Rule more than several times only in that text. the Golden Rule covers the whole second part of the Catalogue.

Bright Raven

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A Rabbi was akin to a bishop and, according to Paul, all bishops are to be married each to his wife. (I Tim. 3:2) Otherwise, he can't be licensed to operate as a Bishop or Rabbi. Jesus was a Rabbi according to Nicodemus in John 3:2. Therefore, Jesus was a married Rabbi.

This was not to mean that he had to have a wife but was not to have more than one wife. :doh: Thus, still no proof that He was married.


1 - You have denied the book of Genesis. That's final.
No, I have disagreed with a specific Jewish interpretation of Torah, Genesis being in Torah. But this has already happened.
2 - Okay, let's go your way and prove to me that Jesus was single.
Did you want me to prove He was not single or that he was not married?
3 - What did he die from, AIDS? Well, he spent 3.5 years of his life hanging around with 12 young men and in love with one of them called John. If he was not married with a wife, he must have died of AIDS. Doesn't that make sense to you?
No. You are probably engaging in blasphemy here.
4 - Paul deserted Judaism to found an anti-Jewish church and preach against Jesus' Faith which was Judaism. (Acts 21:21)
The beliefs of Jesus were entirely in keeping with the whole of the scriptures, including that He the Messiah would come. Paul did not disagree.
5 - The Apostles of Jesus were all Jews and I can prove to you that none of them wrote a single book of the NT. So, who wrote those books if not Hellenists former disciples of Paul? Think for a change!
I do think. But I believe I rightly believe (think) you are wrong.
6 - It means you reject also the gospel of Matthew as the text of 23:13-33 is concerned. Jesus broke the Golden Rule more than several times only in that text. the Golden Rule covers the whole second part of the Catalogue.
No, I reject your interpretation which you were withholding which you knew I already know.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

1 - Did you know it is impossible to prove a negative? For example, consider that we can prove there is a God, but we cannot prove there is not a God.

2 - I don't think there were licenses to be a Rabbi.

3 - Certainly, Jesus the Son of God did not need one.

1 - All right. So, prove to me that Jesus was single. Show me the quote that he was a single man and I'll be satisfied. You can't. Do you know why? Because he was married; that's why.

2 - So, why had Jesus to go get married in Cana soon after Mikveh before starting his Ministry?

3 - See what I mean? You don't want the truth that Jesus was a Jew but the Greek myth of the demigod which is the son of a god with an earthly woman. Have it as you wish.


1 - All right. So, prove to me that Jesus was single. Show me the quote that he was a single man and I'll be satisfied. You can't. Do you know why? Because he was married; that's why.
Do you remember when I said we are all born single?

Or, what does it mean to be single and not married?

Or, all married people were once single.

The question then is if He remained single His whole / entire life. I believe He did. Why do I believe this? Two reasons. One, the Bible does not say that He married, and it is the authority on matters pertaining to His life. Two, in the Bible it says that Jesus' bride is the church. This is a reference to marriage, in a way... but Jesus was not married so it is okay that this was said.
2 - So, why had Jesus to go get married in Cana soon after Mikveh before starting his Ministry?
I don't believe Jesus was married in Cana as you say.
3 - See what I mean? You don't want the truth that Jesus was a Jew but the Greek myth of the demigod which is the son of a god with an earthly woman. Have it as you wish.
I only want what is according to scripture, which is God's word.


1 - Of course, I am aware that resuscitation is not resurrection!

2 - That's why Paul had to fabricate the doctrine that Jesus had resurrected. (II Tim. 2:8)

3 - Not Jesus' program but Paul's. In Jesus program the Kingdom of God was not to be spread among the Gentiles which I do not understand why. (Mat. 10:5,6)

4 - After only weeks! Jesus words were still according to Mat. 10:5,6.To live the Gentiles alone.

5 - Really! How could he eat and drink with his disciples after his so-called resurrection? (Luke 24:37-43)

6 - That's a nice metaphorical way to see the follow-ups of Ascension.
The resurrection, in my view, was a true event but it had nothing to do with Jesus' physical body.

If anyone (Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus) take their faith's sacred metaphors as facts, then others around them will quickly conclude they are nonsense.

And with good reason.


I don't believe Jesus was married in Cana as you say.
John 2:9-10 NASB - 9 When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom, 10 and said to him, "Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now."

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

The burden of proof is on you. No where in scripture is it stated that Jesus was married. I believe you need to show where it says that he was.

Yes, I know. IMHO, I have proven to you with abundant evidences that Jesus was married but, Christian preconceived notions won't allow you to agree with me. Since you said also that it is impossible to prove the negative, now I am asking you to prove the positive. Prove to me that Jesus was single. Give me a quote in your NT attesting to that effect.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

1 - Do you remember when I said we are all born single?

2 - Or, what does it mean to be single and not married?

3 - Or, all married people were once single.

4 - The question then is if He remained single His whole / entire life. I believe He did.

5 - Why do I believe this? Two reasons. One, the Bible does not say that He married, and it is the authority on matters pertaining to His life.

6 - Two, in the Bible it says that Jesus' bride is the church. This is a reference to marriage, in a way... but Jesus was not married so it is okay that this was said.

7 - I don't believe Jesus was married in Cana as you say.

8 - I only want what is according to scripture, which is God's word.

1 - Please Untellectual, I am sure you can do better than that! The commandment to get married could not have been given to the unborn.

2 - Do you know something Untellectual? You don't have to worry about this. That commandment was given to the Jews, not the Gentiles. If Jesus was not a Jew we would not be talking about this today.

3 - Nah!!! Really! How could I have missed that!

4 - And I believe he didn't. First, because he was Jewish and, second, because he was a Rabbi aka Master. (John 3:1,2)

5 - Probably, because you are a Christian.

6 - Hence, you have decided that Jesus remained single all his life.

7 - So, who was the bridegroom in Cana? John? Any other of the apostles? If none, why was Jesus invited? Why was Mary the person in charge?

8 - Have you ever read II Cor. 5:7? Paul said that Christians are supposed to walk by faith and not by sight aka understanding. Probably Paul wanted you to believe what he said and to leave the understanding with him. Embarrassing, isn't it?

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

1 - The resurrection, in my view, was a true event but it had nothing to do with Jesus' physical body.

2 - If anyone (Jews, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists or Hindus) take their faith's sacred metaphors as facts, then others around them will quickly conclude they are nonsense.

3 - And with good reason.

1 - So, why would Jesus eat and drink with his disciples after his so-called resurrection?

2 - Not clear enough to the understanding. Can you translate it into easier terms?

3 - I am listening. What good reason?

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

John 2:9-10 NASB - 9 When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom, 10 and said to him, "Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now."

Who provided the good wine for the end of the wedding? Jesus did it. So, who was the bridegroom the headwaiter called to ask why he had reserved the best wine to the end? Do you have any idea?
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