Jesus Will Never Return

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Ben Masada

New member
1 - Looks at thread title--"Jesus Will Never Return" Huh, strange way of stating that he will return, the only question is when...

2 - Wow. Jesus didn't say he would return before John died. He said if he wanted to return before John died, why would Peter care?

3 - 21:20 Peter turned and saw that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them. (This was the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and had said, “Lord, who is going to betray you?”) 21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?”

4 - 22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

5 - 23 Because of this, the rumor spread among the believers that this disciple would not die.

6 - But Jesus did not say that he would not die; he only said, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”

7 - Noticed you didn't address Bright's point about Acts 1:11.

1 - That's what it looks like after 2,000 years when he implied that his return was so eminent.

2 - No, that's not what Jesus said. You are mocking the text too, not only me.

3 - John had leaned back against Jesus! I don't think so. That must have been the disciple Jesus loved aka Mary Magdalene who BTW was married to Jesus.

4 - That's how Jesus spoke without implying any thing else.

5 - ...or that Jesus would not return.

6 - Jesus simply confirmed what and how he had said; that he would return still on John's lifetime.

7 - That's not Jewish. Probably the disciples were slumbering and had that thought in their minds, feeling nostalgic about Jesus.

Ben Masada

New member
1 - Already explained. You cant read.

2 - The problem is that you miss other things and the biggest thing, we are separated from Him in sin and need Him as Savior. He is coming back to restore all that has been lost as He promised, and God does not lie.

3 - You don't know the scriptures.

4 - Genesis 9:11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."

5 - There are more than just natural laws in play, you miss that part.

6 - Even your own rabbis would not state such a thing, as they wait for the appearance of Messiah even today.

7 - Actually it will unite you all to God again, but you could have that today. Messiah has come, believe.

1 - Probably because English is not even my second language but the third. I speak four.

2 - Prophet Isaiah said that what we need is to set thing right with God through the obedience of God's Law. (Isa. 1:18,19) No one is going to do that for us.

3 - If you do, what is taking you so long to teach me?

4 - Yea, you are right and I am impressed.

5 - Perhaps you are right again. I missed for instance atomic destructions.

6 - As a matter of fact, we still have Jews, even Rabbis, who expect an individual Messiah to come. The Logic though is that the individual is born, lives his span of life and dies. Are we to expect a different Messiah in every generation? Obviously not. The Messiah is not supposed to die but to remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Jer. 31:35-37) Then we have Prophet Habakkuk 3:13 where he says, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord. Do you have any thing else to teach opposite to the collective concept of the Messiah? I am all ears.

7 - Wow! The Messiah has come! Where is he? Did you know that false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, performing signs and wonders? That's in Mat. 24:24.


New member
Hall of Fame
1 - Probably because English is not even my second language but the third. I speak four.

At least you admit you were wrong then about that verse.

2 - Prophet Isaiah said that what we need is to set thing right with God through the obedience of God's Law. (Isa. 1:18,19) No one is going to do that for us.
Which was my point, that you ignored when you cited only natural law. I said its more than just natural law and you just proved it.

3 - If you do, what is taking you so long to teach me?

4 - Yea, you are right and I am impressed.

I did teach you, i cited the verse about the flood not happening again and then you just admitted being impressed, those sentiments were the same in my quote that you added numbers to, dividing them.

6 - As a matter of fact, we still have Jews, even Rabbis, who expect an individual Messiah to come. The Logic though is that the individual is born, lives his span of life and dies. Are we to expect a different Messiah in every generation? Obviously not. The Messiah is not supposed to die but to remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Jer. 31:35-37) Then we have Prophet Habakkuk 3:13 where he says, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one. That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord. Do you have any thing else to teach opposite to the collective concept of the Messiah? I am all ears.

Messiah has come already and ancient rabbis admitted the time for Him to come had passed (according to Daniel) and they tore their garments claiming He would not come and had not come, rather than to admit Christ was Messiah. And now rabbis like to deny the prophecies of Daniel, to cover that up. You are not talking to an unlearned chick here.

7 - Wow! The Messiah has come! Where is he? Did you know that false Messiahs and false prophets will appear, performing signs and wonders? That's in Mat. 24:24.

Sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting for you to come to Him to be saved. And yes, the verse there is about those of you still looking for one, and will be deceived by a false one, since He already came.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
1Are we to expect a different Messiah in every generation? Obviously not. The Messiah is not supposed to die but to remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Jer. 31:35-37)

You only see the "warrior/conquering/physical salvation of Israel/king" anointed one/Messiah/Christ,not the "suffering servant/spiritual-soul salvation of Israel" annointed one/Messaiah/Christ.

And He is alive-the risen, glorified, ascended, seated Messiah!!!

The doctrine of the resurrection is "woven" throughtout the scriptures, both OT/NT.

Another thread.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
You only see the "warrior/conquering/physical salvation of Israel/king" anointed one/Messiah/Christ,not the "suffering servant/spiritual-soul salvation of Israel" annointed one/Messaiah/Christ.

And He is alive-the risen, glorified, ascended, seated Messiah!!!

The doctrine of the resurrection is "woven" throughtout the scriptures, both OT/NT.

Another thread.

Still true, saint john.

2 Corinthians 3:14 But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.

2 Corinthians 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.

Mocking You

New member
1 - That's what it looks like after 2,000 years when he implied that his return was so eminent.

2 - No, that's not what Jesus said. You are mocking the text too, not only me.

3 - John had leaned back against Jesus! I don't think so. That must have been the disciple Jesus loved aka Mary Magdalene who BTW was married to Jesus.

4 - That's how Jesus spoke without implying any thing else.

5 - ...or that Jesus would not return.

6 - Jesus simply confirmed what and how he had said; that he would return still on John's lifetime.

7 - That's not Jewish. Probably the disciples were slumbering and had that thought in their minds, feeling nostalgic about Jesus.

Wow, you're a record setter for errors in one post. No point continuing any dialogue with you.


Jesus, as he always does daily, returned to me this morning.
Like those who formulated he came back from the dead or will come back in the future, Jesus' power and presence are available to anyone at any time.

Imagine how slowly news traveled in the first century. Two followers of Jesus heard the news after a month or two: THEY GOT HIM IN JERUSALEM.

But how could this be, the two wondered. For two months they had been lovingly carrying out Jesus' instructions to knock on the door of strangers, share a meal and do healing. What was really going on?

The pair then knew, the scales fell from their eyes. Jesus' power and presence had been with them all along, even after his crucifixion.

They had been traveling to Emmaus.


1 - That's what it looks like after 2,000 years when he implied that his return was so eminent.

2 - No, that's not what Jesus said. You are mocking the text too, not only me.

3 - John had leaned back against Jesus! I don't think so. That must have been the disciple Jesus loved aka Mary Magdalene who BTW was married to Jesus.

4 - That's how Jesus spoke without implying any thing else.

5 - ...or that Jesus would not return.

6 - Jesus simply confirmed what and how he had said; that he would return still on John's lifetime.

7 - That's not Jewish. Probably the disciples were slumbering and had that thought in their minds, feeling nostalgic about Jesus.

Dear ben Masada,

Jesus will return very soon. So you can kiss that idea goodbye. Also, Jesus was not married to Mary Magdalene. Jesus was single and only 33 when He died. Where did you get that He was married? I do believe strongly that Armageddon will happen this Autumn. That means Jesus will return after that, as a thief in the night. We shall all be surprised. It could happen next year or the year after that. But I strongly believe this Fall. Look at the signs on the Earth are. Jesus told us what to look for. What are we, blind? Let me know what you think about all of this. Also, you speak 4 languages. That's pretty darn good. I'm proud of you!!

Shalom ben Masada. God's Best 4 U!!


Ben Masada

New member
1 - Which was my point, that you ignored when you cited only natural law. I said its more than just natural law and you just proved it.

2 - Messiah has come already and ancient rabbis admitted the time for Him to come had passed (according to Daniel) and they tore their garments claiming He would not come and had not come, rather than to admit Christ was Messiah. And now rabbis like to deny the prophecies of Daniel, to cover that up. You are not talking to an unlearned chick here.

3 - Sitting at the right hand of the Father, waiting for you to come to Him to be saved. And yes, the verse there is about those of you still looking for one, and will be deceived by a false one, since He already came.

1 - That's a different subject. Natural laws here is related to the universal salvation from universal catastrophes. Personal salvation is related to the Law but subjected to Freewill.

2 - The concept of a coming Messiah is a reference to the return of the Jews from exile. That's why I agree that Messiah has come already. Nothing to do with Jesus. And with regards to the prophecy of Daniel in 9:24-27, I do not deny at all. The Christian interpretation of that prophecy has nothing to do with Jesus. The Jewish interpretation says so.

3 - "Sitting at the right hand with God!!!" This sounds too anthropomorphist to me. The Lord has no body to sit somewhere and if Jesus is there, you are talking about more than one God which has nothing Jewish about the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob which is absolutely One. (Deut. 6:4)

Ben Masada

New member
You only see the "warrior/conquering/physical salvation of Israel/king" anointed one/Messiah/Christ,not the "suffering servant/spiritual-soul salvation of Israel" annointed one/Messaiah/Christ.

And He is alive-the risen, glorified, ascended, seated Messiah!!!

The doctrine of the resurrection is "woven" throughtout the scriptures, both OT/NT.

Another thread.

Please, a quote for resurrection in the Tanach.

Ben Masada

New member
Dear ben Masada,

Jesus will return very soon. So you can kiss that idea goodbye. Also, Jesus was not married to Mary Magdalene. Jesus was single and only 33 when He died. Where did you get that He was married? I do believe strongly that Armageddon will happen this Autumn. That means Jesus will return after that, as a thief in the night. We shall all be surprised. It could happen next year or the year after that. But I strongly believe this Fall. Look at the signs on the Earth are. Jesus told us what to look for. What are we, blind? Let me know what you think about all of this. Also, you speak 4 languages. That's pretty darn good. I'm proud of you!!

Shalom ben Masada. God's Best 4 U!!


Here is where I got that Jesus was married:

The Wedding of Jesus

No, please, hold unto the stones, and no throwing until you hear what I have to say. Besides, that's not my final word. I am still researching the matter. That's a partial submission for some second thoughts on the matter. Jesus was a Rabbi and here are the proofs: Matthew 23:7, John 1:38; and John 3:2. In many other instances, he was addressed as Master, which means the same. The point is that a Rabbi in Israel just like senior Pastors among Protestants had to be a married man or about to get married. Otherwise, he would not be ordained as such.

According to Judaism, after the proper preparation whatever it was at that time, the Jewish "Theological" student would undergo the ceremonial "Mikveh" or immersion in waters and, if not married yet, to take care of that before ordination.

So, after Jesus' immersion in the Jordan River, officiated by John the Baptist, Jesus was seen in the next two days recruiting his disciples and leaving for Galilee. (John 1:29,35,43) And on the third day after his "Mikveh," The family and friends were celebrating his wedding in Cana with Mary Magdalene. Wait! Put down the stones! I'll explain.

According to a certain custom, usually the mother of the bride would be in charge of the celebrations, but probably, Mary's parents had passed away, because she used to live with her sister Martha and brother Lazarus. I mean, they lived with Mary, who was the one well-to-do. Martha would pay her room-and-board as a sort of maiden servant and Lazarus... well, I think he was a loafer-boy taking advantage of his rich sister. He was probably a sick
man anyway, considering that he died twice.

Okay, but back to the wedding, Jesus' mother Mary had to do the host job; and she did it quite well by giving orders around to the servants. And according to another custom, the bridegroom was in charge to provide the wine, which mind you, Jesus made it sure to be of the best quality. (John 2:10) I can assert for this custom because I was married in Israel and reminded of the custom, which I had happily to comply. The tale of the miracle was interpolated much later to deviate the probing attention of those who have a mind of their own from finding out what was really going on in Cana.

After Jesus' wedding, you can check for yourselves, all Jesus' come-and-goes were from and to Bethany, the home of Mary Magdalene. It must have been a very spacious and beautiful home, since Mary had the means to maintain it. Mind you that Mary would also take the tab for the expenses of Jesus' group of Twelve Apostles, along with some other women of course, who would tip it in from time to time.

Whenever Jesus would return from his missionary campaigns throughout Israel, the address was Bethany. To his wife obviously, although most the time, Mary Magdalene would follow Jesus as his beloved disciple, but never at the level of the Twelve. The Church later interpolated John as the beloved disciple for the same reason, to get the mind of the readers away from the thought that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. But it's not helping because the evidences are just too shouting.

Do we have any hint to pick up as evidence for any romantic approach prior or after their wedding? Yes, we do. After Jesus exorcized "seven demons" from Mary, she must have fallen in love with him. (Luke 8:1-3) And the expression "seven demons" means the struggle that Jesus had to go through to rescue Mary from her not so reputable business in Magdala, which granted her a title she could never get rid of. Mary Magdalene that is.

Then, in Bethany - where else? - when Mary was smearing Jesus' body with that expensive perfume, we all know, although we forbid ourselves to think about it, that Mary did not just throw that perfume at him from afar. No way! She did smear him all over even in terms of massage; so much so that some of the guests thought it ridiculous and criticized the act done so, publicly. (Mat. 26:10-13)

Then, while everyone else would address Jesus as Rabbi, Mary would call him "Rabboni," a colloquial term used as an expression of love, especially by a Rabbi's wife. It also means Master of my sufferings, as Rachel named her son Benoni before she died from child birth. (Gen. 35:18)

Later, when Mary went to the tomb area after Jesus' crucifixion, and saw the empty tomb, she never suffered more in her life. She wanted to take Jesus' body away with her. (John 20:15) Then, she was crying without consolation. At her travail, she saw a man standing by, whom she thought to be the Gardener.

"Why are you crying?" the man asked. Jesus knew why but he wanted to enjoy the answer from his beloved's lips. Alas! She did not identify him! It was too dark. But then Jesus tried her name just the way he used to call her. "Mary..." It's hard to say it in writing, but Mary melted all down and said, "Rabboni!" He was indeed the master of her sufferings. This is an expression with such a profound meaning in Hebrew or Aramaic that Mary jumped to hug him but Jesus, probably all in bandages, forbade her to cause him any more unnecessary pains. He would meet her later at more propitious circumstances. (John 20:17)

Then, after 40 days of some apparitions to the disciples, Jesus said goodbye and left his company. From then on, the names of these three peoples were never mentioned again: Jesus, Mary and Joseph of Arimathea. Jesus yes, but only in connection with his teachings by the Nazarenes, a Jewish sect organized by the Apostles. Joseph had to go along because, if he had stayed, he could be crucified for having cheated on Pilate regarding Jesus who was not dead when he took him off the cross.

Today, there are three speculations about their whereabouts. The first is that they settled down incognito in Talpiot, a small town not too far from Jerusalem, where some people have claimed to have found out the graves of Yeshua, Miriam and Yoseph. I went there personally but just to be told that the area could not be explored by orders of the local Meier for being under an Apartment building.

The second speculation is that they left Israel and went to live in Cashmere, India, where a Russian Archaeologist is claimed to have found the graves of Yeshua, Miriam and Yosef with the shield of David.

And the third speculation is the one of the Da Vinci Code that the three went to Europe and settled down in the Southern part of France in a small village and that Mary gave birth to a daughter, who eventually got married within the Merovingian nobility.

Whatever happened after Jesus said goodbye to his disciples, I don't endorse anything that has been speculated. My point is only to verify the truth about Jesus' marriage to Mary Magdalene. If that's true without the shadow of a doubt, we have only to be joyful that Jesus fulfilled also the commandment to get married and father children. (Gen. 1:28) Besides, a married man only adds to his honor for being so. Why deny Jesus the pleasure of being a man by experiencing the love of a woman?

Okay, now you can throw the stones. Nu! Halo! Where is everybody? Halooo! Well, I think they all left. They must have realized that they all have feelings too.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

Here is the reply to post #59:

"Do you believe that the book promises a messiah, the Messiah, the Christ, a deliverer?"-saint John W

No. Take a look at Habakkuk 3:13. It says in there that, "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord aka His People Israel.

Did He already come? Yes? When?

He has come three times already. First from Egypt, second time from Babylon and the third time from the four corners of the earth which is happening right now with the return of the Jews to the Land
of Israel.

No? When is He to come?

He is in the process of coming since 1948 when the third Jewish Commonwealth has happened. "The concept of a "coming Messiah" is a reference to the return of the Jews from exile to the Land of Israel. "

Only those that are bullish on straight jackets would "argue" that, ie., it is an event, not a person.

It is an event happening to the Jewish People. is a person...

Prove it in the Jewish Bible. "Since you did not mention which book, I found in the book of Prophet Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord."

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Here is the reply to post #59:

Nope-observe, the deception:

"Do you believe that the book promises a messiah, the Messiah, the Christ, a deliverer?"-saint John W


"Yes, I do. Since you did not mention which book, I found in the book of Prophet Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord."
Did He already come? Yes? When?

No? When is He to come?


"The concept of a "coming Messiah" is a reference to the return of the Jews from exile to the Land of Israel. "-Ben

Only those that are bullish on straight jackets, would "argue" that, i.e., it is an event, not a person.

Vs. is a person...

"Since you did not mention which book, I found in the book of Prophet Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord."-Ben

"He has come three times already. First from Egypt, second time from Babylon and the third time from the four corners of the earth which is happening right now with the return of the Jews to the Landof Israel ..... He is in the process of coming since 1948 when the third Jewish Commonwealth has happened. ....The concept of a "coming Messiah" is a reference to the return of the Jews from exile to the Land of Israel...............It is an event happening to the Jewish People."-Ben "

Translation: sit, and spin...............

Ben Masada

New member
Nope-observe, the deception:

"Do you believe that the book promises a messiah, the Messiah, the Christ, a deliverer?"-saint John W


"Yes, I do. Since you did not mention which book, I found in the book of Prophet Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord."
Did He already come? Yes? When?

No? When is He to come?


"The concept of a "coming Messiah" is a reference to the return of the Jews from exile to the Land of Israel. "-Ben

Only those that are bullish on straight jackets, would "argue" that, i.e., it is an event, not a person.

Vs. is a person...

"Since you did not mention which book, I found in the book of Prophet Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord."-Ben

"He has come three times already. First from Egypt, second time from Babylon and the third time from the four corners of the earth which is happening right now with the return of the Jews to the Landof Israel ..... He is in the process of coming since 1948 when the third Jewish Commonwealth has happened. ....The concept of a "coming Messiah" is a reference to the return of the Jews from exile to the Land of Israel...............It is an event happening to the Jewish People."-Ben "

Translation: sit, and spin...............

You have simply shown to be the worst Christian I have ever wasted my time to set up a discussion with. Why all this hostility, because I believe differently from you? This is a barbaric hostility you show towards someone you do not know but only because he is a Jew. This is close to anti-Semitism and I usually do not dialogue with anti-Semites. So, save your time from now on because you have just got into my ignoring list.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You have simply shown to be the worst Christian I have ever wasted my time to set up a discussion with. Why all this hostility, because I believe differently from you? This is a barbaric hostility you show towards someone you do not know but only because he is a Jew. This is close to anti-Semitism and I usually do not dialogue with anti-Semites. So, save your time from now on because you have just got into my ignoring list.

Thanks for the psycho babble, concession speech, in punting your own disjointed "argument."

And thanks for demonstrating that you are lost, clueless as to the definition of a Christian-"the worst Christian."

Christianity is "who" we are in Christ-identity.







Religion/Benny-man substituting himself for God.


Christianity-God substituting Himself for man, in the person of God in the flesh, the Lord Jesus Christ.


"I have ever wasted my time to set up a discussion with.."-you

That is the consensus about you on TOL, Benny. Face you...seared, defiled concsience, and all.

Get saved.

"This is close to anti-Semitism and I usually do not dialogue with anti-Semites. "-Benny

That's a serious, but false, satanic, emotional charge, Benny. Ask around the neighborhood about me, and you will find no more of a fervent supporter, of God's plans for the believing remnant of the nation Israel, than me. You have me confused with Preterists, and "Replacement" "theology" drones.
Last edited:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
"It has been more than 2,000 years and not even a call he hasn't made to renew his promise."-Benny


"Yes, I do. Since you did not mention which book, I found in the book of Prophet Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His anointed one." That's what the Messiah is, the anointed one of the Lord.........He has come three times already. First from Egypt, second time from Babylon and the third time from the four corners of the earth which is happening right now with the return of the Jews to the Landof Israel ..... He is in the process of coming since 1948 when the third Jewish Commonwealth has happened. ."-Benny

Tell us, Benny, the time from when He arrived 3 times, and its fulfillment.

Habakkuk 3:13 written when?

I thought so.

Sit down.

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus Will Never Return

Dear ben Masada,

Also, Jesus was not married to Mary Magdalene. Jesus was single and only 33 when He died. Where did you get that He was married?

Shalom ben Masada. God's Best 4 U!!


Well Michael, did you read post #72 about the wedding of Jesus in Cana of the Galilee? That's where I got the news that Jesus was married. Read and you will also find out who was Jesus' real beloved disciple. Sorry if I had to rain on your parade.
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