Jesus is YHWH


This is where it makes no sense to me to choose one idea of deity over the other. It seems you should be agnostic about the "god question" until you have more facts. I, on the other hand, reject it all as nonsense but that's my choice based on the need to invoke, "It's a mystery", in order for a tri-god to work.

You've rejected it so effectively that you hang around a Christian Board and tell people you have rejected it.


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You had your chance to debate with me when your liberal tears were flowing for Islam and you flat bailed.
Bailed? How is it my fault the thread was closed? :idunno:

Apparently, you misunderstood my position in that discussion since you seemed more interested in insult than comprehension. I don't like the atrocities of Islam any more than you do and I don't recall defending it. You failed to grasp that christianity has/had nearly identical faults, being my point.
Wipe your wittle tearsies away and deal with the fact that you simoly have no philosophical intellect and can't debate meta-physical topics, or any topic you haven't "borrowed" someone else's argument from some source other than your unoriginal mind.

Since you seem to think that insults qualify as "intellectual" discourse, I'm content to let you reside on my "You are no longer worth my time" list.



Bailed? How is it my fault the thread was closed? :idunno:

Apparently, you misunderstood my position in that discussion since you seemed more interested in insult than comprehension. I don't like the atrocities of Islam any more than you do and I don't recall defending it. You failed to grasp that christianity has/had nearly identical faults, being my point.
Since you seem to think that insults qualify as "intellectual" discourse, I'm content to let you reside on my "You are no longer worth my time" list.


:yawn: started a new OP for you. Dropped your name and quoted you.

I wouldn't talk to you the way I am if you hadn't already made it to mine.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
:yawn: started a new OP for you. Dropped your name and quoted you.
I go weeks/months sometime without giving TOL a second thought. After that thread was closed I moved on to other interests for a while (astronomy). I was unaware of a continuing thread.
I wouldn't talk to you the way I am if you hadn't already made it to mine.
If you spent as much time actually discussing the topic as you do honing your insult skills when you've been bested you'd be more interesting.

Ta ta.

Lazy afternoon

I go weeks/months sometime without giving TOL a second thought. After that thread was closed I moved on to other interests for a while (astronomy). I was unaware of a continuing thread.
If you spent as much time actually discussing the topic as you do honing your insult skills when you've been bested you'd be more interesting.

Ta ta.

My 20 inch Dob is interesting.



Well-known member
This is where it makes no sense to me to choose one idea of deity over the other. It seems you should be agnostic about the "god question" until you have more facts. I, on the other hand, reject it all as nonsense but that's my choice based on the need to invoke, "It's a mystery", in order for a tri-god to work.
I don't think it one or the other, but rather who is correct about the scriptures. For the most part, we don't make it a big deal, they do. You can see it in that it is one of the only thing they care to discuss. You can see too, no matter how I try to be polite over the matter, though correcting, they despise us more than vise verse (not to tout my own horn, that isn't the point I'm trying to make).

I think it important, in a discussion such as this, simply to say: Whatever God, He has made Himself clearly and plainly known to me, simply that when I pray, things happen and incredibly so, so many times, that He must necessarily exist, at least to whatever degree science believes things are true. Each person must either take that as the statement it is, or they must do their own seeking. Kierkegaard said it was a blind leap. In some ways it is true, though I truly wanted to believe. We have to have faith in what is Absolute or we will never find what is Absolute, if you follow.


Literal lunatic
Not even then. Rome was political at that point and its interest, while somewhat involved in theology, was more about governance and control.

Politics always seem to mess every good thing up. If it weren't for wicked men, communism and socialism would work. 99% of communists wouldn't likely put any dissenter to death. It is the government and zealot that has done that. We can't seem to keep power out of the hands of wicked men :(

Can't agree here.

Just read a few pages of that book and from their(the Romans) view it was about Jesus taking the place of their gods as well as their own godhood.


Literal lunatic
If the name of Jesus is proclaimed... Death comes throughout history. No favoritism of sect or denomination.


But in agreeing with Lon, you've became a classic Trinitarian.

His was an attempt to deflect from the fact that folks were killed for denying the "trinity" doctrine.

After he brought it up.

He's always throwing triune out there after the fact.

That kinda talkin' just aint intelligible.


Well-known member

But in agreeing with Lon, you've became a classic Trinitarian.

His was an attempt to deflect from the fact that folks were killed for denying the "trinity" doctrine.

After he brought it up.

He's always throwing triune out there after the fact.

That kinda talkin' just aint intelligible.

Well, again, the 'killing' was political. Even on here, you do see me get uppity at personal attacks, bcrut not over our disagreements on scripture. I always try to be temperate and just post scriptures and reasoning. You nor I agree with Rome, especially then. Rather, whatever degree with agree with them, it is about 60-90% depending on who we are and associate with. Most of Christianity is about 75-90% in agreement with those Creeds.


Well-known member
Philippians 2:6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God,​

Titus 2:13 looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,​

Evidently, a more accurate translation of Titus 2:13 goes something like this. Looking for the blessed hope and appearing of the glory of our Great God even the savior Jesus Christ.

That according to VP Wierwille.


Well-known member
Naw, he thinks scripture numbers are inspired. The Philippians verse is actually just a verse.

John 17:5
Isaiah 42:8

The only way I know to reconcile these without calling one of them or believing one of them a lie, is to come to a triune understanding.


Well, you are right if those were the only verses on the topic, however, they are not.

Romans 8:30

Ephesians 1:4

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
This is where it makes no sense to me to choose one idea of deity over the other. It seems you should be agnostic about the "god question" until you have more facts. I, on the other hand, reject it all as nonsense but that's my choice based on the need to invoke, "It's a mystery", in order for a tri-god to work.
I don't think it one or the other, but rather who is correct about the scriptures.
One deity or three deities as one deity. Sounds like one or the other to me.
For the most part, we don't make it a big deal, they do.
Have you read anything in the four trinity/anti-trinity currently in vogue? Trinitarian have, ARE, and will make it a big deal.
You can see it in that it is one of the only thing they care to discuss.
Everyone likes to "debate" a topic they feel they can win. They're winning.
You can see too, no matter how I try to be polite over the matter, though correcting, they despise us more than vise verse (not to tout my own horn, that isn't the point I'm trying to make).
Are we reading the same threads? Polite goes both ways While the trinitarian are winning the insult battle they're losing the actual discussion.

G. John is an interesting story. One thing that strikes me in it is how none of the characters seem to understand Jesus' rhetoric, not even the trinitarian readers it seems.
I think it important, in a discussion such as this, simply to say: Whatever God, He has made Himself clearly and plainly known to me, simply that when I pray, things happen and incredibly so, so many times, that He must necessarily exist, at least to whatever degree science believes things are true.
You have a fatal case of wishful thinking, something on the order of, "I pray (to my version of deity) the sun rises tomorrow. Incredibly, the Sun rises. Therefore, my version of deity exists. Science confirms it."
Each person must either take that as the statement it is, or they must do their own seeking. Kierkegaard said it was a blind leap. In some ways it is true, though I truly wanted to believe. We have to have faith in what is Absolute or we will never find what is Absolute, if you follow.


Well-known member
Naw, he thinks scripture numbers are inspired. The Philippians verse is actually just a verse.

As for Isaiah 42:8 have you read the last phrase of that verse and comprehended why it is there?

Evidently not.

He would no more give his glory to graven images than he would praise to graven images.

He will not give his glory to another, another, according to EW Bullinger refers to "strange gods"

But as Romans 8:30 tells us He has glorified us.



But in agreeing with Lon, you've became a classic Trinitarian.

His was an attempt to deflect from the fact that folks were killed for denying the "trinity" doctrine.

After he brought it up.

He's always throwing triune out there after the fact.

That kinda talkin' just aint intelligible.

Islam is Arian and tilts the persecution scales. I don't think the discussion yields fair numbers as a point on either side.


I go weeks/months sometime without giving TOL a second thought. After that thread was closed I moved on to other interests for a while (astronomy). I was unaware of a continuing thread.
If you spent as much time actually discussing the topic as you do honing your insult skills when you've been bested you'd be more interesting.

Ta ta.

OP you never responded to

I even made spelling errors that I never corrected. They were waiting for your scrutiny.

I sincerely wanted to discuss the matter with you, but sensed a certain method about you. The very insults you point out are the very things you rely on in discussion. I am well equipped to buckle down and have a cordial debate, sling a little mud or just get plain nasty.

I look at the intellectual respect that a persons post content reveals and respond accordingly. This way, the meaningful discussions go forward, but the meaningless discussions dissolve rapidly.

I am willing to press forward, but I'm not willing to press forward and place effort into a discussion with an individual that has nothing more than canned arguments and presuppositions.

I have ascertained that you have no respect for people that believe in God and especially those that believe God is the Loving God that Died at our cruel hands to show us that We are that important to Him.

You seem to like the demanding God concept. You like the work your way to Heaven, unseeable, unprovable God concept, because it fits your inability to search out the God that Loves us and walks with us.

You claim to be a well studied Athiest that keeps up with world events, but your arguments lack evidence and carry a lot of insult to them. It's funny that you jump in on this thread that defines Jesus as God, and claim to understand the dynamics of what is being discussed.

You laugh at Theology and devalue it, thus you have no grounds to judge a discussion about it. If you were willing to discuss the philosophical aspect in conjunction with the source text, I would treat you different.

If you had leveled out on the Islam discussion and admitted that it is an issue that is not anything like Christianity, but Love thy Neighbor needs to be kept in mind... I would have tipped my hat your way.

My point... you are big talk and no facts or genuine heart in discussion. You seem incapable of discussing the "idea" of God.

This is why I address you as I do of late. It is my way of dosing you with your own medicine.
