Jesus is YHWH


Well-known member

12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name.

Isaiah 62:2
The nations will see your righteousness, And all kings your glory; And you will be called by a new name Which the mouth of the LORD will designate.
In the sense that we are 'tri-' we agree with you. The biggest difference is 1) That the Lord Jesus Christ is called God (there were no capital or lower case letters in Greek) 2) There is only one God/god. (JW's disagree and have many 'gods' as do Mormons and other polytheistic groups).

Compare: Isaiah 42:8 John 17:5 How could such be unless that Glory and One-God somehow existed in some mystery that we cannot quite figure out? Is it a sin to 'try' to figure out what is clearly mysterious and difficult? A triune position is simply this: It doesn't 'try.'

Some Algebra equations can only be simplified, not solved. Anyone attempting to solve gives false information for missing values. It 'may' work on paper, but it is well beyond the ability of the problem given, to solve. Very similarly, we Triune say that the scriptures cannot be solved and either the Modalist or Arian, try to solve by introducing artificial values for God. There is no scripture that says there is a god and a God (can't, remember there are no upper-case letters in original Greek). I tried a few times in Algebra, to 'solve' for X and Y. Though my numbers actually worked in the equation perfectly, I got the answer wrong because I introduced artificial values. Though the artificial values 'worked' it was wrong simply because I closed the equation from any 'other' correct value to be introduced.

Unless and until God gives those actual values, that is, unless we know how John 20:28 works, we are remiss for filling in those values.

2X+1X = T-X You can reduce this to 2X=T but it cannot solve. If 2X were akin to those called "God" and T was given as Only One, you'd have to accept the fact that we can only see "Tri-" and "-une." IOW, it could/would be the only acceptable position. This is why almost all of us are Triune. Logic/reason demands we NOT solve for X or T, simply leave the incomplete picture, incomplete. Further: It is actually wrong/incorrect to try to give false values for T and X. It is wrong to try to explain that the Lord Jesus Christ is 'a god.' It is wrong to try and say God is not Jesus. Why? Because it is impossible, literally, to assert. The answer is clearly wrong. This is why I am not and cannot be arian or modal.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
In the sense that we are 'tri-' we agree with you. The biggest difference is 1) That the Lord Jesus Christ is called God (there were no capital or lower case letters in Greek) 2) There is only one God/god. (JW's disagree and have many 'gods' as do Mormons and other polytheistic groups).

Compare: Isaiah 42:8 John 17:5 How could such be unless that Glory and One-God somehow existed in some mystery that we cannot quite figure out? Is it a sin to 'try' to figure out what is clearly mysterious and difficult? A triune position is simply this: It doesn't 'try.'

Some Algebra equations can only be simplified, not solved. Anyone attempting to solve gives false information for missing values. It 'may' work on paper, but it is well beyond the ability of the problem given, to solve. Very similarly, we Triune say that the scriptures cannot be solved and either the Modalist or Arian, try to solve by introducing artificial values for God. There is no scripture that says there is a god and a God (can't, remember there are no upper-case letters in original Greek). I tried a few times in Algebra, to 'solve' for X and Y. Though my numbers actually worked in the equation perfectly, I got the answer wrong because I introduced artificial values. Though the artificial values 'worked' it was wrong simply because I closed the equation from any 'other' correct value to be introduced.

Unless and until God gives those actual values, that is, unless we know how John 20:28 works, we are remiss for filling in those values.

2X+1X = T-X You can reduce this to 2X=T but it cannot solve. If 2X were akin to those called "God" and T was given as Only One, you'd have to accept the fact that we can only see "Tri-" and "-une." IOW, it could/would be the only acceptable position. This is why almost all of us are Triune. Logic/reason demands we NOT solve for X or T, simply leave the incomplete picture, incomplete. Further: It is actually wrong/incorrect to try to give false values for T and X. It is wrong to try to explain that the Lord Jesus Christ is 'a god.' It is wrong to try and say God is not Jesus. Why? Because it is impossible, literally, to assert. The answer is clearly wrong. This is why I am not and cannot be arian or modal.
So, this whole "trinity" thingy boils down to, "It's a mystery"; right?

By the way, 2X+1X = T-X doesn't reduce to 2X=T, it "reduces" to 4X=T and X=T/4.


"Silent" Hunter?

Do you consider yourself and the other "trinitarians" in the threads defending your polytheism to be representative of "good" christians? If so, you would understand why I think you are all :kookoo:.

Meanwhile, inside Daqq and Silent Hunters Secret Lair...
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Do you consider yourself and the other "trinitarians" in the threads defending your polytheism to be representative of "good" christians? If so, you would understand why I think you are all :kookoo:.

Oh? I see. Notice that I simply made fun of you instead of actually addressing you as an intelligent individual?

Not a mistake. That's all I'm saying. You lack originality, intellect, debate style and facts. You are an assumption based talker that has less facts than phytoplankton.

Wipe the drool off your face before you talk to me next time. Congratulations on claiming to count to potato.


Literal lunatic
In the sense that we are 'tri-' we agree with you. The biggest difference is 1) That the Lord Jesus Christ is called God (there were no capital or lower case letters in Greek) 2) There is only one God/god. (JW's disagree and have many 'gods' as do Mormons and other polytheistic groups).

Compare: Isaiah 42:8 John 17:5 How could such be unless that Glory and One-God somehow existed in some mystery that we cannot quite figure out? Is it a sin to 'try' to figure out what is clearly mysterious and difficult? A triune position is simply this: It doesn't 'try.'

Some Algebra equations can only be simplified, not solved. Anyone attempting to solve gives false information for missing values. It 'may' work on paper, but it is well beyond the ability of the problem given, to solve. Very similarly, we Triune say that the scriptures cannot be solved and either the Modalist or Arian, try to solve by introducing artificial values for God. There is no scripture that says there is a god and a God (can't, remember there are no upper-case letters in original Greek). I tried a few times in Algebra, to 'solve' for X and Y. Though my numbers actually worked in the equation perfectly, I got the answer wrong because I introduced artificial values. Though the artificial values 'worked' it was wrong simply because I closed the equation from any 'other' correct value to be introduced.

Unless and until God gives those actual values, that is, unless we know how John 20:28 works, we are remiss for filling in those values.

2X+1X = T-X You can reduce this to 2X=T but it cannot solve. If 2X were akin to those called "God" and T was given as Only One, you'd have to accept the fact that we can only see "Tri-" and "-une." IOW, it could/would be the only acceptable position. This is why almost all of us are Triune. Logic/reason demands we NOT solve for X or T, simply leave the incomplete picture, incomplete. Further: It is actually wrong/incorrect to try to give false values for T and X. It is wrong to try to explain that the Lord Jesus Christ is 'a god.' It is wrong to try and say God is not Jesus. Why? Because it is impossible, literally, to assert. The answer is clearly wrong. This is why I am not and cannot be arian or modal.

Gotta wonder why folks were burned alive for denying it then, hunh?:think:

1 John 5:5

“Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”


Well-known member
Gotta wonder why folks were burnt at the stake for denying it then, hunh?:think:

1 John 5:5

“Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”
For shoving the point? :think: You and I'd be burnt with the rest anyway. We want to read the scriptures for ourselves.


Gotta wonder why folks were burned alive for denying it then, hunh?:think:

1 John 5:5

“Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?”

I agree with Lon. Also, Here's a book on Martyrs. Note... most of them believed that Jesus was and is YHWH. Victim card revoked! Also, "Justin Martyr" was a proponent of "Jesus is YHWH". In that note... guess where the word Martyr comes from?

But yeah... I agree with Lon's reply to you...

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Do you consider yourself and the other "trinitarians" in the threads defending your polytheism to be representative of "good" christians?
Oh? I see. Notice that I simply made fun of you instead of actually addressing you as an intelligent individual?

Not a mistake. That's all I'm saying. You lack originality, intellect, debate style and facts. You are an assumption based talker that has less facts than phytoplankton.

Wipe the drool off your face before you talk to me next time. Congratulations on claiming to count to potato.
I take that as a, "Yes".

I'm more than a little happy to be an atheist if insulting people who do not believe in your personal idea of a deity is your preferred method of gaining converts. It's no wonder Islam is winning the religion "war".


I take that as a, "Yes". Edited in Translation... by Evil.Eye

I'm more than a little happy to be an atheist if insulting people who do not believe in your personal idea of a deity is your preferred method of gaining converts. It's no wonder Islam is winning the religion "war".

You're just as insulting. You pull the Jesus taught Love card and get pissy when your intellect is exposed as lacking by any of the "Retards called Christians" that you stereotype, like the good "snow flake... SJW" that you are.


You're just a Henson Puppet with unoriginal babble up your backside flapping your gums to the beat of contradiction.

Athiest plays VICTIM CARD to old EE.


Oh... and you really are a WartHog Faced Bafoon!



Well-known member
So, this whole "trinity" thingy boils down to, "It's a mystery"; right?
In as much as there are missing values not given in scripture. Basically what you surmise below.

By the way, 2X+1X = T-X doesn't reduce to 2X=T, it "reduces" to 4X=T and X=T/4.
Good catch, and correct (I mistyped). X and T cannot but reduce to what is there. Same with Tri-une doctrine.


Well-known member
So then..... 600 to one didn't light the fires?

Not even then. Rome was political at that point and its interest, while somewhat involved in theology, was more about governance and control.

Politics always seem to mess every good thing up. If it weren't for wicked men, communism and socialism would work. 99% of communists wouldn't likely put any dissenter to death. It is the government and zealot that has done that. We can't seem to keep power out of the hands of wicked men :(

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I take that as a, "Yes".

I'm more than a little happy to be an atheist if insulting people who do not believe in your personal idea of a deity is your preferred method of gaining converts. It's no wonder Islam is winning the religion "war".

You're just as insulting.
How is noting that nearly every post you make is clearly done to insult the person instead of addressing their point?
You pull the Jesus taught Love card and get pissy when your intellect is exposed as lacking by any of the "Retards called Christians" that you stereotype, like the good "snow flake... SJW" that you are.


You're just a Henson Puppet with unoriginal babble up your backside flapping your gums to the beat of contradiction.
[sarcasm]Since the "retard" shoe fits you so comfortably it is no wonder you choose to wear it.[/sarcasm]
Athiest plays VICTIM CARD to old EE.

:sigh: You think I meant me? How sweet.


How is noting that nearly every post you make is clearly done to insult the person instead of addressing their point?
[sarcasm]Since the "retard" shoe fits you so comfortably it is no wonder you choose to wear it.[/sarcasm]
:sigh: You think I meant me? How sweet.

You had your chance to debate with me when your liberal tears were flowing for Islam and you flat bailed. Wipe your wittle tearsies away and deal with the fact that you simply have no philosophical intellect and can't debate meta-physical topics, or any topic you haven't "borrowed" someone else's argument from some source other than your unoriginal mind.


Silent Hunter

Well-known member
In as much as there are missing values not given in scripture. Basically what you surmise below.
This is where it makes no sense to me to choose one idea of deity over the other. It seems you should be agnostic about the "god question" until you have more facts. I, on the other hand, reject it all as nonsense but that's my choice based on the need to invoke, "It's a mystery", in order for a tri-god to work.
Good catch, and correct (I mistyped). X and T cannot but reduce to what is there. Same with Tri-une doctrine.