Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Jehovah


Active member
Facts? Here you go.


These are immutable FACTS

1) The Jews didnt believe in a Trinity. Its not mentioned anywhere in ANY Hebrew manuscripts

2) The word Trinity is found nowhere in the Bible. Neither in the Greek or Hebrew scriptures. For a doctrinal myth thats so integral to many Christian denominations that seems decidely odd to me if not profound.

3) The early Christians of 1AD never believed in a Trinity. Matter of fact they knew nothing of the Trinity doctrine as that wasn't introduced into Christendom by Constantine until the 4th Century.

4) The Trine god myth is pagan. The Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks and Egyptians to name a few all worshiped Triune gods. The Babylonians being the first to introduce the Triune god myth in ancient antiquity.

5) Both the Jews and the early Christians were monotheistic. Worship of 3 Gods apart from being blasphemous to the Mosaic Law is nowhere to be found in ANY scriptural, secular or anthropological tradition of the Jews and early Christians of 1AD, nor by the 12 Apostles.

John 6:38 "for I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. 39 This is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose none out of all those whom he has given me, but that I should resurrect them on the last day. 40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who recognizes the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day."

John obviously contradicts your poor interpretation of the verses you're attempting to use as evidence of the Trinity none of which support your assertion. The above verse is VERY clear in its context indicating two clearly distinct beings. Id imagine you must have a hard time reconcilling that verse to the Trinity when Jesus clearly says he came to do "not my OWN will, but the WILL OF THE ONE WHO SENT ME". So either Jesus suffered from cognitive dissonance or he had a multiple personality disorder......


Well-known member
These are immutable FACTS

1) The Jews didnt believe in a Trinity. Its not mentioned anywhere in ANY Hebrew manuscripts

2) The word Trinity is found nowhere in the Bible. Neither in the Greek or Hebrew scriptures. For a doctrinal myth thats so integral to many Christian denominations that seems decidely odd to me if not profound.

3) The early Christians of 1AD never believed in a Trinity. Matter of fact they knew nothing of the Trinity doctrine as that wasn't introduced into Christendom by Constantine until the 4th Century.

4) The Trine god myth is pagan. The Babylonians, Assyrians, Greeks and Egyptians to name a few all worshiped Triune gods. The Babylonians being the first to introduce the Triune god myth in ancient antiquity.

5) Both the Jews and the early Christians were monotheistic. Worship of 3 Gods apart from being blasphemous to the Mosaic Law is nowhere to be found in ANY scriptural, secular or anthropological tradition of the Jews and early Christians of 1AD, nor by the 12 Apostles.

John 6:38 "for I have come down from heaven to do, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me. 39 This is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose none out of all those whom he has given me, but that I should resurrect them on the last day. 40 For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who recognizes the Son and exercises faith in him should have everlasting life, and I will resurrect him on the last day."

John obviously contradicts your poor interpretation of the verses you're attempting to use as evidence of the Trinity none of which support your assertion. The above verse is VERY clear in its context indicating two clearly distinct beings. Id imagine you must have a hard time reconcilling that verse to the Trinity when Jesus clearly says he came to do "not my OWN will, but the WILL OF THE ONE WHO SENT ME". So either Jesus suffered from cognitive dissonance or he had a multiple personality disorder......

Just as I knew you'd do. You invited FACTS, were given FACTS but you ignored the FACTS in the graphic. Every anti-Trin on TOL has ignored it except for one, KingdomRose the Jehovah's Witness, who failed to refute it but at least tried.

A Jehovah's Witness has more guts than you do.


Active member
Just as I knew you'd do. You invited FACTS, were given FACTS but you ignored the FACTS in the graphic. Every anti-Trin on TOL has ignored it except for one, KingdomRose the Jehovah's Witness, who failed to refute it but at least tried.

A Jehovah's Witness has more guts than you do.

You seem to not know the difference between FACTS and interpretation. I just like KR presented clear and conscise evidence debunking your trinity myth. You've not responded to ANY of my points but instead prefer this circular jaunt of posting scriptures that you obviously don't understand. I posted just one scripture which you either are A) Incapable of refuting or B) You didnt even bother to read my post instead prefering to cherry pick and point score with empty debate tactics. Quite ironic that you claim i ignored your so called FACTS when you've done exactly the same thing.......

And for the record i AM a Jehovahs Witness the same as my Sister Kingdom Rose is.

So lets pretend your Trinity myth is correct along with your misunderstanding of the scriptures you post as supporting evidence how do you reconcile Jesus OWN words in John 6:38? Do you then understand the bigger problem that also presents?


Well-known member
You seem to not know the difference between FACTS and interpretation. I just like KR presented clear and conscise evidence debunking your trinity myth. You've not responded to ANY of my points but instead prefer this circular jaunt of posting scriptures that you obviously don't understand. I posted just one scripture which you either are A) Incapable of refuting or B) You didnt even bother to read my post instead prefering to cherry pick and point score with empty debate tactics. Quite ironic that you claim i ignored your so called FACTS when you've done exactly the same thing.......

Blah blah, Caleb bloviates about why he won't address FACTS from Scripture that he requested.

And for the record i AM a Jehovahs Witness the same as my Sister Kingdom Rose is.

Oh, so that's why you're blind. You're following doctrines of demons to try to work yourself up to being one of the 144,000 or something.

In any case, KR at least attempted what you will not. You're just a big mouthed coward and a punk next to KR.

But prove me wrong -- refute the graphic.


Active member
Blah blah, Caleb bloviates about why he won't address FACTS from Scripture that he requested.

Oh, so that's why you're blind. You're following doctrines of demons to try to work yourself up to being one of the 144,000 or something.

In any case, KR at least attempted what you will not. You're just a big mouthed coward and a punk next to KR.

But prove me wrong -- refute the graphic.

Its always interesting to see so called Christians descend into the usual academic debate tactics of firstly trying to 'discredit the author' while completely ignoring the message which you obviously cant refute. Then when that fails the ad-hominems follow along with reptition of the same point...... Doctrines of Demons? Really? That's the best you could muster? How very Christian of you. Jesus would be pleased.... Interesting juxtopostion though as the Pharisees claimed the same of Jesus saying he had a demon and taught by means of Beelzebub. Seems like you have something in common with the Pharisees no...

And no Musterion im not one of the 144,000 so lets put your sophomoric rant to one side and stick to the topic.

Lets pretend your Trinity myth is correct along with your misunderstanding of the scriptures you post as supporting evidence how do you reconcile Jesus OWN words in John 6:38? Do you then understand the bigger problem that also presents?


Active member
More blah blah blah.

First, KR never refuted what I wrote.

Second, all I did was quote the Bible and you can't deal with it. No answer to the FACTS that YOU requested.

You are dismissed.

Well thats odd because thats exactly what i did.....

Stands to reason though you're having a hard time reconciling Jesus words in John though as the Trinity myth raises far more questions than answers most of which you seem clearly oblivious to.


Well-known member
Well thats odd because thats exactly what i did.....

Stands to reason though you're having a hard time reconciling Jesus words in John though as the Trinity myth raises far more questions than answers most of which you seem clearly oblivious to.

Refute the graphic and I'll delete my profile and ask Knight to block my IP from TOL forever.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Test all I am testing this trinity concept

Good! Let us test the Trinity concept. Here we see a plurality in the Godhead:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us" (Gen1:26;3:22).​

Why do we see the LORD Himself referring to Himself using "plural" pronouns? This is a case of a "compound unity," a concept which is spoken of here:

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery" (Eph.5:31-32).​

This concept is above the reasoning of our finite minds and that is why Paul calls it a "mystery." Nevertheless, the concept of "compound unity" is found in the Bible and that same concept applies to the Godhead.

The Bible reveals that there is One God in three Divine Persons. That is why we read of the "name" (singular) of God here:

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt.28:19).​


New member
Good! Let us test the Trinity concept. Here we see a plurality in the Godhead:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us" (Gen1:26;3:22).​

Why do we see the LORD Himself referring to Himself using "plural" pronouns? This is a case of a "compound unity," a concept which is spoken of here:

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery" (Eph.5:31-32).​

This concept is above the reasoning of our finite minds and that is why Paul calls it a "mystery." Nevertheless, the concept of "compound unity" is found in the Bible and that same concept applies to the Godhead.

The Bible reveals that there is One God in three Divine Persons. That is why we read of the "name" (singular) of God here:

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit" (Mt.28:19).​

Just asking for a name of the Holy Spirit...


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Gold Subscriber
For some reason all I get is Bob's site on dirty of Christ. Maybe you need to resend it. I am looking for the self serving Christ story.

Sent from my A622GL using TheologyOnline mobile app
That's the link. The link is a redirect to /deity-of-christ-in-the-bible-proof-texts. Read all the way through it.

Sent from my Pixel XL using TheologyOnline mobile app


Active member
Refute the graphic and I'll delete my profile and ask Knight to block my IP from TOL forever.

I already have....

Its self evident your infographic is spurious. The assertion posed as a rhetorical question is frankly stupid and juvenile with zero context. I've provided you with ONE scripture ( I can easily provide many more ) that proves the reasoning in the infographic is wrong. So to my original point:-

Lets pretend your Trinity myth and the infograpic is correct how do you reconcile Jesus OWN words in John 6:38 which show Jesus and Jehovah are NOT the same person? Do you then understand the bigger problem this now presents as to the veracity of the Bible and indeed Christianity as whole?

The point being how do you as Trinitarian personally deal with the scriptures in the Bible that contradict the Trinity myth...Or do you just ignore them.... Seeing as you seem to fit into the lata why do you consider yourself a Christian.
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