Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Jehovah


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The Holy Spirit doesnt have a name. Therefore its not a person. Persons have names....
Some who reject the Trinity, like various cults, claim that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but an it, a non-person, not masculine, and not feminine for that matter, but a neuter.

But you don’t lie to a neuter. You don’t sin against a force. If you lie, you lie to a person. If you sin, you sin against someone!

And likewise, an object doesn’t talk, a neuter doesn’t speak, but a person speaks.

In Acts 13, verse 1:

13:1 Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.*

13:2 As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

So, the Holy Spirit said. He speaks. Because He is a person, and an individual at that!

And again: you don’t lie to an object; you don’t sin against an object: if you lie, it’s to a person, if you sin, it’s against a person.

And an object doesn’t speak, but a person speaks.

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The Holy Spirit doesnt have a name. Therefore its not a person. Persons have names....

When we look at the following passage we can know that the Holy Spirit is a member of the Godhead:

"But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the land? Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God" (Acts 5:3-4).​

Peter said that Ananias lied to the Holy Spirit and he also said that she lied to God. This affirms the Holy Spirit's deity.

And as our friend JudgeRightly said, "you don’t lie to a neuter. You don’t sin against a force. If you lie, you lie to a person. If you sin, you sin against someone!"


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The Holy Spirit doesnt have a name. Therefore its not a person. Persons have names....
And the H.S. has a will, which, by the way, is a required characteristic of persons. Possession of a will doesn’t mean that something is a person, for a horse can have some semblance of a will. But you can’t be a person unless you have a will.

A will is a necessary characteristic of a person. So as Paul writes:

1 Cor. 12:11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

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New member
The Bible does not give Him a name. Is that a problem for you?


as hard as He worked to establish His name and the Son claiming by no other name...I think names are critical...

Each name has a person, each person an individual spirit, each spirit works for the will of the person named...

He did not say "not thine will but mine..."

Nor "our will"...

And when the person is dead the spirit returns to the creator its origin

Right Divider

Body part

as hard as He worked to establish His name and the Son claiming by no other name...I think names are critical...

Each name has a person, each person an individual spirit, each spirit works for the will of the person named...

He did not say "not thine will but mine..."

Nor "our will"...

And when the person is dead the spirit returns to the creator its origin
If you understood the Lord Jesus Christ, you would understand that He had TWO natures.
Sometimes, when Jesus was speaking... He was speaking as a MAN who was a member of the nation of Israel.
Sometimes, when Jesus was speaking... He was speaking as GOD.


New member
So the Bible is flawed, or false?

Or maybe God didn't think we needed to know?

There's more options here than you're allowing for.

Sure and one you didn't offer is that maybe it was just God's spirit and not a seperate person...

He spoke the world into creation and that energy is His...known as the spirit...the hosts were watching


Active member
So when a baby is born, it's not a person until it's given a name?

Thats some odd reasoning.......Obviously a baby is a person because a baby operates as an independant distinguishable person. A name is given to a person so they can be addressed by said name as a name is the distinguishing factor that denotes conciousness, a distinct personality and cognition.

The HS is Gods active force. It operates according to Gods volition for the deliverance and accomplishment of his will. If you consider it to be a person then why like EVERY other spirit creature in the Heavens (and that includes the Demons) does it not have a name so it can be addressed directly? In fact why did Jesus encourage the Apostles to pray to Jehovah for his HS if the HS as you claim is an addressable person? Why did Jesus not tell the 12 to pray to the HS instead?
So this HS 'person' exists as part of your purported 'God head' in equalness with Jesus and Jehovah and yet you dont even know his name? Even Satan has a name but the HS doesnt.....

Right Divider

Body part
Thats some odd reasoning.......Obviously a baby is a person because a baby operates as an independant distinguishable person. A name is given to a person so they can be addressed by said name as a name is the distinguishing factor that denotes conciousness, a distinct personality and cognition.
Maybe you should read what you type before you post it.
The Holy Spirit doesnt have a name. Therefore its not a person. Persons have names....
Your fallacious logic was:
  • Persons have names.
  • If someone (the Holy Spirit in your example) does not have a name.
  • Then they are not a person.
It is YOU that lacks understanding.

The Holy Spirit has ALL of the attributes of person-hood:
  • He teaches (John 14:26)
  • Can be lied to (Acts 5:3)
  • Can be grieved (Eph 4:30)
  • He speaks and commands (Acts 8:29, Acts 13:4)
  • He teaches (1 Cor 2:13)
The HS is Gods active force. It operates according to Gods volition for the deliverance and accomplishment of his will. If you consider it to be a person then why like EVERY other spirit creature in the Heavens (and that includes the Demons) does it not have a name so it can be addressed directly? In fact why did Jesus encourage the Apostles to pray to Jehovah for his HS if the HS as you claim is an addressable person? Why did Jesus not tell the 12 to pray to the HS instead?
So this HS 'person' exists as part of your purported 'God head' in equalness with Jesus and Jehovah and yet you dont even know his name? Even Satan has a name but the HS doesnt.....
Once you require your FALLACIOUS logic to support your ANTI-BIBLICAL ideas.


Active member
Your fallacious logic was:
  • Persons have names.
  • If someone (the Holy Spirit in your example) does not have a name.
  • Then they are not a person.
It is YOU that lacks understanding.

:rotfl: Persons have names is fallacious....You Trinitarians sure know how to raise the bar...

The Holy Spirit has ALL of the attributes of person-hood:
  • He teaches (John 14:26)
  • Can be lied to (Acts 5:3)
  • Can be grieved (Eph 4:30)
  • He speaks and commands (Acts 8:29, Acts 13:4)
  • He teaches (1 Cor 2:13)

None of those scriptures support your point. Even the Pagan wooden idols of ancient Israel had names. And yet you pray to a God with no name.......

Right Divider

Body part
:rotfl: Persons have names is fallacious....You Trinitarians sure know how to raise the bar...
WOW. You really are a complete idiot.

"Persons have names" was YOUR PREMISE, clueless one.

My dog is smarter than you.

None of those scriptures support your point. Even the Pagan wooden idols of ancient Israel had names. And yet you pray to a God with no name.......
You really are dumb. So NOW, according to your outer space logic, these Pagan wooden idles are persons.

You are one dumb bunny.

P.S. And freelight shows that he is just as dumb. Good job FL.


Active member
You really are dumb. So NOW, according to your outer space logic, these Pagan wooden idles are persons.

Ok ad-hominems aside those pagan idols the peoples of antiquity worshiped represented the personage of an individual. They sacrificed to them. They prayed to them. They invoked their names in their daily lives. They even named themselves after them. How can you worship a deity with no name? The civilisations of antiquity understood this and yet you don't but i'm the dummy? :rotfl:
In fact as ancestor worship was so prevalent worldwide the idols that were used in false worship actually represented deceased ancestors EG a PERSON! But whats in a name aye when you can worship a 'God' with no name......Outstanding. You Trinitarians are always good for a laugh. :chuckle: