Jesus Christ is God Almighty, Jehovah


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Thats some odd reasoning.......Obviously a baby is a person because a baby operates as an independant distinguishable person. A name is given to a person so they can be addressed by said name as a name is the distinguishing factor that denotes conciousness, a distinct personality and cognition.

The HS is Gods active force. It operates according to Gods volition for the deliverance and accomplishment of his will. If you consider it to be a person then why like EVERY other spirit creature in the Heavens (and that includes the Demons) does it not have a name so it can be addressed directly? In fact why did Jesus encourage the Apostles to pray to Jehovah for his HS if the HS as you claim is an addressable person? Why did Jesus not tell the 12 to pray to the HS instead?
So this HS 'person' exists as part of your purported 'God head' in equalness with Jesus and Jehovah and yet you dont even know his name? Even Satan has a name but the HS doesnt.....

Ok ad-hominems aside those pagan idols the peoples of antiquity worshiped represented the personage of an individual. They sacrificed to them. They prayed to them. They invoked their names in their daily lives. They even named themselves after them. How can you worship a deity with no name? The civilisations of antiquity understood this and yet you don't but i'm the dummy? :rotfl:
In fact as ancestor worship was so prevalent worldwide the idols that were used in false worship actually represented deceased ancestors EG a PERSON! But whats in a name aye when you can worship a 'God' with no name......Outstanding. You Trinitarians are always good for a laugh. :chuckle:
Did you read my two comments above? You know, with the argument for the Holy Spirit not being just some force of God's? You should read it if you haven't.

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Eclectic Theosophist
More on Personality........

More on Personality........

But the Spirit is referred to as a distinct person. The issue of plurality of persons is unquestionably seen in the Bible but it's the one issue anti-trinitarians cannot account for.

In a response to Right Divider, I address the issue of 'personality' of Deity here :) - just added more and edited my commentary.

I dont have much more to add to my former discourse, but say the issue of 'personality' is a wonderful subject. It would be fundamental to accept God existing as and operating as a 'personality', having within his infinite Being other personalities as well, since after all, He is the originator of personality, and the Father of all personalities. Other religious writing offer more insight into this subject than just the Bible alone, with which one may expand their consciousness. This is something both Unitarians and Trinitarians ought to consider, since our finite conceptions of Deity can only go so far and cannot wholly limit the INFINITE itSelf.

Right Divider

Body part
Ok ad-hominems aside those pagan idols the peoples of antiquity worshiped represented the personage of an individual. They sacrificed to them. They prayed to them. They invoked their names in their daily lives. They even named themselves after them. How can you worship a deity with no name? The civilisations of antiquity understood this and yet you don't but i'm the dummy? :rotfl:
In fact as ancestor worship was so prevalent worldwide the idols that were used in false worship actually represented deceased ancestors EG a PERSON! But whats in a name aye when you can worship a 'God' with no name......Outstanding. You Trinitarians are always good for a laugh. :chuckle:
Since you're too dumb to understand simple logic, there is no use in trying to communication with you.


New member
What I am saying is we as humans can only guess as to the power and scope of our God. He can be every where, every day. Science see the Universe growing bigger all the time. How could we understand all that God does and why.

I think the Ten were given by Christ, the book says God but God did everything through his son Christ. Christ is Lord of the Sabbath. I am even starting to wonder if God has many worlds to care for and put Christ in charge of this one. Who knows?

I believe that God created his exact image, a spiritual son, and through this son created every thing.

Your right about Moses talking to Jesus as Jesus testified to in..

John 8:58 Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.

and God is indeed everywhere..

Acts 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things;

26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

28 For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Plurality of persons could be anything from 2 to a host of heavenly beings...including angels of different rank

When we look at what is said here it is evident that the plurality exists with God:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...So God created man in his own image"

In verse 27 it is only God who created man. So in verse 26 the pronouns "us" and "our" must be in regard to God because it is "us" who made man.

So it is obvious that the pronoun "us" does not refer to angels of different rank.
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New member
When we look at what is said here it is evident that the plurality exists with God:

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...So God created man in his own image"

In verse 27 it is only God who created man. So in verse 26 the pronouns "us" and "our" must be in regard to God because it is "us" who made man.

So it is obvious that the pronoun "us" does not refer to angels of different rank.

The heavenly hosts were a war...1/3 were cast out and banished from heaven...God was being accused as being a no good god and Satan wished to usurp Him...

A good general or coach often speaks collectively as in "let us go kick some..." Love too causes no ego and speaks collectively as in "let us make a family..."

God is both at war with Satan and perfect inclusive Love...

Adam himself was included in tha "let us make" he was given the final job of naming things...names are important

Any good artist loses himself in creation and says to himself "what are we doing today" or even speaks in third person lol...

"Let us go down and see" was said after the flood about the tower...did they have to literally go or couldn't they see from the throne of God?

Was it God himself that Abraham fed and washed His feet...which of the three did Jacob wrestled with...the whole team?...he won btw

Moses asked what is your name and it was said "I am" not "we are" so hmmm

All good stuff to think about...


Well-known member
Plurality of persons could be anything from 2 to a host of heavenly beings...including angels of different rank



New member
Yes three...interesting number...was hoping for a name of the Holy Spirit...

If you are referring to a personal name there is not one. Electrical power doesn't have a name, neither does hydraulic power, or pneumatic power, or nuclear power, etc.

What is referred to as a holy spirit is simply a spiritual power, the power by which the heavens and earth were created and Jesus was conceived.


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If you are referring to a personal name there is not one. Electrical power doesn't have a name, neither does hydraulic power, or pneumatic power, or nuclear power, etc.

What is referred to as a holy spirit is simply a spiritual power, the power by which the heavens and earth were created and Jesus was conceived.

So can you lie to power? Does a power talk? Can power be angry at people?


We've already refuted your argument that the Holy Spirit is just a force or power of God, so stop using it.

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Bright Raven

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So can you lie to power? Does a power talk? Can power be angry at people?


We've already refuted your argument that the Holy Spirit is just a force or power of God, so stop using it.

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No, But you can lie to God!

Acts 5:3-4 King James Version (KJV)

3 But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

4 Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.


New member
So can you lie to power? Does a power talk? Can power be angry at people?


We've already refuted your argument that the Holy Spirit is just a force or power of God, so stop using it.

Where does the Father live?

Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

Can you lie to the Father?



New member
So can you lie to power? Does a power talk? Can power be angry at people?


We've already refuted your argument that the Holy Spirit is just a force or power of God, so stop using it.

So what is the holy spirit? Is he a person? Is he the father of Jesus?


Eclectic Theosophist
Holy Breath, Divine Energy, Power..................

Holy Breath, Divine Energy, Power..................

So can you lie to power? Does a power talk? Can power be angry at people?


We've already refuted your argument that the Holy Spirit is just a force or power of God, so stop using it.

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Hi JR,

I addressed the issue of personality and 'God' here, earlier. I link my previous commentary which addresses the issue in its many dimensions. Considering the points I make is important here, if you take a preconceived mindset of interpreting this thru a Trinitarian belief-system or not. Since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, whether you personalize Him/Her or not....the 'Spirit' can possess 'personality' and will relay or express the personality of God because 'God' and His Spirit are indivisible. There are references as well as the Spirit being poured out, coming upon people, this indicating the dynamic power or breath of God in operation, so the Spirit works in various manifestations or gifts, as well as various anointings of power.

An 'anointed one' is also one upon whom the Spirit of God comes, the oil being smeared onto the person, permeating him, empowering him for service (whether a king, priest or prophet). So there is obviously a non-personal spiritual energetic presence of the Spirit of God as well. Only as some 'presence' is actually expressing and relating to other beings in a personal way, could we say it has 'personality' of some kind. Otherwise, the common notion among orthodox or evangelical to say "the Holy Spirit is a person" is fine, but its more a matter of 'faith' and 'doctrinal assumption' that this is so, beyond what one 'imagines' or 'assumes' to be any kind of 'proof' that a person called the 'Holy Spirit' actually exists. No one knows beyond what one experiences subjectively. Again,...there may be a Spirit or spirits of God at work in any given situation, for angels too have some kind of 'personality', being personal beings as well. So in an event where multiple spirits of God are converging or at work, you'll have a great company of personalities engaging. At the same time if there are any manifestations present,'ll have demonstrations of spiritual power, diverse movements, special operations, inner and outer transformations of spirit, soul and body. Being in the glory-manifestations of 'God' is pretty awesome, if you've ever had a foretaste.

We are not instructed to pray to the Holy Spirit, but if moved to invoke or ask the Spirit of God to move in a special way after addressing the Father-God in the name of Jesus,...there is nothing wrong with that, since we understand BOTH the personality of the Spirit and the dynamic power and gifts of the Spirit. "Holy Spirit, have your way". Again, you can personify or treat the Spirit as a 'person' as much as it has a divine personality, but 'Spirit' is also breath, power, active-force, energy. On this score, if one wants to contextualize their engagement with God within a Unitarian or Trinitarian context,...its still 'God' in operation (no matter how you configure things conceptually). There is 'God' and the 'agency' of God. He is the Father of spirits, many ministering spirits serve Him, a whole hierarchy of cosmic beings, divine Sons and angels, myriads of spirits. "he makes his angels spirits, and ministers as flames of fire" :angel:

If any could tell, I'm a bit charasmatic ;)