Jesus CANNOT be Jehovah/YHVH God

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New member
You're still stonewalling against the questions I asked you.

Is THE ruler of all of Egypt equal to THE ruler of all of Egypt? Yes or No?
Is THE ruler of all of Egypt THE ruler of all of Egypt? Yes or No?

Happy stonewalling! :)
Pick two of the rulers of all of Egypt from the list I provided and try to answer your own question.
Like this:

Is Amenhotep I equal to Amenhotep II?
Is Amenhotep I the same person as Amenhotep II?

Is Tutankhamun equal to Ramses I?
Is Tutankhamun the same person as Ramses I?
Thank you for continuing to stonewall against the questions I've asked you. :)
Stop asking questions that prove you are nothing but a fool.


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Pick two of the rulers of all of Egypt from the list I provided and try to answer your own question.

The questions I asked you are Yes/No questions, and thus far, you have refused to answer them. Why is that?

It being the case that the questions I asked you are Yes/No questions, I don't understand what (if anything) you imagine you are requesting, here.

Are you saying that Narmer is equal to Cleopatra? If so, what (if anything) do you mean by that?
Are you saying that Narmer is Cleopatra?

Again, here are the questions against which you have, thus far, persistently stonewalled:

Is THE ruler of all of Egypt equal to THE ruler of all of Egypt? Yes or No?
Is THE ruler of all of Egypt THE ruler of all of Egypt? Yes or No?

To the question, Is THE ruler of all of Egypt equal to THE ruler of all of Egypt, I, for one, answer "YES".
To the question, Is THE ruler of all of Egypt THE ruler of all of Egypt, I, for one, answer "YES".

Why can't you answer these questions? :)


New member
The questions I asked you are Yes/No questions, and thus far, you have refused to answer them. Why is that?
I have answered them, but you can't accept my answer and keep proving you are a fool by asking the questions over and over.
Are you too stupid to understand the answers I gave?
Or are you too stupid to understand that the questions you are asking are stupid questions?


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I have answered them

False. You have not answered the questions I asked you.

1. Is THE ruler of all of Egypt equal to THE ruler of all Egypt? Yes or No?____________
2. Is THE ruler of all of Egypt THE ruler of all Egypt? Yes or No?____________

Until you have answered "Yes" or "No" to each of these questions, you will not have answered them.

Look, I even provided a blank space next to each question for you to register an answer. Just copy the text form from my post, and replace each of the underscores with "Yes" or "No". Until you do that, you will not have answered the questions I asked you.:)


New member
The Mosaic Law stayed in effect until Christ, the blood of the New Testament, was shed on the cross. Then it was "fulfilled", "done away", "finished".
“Think NOT” He instructed and well here you are thinking exactly that...your definition of fulfill is exactly destroying the if driving the speed limit fulfills my obligation to the state but then destroys that limiting obligation for the car behind me...LOL

No matter it is the contract that was changed not the terms...those 10 commandments each of which are found and kept in the LIFE AND TEACHING of the TESTATOR...are thus REMAINED in the new contract...

Is why they hurried to bury Him before the Sabbath...the first FULL DAY of the new covenant age...IRONIC so was the first full day of the edenic one...neat eh?

Is why they met for Pentecost...Passover...Paul kept sabbaths and goyim did too begging to meet the next Sabbath to hear more about One resurrected NOTHING there about meeting the next day sunday or midweek services on mars hill...the begged to meet the next Sabbath and come next Sabbath almost the WHOLE CITY was there...Peter even kept kosher...LOL

Is why Heb 4:9

Oh and “here are they that keep the commandments of Yah and the faith OF Yahushua”...see not faith IN Him but the faith OF Him...HIS was that Buddhism? Islam? What was Yahushua’s faith?

What was finished was His marriage to the jews...they killed their husband and thus “until death did them part”...His death seperated finished the contract...NOT THE TERMS those were to be written in the circumcised hearts and minds of the “new bride” believers...and were

Matt 24:20 Shows special attention was given to Sabbath that it be kept in the future even...not that the believers were RAPTURED to escape persecution but that they pray they did not have to flee on the Sabbath as fleeing and resting are not compatible.....oh and winters...Yahushua fully expected winter times to continue too...

Jesus confirmed the New Covenant, and taught the New Covenant ..... WHILE keeping the Mosaic Law. The New Covenant could NOT come into effect while "the testator liveth"

Heb 9:16-17
16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.
17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.
right...very where did Yahushua teach or demonstrate any change from the custom? “Do what they teach from Moses’ seat”

He doubled down on most of the OT and insisted it was not crying “LORD! LORD!” But DOING HIS FATHERS WILL...that was found in the OT BTW

No, he taught the New Covenant, and pointed out the failures of the Jews regarding the Mosaic Law.
yes the failures of the jews for not only NOT keeping it but ADDING TO IT

The Mosaic Law was still in effect until after Jesus died. was jewish FALSE WITNESS that said otherwise...jew attempting to slander both Stephen and Paul claimed they both taught the Law was changed...LUKE was clear it was FALSE WITNESS and Paul took a vow to prove to myraids of jews who believed but were STILL ZEALOUS for the Law that he too walked why NO DISTINCTION was made between jews and goyim BTW...

Matt 5-7 for starters, Mark 10:1-10, are some other examples.

John 14 Jesus makes it VERY clear the apostles were supposed to keep, and teach, Christ's commandments, which Jesus received from his God, ........ NOT Moses' commandments.

Not even Satan throws out satan to divide his house and here you are doing it to Yah’s house and people...two groups two classes...believers in set A and believers in set B? LOL

As if the Son was contrary to the Father...NOT MY WILL BUT THINE...ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN come to is the His kingdom an apartheid state? Does the Son’s Law overturn or abrogate or change His Fathers...SERIOUSLY?

NO DISTINCTION is EXACTLY THAT...neither jew nor goyim IN HIM...but HIS PEOPLE ISRAEL...just like when the church was in the wilderness it was ONE LAW for both native and goyim ALIKE...His house a house of prayer for ALL NATIONS...DUH...and NOT worshipping randomly with their own traditions and golden calves...

This is not quite accurate, your use of "kosher" isn't supported in the NT.
3 of the 4 things the Holy Spirit approved of directly dealt with unclean and clean...please don’t argue that killing a swine appropriately makes it clean to eat...PLEASE dont argue swine is ok to eat as long as the blood is drained...certainly don’t tell me human flesh is ok as long as it wasnt offered to an idol and as long as it was received with gratitude...clean and unclean why PETER did not eat bacon after the vision but translated the vision not once but TWICE about it being about the goyim being appropriate to preach the gospel to...

Obviously jews had forgotten that Sabbath was given to the GOYIM too...not just to jews but to MAN...ONE LAW...

The New Testament allows for the liberty to respect Jewish customs, in order to convert the Jews;

1 Cor 9:20-22 And unto the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews; to them that are under the law, as under the law, that I might gain them that are under the law; 21 To them that are without law, as without law, (being not without law to God, but under the law to Christ,) that I might gain them that are without law.
22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
becoming a jew was easy for Paul AS HE WAS ONE...and to bring them into HIM was the the other believing jews zealous for the LAW...myraids of them...

And yes to the goyim who had not the TORAH but now they Yahushua WHO

or do you really think the lawless once saved remain lawless? NO you argue they adhere to set B of the rules...dividing His house...

The 10 commandments are no longer valid as such,
2 Cor 3:7-9 But if the ministration of death, written and engraven in stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not stedfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away:
the glory was to be done away with NOT the law or its remains until judgement day...need then as well...
8 How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious?
9 For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory.
indeed exceed in everlasting glory as now what is written in stone is written in the flesh of circumcised hearts and ministered by living temples with an ETERNAL HIGHT PRIEST...


Your attempt to minimize the purpose of the covenant is either an intentional smoke screen ..... or you need to re-read the text.
I am going to assume you did NOT intentionally try to distort the truth, and that you simply don't know the text;

Deut 5:1-22 And Moses called unto all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and the ordinances which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and observe to do them.
2 Jehovah our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.
3 Jehovah made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.
4 Jehovah spake with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire,

So, Jehovah's speech WAS the covenant made with Israel!
yup...a contract to get these descendents of Abraham and the believing strangers that wandered with them to the promised land...

The contract with the same terms that made Noah blameless and saved...Abraham by faith righteous...etc...obedience to His WILL

And, what did Jehovah SAY?

5 (I stood between Jehovah and you at that time, to show you the word of Jehovah: for ye were afraid because of the fire, and went not up into the mount saying,

6 I am Jehovah thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
7 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
8 Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, (nor) any likeness (of anything) that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
9 thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them; for I, Jehovah, thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate me;
10 and showing lovingkindness unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.
11 Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain: for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
12 Observe the sabbath day, to keep it holy, as Jehovah thy God commanded thee.
13 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work;
14 but the seventh day is a sabbath unto Jehovah thy God: (in it) thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thine ox, nor thine ***, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates; that thy man-servant and thy maid-servant may rest as well as thou.
15 And thou shalt remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God brought thee out thence by a mighty hand and by an outstretched arm: therefore Jehovah thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.
16 Honor thy father and thy mother, as Jehovah thy God commanded thee; that thy days may be long, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which Jehovah thy God giveth thee.
17 Thou shalt not kill.
18 Neither shalt thou commit adultery.
19 Neither shalt thou steal.
20 Neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor.
21 Neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's wife; neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's house, his field, or his man-servant, or his maid-servant, his ox, or his ***, or anything that is thy neighbor's.
22 These words Jehovah spake unto all your assembly in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness, with a great voice: and he added no more. And he wrote them upon two tables of stone, and gave them unto me.

And this was now written in the hearts of the circumcised both jew and goyim...IN HIM...HIS PEOPLE

Is why

Heb 4:9

Isaiah concludes his book Isaiah 66:23

John concludes the WORD...“Here are they that keep the commandments of Yah and the faith OF Yahushua”...

note it is NOT faith IN Him but the faith walk He walked...

NO DISTINCTION made between jew or goyim...ONE LAW for jew and goyim alike...just like it was when the church was in the wilderness...


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You're missing the point. Jesus is NEVER worshiped AS GOD.


Jesus' God, and my God, has commanded all men to honor His son. NOT, AS God, but as the Christ, our Lord, sent BY God.

Another argument from silence.

You sure do love that logical fallacy.


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I never claimed GOD changed, but HE has changed His Laws MANY times. The New Testament replaced the Mosaic Law.
The Mosaic Law was a NEW covenant, NOT made with Israel's forefathers!

Not a single verse contains ANY statement to support your fictitious claim;
And He said to them, [JESUS]“The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.Therefore the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath.”[/JESUS] - Mark 2:27-28



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Pick two of the rulers of all of Egypt from the list I provided and try to answer your own question.
Like this:

Is Amenhotep I equal to Amenhotep II?

Well, that is not one of the questions I asked you.

Besides, I don't know what (if anything) you mean by "equal to", here. Are you asking me whether Amenhotep I is equal to Amenhotep II in height? In age? Equal in WHAT?

Is Amenhotep I the same person as Amenhotep II?

I don't know; perhaps there was a person who was, for some reason or another, called both "Amenhotep I" AND "Amenhotep II", like as there was a person who was called both "King James I" AND "King James VI". I don't know, and I couldn't care less, either way. But, again, that is not one of the questions I asked you. In fact, the term 'person' cannot even be found in the questions I asked you.

Stop asking questions that prove you are nothing but a fool.

Again, here are the questions I asked you, which, so far, you've refused to answer:

1. Is THE ruler of all of Egypt equal to THE ruler of all Egypt? Yes or No?____________
2. Is THE ruler of all of Egypt THE ruler of all Egypt? Yes or No?____________



Active member
Another argument from silence.
You are misapplying the logical principle.
For you to claim "Jesus is God" is an important doctrine in the NT, and use this kind of stall tactic to avoid providing ANY example of your "Jesus" being preached to any audience, in any Biblical account, is dishonest.


Active member
....your definition of fulfill is exactly destroying the law...
Deut 18:15-19 defines the end of the Mosaic Law, and the beginning of Christ's law.

Deut 18:15-19 Jehovah thy God will raise up unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken;
16 according to all that thou desiredst of Jehovah thy God in Horeb in the day of the assembly, saying, Let me not hear again the voice of Jehovah my God, neither let me see this great fire any more, that I die not.
17 And Jehovah said unto me, They have well said that which they have spoken.
18 I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee; and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.

Jesus fulfilled the Mosaic Law ..."taking it out of the way".
C said:
C said:
...those 10 commandments each of which are found and kept in the LIFE AND TEACHIN of the TESTATOR...
Jesus kept the Sabbath, he did NOT command his followers to keep it.a


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You are misapplying the logical principle.


Saying it doesn't make it so.

Do you even know what an argument from silence is?

For you to claim "Jesus is God",

The Bible says so.

I'm just stating the facts.

is an important doctrine in the NT, and use this kind of stall tactic :blabla:, is dishonest.

Saying my claims are dishonest doesn't make them so.


Well-known member

Obviously jews had forgotten that Sabbath was given to the GOYIM too...not just to jews but to MAN...ONE LAW...

Leaving aside the rest of your rambling:

Have you read the entire Ten Commandments? Who are they addressed to?


God's Truth

New member
The Bible says that a soul is formed by the union of the breath (spirit) of life and flesh.

Genesis 2:7
7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.​

Humans have the breath (spirit) of life in them, but the human personality comes from the soul, not the spirit.

Daniel had the spirit of god in him, but he was just a man, the same way Jesus was just a man during the incarnation.

Daniel 5:11
11 There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers;​

That is the opposite of what the Bible teaches:

John 3:17
17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.​

Do you have any reason for rejecting the record that God gave about sending His Son?

1 John 5:9-11
9 If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son.
10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.
11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.​

All humans have their own spirit and it is not our carbon dioxide. Jesus' spirit was God's. That means Jesus is God come as a Son.
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