Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


You could say that for good to exist, though this is subjective, evil must exist so that we have something to define good by.

But if good exists first then maybe the best good allows for evil to exist, only because free will then exists. In other words, the potential to sin is different from whether or not we all do exactly what God wants us to do without the ability to make our own decisions. Moral decisions. They exist. Are all decisions moral?

Pretty good.


Your answer: God is responsible for evil.

Lol. Well, that’s not a very nice way to put it. But yes, of course. Everything that is exists as God intended it to be. That’s because he is the ultimate master of everything.

One way to explain how this is possible comes from the field of mathematics. It is probability theory, which stated that for any given action there are an infinite number of potential outcomes. Therefore, every universe that could exist when God chose to create could exist and does exist.

Since God is of infinite nature, this is not only possible, it’s one way he may have done it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Lol. Well, that’s not a very nice way to put it. But yes, of course. Everything that is exists as God intended it to be. That’s because he is the ultimate master of everything.

One way to explain how this is possible comes from the field of mathematics. It is probability theory, which stated that for any given action there are an infinite number of potential outcomes. Therefore, every universe that could exist when God chose to create could exist and does exist.

Since God is of infinite nature, this is not only possible, it’s one way he may have done it.
Oh. OK. So you're just making this up as you go.


Oh. OK. So you're just making this up as you go.

Not really making it up. Choosing really carefully and being willing to admit I could be wrong and that there are some things that can’t be known. When it comes to God, things get weird fast. It’s like putting infinity in math equations, in my limited experience....

I mean, I have experiences with God, so I believe,’s not something that can be scientifically known to be real.

Part of the problem is with the reality of nature, or the universe itself. As people, we only perceive in three dimensions, can demonstrate four dimensions mathematically, but recent facts have come to light.

Mathematical models demonstrate the most probable universe exists in eight dimensions. That means we don’t even really understand the world in which we live and can’t explain it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Not really making it up. Choosing really carefully and being willing to admit I could be wrong and that there are some things that can’t be known. When it comes to God, things get weird fast. It’s like putting infinity in math equations, in my limited experience....

I mean, I have experiences with God, so I believe,’s not something that can be scientifically known to be real.

Part of the problem is with the reality of nature, or the universe itself. As people, we only perceive in three dimensions, can demonstrate four dimensions mathematically, but recent facts have come to light.

Mathematical models demonstrate the most probable universe exists in eight dimensions. That means we don’t even really understand the world in which we live and can’t explain it.
The Bible says that God is good and men are responsible for their own actions.

Your ideas are made up.


The Bible says that God is good and men are responsible for their own actions.

Your ideas are made up.

I agree that God is good and men are responsible for their own actions.

Saying that my ideas are made up is kind of insulting. Are you familiar with Sir Isaac Newton?

He was a believer in God, just like us, he was even more your variety, being Christian, and he is arguably the greatest scientist who ever lived.

His theories, proven science and mathematics are still taught in universities today. I stand humbly on the backs of giant thinkers who have come before me. But I am not afraid to think about God because that’s what a wise man does....IMO. A wise man considers everything.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I agree that God is good and men are responsible for their own actions.
And yet you blame God.

Which is it?

Saying that my ideas are made up is kind of insulting.
That's cool.

If you have support for your ideas and they aren't contradicted by reality, then we might be willing to consider them.

A wise man considers everything.

Nope. A wise man ignores idiocy.


Nope. A wise man ignores idiocy.

You mean like flat earth. Yes...I guess that is true. A wise man dismisses idiocy. We agree again. We are making progress. I have to go, don’t know when I’ll be back, peace be with all readers.


What do you mean the Sabbath isn’t actually Saturday?

God set a Sabbath for dedicating ourself wholey to God.

So it is just fine to set Sabbath all week long, IMO.

Jesus said nothing wrong doing good at Sabbath day.

Right Divider

Body part
I had forgotten the power of religious indoctrination.
I've never had any, so you're barking up the wrong tree.

When one has made up their mind to believe something, there is no changing it.
Talking about yourself?

In this case, your religious beliefs allow you to dismiss the words of Jesus, and maybe not even know it.
False accusation, as per usual. I believe every Word from Jesus... Genesis through Revelation.

It’s like the people who believe the earth is flat, there are no facts that can change their mind. I think we’re done here. May peace be with you.
You are much more like a flat earther than I am.

From now on, if I have a point to make in this thread, I’ll just make it.
What an idea! You should have done that from the start. Beating around the bush seems to be one of the favorite pastimes around here.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yes. Sickening is a great way to describe it. It is one of the worst things I’ve ever had the displeasure of observing. I forced myself to watch it so that I could testify to the truth.

The truth is that it was evil. That is the real evil in this world....the evil that men do.

It was evil and sickening all ends up just by description. It's sickening to see that some people would still have such barbarism implemented as "law" in the West as well.

The good thing is is that such nutty stuff will never be allowed in the "free world" although there still need to be steps taken to prevent such horror happening elsewhere in the world.


False accusation, as per usual. I believe every Word from Jesus... Genesis through Revelation.

Argument Jesus did not write the Torah (Pentateuch/Bible)or direct it’s writing.

1. The Torah calls for the murder of innocent children.

2. Jesus loves the children, all the children of the world.

3. Love does no harm to a neighbor.

4. Jesus believes all children are Gods children and important to him.

5. Jesus believes in loving ones enemies, not killing them.

6. Jesus does not violate his beliefs because of his strong character.

Therefore, Jesus did not instruct Moses to murder the children spoken of in the Bible nor would he accept the murder of children as a righteous act. He would consider it the sin of murder, as he considered the killing of the prophets the sin of murder.


It was evil and sickening all ends up just by description. It's sickening to see that some people would still have such barbarism implemented as "law" in the West as well.

The good thing is is that such nutty stuff will never be allowed in the "free world" although there still need to be steps taken to prevent such horror happening elsewhere in the world.

Fascinating. I heard the same exact thing from a former planned parenthood worker who found herself in the position of watching an abortion live on a monitor. Limbs being ripped from limbs, the child in agony, a horrible, evil sickening experience.

Oh, wait a minute, you are okay with that being legal, right? Oh my, the hypocrisy.


Argument Jesus did not write the Torah (Pentateuch/Bible)or direct it’s writing.

1. The Torah calls for the murder of innocent children.

2. Jesus loves the children, all the children of the world.

3. Love does no harm to a neighbor.

4. Jesus believes all children are Gods children and important to him.

5. Jesus believes in loving ones enemies, not killing them.

6. Jesus does not violate his beliefs because of his strong character.

Therefore, Jesus did not instruct Moses to murder the children spoken of in the Bible nor would he accept the murder of children as a righteous act. He would consider it the sin of murder, as he considered the killing of the prophets the sin of murder.

Where are you thinking of in the Torah? I don't think that God ever wants the innocent to die.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Fascinating. I heard the same exact thing from a former planned parenthood worker who found herself in the position of watching an abortion live on a monitor. Limbs being ripped from limbs, the child in agony, a horrible, evil sickening experience.

Oh, wait a minute, you are okay with that being legal, right? Oh my, the hypocrisy.

No, I'm not okay with that so next time you wanna jump in with some half baked, ignorant comment here's a hint. Check first.



Where are you thinking of in the Torah? I don't think that God ever wants the innocent to die.

I agree with you, I’m glad you see my point. The Bible does claim that murder is a sin, so God certainly would not approve of it, condone it, or instruct it to happen.

Where in the Torah ? Everywhere that Moses claims God told him to go kill all the people, men, women, children and animals. And every other place where a “prophet” said to do the same.


I agree with you, I’m glad you see my point. The Bible does claim that murder is a sin, so God certainly would not approve of it, condone it, or instruct it to happen.

Where in the Torah ? Everywhere that Moses claims God told him to go kill all the people, men, women, children and animals. And every other place where a “prophet” said to do the same.

Well, between the Old Testament and the Koran these claims have been made. But the Koran is a different religion. If you take Judeo-Christian and the Bible can we find this and not understand it in truth or can we find an explanation for whatever it is that can be found? In other words, yes murder is killing people. But killing someone may not be murder if it is a death penalty. Could God flood the earth? Yes. Could He command that people die? That might be the question. If people who are not crazy could be justified for killing in the name of God. If they did what God wanted. And if no innocent people died.


Well, between the Old Testament and the Koran these claims have been made. But the Koran is a different religion. If you take Judeo-Christian and the Bible can we find this and not understand it in truth or can we find an explanation for whatever it is that can be found? In other words, yes murder is killing people. But killing someone may not be murder if it is a death penalty. Could God flood the earth? Yes. Could He command that people die? That might be the question. If people who are not crazy could be justified for killing in the name of God. If they did what God wanted. And if no innocent people died.

If God is God, then he is capable of doing everything he wants. Would you agree with that?

I mean, God is the most powerful being there is, the wisest, and the best...right? He is perfect in wisdom, and understanding, he is kind and just. But, he is all powerful, right? That means he can’t be stopped. Anything he wishes, he is capable of having....anything.

I hope you’ll agree, because although all of that seems completely obvious to me, well, other people around here don’t seem to think like I do.

So, Jacob....I said all that to say this. If God thought people needed killing, he could get it done, couldn’t he? I mean, think about how easily he could make anyone, or everyone just disappear? It would be nothing to the one with the power to make this universe, and every other universe.

But that’s not how he works. By observation we know that it is people who kill other people.
