Is the Law of Moses good or bad?


I think the Law of Moses is bad because of this passage from Deuteronomy chapter 2.

"We took all his cities at that time, and we utterly destroyed the men, women, and little ones of every city; we left none remaining."

If you read the context, you'll see that "God" here is the "God of War" or "War God" because he is instructing (supposedly) Moses, on who to kill and destroy, which cities and which lands to take.

At this time, according to the bible, with "God" instructing - the men of Israel slaughtered every human being. That means women, children, the elderly, the infirmed. Everyone. Pregnant women? Nursing mothers? Yep. Slaughter them all.



Here's another thing I don't like about it. Leviticus 1

"‘If his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish; he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the Lord. 4 Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him. 5 He shall kill the bull before the Lord; and the priests, Aaron’s sons, shall bring the blood and sprinkle the blood all around on the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of meeting. 6 And he shall skin the burnt offering and cut it into its pieces. 7 The sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire on the altar, and lay the wood in order on the fire. 8 Then the priests, Aaron’s sons, shall lay the parts, the head, and the fat in order on the wood that is on the fire upon the altar; 9 but he shall wash its entrails and its legs with water. And the priest shall burn all on the altar as a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, a sweet[a] aroma to the Lord."

The idea that slaughtering an animal would be pleasing to the Lord, or the splattering of its blood could cover sins, is just well....crazy. I mean, IMO.

It's not a sweet aroma to the Lord, it's a sweet aroma to people. Cooking meat smells delicious.

To us that is, because we're the one's who eat meat. Remember? God doesnt need to eat.


God did more than that in the flood

That's right. Genesis informs us that God failed in his attempt to make a world good. Wait. No, at first it says everything he made was good. But later, when God realized that people were evil, he decided to kill everyone. That's right. You have reminded me.

Unfortunately, it seems "God" in this case wasn't too smart was he? He didn't think it through to realize that since he left a portion of what he had just killed alive, it would repopulate into the same thing it was before.

Wait....God couldn't be that dumb. Of course God would have known that the world would eventually be as it was before....because....well he's just that smart.

So yeah, lame story. I mean, in my humble opinion.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That's right. Genesis informs us that God failed in his attempt to make a world good. Wait. No, at first it says everything he made was good. But later, when God realized that people were evil, he decided to kill everyone. That's right. You have reminded me.

Unfortunately, it seems "God" in this case wasn't too smart was he? He didn't think it through to realize that since he left a portion of what he had just killed alive, it would repopulate into the same thing it was before.

Wait....God couldn't be that dumb. Of course God would have known that the world would eventually be as it was before....because....well he's just that smart.

So yeah, lame story. I mean, in my humble opinion.

well, this is why it's not worth it to me to "enlighten" you

sorry :idunno:


well, this is why it's not worth it to me to "enlighten" you

sorry :idunno:

So, let’s see....since I don’t accept your religious stories you can’t explain to me what good is. Well, your religion just failed you.

I think a simpler explanation would be that you don’t even know what it means, or can’t explain it.

Whatever dude.


So, let's see....

You're a troll :wave2:

May you go in peace. I apologize for being impatient.

Anyway, I’m not a troll, and I’ll tell you why. It’s because I can explain what good is, and would be happy to do so.

Good is the opposite of bad.

But, good is also the expression of love, and love is the one thing that is really special among every tribe, kingdom and people of the world. Not a religion, I said the world. Of course, you’d have to travel or study to know this, but there are actually people all over the world who practice good by welcoming strangers, offering the best, and caring for them sacrificial. This happens even among native people who have only their own religion based on culture.

So, good does not only cause no harm to people, it actually helps people. Then again, good just be a subjective opinion. So, whichever.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I didn’t see an answer. The only recent post to me that I saw, you said, “We are fallen.”
So you didn't see what I said, but you saw what I said.

Cool. :plain:

But God is not the kind of “person” - to use a completely inferior word, since God is no person- to fail in any way.

So you blame God when you do bad things?

God would certainly not build the universe without a plan.
His plan has a name; the greatest name in the universe.

He doesn’t make mistakes, therefore; we are as God made us.
This is the logical fallacy of non sequitur.

To think otherwise indicates God made a mistaken, or got sidetracked by a really powerful enemy that he could not manage.
And this is the logical fallacy of false dichotomy.

I can’t see how that logically follows...

That's probably because you're the most illogical person here. :idunno:

Point one.


So you didn't see what I said, but you saw what I said.

Cool. :plain:

That's probably because you're the most illogical person here. :idunno:

Point one.

On the first part, it’s because you didn’t express yourself very well.

On the second part, well that certainly is quite an opinion you have there. Thanks for sharing it.

It’s actually a kind of childish expression. But, I get it. You believe Adam and Eve were real and there was a worldwide flood caused by an angry God. We just see things differently.

I don’t believe God could fail on such a high level, but you do. Great. If it makes you a better person believe it.

You could also sacrifice a goat, if you wanna go old school.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
On the first part, it’s because you didn’t express yourself very well.

It was one sentence.

That certainly is quite an opinion you have there. No thanks for sharing it.

It’s actually a childish expression, but I get it: You don't believe Adam and Eve were real and there was a worldwide flood.

You're allowed to be wrong.

I don’t believe God could fail on such a high level, but you do.
So you think when you sin, it's God's fault.

Did God send Jesus to die for the sins of the world?


On the first part, it’s because you didn’t express yourself very well.

On the second part, well that certainly is quite an opinion you have there. Thanks for sharing it.

It’s actually a kind of childish expression. But, I get it. You believe Adam and Eve were real and there was a worldwide flood caused by an angry God. We just see things differently.

I don’t believe God could fail on such a high level, but you do. Great. If it makes you a better person believe it.

You could also sacrifice a goat, if you wanna go old school.

This is not God failing. It was man who sinned. It got so bad God judged the world.


So you think when you sin, it's God's fault.

Of course not. I choose my actions. But I also have the nature of a human being. I am as God made me to be. But, let’s face it, we are killers. That’s what we do. So, one must accept that as real....

Which just brings it to the real question doesn’t it?

Why does “evil” exist if God is good?

What’s your answer to it?


A sinner.

You think God is responsible for your sin.

I don’t blame you man. It’s a hard question, the most brilliant minds, many of them Catholic have struggled with it, They couldn’t answer it, you can’t, and neither can I.

If God is good, how can evil exist?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don’t blame you man. It’s a hard question, the most brilliant minds, many of them Catholic have struggled with it, They couldn’t answer it, you can’t, and neither can I.

If God is good, how can evil exist?

you have no idea what those words mean - you're reacting emotionally to them as a child would


If God is good, how can evil exist?
You could say that for good to exist, though this is subjective, evil must exist so that we have something to define good by.

But if good exists first then maybe the best good allows for evil to exist, only because free will then exists. In other words, the potential to sin is different from whether or not we all do exactly what God wants us to do without the ability to make our own decisions. Moral decisions. They exist. Are all decisions moral?