Hi Stan,
I've more than amply explained my viewpoints and all the implication and problems with different perspectives, and also that much is 'speculation' as well. I've given you the links to all previous posts in this very thread, as well the links in them, that cover other resources that touch on this subject like 'The Urantia Papers', 'James E Padgett messages', 'Spiritism', etc. Each school has their own point of view in the context of their own teaching,...with term, meanings, values, etc.
Until you really read my commentaries and learn the info. for yourself, our dialogue will suffer from lack of comprehension. I'm not trying to prove anything 'biblical' as if that 'label' really means anything, since I dont see the Bible as the only authority on these subjects. Its one book among several thousands.
Its all a matter of interpretation, so it is 'figurative' on many levels. My former post and it pertinent points
here on the parable in Matt. still holds.
No proof of this beyond some literal assumption that it is so. As shared previously, a soul can only suffer as long as it continues to sin, as per the law of karma, which is an equal/proportionate compensation of cause/effect, action and consequence. An eternity of punishment for temporal sins is unjust, and a 'god' inflicting an eternal punishment upon conscious beings giving them no opportunity for repentance or salvation is barbaric to say the least.
There is ample, if you want to use the Bible as a 'proof-text'. However, I'm not limited to the Bible, and obviously glean my knowledge from a variety of sources, schools and religious traditions, being a more liberal eclectic spiritualist. A variety of passages can be used to support 'soul-death' of the wicked, a true perishing of an individual. - such is a termination of individual existence and that soul-unit's potential of life and personality-expression, a dis-integration of being.
Depends on what school of thought you espouse and metaphysical understanding or 'belief' you have about the soul. Points of view are subject to change when better knowledge dawns.
Even besides the concept of 'soul-death'....I've already shared on the injustice, senselessness and insanity of a 'god' imposing an eternity of torment and punishment upon souls
to no end.
God allows mortals to suffer the journey of human existence within physical bodies (incarnations) so they can grow, experience, evolve, develop, learn, and prosper according to the law of progress. Love would never condemn a soul to an eternal state of punishment or torment, nor will such upon any sentient being! Such is neither just, loving or moral. Such a view is illogical to love, and antithetical to the divine will.
I see eternal life continuing thru-out all space and time, in this and all worlds wherever a soul's heart and destiny calls it to sojourn. Eternal life is just that, having the quality and essence of the eternal. A soul having immortality, shares in the immortal nature of 'God' for 'God' alone is immortal in nature, the source and substance of life itself, the source of consciousness.
All my previous commentaries speak for themselves, so will not continue to repeat myself beyond fairness or fatigue, when these points and inquiries have been amply covered. Beyond philosophical considerations, principles, reason, intellectual honesty, intelligent research into these matters, all else is mere speculation, opinion or 'belief', and that is all. It cannot be proven to be anything more than that.