Am I going to get purged from this thread, I wonder? I don't understand yet why I can't reply to some of the OPs.
Anyway, the doctrine of eternal conscious torment is not biblical. "Eternal torment" is, but not CONSCIOUS torment.
The main scripture used to support this ECT is Luke 16:19-31. We have learned by using sound reasoning that this parable is METAPHORICAL and could not be literal. Jesus was not teaching a literal fiery "hell." He was making a point to show the Pharisees that they were slacking in their spiritual responsibilities.
The next scripture that is thrown around to prove ECT is Revelation 20:10 & 14. This is also metaphorical and can readily be shown to be such. Is the wild beast that is to be thrown into the lake of fire a literal wild beast? No....the wild beast is the world-wide system of governments set up by men. So how is this "wild beast" supposed to be tormented? Since it is not literal, neither is the casting of "Death" and "Hades" into the lake of fire literal. Death and Hades cannot be thrown, can they? All of this means that the wild beast, Death and Hades are brought to an end. They are completely done away with, never more to rear their ugly heads, so to speak.
Man-made governments, Death and the Grave (Hades) will be things of the past.
How do we deal with the "torment" part of it? Well, the Greek word used there is from basanizo, which refers to a state of RESTRAINT. Jailers are referred to as basanistes. The same root word applies, and what do Jailers do? They cause their inmates to not be able to do anything. The prisoners are restrained. So this is how we think of "torment." It is a RESTRAINING. Satan, the wild beast, death and Hades are all restrained in that they can't do anything anymore, or, are not needed anymore.
There are numerous places that refer to the perishing of the wicked.
Those who do not know God "will pay the penalty of eternal destruction." (2 Thessalonians 1:9, NASB) What does it mean to be destroyed? I would say...nothing left.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (John 3:16, NASB) It's interesting that my dictionary defines both "destroy" and "perish" as "to put out of existence, or, to be put out of existence." It's quite clear to me that the wicked will be put out of existence....not made to consciously suffer torture forever.