Getting back......
Getting back......
Jesus was of the Pharisaic version of Judaism. How about Christianity today? Not three but thousands of different versions can be detected throughout.
Some believe so,...however there are also some who believe Jesus was more of an Essene, as the 3 primary Jewish groups at Jesus time were Pharisees, Saducees and the Essenes. Some practices and beliefs of early Christians are very similar to Essene ways, so there is possible indications of a merging or borrowing from these group-sentiments. Some believe John the Baptist, Jesus, Mary and Joseph were also Essenes, but that's another thread. There are also supports for Jesus connection with the Essenes from info. gathered from past life regressions which are most interesting. I used to have a thread on 'The Essenes: ancient and modern day schools'.
Mention one or two so that I may know what you are talking about. Not all of the Sermon of the Mount reported in Mat. 5-7 was said by Jesus but by the Hellenist who wrote that gospel.
I speak of Jesus questioning the ole 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' concept, and there may have been other Jewish beliefs/customs that Jesus did challenge (Sabbath day observance, etc.) he did re-interpret or rennovate some Jewish forms of traditional custom or belief and some common universal assumptions.
Immortality is an attribute that only God has. Every thing else that has been born or a beginning cannot be eternal. When Adam & Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden was to prevent them from eating of the tree of life and lived forever. It means that man could not live forever. (Gen. 3:22)
This is of course debatable, since its been held by various schools that although a soul has a beginning in time, it can take upon itself immortality, having immortality-potential, if it so chooses eternal life and meets the qualifications to
partake of the divine nature. While 'God' alone has immorality
originally, there is no reason to believe that he could not grant immortality to those souls who are thus qualified and willing to be like him.
At least, it is better than thousands of Christian versions. Don't you think so?
I think every religious tradition has its offerings, whether how many sects within each, must evaluate what is available and choose the best teachings.
God is the Absolute Reality, without which, we would not exist to talk about.
Indeed,....'God' alone is absolute reality
itself, whether 'personalized' or 'non-personal' or any variation thereof,...while everything else is relative to that original Being, dependent on it for its existence. If a soul can accept, take on, surrender to, become merged with, transformed into the same essence or nature of Deity, then so it is.
If 'God' can put the seed of his immortality in man, then that seed can spring up and grow up in maturity, immortalizing the soul. - such is the gift of eternal life, if a soul should choose LIFE. It still remains that the spirit-essence/consciousness of 'God' is immortal in nature, and its presence in man has the potential to make immortal the soul, and naturally so.
If this could not be, the promise of eternal life could not be.
I lean towards immortality as a spiritualist (a view both preferential and intuitive), so naturally gravitate towards such, while you deny life after death or any conscious continuation of the soul after physical death. I believe there is more scientific proof for 'soul survival', see
My former commentary-archive on ECT
here holds.
But back to the concept of soul-death (annihilation) gone over in our former discussion... I still keep open that some souls might be able to choose 'eternal death', if they continually choose against Life, and reach a
point of no return, where they undergo a corruption from whence there is no redemption, which is the second death,...but this is
total dis-integration of the soul, into nothingness. The soul truly dies. Only what has eternal value continues on and merges with the Universal Soul or Consciousness, but that individual personality is forever expunged from existence, since if forfeited its life, and embraced iniquity reaping its final end in oblivion. In this context, the life or death of a soul is 'choice-conditioned'. 'Free will' is the determiner.