Is Calvinism Wrong?

john w

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When they called names, the names were connected to the true character of the person/persons. That's not the same as calling a fellow 'Child of God' derogatory or insulting names and making false accusations. Understand?

You are assuming, so you've said NADA, i.e., you call the shots on who is " a fellow 'Child of God'?" Says who? I assert Pate is not, by his testimony, so your "argument," as usual, is fluff.

john w

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I also have a little experience with John: even unsolicited threat email stuffed with terms like "Get lost" ,"you wicked child of the devil", "your middle name is troll", "loser", and "quit littering my page and this board with your dung." Why does he hate me? Because I once told him that acting aggressive (like that) towards someone else might not be appropriate.

If someone is acting foolishly and this needs to be shown, it should be approached constructively. But you cannot prove "foolishness" by acting foolish yourself; you will never convince someone that your wisdom is "from above" when it is powered by the "spirit below." Insults and name calling aren't appropriate and aren't effective (for any good purpose) regardless.

I won't be able to sleep tonight, with all these meanies, ganging up on me. Stop it!!!

How did I do?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
There you, folks, as Pate asserts his self righteous Catholicism, Pharisee-ism, accusing everyone, that disagrees with him, or sins more than he does, as a wolf, with "no indication that you posses the Spirit of Christ."

You probably went forward in one of those religious crusades and gave your heart to Jesus and now you think that you are a Christian.


Well-known member
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There you, folks, as Pate asserts his self righteous Catholicism, Pharisee-ism, accusing everyone, that disagrees with him, or sins more than he does, as a wolf, with "no indication that you posses the Spirit of Christ."

I think Pate might be a tad bit autistic.

As for animals, I like wolves far more than stupid sheep.

john w

New member
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You probably went forward in one of those religious crusades and gave your heart to Jesus and now you think that you are a Christian.

Right, sloppy. I taught others on the perversion of "gave your heart to Jesus ," and that the 12 had no idea of the impending dbr,prior to its occurence, and now you are stealing from my exposition on these subjects.

Now we know you are also a thief, besides being a wolf, and contradicting yourself, on every other post.

john w

New member
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John W attacked me (in this very thread) calling me 'Senile/having Dementia.' Did he have a good reason to believe it was TRUE? If not, then why say such a disparaging thing? JW also made the same accusation about Pate.
I name called Pate first, hypocrite, as, of course, you never critiqued me, did you? Yes, you did; hence, you're getting as senile as Pate, forgetting, contradicting, what you had posted earlier, re. me. Grow a spine.

john w

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JW does not exhibit a Christian Spirit, which makes me think that he has never been born again by the word of God, 1 Peter 1:23.

Everyone is of infinite value to God, simply because Jesus has shed his blood for everyone, Hebrews 2:9. Calling people names and belittling them shows immaturity and arrogance. It is not of the Holy Spirit and is a poor witness for Christ and his Gospel.

We are always called to do what is right, regardless of what others say or do to us. Jesus prayed for those that were nailing him to the cross. This is the Spirit of Christianity, not that we could ever do that. Regardless, we are called to be witnesses for Christ and his Gospel. A good witness does not belittle people by calling them names.

The moderators that allow name calling are just as guilty as JW for allowing it. Most Christian Forums do not allow it, why this one does is a mystery.

He spams this copy'npaste to everyone that disagrees with him, or to anyone, that he decides, sins more than he does.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I also have a little experience with John: even unsolicited threat email stuffed with terms like "Get lost" ,"you wicked child of the devil", "your middle name is troll", "loser", and "quit littering my page and this board with your dung." Why does he hate me? Because I once told him that acting aggressive (like that) towards someone else might not be appropriate.

If someone is acting foolishly and this needs to be shown, it should be approached constructively. But you cannot prove "foolishness" by acting foolish yourself; you will never convince someone that your wisdom is "from above" when it is powered by the "spirit below." Insults and name calling aren't appropriate and aren't effective (for any good purpose) regardless.

I'm just getting warmed up with you. John W the jerk

john w

New member
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I sense a trip to the penalty for me is imminent. Nothing like a bible believer, who just loves the sheep/babes enough to protect them from being "spiritually raped," plundered, by the ravenous, grievous wolves,by marking(name calling)/exposing/identifying them, to ruin a bible party.

Acts 20:29 KJV For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.

john w

New member
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Regarding my statement that Jesus is the new Adam.....What I meant was that Jesus is like the new Adam. The Bible teaches this,

Add the above slop to Paul "implied" "that Jesus is the new Adam."

As others have asked him: Which is it? Speak plainly, as the book, does.

He keeps winging it, changing his story. And I ask, a legitimate q: Why? He has no biblical justification, for making up biblical terms, changing the words of the book, to support his "doctrine." NADA.

Go ahead-ask him. Silencio.

john w

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Regardless of whether you use "new Adam" or "last Adam" Jesus is still our representative and has acted in our name and on our behalf so that we can be justified by what he has done.

Translation: the details of the book don't matter.

john w

New member
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I like the phrase "new Adam". If you say "last Adam" people will think that you are talking about the Genesis Adam. God and his Son like new things. A new heaven, a new earth, a New Testament. The word "new" appears in the Bible over 150 times. I don't think that Jesus would mind me calling him the "new Adam".

Translation: I like/prefer (fill in the blank), and, what the book says, be dayamed, and, in my opinion, " don't think that Jesus would mind me calling him the "new Adam".

There you go.....Out with the details of the book.

=an utter disdain, lack of respect, for the words of the book.

john w

New member
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I have the freedom to interpret the Bible as I see fit.

1. Oh. We did not know that you "have the freedom to interpret the Bible as I see fit."

2. He confuses objective revelation, given by objective words, with illumination/interpretation, so he just makes up biblical words, to support his "doctrine."