Is Calvinism Wrong?

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus said, "Few there be that find it" Matthew 7:14.

You have not found the Gospel that justifies the ungodly, Romans 4:5 and reconciles us and the world unto God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19.

It appears that you are a fraud.
Nope RP. I have placed my faith in the LORD and what He did for me on the cross.

You are the one that is confused as can be.

Your problem is that you believe in so many myths and conflate so many things that your understanding of the Bible as a whole is a mess of fog and zealotry.

john w

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Soldiers of the 'Gospel of the grace of God' do not call fellow members of the 'Body of Christ', egregious names and make unfounded accusations, about them. Think about it.


Your 'Testimony' is null and void. I have NO respect for you. You COULD change that. Civility isn't your biggest asset. Think about it.

Soldiers of the 'Gospel of the grace of God' do not say the above, hypocrite.. Think about it.

Check. Stay out of my way.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
What happened John? Did your mom or your dad tell you that you were worthless? Is that why you have to make yourself look like a big man by calling people names and putting them down?

John, Everyone is of infinite value to God because Jesus shed his blood for everyone. Everyone is a priceless treasure to God, even the unsaved. When you demean people by calling them names and putting them down you make the blood of Christ worthless. Not only that, it is poor witness for Christ and his Gospel. Christian don't do that. Shame on you.
More spam psycho babble.What happened sloppy Pate? Did your mom or your dad tell you that you were worthless, and that you should listen to the devil,by being lazy, lackadaisical, in your treatment of the book, having a disdain, contempt for it, by making up biblical words, corrupting the book? Is that why you have to make yourself look like a big man, by making up biblical words, and doctrine, such as asserting that name calling is not biblical.

Wolf. Check.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
No you don't have to understand all that I posted, but if you do understand it you will not be led away by false doctrine. We are saved by simple child like faith in Jesus.

Calvinist and Catholics do not have child like faith. If they did they would not need their religion.

So, according to you, the gospel is only effective for those who don't buy into "religion".

Is that really what you intend to be saying here?

john w

New member
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I never said or implied that Mary was the new Eve. But the Bible teaches that Jesus was God's new Adam. One man (Adam) brings sin upon us. The new Adam brings righteousness and eternal life, Romans 5:19.

Irrelevant. You assert Paul "implied" "the new Adam." So what is to stop you from making up more made up biblical "doctrine," like "the new Eve," with this "implied" slight of hand?

john w

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I Believe that ANYBODY that calls themselves a 'Child of God' ought not to use namecalling and false accusations about their fellow Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Always remember, God 'disciplines His own.' I'm a member of the 'Body of Christ' and have placed ALL of my faith in the 'Gospel of the grace of God' as taught/preached by the Apostle Paul. I also have been sealed and baptized into the 'Body of Christ' by the Holy Spirit. That makes me a TRUE child of God, and I'm certain God the Father doesn't appreciate seeing another 'believer' calling a brother or sister in the Lord, bad names and making false accusations about them.

John W maybe you think the Lord overlooks what you're doing here on TOL. Perhaps some posters get a kick out of the way you name-call and act the clown in your posts, but what does that do to your testimony?

I suppose you'll just find some more names to call me and others and make light of our participation on TOL. Your fellow posters may even laugh and giggle about the names and accusations you make against your fellow believers, but you have to realize, someday it may come back on you. Like I said, "God disciplines His own."

I have a sense of humor and am blessed with a gift of wit, however, if I knew that someone was in the 'Body of Christ' and a fellow 'Child of God,' I would refrain from MOCKING such. It's Spiritually detrimental in my opinion.

Translation: Booing the troops, from the sideline. Yawn. You're beginning to bore me.Standard fare. Seen the above sound byte hundreds of times.

And your fluff "posts" are "Spiritually detrimental."

"In my opinion"-you taught me that. Thanks for checking in.


john w

New member
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This is very typical when a Christian that is indwelt with the Holy Spirit tries to communicate with someone that does not have the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:14.

You don't seem to understand simple spiritual truths.

He said that to me, and says it to everyone that disagrees with him.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Nope RP. I have placed my faith in the LORD and what He did for me on the cross.

You are the one that is confused as can be.

Your problem is that you believe in so many myths and conflate so many things that your understanding of the Bible as a whole is a mess of fog and zealotry.

Jesus did far more than atone for your sins. Jesus lived a life for you that fulfilled all of the demands of God's Holy Law. When God accepted Jesus back into heaven you were accepted in him. If you reject that you have rejected God's great free gift of salvation. It is not enough to believe that Jesus atoned for your sins. Leaving out the life of Christ for the believer is a rejection of his righteousness for the believer. More than likely you will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group. Matthew 7:21-23.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
False accusation RP. You might need to check your faith.

RP, it is quite clear to everyone here that it is not me that has understanding problems.

You're the one that can't even decide if:
  • There is ONLY one gospel
  • There are multiple gospels
Your story changes every other post.

The apostles did not preach a Gospel prior to Acts 2.


What they did preach was the "Kingdom Gospel."

A mind is a terrible thing to waste....

john w

New member
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John W will personally attack ANYBODY that DARES to disagree with him. That's always been his M.O. I know that from personal experience. I realize that a portion of TOL's posters admire and respect JW's name calling/false accusations, so I'm not doing myself any favors by calling attention to his BAD behavior. However, I'm willing to lose any popularity I might have on TOL and even lose a few friends over it. Truth is truth, love or hate me, I desire to speak the truth, at any cost.

I attack wolves, name call, expose/identify/mark/expose wolves, deceivers, as did the Lord Jesus Christ, John the B., Peter, Paul.......................................That is biblical. Why don't you? Let me guess: You are a "sweet" guy, more concerned with being a man pleaser, than defending the babes/sheep, from the wolves.

I suffer from no such disease.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I attack wolves, name call, expose/identify/mark/expose wolves, deceivers, as did the Lord Jesus Christ, John the B., Peter, Paul.......................................That is biblical. Why don't you? Let me guess: You are a "sweet" guy, more concerned with being a man pleaser, than defending the babes/sheep, from the wolves.

I suffer from no such disease.

You are the wolf. There is absolutely no indication that you posses the Spirit of Christ.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
So, according to you, the gospel is only effective for those who don't buy into "religion".

Is that really what you intend to be saying here?

If you have faith in the work and the person of Jesus Christ for your salvation you will not need a religion. Religion is an indication of the absence of faith.

Right Divider

Body part
Jesus did far more than atone for your sins.
Indeed He did.

Jesus lived a life for you that fulfilled all of the demands of God's Holy Law.
You keep perpetuating this fairy tale of yours.

When God accepted Jesus back into heaven you were accepted in him. If you reject that you have rejected God's great free gift of salvation.
Jesus died for my sins and was raised for my justification. I don't fear your twisted version of that.

It is not enough to believe that Jesus atoned for your sins. Leaving out the life of Christ for the believer is a rejection of his righteousness for the believer. More than likely you will be in the "Lord, Lord, didn't we" group. Matthew 7:21-23.

Jesus did not "keep the law for us". That is some bizarre myth of Churchianity.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If you had the Holy Spirit you would not be calling people names. You must believe that God is a sinner like you.

You say that to everyone that disagrees with you, wolf.

Sloppy Pate, who hates the bible's testimony, re. name calling: "Jesus," Paul, John the B., Peter,.........................................If you had the Holy Spirit you would not be calling people names. You must believe that God is a sinner like you.

Stop it, "Jesus, ......................................and all you others, who don;t have the Holy Spirit, like me!!!!!!!!! Wa, wa, wa..........................

You just make things up on the fly Pate, hating the bible, and its testimony.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You are the wolf. There is absolutely no indication that you posses the Spirit of Christ.

There you, folks, as Pate asserts his self righteous Catholicism, Pharisee-ism, accusing everyone, that disagrees with him, or sins more than he does, as a wolf, with "no indication that you posses the Spirit of Christ."