If God created...


I get direct messages out of the mouths of the irreverent unregenerate. You have just proved that are unconverted.

The TOL statement of faith says, "Christ commands His followers to rebuke and to judge with righteous judgment and to forgive those who repent."

I judge and rebuke, deal with it.

Rebuke, oh no. I'm frightened now.


New member
Well, good, I don't want anything to be a defense for my irreverence.

At least you make no attempt to hide your atheism. Or try to cover it with religion.

If nothing else I admire your honesty. I too was atheist for most of my life. But I would never have dreamed or considered entering into discussion with Bible bashers.


New member
Well, good, I don't want anything to be a defense for my irreverence.

But exactly how did you get to be The Judge? Direct conversation with your deity? Special voices only you can hear? Your lack of humility is obvious.

"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man'.

The reason I get to judge is to protect myself and others that might read what I post.


New member
PS maybe you were brought up in a "christian home" and something upset you?

Did you suffer disappointment at the lie about santa and the tooth fairy and then add the Almighty to the list of disappointments?

Did the Almighty allow your favorite dog to die? That would prove the Eternal Almighty didn't exist, wouldn't it?


Did you suffer disappointment at the lie about santa and the tooth fairy and then add the Almighty to the list of disappointments?

Did the Almighty allow your favorite dog to die? That would prove the Eternal Almighty didn't exist, wouldn't it?

Nope, neither Santa nor the tooth fairy nor did I have a dog growing up. I just eventually realized, in part because of TOL and Genesis literalists, that Christianity was just irrational, had no real evidence and its deity was far less than a loving one I was brought up to believe in.
In addition, I am a lawyer with a pretty good scientific education so issues of the age of the universe, evolution etc. are pretty much no brainers and Christianity does not come close to the level of proof that would be required in court.


New member
Nope, neither Santa nor the tooth fairy nor did I have a dog growing up. I just eventually realized, in part because of TOL and Genesis literalists, that Christianity was just irrational, had no real evidence and its deity was far less than a loving one I was brought up to believe in.
In addition, I am a lawyer with a pretty good scientific education so issues of the age of the universe, evolution etc. are pretty much no brainers and Christianity does not come close to the level of proof that would be required in court.

So where is your essay in response to Simon Greenleaf?


New member
Nope, neither Santa nor the tooth fairy nor did I have a dog growing up. I just eventually realized, in part because of TOL and Genesis literalists, that Christianity was just irrational, had no real evidence and its deity was far less than a loving one I was brought up to believe in.
In addition, I am a lawyer with a pretty good scientific education so issues of the age of the universe, evolution etc. are pretty much no brainers and Christianity does not come close to the level of proof that would be required in court.

Thanks for the honest answer.

The "Elohim is love", to the exclusion of all His other attributes teaching crusade, that is also displayed on TOL has serious consequences and you are proof of that.

It twists the mind to think that The Eternal Almighty is some kind of favourite uncle who only brings good news and only gives good gifts.
This is a misrepresentation of the Almighty and would not be accepted as evidence in court.

If it were possible for me and acceptable to you I would gladly attempt to straighten out what has been twisted, but I know I can't do that and that it would be unacceptable for you.

The fact of the matter is simple. The Almighty knows who you are and where you are. If it pleases Him to glorify His grace in your salvation. Then He will save you and there is no power in heaven or on earth or under the earth that could prevent that happening.

On the other hand, if it pleases Him to glorify Himself in His judgement He will destroy you.


The fact of the matter is simple. The Almighty knows who you are and where you are. If it pleases Him to glorify His grace in your salvation. Then He will save you and there is no power in heaven or on earth or under the earth that could prevent that happening.

On the other hand, if it pleases Him to glorify Himself in His judgement He will destroy you.

Based on this, what I do or think does not matter a whit to your particular deity. So I don't care either, my salvation, whatever that may be, is totally out of my control. And that salvation is to make him feel good/god-like.

Who cares then.


New member
Based on this, what I do or think does not matter a whit to your particular deity. So I don't care either, my salvation, whatever that may be, is totally out of my control. And that salvation is to make him feel good/god-like.

Who cares then.

The Almighty does not "feel good" in the sense that you understand. He has no needs and is perfectly complete and whole in every conceivable way.

Yes, your salvation is out of your hands and in His to do as it so pleases Him.

The Bible says that He has placed the knowledge of His existence in all men so you must be working very hard at denial and although you think it's working 'for you' it's not.
The Bible also states that "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no Elohim. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good".

I just hope you are not thinking that you can continue in sin and hope to make amends on your deathbed. That will not happen because salvation is out of your way.

You might not be aware of this but your entire existence, how you think, speak and act all have one purpose and that is His glory. This means you are continually serving His purpose. This also means that those of us who know Him and know His ways praise Him for His wisdom in whatever he does in your life.


New member

What you should be aware of is this. Anything and everything that has ever happened in your existence has been brought to you at His command. Every disappointment past, present and future were decreed for one purpose...His glory. You are His enemy and He is Almighty. He has everything at His disposal to bring about catastrophe in your life. You have declared your enmity towards Him and your supposed unbelief in His existence is irrelevant and not acceptable in defence.

In summary, you are atheist and without hope in the world and there is nothing that you can do to change this. You are without hope of salvation. You are without hope from destruction. You are without hope of escaping His indignation and wrath.
You are called upon to repent, trust and to be holy, but you cannot fulfil these commands.
The misery you feel will only become worse and more pronounced.

I sincerely hope that the Saviour will step in and drag you kicking and screaming into the only hope and refuge you have, but deny.


New member
Thanks for the honest answer.

The "Elohim is love", to the exclusion of all His other attributes teaching crusade, that is also displayed on TOL has serious consequences and you are proof of that.

It twists the mind to think that The Eternal Almighty is some kind of favourite uncle who only brings good news and only gives good gifts.
This is a misrepresentation of the Almighty and would not be accepted as evidence in court.

If it were possible for me and acceptable to you I would gladly attempt to straighten out what has been twisted, but I know I can't do that and that it would be unacceptable for you.

The fact of the matter is simple. The Almighty knows who you are and where you are. If it pleases Him to glorify His grace in your salvation. Then He will save you and there is no power in heaven or on earth or under the earth that could prevent that happening.

On the other hand, if it pleases Him to glorify Himself in His judgement He will destroy you.

I wonder what he means by "less loving..." - you'd think that with a background in law he would want to define his terms. But regardless, loving or cruel has little to do with the recognition of Creation. The attribute of love defines who that creator is, not that he exists.