If God created...


The "explosion" occurred when Elohim said, "Let there be light". It can be understood as light being energy which exists in many forms and allows work, the work of creation, that would be upheld and maintained by His mighty, might.

An explosion of light. Think of the explosions that take place during a storm and multiply that by all the power that exists...Yeah, I know!

I think you are thinking of something else. The Cambrian Explosion has nothing to do with "Let there be light". Nor is it a real explosion.


New member
Are you suggesting that the Cambrian Explosion has something to do with light?

Help me out here. Please explain.

If you insist upon thinking of light as illumination only you won't understand. You already proven that once. Try reading my first post and put your mind in gear.


If you insist upon thinking of light as illumination only you won't understand. You already proven that once. Try reading my first post and put your mind in gear.

Ah, so enlighten me (sorry about that). I have difficulty in understanding what you mean. I was concerned with the Cambrian Explosion. That has a specific meaning and concerns a specific time frame. What exactly is it you mean?


If there were a few life forms alive before the Cambrian, what does it matter?

This particular discussion began because you said there were none.
It matters because there was something living prior to the several tens of millions of years in the early Cambrian when life diversified. The question science tries to answer is why?

patrick jane

This particular discussion began because you said there were none.
It matters because there was something living prior to the several tens of millions of years in the early Cambrian when life diversified. The question science tries to answer is why?
You'll go to your grave not believing in God. What a shame and a waste


New member
This particular discussion began because you said there were none.
It matters because there was something living prior to the several tens of millions of years in the early Cambrian when life diversified. The question science tries to answer is why?

I said "IF."


What's the point? You are dead to the word of God, it means nothing to you. Come tell us all when science figures out how life began and earth being in a perfect spot for advanced life.

I will when you tell us how you know that the earth is the only place sooo perfect for advanced life. And you may want to discuss that perfection with the folks on the Texas coast over the next few days.


New member
Nothing much better than a Christian who knows how to judge his brother. Truster must get direct messages from On High.

I get direct messages out of the mouths of the irreverent unregenerate. You have just proved that are unconverted.

The TOL statement of faith says, "Christ commands His followers to rebuke and to judge with righteous judgment and to forgive those who repent."

I judge and rebuke, deal with it.

patrick jane

I get direct messages out of the mouths of the irreverent unregenerate. You have just proved that are unconverted.

The TOL statement of faith says, "Christ commands His followers to rebuke and to judge with righteous judgment and to forgive those who repent."

I judge and rebuke, deal with it.
Truster is a god unto himself