If God created...


New member
Interesting. If you were really ill what would you do? Go to an MD? Would you take the antibiotics that might be prescribed for you?

It might depend on what you mean by "ill." There's good reason for caution and common sense, as there are real dangers from taking correctly prescribed medications. There is also the possibility from suffering sickness and/or death from misdiagnosis. I have seen statistics presented by a doctor showing that you're more likely to get sick from going to the doctor, than from staying home in the first place.

I have taken antibiotics before. They started making me sick after a couple days and I stopped taking them. That doesn't mean I am against antibiotics as a hard and fast rule, it means that in this case taking the antibiotics as prescribed hurt me worse than what it was supposed to be curing.

If a doctor suggested chemotherapy or radiation treatments for a cancer a loved one had, what would you suggest they do?

1. I do have a family member that I just recently found out was in that situation.

2. The advice is first to wait a minute (don't nuke your immune system) and take some time to follow up on information.

3. From observation thus far, giving you anything more would be throwing the proverbial pearls before swine. The definition of swine? Those that wouldn't appreciate the value of the item and turn to rend you with their teeth for payment. You seem like that type. If I have misjudged you and you might also be in a similar situation I wouldn't mind sending some information your way (contact me privately if so).


New member
Perhaps an interesting, but certainly unanswerable, question is: What would Newton, Pascal, etc. believe now, given the current state of scientific information?

I cannot think of anything that would make a difference in their stance. We see in deeper and further, the more we see the more obvious the design and Designer are.


It might depend on what you mean by "ill." There's good reason for caution and common sense, as there are real dangers from taking correctly prescribed medications. There is also the possibility from suffering sickness and/or death from misdiagnosis. I have seen statistics presented by a doctor showing that you're more likely to get sick from going to the doctor, than from staying home in the first place.

I have taken antibiotics before. They started making me sick after a couple days and I stopped taking them. That doesn't mean I am against antibiotics as a hard and fast rule, it means that in this case taking the antibiotics as prescribed hurt me worse than what it was supposed to be curing.

1. I do have a family member that I just recently found out was in that situation.

2. The advice is first to wait a minute (don't nuke your immune system) and take some time to follow up on information.

3. From observation thus far, giving you anything more would be throwing the proverbial pearls before swine. The definition of swine? Those that wouldn't appreciate the value of the item and turn to rend you with their teeth for payment. You seem like that type. If I have misjudged you and you might also be in a similar situation I wouldn't mind sending some information your way (contact me privately if so).

Now I'm swine. No, I feel no compunction to contact you privately. Let your "light" shine in the open. Isn't that what your Book suggests.


I can not find any good examples of life being found before the Cambrian. There may have been a few samples, but the dating is questionable.

Well, a few indicates you were incorrect in your first statement.
But---when was this explosion and how long did it last? What might have caused it?


It might depend on what you mean by "ill." There's good reason for caution and common sense, as there are real dangers from taking correctly prescribed medications. There is also the possibility from suffering sickness and/or death from misdiagnosis. I have seen statistics presented by a doctor showing that you're more likely to get sick from going to the doctor, than from staying home in the first place.

I have taken antibiotics before. They started making me sick after a couple days and I stopped taking them. That doesn't mean I am against antibiotics as a hard and fast rule, it means that in this case taking the antibiotics as prescribed hurt me worse than what it was supposed to be curing.

Citation to the statistics please that suggest you are more likely to get sick from going to the doctor. Interesting statistic since I assume you would only go to the doctor when you are sick to begin with. So I am interested in your particular source.

Stopping antibiotics before the full course is, well, just ignorant. If they made you sick, probably because they impacted your gut bacteria, a known side effect; but stopping before the full course means that most likely there were still some bad bugs floating around inside you just waiting to bloom again. If you got well anyway then you were, my guess, at one end of the statistical bell curve.


New member
Well, a few indicates you were incorrect in your first statement.
But---when was this explosion and how long did it last? What might have caused it?
You certainly are quick to say that I am wrong. I may or may not be wrong. At this time there is no way to be certain.


New member
Citation to the statistics please that suggest you are more likely to get sick from going to the doctor. Interesting statistic since I assume you would only go to the doctor when you are sick to begin with. So I am interested in your particular source.

Stopping antibiotics before the full course is, well, just ignorant. If they made you sick, probably because they impacted your gut bacteria, a known side effect; but stopping before the full course means that most likely there were still some bad bugs floating around inside you just waiting to bloom again. If you got well anyway then you were, my guess, at one end of the statistical bell curve.

1. Cannot provide "citation" because this was back from the days when we read real published books that had physical substance. I no longer live in the same country and don't have it in my library. Regardless, you're not the type to listen to what is said anyway, if you are to be persuaded you'd need to invest your own research. As a clue, you have a certain percentage of sickness that occurs naturally that might get worse without treatment. Compare that to the symptoms and sicknesses and deaths from the statistically reported misdiagnosis that do happen from doctors, combined with symptoms and sickness and death from correctly prescribed medications.

2. Stopping antibiotics when they are making you sick is the proper thing to do. Your response is ignorant. Did you even know what it was supposed to treat in the first place? Did you ask the symptoms? For example, was it severe nausea that could cause a car accident or was my tongue swelling and turning blue? Your conclusion is fanatical: without evidence, you decide that it must have been because of luck on a statistical bell curve. You can follow the Faith of the MD if you choose, I choose not to sacrifice my intelligence on the altar.


1. Cannot provide "citation" because this was back from the days when we read real published books that had physical substance. I no longer live in the same country and don't have it in my library. Regardless, you're not the type to listen to what is said anyway, if you are to be persuaded you'd need to invest your own research. As a clue, you have a certain percentage of sickness that occurs naturally that might get worse without treatment. Compare that to the symptoms and sicknesses and deaths from the statistically reported misdiagnosis that do happen from doctors, combined with symptoms and sickness and death from correctly prescribed medications.

2. Stopping antibiotics when they are making you sick is the proper thing to do. Your response is ignorant. Did you even know what it was supposed to treat in the first place? Did you ask the symptoms? For example, was it severe nausea that could cause a car accident or was my tongue swelling and turning blue? Your conclusion is fanatical: without evidence, you decide that it must have been because of luck on a statistical bell curve. You can follow the Faith of the MD if you choose, I choose not to sacrifice my intelligence on the altar.

1. OK, you cannot provide any citation. got it.
2. Your knowledge of antibiotics---how do you come by that?


New member
Well, a few indicates you were incorrect in your first statement.
But---when was this explosion and how long did it last? What might have caused it?

The "explosion" occurred when Elohim said, "Let there be light". It can be understood as light being energy which exists in many forms and allows work, the work of creation, that would be upheld and maintained by His mighty, might.

An explosion of light. Think of the explosions that take place during a storm and multiply that by all the power that exists...Yeah, I know!