If God created...


New member
I wonder what he means by "less loving..." - you'd think that with a background in law he would want to define his terms. But regardless, loving or cruel has little to do with the recognition of Creation. The attribute of love defines who that creator is, not that he exists.

Elohim is love defines who the Creator is?

What about Elohim is Holy.

Elohim is Light.

Or is love the singular defining attribute?...in your opinion.


New member

In the vision of Isaiah the seraphim cried, 'Holy, holy, holy Yah Veh Sabaoth: the whole earth is full of His glory.

If they had cried out Love, love, love...the whole earth is full of His love then we might have grounds to say that love is the defining attribute.


What a depressing way to live your life. At the whim of a deity who wants your reverence and apparently cares about nothing else.


New member
What a depressing way to live your life. At the whim of a deity who wants your reverence and apparently cares about nothing else.

There have been times when I honestly thought that gravity was going to lose its hold on me. My face muscles used to ache from the joy I felt. I have contentment, satisfaction, peace and a longing for eternity that makes me ache in the most delightful way.

You forget that I have been where you are and remember what it was like. You can't possibly, in you wildest imagination, understand what it is like where I am...in The Messiah.


There have been times when I honestly thought that gravity was going to lose its hold on me. My face muscles used to ache from the joy I felt. I have contentment, satisfaction, peace and a longing for eternity that makes me ache in the most delightful way.

You forget that I have been where you are and remember what it was like. You can't possibly, in you wildest imagination, understand what it is like where I am...in The Messiah.

I think you are delusional.

That is not a snarky remark. I cannot see how anyone can believe as you do with respect to your deity's attitude toward what you believe he created and be happy.
You are in the world, not in anyone described in a 2000 year old book.


If anyone had told me the day before I was saved how it would be in 24 hrs I would have considered them to be delusional as well. In fact if anyone had tried to tell me I would probably have punched them.

Yeah, well mental illness is funny that way.
Enjoy your life, just try not to drag too many into your particular depressing theology. Some morning you will wake up and realize you have missed a good part of life by holding on to your particular "I'm glad I am one of the Chosen Ones and all the others will burn forever---ahhh, too bad" theology.
Really really depressing, with no evidence for your belief, other than your belief.


New member
Yeah, well mental illness is funny that way.
Enjoy your life, just try not to drag too many into your particular depressing theology. Some morning you will wake up and realize you have missed a good part of life by holding on to your particular "I'm glad I am one of the Chosen Ones and all the others will burn forever---ahhh, too bad" theology.
Really really depressing, with no evidence for your belief, other than your belief.

Spiritual doctrine is not for the likes of you but it does have an effect. That is why it's referred to as the killing letter and will leave you without excuse as the Judge stares down at you.


New member
Elohim is love defines who the Creator is?

What about Elohim is Holy.

Elohim is Light.

Or is love the singular defining attribute?...in your opinion.

Yes, I'd say that is his singular defining attribute above all other attributes. It is written, "God is love." If we read his commandments in the New Testament, they are all in the format of "Love ..." as in "Love God" and "Love thy neighbor" and "Love thy enemies" and "Love one another." If you weigh his actions, these also sum up to love, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son..."

Holy just means set apart pertaining to God. Trying to use Holy to define God is a circular definition. Light is a metaphor, and besides this God existed before light, he created light and brought it into being. Does light really describe who a person is? Light is not a person, it is neither good nor evil.

Is it not written, that it is not what enters a man that defiles him, but what proceeds out of his mouth? What makes us clean or unclean is what is inside us in the spiritual sense. What defines a person is his character. And if we are on the subject of the character of our God, what truly defines him above all other traits, I would say the answer is love.

Anyone with the power to create worlds out of nothing can be a god and call himself God. But who is our God? Once you establish that we are a creation and there is a Creator, the next step is discovering who that God is.


New member
I sincerely hope that the Saviour will step in and drag you kicking and screaming into the only hope and refuge you have, but deny.

Wow! How abusive is that?

Jonah, I hope you ignore Truster, I think he is delusional.


New member
Spiritual doctrine is not for the likes of you but it does have an effect. That is why it's referred to as the killing letter and will leave you without excuse as the Judge stares down at you.

We will judge unbelievers when the time comes.

"For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment." (James 2:13)

Mercy there was great and grace was free...



New member
Yes, I'd say that is his singular defining attribute above all other attributes. It is written, "God is love." If we read his commandments in the New Testament, they are all in the format of "Love ..." as in "Love God" and "Love thy neighbor" and "Love thy enemies" and "Love one another." If you weigh his actions, these also sum up to love, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son..."

Holy just means set apart pertaining to God. Trying to use Holy to define God is a circular definition. Light is a metaphor, and besides this God existed before light, he created light and brought it into being. Does light really describe who a person is? Light is not a person, it is neither good nor evil.

Is it not written, that it is not what enters a man that defiles him, but what proceeds out of his mouth? What makes us clean or unclean is what is inside us in the spiritual sense. What defines a person is his character. And if we are on the subject of the character of our God, what truly defines him above all other traits, I would say the answer is love.

Anyone with the power to create worlds out of nothing can be a god and call himself God. But who is our God? Once you establish that we are a creation and there is a Creator, the next step is discovering who that God is.

1 John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that Elohim is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

1 Peter 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Moses was told to remove his shoes because the ground on which he was standing was holy ground.


New member
1 John 1:5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that Elohim is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

1 Peter 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

Moses was told to remove his shoes because the ground on which he was standing was holy ground.

Try looking up the definitions of those words. Neither holy nor light defines who a person is.


New member
Try looking up the definitions of those words. Neither holy nor light defines who a person is.

You are mistaking created holiness with the intrinsic holiness of the Almighty. I suggest you first look at the difference and then look up the definitions of both. If you are seriously saying that "holy" simply means to be separate then you have a very long way to go.


New member
"Power is God’s hand or arm, omniscience His eye, mercy His bowels, eternity His duration, but holiness is His beauty" (S. Charnock). It is this, supremely, which renders Him lovely to those who are delivered from sin’s dominion.

A chief emphasis is placed upon this perfection of God.

God is oftener styled Holy than Almighty, and set forth by this part of His dignity more than by any other. This is more fixed on as an epithet to His name than any other. You never find it expressed "His mighty name" or "His wise name," but His great name, and most of all, His holy name. This is the greatest title of honor; in this latter doth the majesty and venerableness of His name appear (S. Charnock).


New member
You are mistaking created holiness with the intrinsic holiness of the Almighty. I suggest you first look at the difference and then look up the definitions of both. If you are seriously saying that "holy" simply means to be separate then you have a very long way to go.

No, I think you are mistaking the question raised. If you had one word to tell someone who our God really is, would you choose the word "Holy?" That doesn't tell them anything useful. You might as well pick "Red Hair and Freckles." Would you choose the word "Spirit?" That would be like telling someone about yourself that you are composed of carbon-based matter. It doesn't matter if you are built of flesh or silicon or Lego beneath the surface, that doesn't tell me anything about who you are.

Whether in spirit or manifest in the flesh, holy or made a curse (Galatians 3:13), none of these actually tell us who he is. If I say "Jesus" that is a single word that tells us who God is, but if I need a word to describe both God and Jesus that tells us more than any other, that word is Love. God is love (1 John 4:16) and greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).


New member
No, I think you are mistaking the question raised. If you had one word to tell someone who our God really is, would you choose the word "Holy?" That doesn't tell them anything useful. You might as well pick "Red Hair and Freckles." Would you choose the word "Spirit?" That would be like telling someone about yourself that you are composed of carbon-based matter. It doesn't matter if you are built of flesh or silicon or Lego beneath the surface, that doesn't tell me anything about who you are.

Whether in spirit or manifest in the flesh, holy or made a curse (Galatians 3:13), none of these actually tell us who he is. If I say "Jesus" that is a single word that tells us who God is, but if I need a word to describe both God and Jesus that tells us more than any other, that word is Love. God is love (1 John 4:16) and greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends (John 15:13).

You are spending and wasting words on trying to prove me wrong instead of glorifying the greatest attribute of the Eternal Almighty. You are most certainly atheist.


New member
You are spending and wasting words on trying to prove me wrong instead of glorifying the greatest attribute of the Eternal Almighty. You are most certainly atheist.

You must consider yourself very holy to be able to have the authority to change the meaning of words like that.

What is Atheism? | American Atheists

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Atheism is one thing: A lack of belief in gods. Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system.
