If God created...


New member
You must consider yourself very holy to be able to have the authority to change the meaning of words like that.

Yes I do know what atheist means. I only use a word when I know the meaning of it, unlike you. Paul used the word atheist once in scripture and the English translation in the KJV is accurate. Atheist does not mean what secular dictionaries translate it as. So there's another word you need to investigate. I just wish you'd do so before making completely unfounded and foolish remarks.


3 Christians here who cannot decide on basic ideas of who their deity is. And you wonder why I just shake my head.


Well-known member
Having just heard some articles on the complexity of how oxygen works in hemoglobin, I find that the insidiousness of evolution is not accurately described as 'random chance.' The real problem is that these things CANNOT be trial and error. Evolution asks us to suppose that there are seemingly an infinite number of times when the systemic features of just this one system could be 'tried.' There were not. That is utter fantasy. It had to work perfectly from the get go.

2, why, if 'proof' is so important, are all the important moments in evolution back in theoretical time where there is no possible proof? I would have thought that the experiments on the origin of life features in LIFE and TIME magazine back in the early 60s would have logically forced this out, but since learned that evolution is one of the most illogical assemblages ever put together. It has people like Lyell make wild universal declarations about geology when the science itself was not even born. That's like having a 4 year old explain the difference between male and female orgasms.


Having just heard some articles on the complexity of how oxygen works in hemoglobin, I find that the insidiousness of evolution is not accurately described as 'random chance.' The real problem is that these things CANNOT be trial and error. Evolution asks us to suppose that there are seemingly an infinite number of times when the systemic features of just this one system could be 'tried.' There were not. That is utter fantasy. It had to work perfectly from the get go.

2, why, if 'proof' is so important, are all the important moments in evolution back in theoretical time where there is no possible proof? I would have thought that the experiments on the origin of life features in LIFE and TIME magazine back in the early 60s would have logically forced this out, but since learned that evolution is one of the most illogical assemblages ever put together. It has people like Lyell make wild universal declarations about geology when the science itself was not even born. That's like having a 4 year old explain the difference between male and female orgasms.

1. You just "heard" something----from where? from who?

2. Proof is only a math concept.

3. If you are basing your knowledge of science on LIFE and Time 50 years ago? A nothing wrong with that if you wish to remain ignorant.


Well-known member
1. You just "heard" something----from where? from who?

2. Proof is only a math concept.

3. If you are basing your knowledge of science on LIFE and Time 50 years ago? A nothing wrong with that if you wish to remain ignorant.

Proof is an evidence concept as in detective work.

I'm not basing anything on what they said back then, except that they knew the brute reality that we don't know how anything could have worked back then, compared to now when they talk like its a piece of cake, except for a very few honest ones like the director of Genome Project.

As I can't remember the Ph.D's speaking on the radio program, you'll just write it off as junk. Any text on hemoglobin should suffice. It didn't matter who the source was, but you are obsessed with sources, so I can't help you.

Speaking of Ph.Ds. A guy at a Kitchener Ontario climate geography department said 3 times in his 10 min interview on CBC Radio: we are well within normal ranges of climate, but it is still a crises. !!! I wish I could do that where I work. Three times, without one intelligent question from the host. Then he said 14K perished in a France heat wave in 2004. I have yet to find that. So there's the source of that kind of nonsense.


Well-known member
Because it is so rational to believe that blood, blood vessels, and the heart all evolved at the same time in synchronization with one another. And a hundred hundred other systems that we take for granted every day.

The whole point of the hemoglobin article is that there is no chance for any error whatsoever; there's just sepsis and motor shut down.

It's like the blue whale's semen. It had to be kept at a perfect temperature from the very first moment or there are no descendants. End of issue. Evolution is imaginary.


Proof is an evidence concept as in detective work.

I'm not basing anything on what they said back then, except that they knew the brute reality that we don't know how anything could have worked back then, compared to now when they talk like its a piece of cake, except for a very few honest ones like the director of Genome Project.

As I can't remember the Ph.D's speaking on the radio program, you'll just write it off as junk. Any text on hemoglobin should suffice. It didn't matter who the source was, but you are obsessed with sources, so I can't help you.

Speaking of Ph.Ds. A guy at a Kitchener Ontario climate geography department said 3 times in his 10 min interview on CBC Radio: we are well within normal ranges of climate, but it is still a crises. !!! I wish I could do that where I work. Three times, without one intelligent question from the host. Then he said 14K perished in a France heat wave in 2004. I have yet to find that. So there's the source of that kind of nonsense.

2003, not 2004. Nonsense? Nope.

And I am supposed to give credit to someone you heard on the radio, but you cannot recall any specifics. Not likely.


New member
Sure if you believed that, you would be wrong.

Now that type of statement is a dogmatic faith statement if I ever saw one. Not even a faith statement, because faith is supposed to be based on some sort of evidence. Hundreds of interdependent systems and he is absolutely sure they were not designed.

Because he must have proved the existence of a negative already.


New member
Because it is so rational to believe that blood, blood vessels, and the heart all evolved at the same time in synchronization with one another. And a hundred hundred other systems that we take for granted every day.
Our heart beats 100,000 times a day.
Our body has about 2500 KM of blood vessels. Can you imagine?
The heart sends oxygen and nutrients through all those blood vessels to our extremities .... and at the same time is removing waste products such as carbon dioxide.
There are some amazing engineering feats happening
1. There are actually two circuits of blood vessels.
a) The first circuit of blood vessels takes blood from the body to the lungs, so oxygen can be added, and carbon dioxide removed.
b) The second circuit takes the oxygen rich blood out to all your body parts.
But how does one heart pump in 2 different directions? This is accomplished because our hearts basically is two pumps within one. <b>It is very cool how this happens in the womb</b>, but basically there is a tube that gets kinked forming two compartments that end up functioning as two separate pumps.
2. Why doesn't the friction of a beating heart cause it to over heat? The heart is inside a 2 layered sac, the pericardium. The outer sac attaches to our diaphragm...the inner sac attaches to the heart. Inside this two layered sac is a special lubricant. Without that lubricant our heart would overheat... and we would die.
3. This is so cool..... Our hearts all have a built in pacemaker. Our heart is run by a different type of system than the rest of our body. We become tired and stop... Our senses can get tired or overwhelmed and function less efficiently (for example a putrid smell seems less offensive after a few minutes). Our hearts are not allowed that luxury though of resting. on the upper right hand side of our hearts is a cluster of cells. These cells send an electrical impulse down through the heart, stimulating the muscle. That impulse them reaches a cluster of cells at the bottom of the heart causing it to trigger a impulse upwards... (your heart has just beat once... 99,999 more times in the next 24 hours)
What I think is cool about that system, is it basically operates independently from the brain. However... the brain can overide that 'cruise control'. For example during rigorous exercise you need more blood pumping... more adrenaline etc, The brain then directly controls the heart rate.
What an amazing system! What an amazing God!

patrick jane

Our heart beats 100,000 times a day.
Our body has about 2500 KM of blood vessels. Can you imagine?
The heart sends oxygen and nutrients through all those blood vessels to our extremities .... and at the same time is removing waste products such as carbon dioxide.
There are some amazing engineering feats happening
1. There are actually two circuits of blood vessels.
a) The first circuit of blood vessels takes blood from the body to the lungs, so oxygen can be added, and carbon dioxide removed.
b) The second circuit takes the oxygen rich blood out to all your body parts.
But how does one heart pump in 2 different directions? This is accomplished because our hearts basically is two pumps within one. <b>It is very cool how this happens in the womb</b>, but basically there is a tube that gets kinked forming two compartments that end up functioning as two separate pumps.
2. Why doesn't the friction of a beating heart cause it to over heat? The heart is inside a 2 layered sac, the pericardium. The outer sac attaches to our diaphragm...the inner sac attaches to the heart. Inside this two layered sac is a special lubricant. Without that lubricant our heart would overheat... and we would die.
3. This is so cool..... Our hearts all have a built in pacemaker. Our heart is run by a different type of system than the rest of our body. We become tired and stop... Our senses can get tired or overwhelmed and function less efficiently (for example a putrid smell seems less offensive after a few minutes). Our hearts are not allowed that luxury though of resting. on the upper right hand side of our hearts is a cluster of cells. These cells send an electrical impulse down through the heart, stimulating the muscle. That impulse them reaches a cluster of cells at the bottom of the heart causing it to trigger a impulse upwards... (your heart has just beat once... 99,999 more times in the next 24 hours)
What I think is cool about that system, is it basically operates independently from the brain. However... the brain can overide that 'cruise control'. For example during rigorous exercise you need more blood pumping... more adrenaline etc, The brain then directly controls the heart rate.
What an amazing system! What an amazing God!
Praise God !!!! Great post 6days


Our heart beats 100,000 times a day.
Our body has about 2500 KM of blood vessels. Can you imagine?
The heart sends oxygen and nutrients through all those blood vessels to our extremities .... and at the same time is removing waste products such as carbon dioxide.
There are some amazing engineering feats happening
1. There are actually two circuits of blood vessels.
a) The first circuit of blood vessels takes blood from the body to the lungs, so oxygen can be added, and carbon dioxide removed.
b) The second circuit takes the oxygen rich blood out to all your body parts.
But how does one heart pump in 2 different directions? This is accomplished because our hearts basically is two pumps within one. <b>It is very cool how this happens in the womb</b>, but basically there is a tube that gets kinked forming two compartments that end up functioning as two separate pumps.
2. Why doesn't the friction of a beating heart cause it to over heat? The heart is inside a 2 layered sac, the pericardium. The outer sac attaches to our diaphragm...the inner sac attaches to the heart. Inside this two layered sac is a special lubricant. Without that lubricant our heart would overheat... and we would die.
3. This is so cool..... Our hearts all have a built in pacemaker. Our heart is run by a different type of system than the rest of our body. We become tired and stop... Our senses can get tired or overwhelmed and function less efficiently (for example a putrid smell seems less offensive after a few minutes). Our hearts are not allowed that luxury though of resting. on the upper right hand side of our hearts is a cluster of cells. These cells send an electrical impulse down through the heart, stimulating the muscle. That impulse them reaches a cluster of cells at the bottom of the heart causing it to trigger a impulse upwards... (your heart has just beat once... 99,999 more times in the next 24 hours)
What I think is cool about that system, is it basically operates independently from the brain. However... the brain can overide that 'cruise control'. For example during rigorous exercise you need more blood pumping... more adrenaline etc, The brain then directly controls the heart rate.
What an amazing system! What an amazing God!

Ah, a Gish Gallop.

But if you consider the fact that we are the result of 3.5+/- years of trial and error evolution, naaah not so hard to imagine.

What I cannot imagine anymore is living my life based on a Holy Book several thousand years old, cobbled together from ancient stories told around campfires in which there are few, if any, first hand accounts.


Yes... Easy to see that!.
Biblical creation is the cornerstone of modern science, whereas evolutionary biology does not contribute anything towards newer technologies or better medicines.

Then, when you get sick, pray a lot, see how that works out for you.

In the meantime, the general ignorance of the fundamentalist, "I must believe in a literal Genesis" along with the hatefilled homophobia and love for Trump has become a bit overwhelming. I need to spend my time being constructive, and dealing with ignorance on a personal level.