I am not Trinitarian.


No I don't see the need for that.



User Name.
You are correct. No one can work out or iron out the truth. When the truth is comprised, it is no longer the truth, just as a glass of cool, clear water is no longer clear with one tiny drop of poison in it. As I said earlier, i have no problem with putting someone on a 'do not call list', which, in this case, is equal to 'we agree to disagree'.

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You are incorrect and I am an ex-dispensationalist.


Once again I'm incorrect from your perspective. If you haven't already, study the Bible for 45 years as I have, then let me know whether I'm incorrect or not.

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Once again I'm incorrect from your perspective. If you haven't already, study the Bible for 45 years as I have, then let me know whether I'm incorrect or not.

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I see and / or have no problem with you studying the Bible. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy are the Books of the Torah, the English names for the Books of the Torah. If you do not know Hebrew you can read the Torah in English. Have you read these books before? I have been studying the Bible since I was a child. As a Jew I read study observe keep and teach the Torah daily. Some people believe that they cannot study the Bible the TaNaK or the Torah. You are welcome to do so. You do not need any qualifications or special status. Some people are allowed to study the Torah. Some people read write or study the Torah.




I see and / or have no problem with you studying the Bible. Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers and Deuteronomy are the Books of the Torah, the English names for the Books of the Torah. If you do not know Hebrew you can read the Torah in English. Have you read these books before? I have been studying the Bible since I was a child. As a Jew I read study observe keep and teach the Torah daily. Some people believe that they cannot study the Bible the TaNaK or the Torah. You are welcome to do so. You do not need any qualifications or special status. Some people are allowed to study the Torah. Some people read write or study the Torah.


Thanks for the invitation, but I read and study the Bible to continue to build my faith in my god and His Kingdom (which is the theme of the Bible) that is currently being ruled by His Son, Christ Jesus. Reading and/or studying the Torah, while interesting, would be purely academic and unfortunately my busy busy schedule does not permit it at this time.

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Thanks for the invitation, but I read and study the Bible to continue to build my faith in my god and His Kingdom (which is the theme of the Bible) that is currently being ruled by His Son, Christ Jesus. Reading and/or studying the Torah, while interesting, would be purely academic and unfortunately my busy busy schedule does not permit it at this time.

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As a Jew I read study observe keep and teach the Torah. You may benefit from reading it. You can also observe and keep it. I encourage you to study it. Maybe you be able to teach the Torah, to keep and teach the Commandments as Jesus (Yeshua) instructed. As much as you can or to the best of your ability.

Even when I was a Christian I realized the value of the first five books of the Bible. But I had to read them, instead of only Matthew through Revelation, to truly benefit from them.




As a Jew I read study observe keep and teach the Torah. You may benefit from reading it. You can also observe and keep it. I encourage you to study it. Maybe you be able to teach the Torah, to keep and teach the Commandments as Jesus (Yeshua) instructed. As much as you can or to the best of your ability.

Even when I was a Christian I realized the value of the first five books of the Bible. But I had to read them, instead of only Matthew through Revelation, to truly benefit from them.


The Bible is composed of 66 books, none of which is less important than any of the others. Some religions teach that it's necessary to study the OT and others teach the same about the NT. However, each one gives the other context, so they are not mutually exclusive. If you would care to, I would be interested in knowing why you converted to Judaism from Christianity. Your life, your choice, I get that. I'm merely curious.

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The Bible is composed of 66 books, none of which is less important than any of the others. Some religions teach that it's necessary to study the OT and others teach the same about the NT. However, each one gives the other context, so they are not mutually exclusive. If you would care to, I would be interested in knowing why you converted to Judaism from Christianity. Your life, your choice, I get that. I'm merely curious.

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Christianity had the Trinity to contend with. A Christian does not need to be Trinitarian. I wanted to observe God's Commandments. Jesus instructed to keep and teach the commandments. I accepted that for me, with no obstacle, hindrance, or barrier to keeping all the 613 Commandments each one as it is for me and all of them as a nation, joining with Israel in observance of these. It can be done as a Christian. Observing Torah is not seen as a Christian thing.

As for the word covenant, whether this was the covenant God made with the nation of Israel, the old covenant, the Law of Moses, or the new covenant (which is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah God's law written on minds and hearts in Yeshua HaMashiach Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ) I accepted the covenant and my identity had to be Jewish or of Israel or it could be Christian or neither but I was a child when the word covenant came to me either in my mind or by reading studying posting, etc.... It was something that was supernatural or not and had to be contended with or not or it became a part of me even a part of my very being or not, something happened and my life has never been the same (I was even a Christian after this).

Earlier than this I wanted to be of Israel and accept the covenant or the covenant of Moses.




Well-known member
I do not know what you are asking me.

If you are asking about the meaning of my name you are incorrect.



No, we had a really top notch guy along time ago named Goose.

You said you were once a dispensationalist. You seem to be a Messianic Jew now which so happens to be what he went to, I think. Or maybe a full fledged Jew. I can't remember. So the thought I had was maybe you were Goose. Sorry.


No, we had a really top notch guy along time ago named Goose.

You said you were once a dispensationalist. You seem to be a Messianic Jew now which so happens to be what he went to, I think. Or maybe a full fledged Jew. I can't remember. So the thought I had was maybe you were Goose. Sorry.

I attend a Messianic Jewish Congregation. This is Messianic Judaism. But whether or not we consider it that or not I do not know. I am Jewish, a Jew. I adhere to or follow Judaism. I am of Israel and observe the Commandments of the Torah and the New Covenant, the religion of Judaism aside. I am not Messianic as I do not agree with all of Messianic doctrine. I observe the Torah and I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah. He taught us to keep and teach the commandments. I do not mix meat and dairy in the same meal, which is Orthodox.




Well-known member
I attend a Messianic Jewish Congregation. This is Messianic Judaism. But whether or not we consider it that or not I do not know. I am Jewish, a Jew. I adhere to or follow Judaism. I am of Israel and observe the Commandments of the Torah and the New Covenant, the religion of Judaism aside. I am not Messianic as I do not agree with all of Messianic doctrine. I observe the Torah and I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah. He taught us to keep and teach the commandments.



Well most Jews don't believe Jesus was the Messiah so maybe you are a messianic Jew.


I attend a Messianic Jewish Congregation. This is Messianic Judaism. But whether or not we consider it that or not I do not know. I am Jewish, a Jew. I adhere to or follow Judaism. I am of Israel and observe the Commandments of the Torah and the New Covenant, the religion of Judaism aside. I am not Messianic as I do not agree with all of Messianic doctrine. I observe the Torah and I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah. He taught us to keep and teach the commandments. I do not mix meat and dairy in the same meal, which is Orthodox.



I edited my post. You may not have seen it.


Well most Jews don't believe Jesus was the Messiah so maybe you are a messianic Jew.

Jews do. We were accepting the Messiah. He came. The Messiah of Israel, Judaism, God, and the world.

As a Christian there were Messianic Prophecies. This is was and has been different from Messianic Judaism.

I was not born a Jew. I did at one time ask about if there is such a thing as a Messianic Gentile, I think. But it is not about if you are Messianic. It is about if a Jew is Messianic.

I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah. But I am not Messianic.

