I am not Trinitarian.


Then petition the Israeli government to move there and that your JEWISH but accept Jesus as the messiah...

You won't get in.

They don't like you, they don't want you.


I am Torah Observant and accept Yeshua as the Messiah. I have no idea why you say what you do. I have been encouraged to apply for immigration and I do not want to be an immigrant and I do not believe that I need paperwork. I would like to make aliyah. I would also like to be the President of the United States of America and be a Rabbi.




Well-known member

I am Torah Observant and accept Yeshua as the Messiah. I have no idea why you say what you do. I have been encouraged to apply for immigration

Then go, only then will you know I speak the truth on this matter.


Well-known member
As our brother Paul said,

Romans 11:28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs,


As our brother Paul said,

Romans 11:28 As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies for your sake; but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs,

This was only those who rejected at that time.


Christianity had the Trinity to contend with. A Christian does not need to be Trinitarian. I wanted to observe God's Commandments. Jesus instructed to keep and teach the commandments. I accepted that for me, with no obstacle, hindrance, or barrier to keeping all the 613 Commandments each one as it is for me and all of them as a nation, joining with Israel in observance of these. It can be done as a Christian. Observing Torah is not seen as a Christian thing.

As for the word covenant, whether this was the covenant God made with the nation of Israel, the old covenant, the Law of Moses, or the new covenant (which is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah God's law written on minds and hearts in Yeshua HaMashiach Yeshua Messiah Jesus the Christ) I accepted the covenant and my identity had to be Jewish or of Israel or it could be Christian or neither but I was a child when the word covenant came to me either in my mind or by reading studying posting, etc.... It was something that was supernatural or not and had to be contended with or not or it became a part of me even a part of my very being or not, something happened and my life has never been the same (I was even a Christian after this).

Earlier than this I wanted to be of Israel and accept the covenant or the covenant of Moses.


Thanks. I can appreciate that. I was a member of the Baptist Church when I was young, then the Assembly of God in my early teens and when I was 16/17 I went with a buddy of mine to the Catholic church. None of these satisfied my Bible questions even minutely. It was as if asking questions meant I didn't have faith in them or what they were teaching. Finally, my buddy and I decided to find the faith that most closely adhered to the Bible. That was when we first heard about Jehovah's Witnesses. I was determined to find something, anything that proved in one small matter they weren't following the Bible. After 45 years, I'm still studying the Bible since no one can ever attain all of the knowledge that it has to offer. That's why I laugh when I hear that a priest, pastor, reverend, etc has retired. It's almost as if they're saying "I'm too old to milk this job any longer". As Jehovah's Witnesses, we all have our own means of supporting ourselves and our families. We truly follow Jesus's words at Matthew 10:8"...you received free, give free". Everything we offer, including home Bible studies, are completely free. Anyone who wants to donate to this work we do, is always encouraged to do so, but only from the heart. We never brow beat anyone to give a donation. And, during our meetings, the lack of sufficient donations is never discussed. Sorry, this is so long, but it's hard to put into just a few words.

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Thanks. I can appreciate that. I was a member of the Baptist Church when I was young, then the Assembly of God in my early teens and when I was 16/17 I went with a buddy of mine to the Catholic church. None of these satisfied my Bible questions even minutely. It was as if asking questions meant I didn't have faith in them or what they were teaching. Finally, my buddy and I decided to find the faith that most closely adhered to the Bible. That was when we first heard about Jehovah's Witnesses. I was determined to find something, anything that proved in one small matter they weren't following the Bible. After 45 years, I'm still studying the Bible since no one can ever attain all of the knowledge that it has to offer. That's why I laugh when I hear that a priest, pastor, reverend, etc has retired. It's almost as if they're saying "I'm too old to milk this job any longer". As Jehovah's Witnesses, we all have our own means of supporting ourselves and our families. We truly follow Jesus's words at Matthew 10:8"...you received free, give free". Everything we offer, including home Bible studies, are completely free. Anyone who wants to donate to this work we do, is always encouraged to do so, but only from the heart. We never brow beat anyone to give a donation. And, during our meetings, the lack of sufficient donations is never discussed. Sorry, this is so long, but it's hard to put into just a few words.

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I am getting ready for the Sabbath.




New member
Jews do. We were accepting the Messiah. He came. The Messiah of Israel, Judaism, God, and the world.

As a Christian there were Messianic Prophecies. This is was and has been different from Messianic Judaism.

I was not born a Jew. I did at one time ask about if there is such a thing as a Messianic Gentile, I think. But it is not about if you are Messianic. It is about if a Jew is Messianic.

I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah. But I am not Messianic.



I don't know ANY Jews that believe Jesus is the Messiah. Speaking from the Jewish perspective here: Jesus did not accomplish what the Jews are expecting for the Messiah to do. Sure, Christians believe Jesus will come back and do these things, but since they have not yet been accomplished, there is no reason for Jews to believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is their Messiah. When the Messiah does come, it is supposed to be obvious and unmistakable to ALL people. Sure, if it is Jesus, and he does come back and accomplish what the Jews expect, then they will hail him as the Messiah at that time. They will not have to "believe" in him, because it will be a reality happening in the world we/they live in.

Why, as a Jew, would you believe Jesus to be the Messiah?


New member
Your loss.....and BTW, you don't want to know Jesus fully. :carryon:

Some people who profess Christ say you are not a Christian if you do not believe in Hell, Trinity, or the Cross. As if Pagan notions are the truth.

I say you are not a Christian if the truth does not abide in you. Those are doctrines of man.


New member
I don't know ANY Jews that believe Jesus is the Messiah. Speaking from the Jewish perspective here: Jesus did not accomplish what the Jews are expecting for the Messiah to do. Sure, Christians believe Jesus will come back and do these things, but since they have not yet been accomplished, there is no reason for Jews to believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is their Messiah. When the Messiah does come, it is supposed to be obvious and unmistakable to ALL people. Sure, if it is Jesus, and he does come back and accomplish what the Jews expect, then they will hail him as the Messiah at that time. They will not have to "believe" in him, because it will be a reality happening in the world we/they live in.

Why, as a Jew, would you believe Jesus to be the Messiah?

There are some Rabbi's that believe Yahshua is the Messiah, but very few.


Well-known member

I am not Trinitarian. I do not believe, understand, or accept the Trinity or Trinitarian doctrine.



Good for you!

A man who accepts what scripture teaches and rejects what it does not teach


Good for you! If there's anything else you might like to talk about, let me know. I'll be ready and waiting.

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Today is Rishon. It is erev, evening, of this erev and boker, evening and morning, yom, day.




Wow....if you say so


Today is Rishon. It is erev, evening, of this erev and boker, evening and morning, yom, day.

The early church was entirely Jewish. The believers in Messiah were Jewish. The first believers were of Israel. Before and after the cross, burial, and empty tomb, ascension, and outpouring of the Spirit of God.




I don't know ANY Jews that believe Jesus is the Messiah. Speaking from the Jewish perspective here: Jesus did not accomplish what the Jews are expecting for the Messiah to do. Sure, Christians believe Jesus will come back and do these things, but since they have not yet been accomplished, there is no reason for Jews to believe that Jesus (Yeshua) is their Messiah. When the Messiah does come, it is supposed to be obvious and unmistakable to ALL people. Sure, if it is Jesus, and he does come back and accomplish what the Jews expect, then they will hail him as the Messiah at that time. They will not have to "believe" in him, because it will be a reality happening in the world we/they live in.

Why, as a Jew, would you believe Jesus to be the Messiah?


Today is Rishon. It is erev, evening, of this erev and boker, evening and morning, yom, day.

We expected Messiah to come and He did come. Now we await His return.




New member

Today is Rishon. It is erev, evening, of this erev and boker, evening and morning, yom, day.

We expected Messiah to come and He did come. Now we await His return.



If you attend a Messianic congregation, hold many Christian beliefs (which most if not all jews don't hold), then why do you keep denying that you are a Messianic Jew?