I am not Trinitarian.


Nope, I've watched you go backwards....not forwards.

I'm quite certain you do NOT KNOW.

You cannot accept a post where I say I know because you have seen a post in the past that I did not say I know?

I know.




Well-known member
You cannot accept a post where I say I know because you have seen a post in the past that I did not say I know?

I know.



Actually, I'm quite capable of remembering all your posts....those from past years clear through the present, and I stand by my statement. You are going backward instead of forward.

You denied Jesus was God when you were a "Christian", so you ran off to the Jews, hoping to be accepted as a Jew. Why you would want to hide in Jewry, I can only guess. But, your denial is what is keeping you from salvation. That's sad.


Actually, I'm quite capable of remembering all your posts....those from past years clear through the present, and I stand by my statement. You are going backward instead of forward.

You denied Jesus was God when you were a "Christian", so you ran off to the Jews, hoping to be accepted as a Jew. Why you would want to hide in Jewry, I can only guess. But, your denial is what is keeping you from salvation. That's sad.

Your statements here show that how you are seeing things is incorrect. What you have said here I know to be untrue. This is my testimony about myself as you speak from your perspective about me things that I know are untrue or that I know to be untrue.

To deny something do you have to first believe it? And, why would someone deny that Jesus is God? What is a person who was a "Christian" and ran off to the Jews, hoping to be accepted as a Jew? What do you mean by hide in Jewry? You have some clear misconceptions. A person does not hide from a lie with people who know the truth.




No. Jehovah has always been Jesus's heavenly father. It's a really simple concept that the world's religions have made complicated because if you don't know the facts, how can you argue their point.

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No. Jehovah has always been Jesus's heavenly father. It's a really simple concept that the world's religions have made complicated because if you don't know the facts, how can you argue their point.

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When you read the Torah you will see God's name revealed as Yahveh.


I do not know what you mean by New Testament or Old Testament or calling God Jehovah. It is not His name.


The Jews of Jesus's time knew Jehovah as God's name. However, the Jews, in time, thought it superstitious to use that name. In the past, many translations of the Bible actually used the name, but eventually deleted it. For example, the KJ used Jehovah at Ps. 83:18. The NKJ took it out. Merely deleting a name from a book doesn't mean that name never existed. Most people don't take the time to research their beliefs to separate truth from false teachings and traditions, which is why there are so many "Christian" religions.

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The Jews of Jesus's time knew Jehovah as God's name. However, the Jews, in time, thought it superstitious to use that name. In the past, many translations of the Bible actually used the name, but eventually deleted it. For example, the KJ used Jehovah at Ps. 83:18. The NKJ took it out. Merely deleting a name from a book doesn't mean that name never existed. Most people don't take the time to research their beliefs to separate truth from false teachings and traditions, which is why there are so many "Christian" religions.

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You are incorrect from your first sentence.

God's name as revealed in the Torah is Yahveh.


yod י
hey ה
vav ו
hey ה




When you read the Torah you will see God's name revealed as Yahveh.
And if you would do the research, you would find that Jehovah is the modern English-language translation of Yahveh regardless of whether an individual's belief system allows for it or not.

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And if you would do the research, you would find that Jehovah is the modern English-language translation of Yahveh regardless of whether an individual's belief system allows for it or not.

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What does the Torah say where God's name is revealed?




You are incorrect from your first sentence.

God's name as revealed in the Torah is Yahveh.


yod י
hey ה
vav ו
hey ה


I'm incorrect from your perspective as I use the Bible as my authority. My purpose is only to give people information that I have researched and proven to be true, just as you feel you have done. My intent is not to change your or anyone else's beliefs, only to provide people with accurate information about what I know to be true so they can make an informed decision. If you or they choose not to listen, that is every individual's choice. Neither I, you nor anyone else can force someone to believe something they are not inclined to believe. Reasoning logically on a subject using accurate information, can and does, change people's hearts.

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I'm incorrect from your perspective as I use the Bible as my authority. My purpose is only to give people information that I have researched and proven to be true, just as you feel you have done. My intent is not to change your or anyone else's beliefs, only to provide people with accurate information about what I know to be true so they can make an informed decision. If you or they choose not to listen, that is every individual's choice. Neither I, you nor anyone else can force someone to believe something they are not inclined to believe. Reasoning logically on a subject using accurate information, can and does, change people's hearts.

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I can read God's name in Hebrew in the Torah. That you are not a Jew does not keep you from learning. I recognize that you have an English translation of the Bible, but God's name can be understood in English as it sounds from the Hebrew as Yahveh.


I can read God's name in Hebrew in the Torah. That you are not a Jew does not keep you from learning. I recognize that you have an English translation of the Bible, but God's name can be understood in English as it sounds from the Hebrew as Yahveh.
According to the Bible, God, after many attempts to encourage the original Jewish people to turn around and repent for rejecting Him and his Son, Jesus, God forever rejected the Jews as his chosen people. This is not to say that Jewish individuals today have no hope. That is precisely why we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, talk to everyone about what we know to be the truth of the Bible. Anyone who doesn't want to hear our message, we say thank you for your time and put your address on our do not call list. However, those who want to know more, are welcome to free Bible study using any of our Bible based publications and their own free will to believe or not.

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According to the Bible, God, after many attempts to encourage the original Jewish people to turn around and repent for rejecting Him and his Son, Jesus, God forever rejected the Jews as his chosen people. This is not to say that Jewish individuals today have no hope. That is precisely why we, as Jehovah's Witnesses, talk to everyone about what we know to be the truth of the Bible. Anyone who doesn't want to hear our message, we say thank you for your time and put your address on our do not call list. However, those who want to know more, are welcome to free Bible study using any of our Bible based publications and their own free will to believe or not.

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You have spoken against what the Bible says. God has not rejected His people Israel.




You have spoken against what the Bible says. God has not rejected His people Israel.


The Bible clearly shows that His people Israel are spiritual Israel. God never forgave the Jewish nation of long ago for turning their back on him. The Bible never says that he gave them one more chance to regain his favor. I have been studying this for 45 years, and if there were anything even remotely close to what you are saying, I would be supporting you 100%, but it's just not there.

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The Bible clearly shows that His people Israel are spiritual Israel. God never forgave the Jewish nation of long ago for turning their back on him. The Bible never says that he gave them one more chance to regain his favor. I have been studying this for 45 years, and if there were anything even remotely close to what you are saying, I would be supporting you 100%, but it's just not there.

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You are incorrect and I am an ex-dispensationalist.

