ECT Humility


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thank you.

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Just one caveat. Biblical humility is not the same thing as humility as it is humanly sought. By definition, we don't seek it out ourselves. It is only when we see Jesus (Isaiah 6:1-5, Hebrews 12:2 e.g.) that we can be humble. And that is because humility (humanly speaking) tends to be a comparative thing. Biblical humility is a recognition of truth. If we go around trying to be as humble as Jesus, we will inevitably compare ourselves with others and try and see how we are doing at being humble. If, instead, we are face to face with the Lord (which is done through His Word and by the conviction of the Holy Spirit) we will be truly humbled at what we see. Ultimately, human humility looks in the mirror and instantly vanishes. Even if we are trying to emulate Christ. Rather...he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord (2 Corinthians 10:17)

john w

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Hall of Fame
Ok, if you say so. You are entitled to your opinion.:)

Oh-I did not know that I was entitled to my own opinion. Can you announce to the world, that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as they obviously would be thrilled to know it, and have you grant that entitlement?

What a mess(hack).

Good day to you, sir. May the LORD God provide you with a multitude of blessings, after He reigns down lightning bolts, thunder, from heaven, upon you, and that stupid hat.


Oh-I did not know that I was entitled to my own opinion. Can you announce to the world, that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as they obviously would be thrilled to know it, and have you grant that entitlement?

What a mess(hack).

Good day to you, sir. May the LORD God provide you with a multitude of blessings, after He reigns down lightning bolts, thunder, from heaven, upon you, and that stupid hat.

that's my John w:)

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I think I am only one who appreciate your sense of humor among your "unsaved" Christians.:)

I chuckle a lot with your posts.:)

You're not the only one. I was voted "TOL's Most Humble And Humorous Poster" in 2017, the 9th year in a row I was bestowed that well deserved award.

Good day to you, sir, grace to you, and may the Lord rain upon you brimstone and fire out of heaven.


New member
Just one caveat. Biblical humility is not the same thing as humility as it is humanly sought. By definition, we don't seek it out ourselves. It is only when we see Jesus (Isaiah 6:1-5, Hebrews 12:2 e.g.) that we can be humble. And that is because humility (humanly speaking) tends to be a comparative thing. Biblical humility is a recognition of truth. If we go around trying to be as humble as Jesus, we will inevitably compare ourselves with others and try and see how we are doing at being humble. If, instead, we are face to face with the Lord (which is done through His Word and by the conviction of the Holy Spirit) we will be truly humbled at what we see. Ultimately, human humility looks in the mirror and instantly vanishes. Even if we are trying to emulate Christ. Rather...he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord (2 Corinthians 10:17)
That changes nothing about how we are to be as believers in Christ friend.

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You're not the only one. I was voted "TOL's Most Humble And Humorous Poster" in 2017, the 9th year in a row I was bestowed that well deserved award.

Good day to you, sir, grace to you, and may the Lord rain upon you brimstone and fire out of heaven.

Who think you are funny is all your "saved" Christians.


Well-known member
That changes nothing about how we are to be as believers in Christ friend.

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I'm not changing anything. Just making an observation on the futility of trying to be humble by imitating Jesus. Paul told the Philippians let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus...not follow Christ's example. The difference is huge, but externally it isn't always obvious. That doesn't invalidate all that you said, but it does mean that Christ isn't our example (in the sense of imitation).


New member
I'm not changing anything. Just making an observation on the futility of trying to be humble by imitating Jesus. Paul told the Philippians let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus...not follow Christ's example. The difference is huge, but externally it isn't always obvious. That doesn't invalidate all that you said, but it does mean that Christ isn't our example (in the sense of imitation).
Needless division is not needed.

The context is singular; it is to those who have been made new and are willing to follow the Way.

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Well-known member
Needless division is not needed.

The context is singular; it is to those who have been made new and are willing to follow the Way.

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But you begged the division when you asked if Christ was our example. I'm saying he isn't - not in so many words. He is our example in bearing suffering, but in terms of humility we cannot relate completely to Him since He is God. In His humanity, though, He suffered in the flesh. So will we if we follow Him. He is our example as to how to bear it. But even then we cannot (would not) do so unless we are actually His.

So if you had asked if we are to be humble. I say yes. If we are to be humble because Christ was humble. Absolutely! But is the question posed merely to ask the question if we should be humble? Is it to ask if Christ was humble? Both these are plainly and explicitly answered in scripture. The issue comes in the nature of humility. Not in whether or not it is mandated. So I agree we are to be humble like Christ was humble. But the role that the natural man plays in this is crucial - since the natural man cannot humble himself. And we all still bear around a dying body that carries with it the (after) effects of sin. So to say we are to be humble brings in the role of the flesh which will not conform to the will of God. It wants to be told "do this" and "do that" and have glory of itself. The nature of Christ's humility can never be the same as our humility because a) He was God and b) He was sinless. So it is instructive to us in a way (the end) but to obtain that end, we do not go about trying to be as He was.

You asked the question if we are to imitate Christ. I think we are more to be imitators of Godly men because we are in the same circumstances. We are not to be imitators (in the thorough-going definition of the word) of Christ's humility. We don't ape it. We bear it. Christ never prayed for God to be merciful to Him in the same way sinners do. But that is how a sinner is to humble himself before God.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
You asked the question if we are to imitate Christ.

"For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh" (2 Cor.4:11).​

"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Cor.3:18).​
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You asked the question if we are to imitate Christ. I think we are more to be imitators of Godly men because we are in the same circumstances.

Christian godly man strive to be like Jesus.

Do you see humility in self claimed "saved" Christians?


Well-known member
"For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus' sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh" (2 Cor.4:11).​

"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord" (2 Cor.3:18).​

I don't see the issue. In fact, in your quotation of 2 Cor 3:18, it says what I was saying. That word "beholding" is important. In terms of our humility, we are humbled as we see who He is and what we are. And the first scripture is written in the context of extensive humbling in persecution. It isn't saying that we become Christ - rather that His power is manifested in the work He does through us.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
2 Cor 4:7

Neither scripture enjoins us to imitate Christ (in the strict sense of imitation) nor does it say we become exactly what Christ was. It is His life being seen in us. His life. Not ours.


Well-known member
Christian godly man strive to be like Jesus.

And why do they do this?

Do you see humility in self claimed "saved" Christians?

Do you see humility in comparing one person who claims they are a Christian with another?

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
2 Cor 10:12