[MENTION=13955]glorydaz[/MENTION] 5224658]"Our Lord being God in the flesh is pertinent to my salvation, but you choose to reject that."
Outright lie that you outright refuse to attempt to support because you know you cannot.
"The "known virtue" you speak of (humility) is commonly faked by the natural man of the flesh. He always loves himself more than God. So save the lectures for Meshak etal. They might buy your arguments."
Commonly is often; always is without fail. That you think man cannot genuinely have virtues is a little off....must be that whole original sin thing.
"Jesus Christ is not an "example" you can follow. You must be created a new creature, and you won't be until you know who Jesus Christ is. He is God come in the flesh."
Good job mawmaw. Now just be a dear and show who doesn't believe such with verifiable evidence....oops; that's right, you have none.....poor thing.
"Playing the victim won't work. You reject the Gospel, just as you reject your Lord God and Saviour. "
I reject neither; I just don't hold to your twisted versions.
"I'm simply telling you the truth. I realize you don't like it."
I love the truth. I hate manipulation of the truth disguised as truth but really just comfort and complacency with this physical life and the things there of. I hate it even more when they project their gross error onto others as if it is them who goes wholly against our Lord and His teachings.
1 Corinthians 2:15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.
Which is what I said. We are judged by our conscience. We judge ourselves.
"I didn't write the Bible. I only quote it."
To me you quote in extreme partiality and twist the meaning of sacred writ through proficiency in cherry picking.
"I told you that you don't have the ability to judge. You keep proving it."
"To the pure all things are pure. My motives are not the problem, here."
That doesn't smack of missplaced pride in self at all. Who do you really think you are fooling.....those enslaved to the flesh don't count obviously.
"Your comment about being "without oil" only shows you do not understand spiritual things."
Show such scripturally or stop making stuff up.
"That's a fake sign off. :carryon:"
No it is a genuine plea from me to you, not that you will ever have any of it though you vainly imagine you will and even currently do.
By the way;. If true humility only comes through the saved and you are saved then why aren't you humble.....don't worry, you don't have to answer.....its okay.
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