Well-known member
"I already told you that you are not a judge."
Believers must be judges of themselves at very least.
"Have you ever heard of a whited sepulchre? "
You call me one enough
"A person can paint the outside, and what's in the heart is hidden.
It's known as donning a MASK."
A person can also aspire to a virtue sincerely due to the knowledge that such is wholly good and wise and true.
"A clue for me is that truly humble people aren't always talking about being humble (like you do). John W is excluded because most of us realize he is joking."
A clue for any who believe the words and deeds of the Christ to be pertinent to their own salvation and way of living in this life would be the observation of one who openly speaks against the very topic of a known virtue as if it is only ever fake or for the appeasment of the eyes of man. I'll be the first to tell you i am not holy. But that doesn't mean I have to bask is such decay; especially after having such a foundation and truth and example and Way as Jesus the very Christ of GOD.
"Pride is easily seen under the fake humility people like you are so obsessed with. Thus I am able to judge."
Pride is readily observable to those with eyes to see. Who is proud but the one who goes about belittling all whom she disagrees with within all their enteractions; with no regard or hope for that person, though they plea otherwise in their own mask and part in their play.
You espouse projection as usual it seems; and too as usual; with no scriptural support or support of any sort other than because you say. I can't judge but you can; so much so that you won't even list a metric to see if what I speak of is a genuine virtue and too good for all mankind; and more importantly perhaps; if it is of the truth.
Yep, no pride there....
Get over yourself ma'am.
Projection....back out of your desisions and seek out our motives lest you be found without oil on that marvellous day
Golly, you got your feelings hurt once again.
Would a humble man get so defensive?
Would a humble man even care what another person thought?
I rest my case.
PS....learn how to use the quote function. I don't want to be blamed for your words which you've mixed in with mine.