How the Gospel Interprets the Bible

God's Truth

New member
Believing is obeying. It's the obedience of faith. That is how a person gets case you're ever ready to give the Lord Jesus Christ ALL THE GLORY, that is.

Faith alone is dead and so says the Apostles to the Lamb, so says wisdom, so says God.

Give the Lord Jesus Christ ALL THE GLORY AND OBEY HIM.


New member
I am preaching the Truth and proving it with scripture.

What you, gt, are doing is preaching so that you can place people UNDER LAW, and proving it with Scriptures, for which they will only obtain only condemnation.

You have placed yourself under law and being that you are so fond of bringing James into the conversation about dead faith; here is what he says about those who put their dead faith under law:

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)

Moses did NOT enter the Promised Land because he failed the law in one point. Moses was guilty of the WHOLE law. And this is what you gt, want people to do, to be guilty under the law.

The Law is good but we cannot fulfill it. We walk after the Spirit which means placing our faith totally and exclusively in Who Jesus is and What Jesus has done in our place; for Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law. He is he ONLY ONE who has EVER fulfilled law PERFECTLY.

Not even you, oh great gt, has EVER fulfilled the law perfectly; therefore, UNDER THE LAW you are found GUILTY for the Law pronounces ALL (that's that ALL again) guilty.

But oh the MERCY of God:
Romans 10:4 --- For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Christ is my righteousness!


New member
Sense that is common escapes you.

Here is what your sense, gt, is telling me: Place yourself UNDER law so you, lifeisgood, can be found guilty.

Here is what MY sense is telling me. lifeisgood, run away from gt's teaching; place your faith in Who Jesus is and What He did on the Cross of Calvary so that you can be found not guilty for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

You, gt, have no idea of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a BEliever.


New member

You can laugh your head off if you want, but being UNDER law will bring me nothing but condemnation. And I am not talking about habitually sinning.

Your favorite apostle tells you and me that if we place ourselves UNDER the law and we fail in JUST ONE POINT, the LAW will condemn us for the law does not provide mercy. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Total and complete faith in Who Jesus is and What Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary is the ONLY work that provides MERCY.

Unfortunately, while the world has ever been trying to create another god.

The church has ever been trying to create another sacrifice (that is you, gt). You want to change the perfect sacrifice with YOUR OBEDIENCE, which God cannot and will not accept.

There is only one Sacrifice for sin [Heb. 10:12]. And it ain't your obedience, gt.

As a preacher said a long time ago:
The world does not know how lost it is, and the Church does not know how saved it is.


New member
Our faith in Who Jesus is and What Jesus did does not give us license to sin but VICTORY OVER sin.

Who Jesus is and What Jesus did (which true pastors call the double cure):
- afforded us not only VICTORY of the PENALTY of sin
but also
- afforded us the VICTORY from the POWER of sin.

The Holy Spirit will bring us to the place where sin does NOT have dominion over us.


New member
Jesus doesn't obey for you. You have to obey the King and Master.

You have to obey God.

Jesus is the Word of God and he says to obey.

He tells you exactly what to do.

I am not going to lie and say I didn't do anything.

When I wanted God's Truth, I finally did what the Bible says Jesus says to do, and not what some denomination says to do.

You have no idea of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the BEliever.


New member
You have been led astray by Calvinists and other false teachers.

I am not a Calvinist, but hey, you can think whatever you want.
I am a Christian though.

For goodness sake, you are going against me for preaching that we are to obey God.

You are preaching to place people UNDER LAW which condemns them for law only provides condemnation.

What is wrong with you is that you are ensnared by Satan.

Satan has no power over one who is cleansed, washed, made whiter than snow by Who Jesus is and What Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary.

You have no idea of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of the BEliever.


New member
Are you kidding? You ask that all the time; and, you say I haven't obeyed, as if you are God or ANYONE who knows me.

I thought you said you don't ask? Make up your mind untruthful one.

I have never asked you ever if you obey or not. Being that you so vociferously proclaim that you OBEY it is only prudent to ask what you obey and then hearing that you DENY that you obey, it it only prudent every tiem you proclaim you OBEY to question you, however, I have never asked you if you obey or not.


New member
You are so confused, just listen to get on me for saying I obey, you say we don't have to, but you obey, but it isn't you obeying it is Jesus.

What a mess.

You need to humble yourself and repent.

You have no idea of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a BEliever.


New member
Jesus gives the gift to those he chooses to give the gift.


Faith alone is dead and will get you nowhere.

James 2:24 - The right kind of faith will produce the right kind of works BUT we are SAVED by FAITH ALONE in Jesus Christ and His vicarious, finished/completed, perfect work on the Cross of Calvary.

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)


New member
Faith alone is dead and so says the Apostles to the Lamb, so says wisdom, so says God.

Give the Lord Jesus Christ ALL THE GLORY AND OBEY HIM.

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)

God's Truth

New member
What you, gt, are doing is preaching so that you can place people UNDER LAW, and proving it with Scriptures, for which they will only obtain only condemnation.

I am doing no such thing. I have told no one that they are to get circumcised and to adhere to the dietary laws, etc.

Do you hate Jesus' words that much?
You have placed yourself under law and being that you are so fond of bringing James into the conversation about dead faith; here is what he says about those who put their dead faith under law:

James 2:10 - For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking ALL of it. (That's that ALL again)
James is talking about the Royal Law of love your neighbor.
James didn't preach the old law, the old law was taught until John the baptizer.

Believe what is written and stop fighting for what false teachers says and start fighting for the truth.

Luke 16:16 The law and the prophets were until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it.

Moses did NOT enter the Promised Land because he failed the law in one point. Moses was guilty of the WHOLE law. And this is what you gt, want people to do, to be guilty under the law.

Prove that statement with scripture. You are misrepresenting.
The Law is good but we cannot fulfill it. We walk after the Spirit which means placing our faith totally and exclusively in Who Jesus is and What Jesus has done in our place; for Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law. He is he ONLY ONE who has EVER fulfilled law PERFECTLY.

Walking after the Spirit is about obeying.

Not even you, oh great gt, has EVER fulfilled the law perfectly; therefore, UNDER THE LAW you are found GUILTY for the Law pronounces ALL (that's that ALL again) guilty.

All are condemned in this world if they do not come to the Father through Jesus.

Jesus saves those who obey him.
But oh the MERCY of God:
Romans 10:4 --- For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

Christ is my righteousness!

What a sad case for you to preach against obeying Jesus' Spirit giving, life giving words.