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Okay.... I thought I felt bad yesterday, but today is even worse, as I have NAUSEA accompanying the headache. This will probably be my only post for today (unless I can find those darn anti nausea pills we have lying around here somewhere>.<), but I will continue posting when I'm feeling more up to par. Thanks and I'll chat with you all later.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay.... I thought I felt bad yesterday, but today is even worse, as I have NAUSEA accompanying the headache. This will probably be my only post for today (unless I can find those darn anti nausea pills we have lying around here somewhere>.<), but I will continue posting when I'm feeling more up to par. Thanks and I'll chat with you all later.
Sorry for your troubles. Be well and return better. :e4e:


"I refuse to follow any God who would knowingly and willfully kill/murder innocent children to get his point across."
You don't think it's a good thing to destroy the wicked?

Filled with Violence

Just as world conditions in the days before the Flood presaged a coming catastrophe, so will world conditions in the last days of this age foreshadow an even greater catastrophe. Some of these characteristics are summarized as follows:

(1)*****Preoccupation with physical appetites (Luke 17:27)
(2)*****Rapid advances in technology (Genesis 4:22)
(3)*****Grossly materialistic attitudes and interests (Luke 17:28)
(4)*****Uniformitarian philosophies (Hebrews 11:7)
(5)*****Inordinate devotion to pleasure and comfort (Genesis 4:21)
(6)*****No concern for God in either belief or conduct (2 Peter 2:5; Jude 15)
(7)*****Disregard for the sacredness of the marriage relation (Matthew 24:38)
(8)*****Rejection of the inspired Word of God (1 Peter 3:19)
(9)*****Population explosion (Genesis 6:1, 11)
(10)*****Widespread violence (Genesis 6:11, 13)
(11)*****Corruption throughout society (Genesis 6:12)
(12)*****Preoccupation with illicit sex activity (Genesis 4:19; 6:2)
(13)*****Widespread words and thoughts of blasphemy (Jude 15)
(14)*****Organized Satanic activity (Genesis 6:1–4)
(15)*****Promulgation of systems and movements of abnormal depravity (Genesis 6:5, 12)

These conditions prevailed in the days of Noah and they are all rapidly growing again today. There is good reason, therefore, to believe that these present times are those which immediately precede the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Morris, H. M. (1976). The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes indexes. (174). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

"[W]hat the heck did the poor animals in Egypt do to deserve getting killed."
Do you have that same compassion for the unborn? Animal rights has become another form of idolatry (Enyart).

Animals are created by God (Gen. 1:24, 25; 2:19; Jer. 27:5) and he cares for them ( 9:9, 10; Deut. 25:4; Job 38:41; Psa. 36:6; 104:11, 21; 147:9; Jonah 4:11; Matt. 6:26; 10:29; Luke 12:6, 24; 1 Cor. 9:9) but they too will suffer under divine judgment ( Jer. 7:20; 12:4; 21:6; Ezek. 14:13, 17, 19–21; Joel 1:18–20 [Suffered the plagues of Egypt, Ex. 8:17; 9:9, 10, 19; 11:5]). We live in a cursed world by our own choice (Gen. 3:14; 6:7, 17).

"f Jesus Christ turned water into wine, then why the heck do some Christians insist that alcohol is evil?"
Alcohol isn't evil. Drunkenness is sin (Eph 5:18).

"Scripture has much to say regarding the drinking of alcohol (Leviticus 10:9; Numbers 6:3; Deuteronomy 29:6; Judges 13:4, 7, 14; Proverbs 20:1; 31:4; Isaiah 5:11, 22; 24:9; 28:7; 29:9; 56:12). However, Scripture does not necessarily forbid a Christian from drinking beer, wine, or any other drink containing alcohol. In fact, some Scriptures discuss alcohol in positive terms. Ecclesiastes 9:7 instructs, “Drink your wine with a merry heart.” Psalm 104:14-15 states that God gives wine “that makes glad the heart of men.” Amos 9:14 discusses drinking wine from your own vineyard as a sign of God’s blessing. Isaiah 55:1 encourages, “Yes, come buy wine and milk…” full text: What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol / wine? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol / wine? http://www.gotquestions.org/sin-alcohol.html

"[W]hy did they have to kill the lambs to use their blood?"
Excerpt, Ronald L. Dart Born to Win Radio Program:

"The whole idea behind sin offerings in the Bible is for a man to acknowledge His sin and to recognize that there is a price to be paid for it. Now God didn't make a very big deal out of it. All it took was a little goat [or lamb]--that, that little fella had to die because you sinned-- would have an effect on a normal person, I should think. For the most part when we do something wrong nothing happens...at least that's what we think. and it calls to mind a passage in 'When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.' Ec. 8:11, NLT)."

"If God is all knowing, couldn't he have just known which homes the Hebrews lived in? Why would he need a visual indicator?"
Blood is a symbol. It is ineffectual to remove sin (Heb 10:4). Life is in the blood (Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11, 14; 19:16; Deut. 12:23; Matt. 27:4, 24). Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Heb. 9:22).

And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it [Exod. 12:7].

"The children of Israel were to put the blood of the lamb outside on the door. Upon seeing the blood, the death angel would pass over the house. I believe there is a picture given here that will answer a question that is asked many times: What will happen to the little children of believers at the time of the Rapture? If small children are in the house when the Lord comes for His own, will He take the Mom and Dad and leave the little ones behind? This chapter shows us that God will not leave the young ones behind.

Inside the home the family is eating the lamb, and by faith they are partaking of Christ. The young children do not know what is taking place. Will they be left behind in Egypt when Israel goes out from the land? If a little one has not yet reached the age of accountability, will he be slain? Oh no, friend, the blood covers everyone in the family. God will not leave small children behind at the time of the Rapture any more than He left them behind when the Israelites were redeemed and left the land of Egypt."
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (1:ix-237). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"I don't understand how any merciful God could unleash a bunch of plagues to get his point across."
"The plagues may be viewed as God’s intervention to seek the release of the Hebrew people. They also represented God’s challenge to the Egyptian religious system. To the Egyptians, the Nile River was a god. From it came the power and life of the Egyptian culture. They worshiped the Nile and the abundance of resources that it provided. Since the first nine plagues seem to be a natural progression of God’s attack on the Nile River, all of these plagues relate to God’s challenge to the Egyp-tian religious system.
Following are the ten plagues, as recorded in Exodus 7:14–12:30:

1. The Water of the Nile Turned into Blood (Ex. 7:14–25). This first plague probably was the pollution of the Nile River by large quantities of fine, red earth, brought down from the Sudan and Ethiopia by abnormal flooding. The pollution of the water provided a favorable environment for the growth of micro-organisms and parasitic bacteria. Their presence could have led to the death of the fish in the river (Ex. 7:21).

In addition to depriving Egypt of water and fish—an important part of their diet—the plague also had a religious effect. The Nile River, god of the Egyptians, had been confronted by the power of the Redeemer God of the Hebrew people.

The Nile River near Luxor, Egypt. God turned the waters of this river into blood to punish the Egyptians for not freeing His people (Ex. 7:14–25).

2. Frogs Cover the Land (Ex. 8:1–15). Seven days after the first plague, frogs came out of the river and infested the land. The frogs would have been driven from the Nile and its canals and pools by the polluted water. When Moses prayed to God, the frogs died in the houses, courtyards, and fields. The frogs were symbols of the Egyptian goddess, Heqt, who was supposed to help women in childbirth. This plague was another demonstration of the superior power of God over the gods of Egypt.

3. Lice Throughout the Land (Ex. 8:16–19). Insects of various kinds are common in Egypt. It is not easy to identify the exact pests involved in the third plague. Various translations have lice (KJV, NKJV), gnats (NASB, NRSV, NIV), and maggots (REB).

4. Swarms of Flies (Ex. 8:20–32). Many kinds of flies are common in Egypt. The mounds of decaying frogs would have provided an ideal breeding ground for these pests. Some scholars suggest that the swarms mentioned here were a species known as the stable fly, a blood feeder that bites people as well as cattle. This fly is a carrier of skin anthrax, which is probably the disease brought on by the sixth plague.

5. Pestilence of Livestock (Ex. 9:1–7). Either the frogs or the insects may have been the carriers of this infection. The livestock of the Israelites were miraculously protected (Ex. 9:6–7). This was the second time God had made a distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians in the plagues He sent (Ex. 8:22–23).

6. Boils on Man and Beast (Ex. 9:8–12). This infection was probably skin anthrax, carried by the flies of the fourth plague. The festering boils broke into blisters and running sores.

7. Heavy Hail, with Thunder and Lightning (Ex. 9:13–35). Egypt was essentially an agricultural country. By destroying the crops, this plague and the next struck at the heart of Egypt’s economy. Moses’ warning gave the Egyptians a chance to save their remaining livestock, and some acted upon it (Ex. 9:19–20). The severe storm caused great destruction (Ex. 9:24–25). The flax and barley were ruined, but not the wheat because it had not yet been planted (Ex. 9:31–32). This would suggest early February as the time of this plague. Again the Israelites received special protection. There was no hail in the land of Goshen, where the Hebrews lived (Ex. 9:26).

8. Swarms of Locusts (Ex. 10:1–20). The destruction from the previous plague was fresh in the minds of Pharaoh’s advisors (Ex. 10:7). The eighth plague must have followed the hail very closely. Heavy rainfall in July–September would have produced conditions favorable for locusts in March. These locusts, swarms of foliageeating grasshoppers, probably were driven into the Egyptian delta by strong winds. They wiped out the vegetation that had survived the earlier destruction. Again, as after the seventh plague, Pharaoh confessed “I have sinned” (Ex. 10:16). But again, after the plague was withdrawn, Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people of Israel go (Ex. 10:20).

9. Three Days of Darkness (Ex. 10:21–29). This darkness could have been caused by a severe dust storm. For three days darkness covered the land (Ex. 10:23). This storm would have been intensified by fine earth deposited over the land by previous flooding. This plague probably occurred in March. Again, the Israelites were spared the effects (Ex. 10:23). By showing God’s power over the light of the sun—represented by one of Egypt’s chief deities, the sun-god Ra—this plague was a further judgment on the idolatry of the Egyptians.

10. Death of Egyptian Firstborn (Ex. 11:1–12:30). The tenth plague was the most devastating of all—the death of the firstborn males in Egyptian families. The Hebrews were spared because they followed God’s command to sprinkle the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their houses. The death angel “passed over” the houses where the blood was sprinkled—hence, the name Passover for this religious observance among the Jewish people. Only a supernatural explanation can account for the selective slaughter of the tenth plague.

Some people might wonder if such a massive slaughter was really necessary. But Pharaoh had been given ample warning (Ex. 4:23). He had seen many demonstrations of God’s reality and power, and yet he had refused to acknowledge Him. Although Pharaoh wavered at times and promised to release the Israelites (Ex. 8:8, 28; 9:28), once the danger passed he changed his mind (Ex. 8:15, 32; 9:34–35). Because he rejected the power of God, Pharaoh was forced to face one final, terrible manifestation of God’s power. The deliverance of the Hebrews from slavery in Egypt was one of the most memorable occasions in Hebrew history. The Passover Feast was observed annually as a celebration of God’s deliverance of His people from bondage."
Youngblood, R. F., Bruce, F. F., Harrison, R. K., & Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1995). Nelson's new illustrated Bible dictionary. Rev. ed. of: Nelson's illustrated Bible dictionary.; Includes index. Nashville: T. Nelson.

"Couldn't God have just smacked the Pharaoh?"
He could have. He chose to reveal the wickedness of Pharaoh's heart.

"Does a parent threaten to throw their child into a lake of fire if they don't do as they're told?"
If you assault your neighbor, you may go to jail. If you hit the President, you may be sent away for a long time. If you offend a perfect and holy God, you will go to hell for eternity (Geraci). God is just. His judgment is right.

"What kind of a father would send his children's souls to hell for an eternity for only a lifetime of sins? That, my friend, is something called overkill."
You do not appreciate the exceeding sinfulness of sin or the holiness of God (MacArthur).

"My sister gave life to her children."
God is the giver of life. Molecules can obey natural law. It is God who creates each soul (Ps 139:13).

"Does that mean she is free to take their life if they tick her off?"
Your sister is not God. Man is forbidden to murder (Ex 20:13; De 5:17). God is the giver of life so he may take life.

[Gingerbread man]: "That's possibly the strangest analogy I've ever heard... but, IF something that weird were to happen... I think I'd just let the little guy get away, since I don't like gingerbread in the first place."
Don't you bake cookies? God is holy. He cannot wink at sin. He cannot lower his standards and slip you into heaven by the cover of night. Every sin will be answered for. Sin will be on you or sin will be on Jesus.

If you had a picnic and ants invaded, would you step on them? Some men act like puny ants (McGee).

[To get something from God you must receive something from God (Col 2:6). He fills empty hands.] "Um... what? Did you type that out right because that makes absolutely zero sense to me."
Of course it makes no sense to men but that is God's way. Man's religion makes sense to man. Trust in Christ is not a religion. It is a relationship.

"God is supposed to be omnipotent. That means he would know what was going to happen before it happened."
This is a Greek pagan view of God. This is not the God of the Bible. Time is real. Happenings are real. Choices have real consequences. God has a plan. He is calling out a people for his namesake.

"[W]hy did he bother creating Adam and Eve if he knew they were going to eat from the magical tree in the first place?"
Man was created for fellowship with his creator. Adam walked and talked with God. For love to be real, choices have to be real. Although Adam sinned, God provided a way back to himself. Paradise lost will be paradise restored (Hanegraaff). Heaven will be filled with a redeemed people who love the Lord. We will not want to return to a sin-filled world again. Look around. Can you see the effects of sin on our world?

"How could he not have known that the serpent was in his own Garden?"
Lucifer fell. His fate was set. Angels cannot be redeemed. But men can.

"Noah and Noah's Ark... that is possibly even more unbelievable."
Look at the Grand Canyon. Does it look like something drastic happened there? It is the result of a catastrophic, worldwide flood. Do you really think that the little Colorado river carved out the Grand Canyon?


In the Beginning: Evidence for Creation and the Flood http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/

"How the heck would Noah get two of every animal on the planet?"
"And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female (Genesis 6:19).
In the book Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study4, creationist researcher John Woodmorappe suggests that, at most, 16,000 animals were all that were needed to preserve the created kinds that God brought into the Ark.

The Ark did not need to carry every kind of animal—nor did God command it. It carried only air-breathing, land-dwelling animals, creeping things, and winged animals such as birds. Aquatic life (fish, whales, etc.) and many amphibious creatures could have survived in sufficient numbers outside the Ark. This cuts down significantly the total number of animals that needed to be on board.

Another factor which greatly reduces the space requirements is the fact that the tremendous variety in species we see today did not exist in the days of Noah. Only the parent “kinds” of these species were required to be on board in order to repopulate the earth.5 For example, only two dogs were needed to give rise to all the dog species that exist today.

Creationist estimates for the maximum number of animals that would have been necessary to come on board the Ark have ranged from a few thousand to 35,000, but they may be as few as two thousand if the biblical kind is approximately the same as the modern family classification.

As stated before, Noah wouldn’t have taken the largest animals onto the Ark; it is more likely he took juveniles aboard the Ark to repopulate the earth after the Flood was over. These younger animals also require less space, less food, and have less waste.

Using a short cubit of 18 inches (46 cm) for the Ark to be conservative, Woodmorappe’s conclusion is that “less than half of the cumulative area of the Ark’s three decks need to have been occupied by the animals and their enclosures.”6 This meant there was plenty of room for fresh food, water, and even many other people..." full text: How Could Noah Fit All the Animals on the Ark? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/really-a-flood-and-ark

"Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you, to keep them alive (Genesis 6:20).

This verse tells us that Noah didn’t have to search or travel to far away places to bring the animals on board. The world map was completely different before the Flood, and on the basis of Genesis 1, there may have been only one continent. The animals simply arrived at the Ark as if called by a “homing instinct” (a behavior implanted in the animals by their Creator) and marched up the ramp, all by themselves.

Though this was probably a supernatural event (one that cannot be explained by our understanding of nature), compare it to the impressive migratory behavior we see in some animals today. We are still far from understanding all the marvelous animal behaviors exhibited in God’s creation: the migration of Canada geese and other birds, the amazing flights of Monarch butterflies, the annual travels of whales and fish, hibernation instincts, earthquake sensitivity, and countless other fascinating capabilities of God’s animal kingdom.." full text: How Could Noah Round Up So Many Animals? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/really-a-flood-and-ark

"How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed?
An issue often used in an attempt to beat biblical creationists over the head is the worldwide distribution of animals. Such a distribution, say critics, proves that there could never have been a global Flood or an Ark. If the Ark landed somewhere in the Middle East, then all the animals would have disembarked at that point, including animals that we do not find in the Middle East today, or in the fossil record in that area. How did kangaroos get to Australia, or kiwis to New Zealand? How did polar bears get to North America and penguins to Antarctica?...

...The Hard Facts

A biblical model of animal migration obviously must start with the Bible. From Genesis we can glean the following pertinent facts:

1.“And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive” (Genesis 6:19–20). The Bible is clear that representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals and birds were present on the Ark. A technical term used by some creation scientists for these kinds is baramin—derived from the Hebrew words for created kind. Within these baramins is all the information necessary to produce all current species. For example, it is unlikely that the Ark contained two lions and two tigers. It is more likely that it contained two feline animals, from which lions, tigers, and other cat-like creatures have developed.

2.Another lesson from Genesis 6:20 is that the animals came to Noah. He did not have to go and catch them. Therefore, this preservation of the world’s fauna was divinely controlled. It was God’s intention that the fauna be preserved. The animals’ recolonization of the land masses was therefore determined by God, and not left to chance.

3.“Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4). The Bible is clear that the Ark landed in the region of Ararat, but much debate has ensued over whether this is the same region as the locality of the present-day mountain known as Ararat. This issue is of importance, as we shall see. The Bible uses the plural “mountains.” It is unlikely that the Ark rested on a point on the top of a mountain, in the manner often illustrated in children’s picture books. Rather, the landing would have been among the mountainous areas of eastern Turkey, where present-day Mount Ararat is located, and western Iran, where the range extends.

4.It was God’s will that the earth be recolonized. “Then God spoke to Noah, saying, ‘Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons’ wives with you. Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you: birds and cattle and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, so that they may abound on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth.’ So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, and whatever creeps on the earth, according to their families, went out of the ark” (Genesis 8:15–19). The abundance and multiplication of the animals was also God’s will.
The biblical principles that we can establish then are that, after the Flood, God desired the ecological reconstruction of the world, including its vulnerable animal kinds, and the animals must have spread out from a mountainous region known as Ararat.

The construction of any biblical model of recolonization must include these principles. The model suggested on the following pages is constructed in good faith, to explain the observed facts through the “eyeglasses” of the Bible. The Bible is inspired, but our scientific models are not. If we subsequently find the model to be untenable, this would not shake our commitment to the absolute authority of Scripture.

The model uses the multiplication of dogs as an example of how animals could have quickly repopulated the earth. Two dogs came off Noah’s Ark and began breeding more dogs. Within a relatively short time period, there would be an incredible number of dogs of all sorts of different shapes and sizes.

These dogs then began to spread out from the Ararat region to all parts of the globe.

As these dogs spread around the world, variations within the dog kind led to many of the varieties we find today. But it is important to note that they are still dogs. This multiplication of variations within a kind is the same with the many other kinds of animals..."full text: How Did Animals Spread All Over the World from Where the Ark Landed? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/how-did-animals-spread

[God has heard it all.] "He may have heard it all, but I'm sure Knight would not appreciate it lol."
I wouldn't mess with Knight or Cattyfan either (she still does not understand Hitler's nickname).

"I'm keeping my full opinion of your God to myself because I don't want to get banned already."
I'm sure you could articulate your sin in nice words (Ro 14:23).

[Isa 48:22]. That verse doesn't seem to apply to me, because according to you, I would be classified as 'wicked' and yet my life is nice and peaceful."
Queen of D'enial. :peach:
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Come on, sd, break something like that at least in half, willya? No one is going to digest that. You might as well copy/paste War and Peace. :poly:

Not that I'm suggesting you do that. :nono:


"The RCC and Christianity claim to be the one and only way."
The Roman Catholic Churches teaches that one must participate in their sacraments to be saved. This is not biblical. There is one gospel--one of grace not works (Eph 2:8).


Works vs. Faith http://vananne.com/culttoasters/Works vs Faith.htm

"But any day of the week you can turn to the TV and see Christian Evangelicals leading their congregations the same way the RCC priests do? Some even trying to perform miracles."
Turn off the TV. Open and read your Bible. Get saved while you still can (2 Cor 6:2).

"Many denominations will say 'believe in our way, the only way to Christ and heaven, all others are false!'"
People lie. God doesn't (Jn 12:44).

"Sorcery is forbidden, Witch Craft was added much later..."
Sorcery and witchcraft are forbidden (Lev. 19:26–28, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9–14 [laws against: Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27]).

"Most people actually believe '[D]o unto others before they do unto you.'"
Most people are going to hell (Mt 7:14). Do what Jesus said (Mt 17:5). Love is hate to those who hate the truth (Enyart).

"...[A] lot of our TOL'ers will automatically put them into a nice little compartment dictated by the individuals profile choice of religion or the lack of..."
There are several at TOL who deny the trinity or believe in a work-based faith. We can disagree about carpet color in the church but not the nature of God or the gospel.


Satan Inc. (TOL Heretic List) http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55479
If people are speaking with false teachers, they need to know it [e.g. Christ-deniers (2 Pet. 2:1) or work-based, gospel perverters bound by tradition (Matt. 15:9).]

If a vicious, ravenous wolf were at your back, wouldn't you want to know?

"[C]an you decide which ones are here to debate their personal beliefs and those that are in search of salvation?"
No one is in search of salvation (Ro 3:11).


TOL Subscriber
The Roman Catholic Churches teaches that one must participate in their sacraments to be saved. This is not biblical. There is one gospel--one of grace not works (Eph 2:8).

Didn't ask you what they require, just stated that they both say they are the only way.

Turn off the TV. Open and read your Bible. Get saved while you still can (2 Cor 6:2).

No thanks.

People lie. God doesn't (Jn 12:44).

Then 90% of all Christians are condemned.

Sorcery and witchcraft are forbidden (Lev. 19:26–28, 31; 20:6; Deut. 18:9–14 [laws against: Ex. 22:18; Lev. 19:31; 20:6, 27]).

You must be referring to the practice of divination...not all Witches practice that art.

You always seem to refer to the NKJV, that only shows that you wish to accept the altered version of the Bible, what was wrong with the original? Not enough sin titles in it for your liking?

Satan Inc. (TOL Heretic List) http://www.theologyonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55479
If people are speaking with false teachers, they need to know it [e.g. Christ-deniers (2 Pet. 2:1) or work-based, gospel perverters bound by tradition (Matt. 15:9).]

Ah yes, the notorious heretics of TOL.:rotfl:

I always wondered why an individual that professes to be Wicca, a Witch and Pagan never made that list?

If a vicious, ravenous wolf were at your back, wouldn't you want to know?

Naw, I'd send it packing...that way some one would be able to say I cast a spell on it! Lets see, where did I put that spell, the one to turn a wolf into a sheep...ever wonder where the saying "a wolf in sheep's clothing" originated? :rotfl:

No one is in search of salvation (Ro 3:11).

Ro 3:11 Was a passage charging Jews and Greeks.

Then why do I hear you Christians tell others to repent of their sins and receive forgiveness? Is it not a requirement in order to be saved?

Deliverance from the power or penalty of sin; redemption. Is this not Salvation?

You must have some really good software in order to copy and past so fast.


New member
Seeing as I'm a partying Pagan, I guess I'm good then :D

No, if you write something over and over and either mis-translate or deliberately change some of the words (like King James did in the KJV), THEN there's an issue.

With all the people that were alive in the time of Jesus Christ, don't you think SOMEONE would have written something down somewhere, ASIDE from the Apostles? Surely the Roman Authorities would have written something down in their documents given all the miracles Jesus was said to have performed.

How many of those religious figures healed a man of his blindness and turned water into wine?

I don't think there ever will be PROOF, but it would be nice to have at least SOME evidence. No amount of debate is ever going to bring forth the evidence for or against the existence of God, and I think everyone knows it, but it's kinda fun to try :p. It always winds up hitting the same roadblock...

Athiest: Is there an invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster living in the sky? Christian: Of course not.
Athiest: Prove to me that there isn't.

And there's the roadblock. The Athiest can't prove that there is, and the Christian can't prove that there ISN'T an invisible Flying Spaghetti Monster living in the sky.

Oh, I'm not saying that God or Christ is responsible for the problems I had in my life. That wouldn't make any sense when I don't believe in God. However, the fact that IF he exists and he IS omnipotent, he would have seen how much I was suffering and very easily COULD have reached out his hand to at least take the edge off. Even THAT would have been greatly appreciated. Of course, that didn't happen, and never seems to happen, no matter how much people believe.

I guess we'll see :)

Okay, I'll agree with you on that one :)

Lots of examples of where I'm just going to agree to disagree in this thread lol. :p

Sorry, I was writing this reply and got kicked out of the system – the internet connection here is tenuous, so please forgive the way this is going to appear in the post….Anyway….
I'm not going to reply to all of this, but there are outside sources besides the Bible that verify the historicity of places mentioned and events mentioned in the Bible via new archaeological findings. I don't have the documentation right now (I'm having lunch in a cafeteria, mmm, mmm good!) but I will try to locate references for you in the next few weeks. There is the documentation of Josephus, who was a jewish historian living at the time. He was not a believer - in other words, he did not see Jesus as the Messiah.

It is true there are about 5,000 copies of the New Testament made from the original documents. Some have spelling errors, some have grammatical differences, some have sections missing. But the fact that there are so many copies in existence allows researchers to compare each copy to "fill in the blanks" where sections are missing and to compare copies with "errors" to determine what the true spelling or grammar of a section should be. We put our confidence in very old historical copies of documents with no or very very few other copies to verify
their authenticity- Josephus is one, archaeological tablets of historical events are another (of these, there are usually not multiple copies to compare). The neat thing about the New Testament sources though, is that although there are minor errors in copying, the message is the same - that has not been corrupted over the centuries. The Dead Sea Scrolls are also interesting in that they also corroborate sections of the Old Testament scriptures that were already known.

There is a difference in "translations" of a document and the original documents, of course, because word for word translations do not always retain the meaning in a particular language. For example, there is a certain tribe who believe if a stranger comes to your door and knocks on the door, that you are there to see if anyone is home, and if nobody answers the door, they are free to break in and steal your stuff. So the scripture where Jesus is speaking and says "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me" would be a terrible way to translate the verse for that group. So, bible translators for this group say " I stand at the door and cough , because in that culture, when you want to visit someone, you cough outside the door so someone will know you are there. Then you are invited in. This is the practice of Wycliffe Bible Translators. I know because I went through their "boot camp" one summer to decide if I wanted to be an itinerate teacher for the children of the missionaries out in the remote jungle in Papua New Guinea.

So, yes, there are many translations; however, the translations are there and are modified from time to time to account for the changes in language. English today is not the same English of 200 years or so ago. Just try reading the old land purchase documents of Texas. The spelling was haphazard, the meaning of some words unclear, and yet we accept those documents and copies of them as genuine.

True, nations such as Rome did not record what Christians see as significant events, but neither do the Muslims, Buddists, Hindus, of today record or repeat significant events that happen in the lives of Christians around them. Why would they, since they are at odds with Christianity. During the time of Rome, the Jewish people were basically enslaved by Rome - that is, Rome did not look at the people as anything more than a bunch of rabble rousers and regularly killed off bunches of them just to keep order. Why should they care about some obscure "messiah" of the Jews? He's was just another crazy guy with a god complex to them.

The point I am trying to make is, yes, there is evidence that the scripture is historically accurate, but you do have to search for it.
Most people do not have the time or resources to do so, however, so there is a general lack of knowledge about the subject. The other point I am trying to make is that differences in translations, (e.g. Old King James version, New King James version, New International version, The Message version, paraphrases of the bible, Wycliffe translations of the Bible etc.), are not a reflection of individuals deliberately changing the original documents in order to manipulate the masses or deceive the masses, but is a reflection of the meticulous analysis of the linguistics
of the original languages in which the text was written and a meticulous analysis of the linguistics of the current readers of the documents, so that the message and spirit of the original documents will be apprehended by the reader. I would hate to have to learn Latin, Greek, and Aramaic so that I could read the Bible. I am glad that others have done this faithfully for me.

As for the rest of your post, I will respond at a later time when I have time to read all you have said and all that others have said.
I do have some understanding of your feeling about the Bible and your reluctance to have people quote it to you and your reluctance to read it. I have also struggled to read the Bible and not see only the negative and to feel condemned. That has to do more with the way I was raised and my experiences within my family than with the scripture itself. We all have a personal "filter" through which we see life and experience life. My personal filter as a kid was my Dad. He is an alcoholic, and not a nice one when he is drunk. I grew up in a very legalistic, condemning church. My prayers were not answered like I wanted either. I was terrified all the time because I never knew who was coming home that night - the nice daddy or the mean one. To me, God was just like daddy. He had a dual personality. And there was the Old Testament and the New Testament to prove it. God was the mean daddy in the Old Testament, and the nice daddy in the New Testament. I too, totally committed my heart to God as a child, but could never find peace or the feeling of acceptance from God. He did not seem to answer my prayers at all - why didn" He make daddy stop drinking? Why didn't He protect my mom and us kids from his verbal and emotional abuse? I still do not have all the answers to that, but when I look at the Cross, and the sacrifice Jesus made there, and understand that He too, suffered the consequences of the Fall (i.e. the cruel treatment of man, hunger, thirst, pain, etc.), then I am comforted. Also, as an adult I am able to see that "filter" I was looking through . God does not have a dual personality like I believed. I will go into that further at a later time. But, I did find peace and a beautiful, wonderful, overwhelming love and presence from God when I stopped trying to put Him in my box and treating Him like he was supposed to be my cosmic Santa Claus and I just started seeking Him for the sake of simply knowing him. Do you know he calls the Christian (not the Christians in name only people) the Bride of Christ? Salvation is a marriage proposal of sorts. It's not about not going to Hell, and it's not about getting your sins forgiven (although those are included), it's is about having the love and relationship that a wife and husband have, or a child with a loving parent has, with the Creator himself. How awesome! Of course, all our human relationships are tainted by the corrupting consequence of our condition since the Fall. But think of it.... If God IS love, and He is perfect, then He loves with perfect abandon, and you can love Him in perfect abandon as well. He is light, He is love - I have experienced this love and presence as well as verified the experience with what the Bible outlines as real. Experience is a good thing, but not all that is light is the true light. Ask your spirit guides who they are- what is their identity. What do they say about Jesus, the Christ - they do know him, although they do not serve Him. I understand you want peace and joy and a feeling of belonging. So do I. Just be sure that you are not being deceived by a being of light who has another agenda for you, my sister. It is wise to test the spirits, because there are many out there who at first will shower you with love and good experiences, then when you are under their power, they can continue to hide the truth of their nature from you and even turn on you to make your life even more miserable than what you have experienced. Right now, my heart goes out to you with love my sister. Be careful. Be wise.


Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Okay.... I thought I felt bad yesterday, but today is even worse, as I have NAUSEA accompanying the headache. This will probably be my only post for today (unless I can find those darn anti nausea pills we have lying around here somewhere>.<), but I will continue posting when I'm feeling more up to par. Thanks and I'll chat with you all later.

I hope you are feeling better soon :)

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Come on, sd, break something like that at least in half, willya? No one is going to digest that. You might as well copy/paste War and Peace. :poly:

Not that I'm suggesting you do that. :nono:

I don't really think bombarding her with scriptures and the evils of witchcraft is quite the way to go right now....easy does it :)


New member
I was feeling much better, until I saw the length of this post.... >.< Okay... got my tylenol close at hand, so let's do this.
You don't think it's a good thing to destroy the wicked?
If you consider innocent CHILDREN to be wicked, there truly is no hope for you.

(1)*****Preoccupation with physical appetites (Luke 17:27)
Huh? Are you talking about FOOD appetites, or sex? Either way, I don't see how that could be sign of the end of the world.
(2)*****Rapid advances in technology (Genesis 4:22)
So progress is evil?
(3)*****Grossly materialistic attitudes and interests (Luke 17:28)
All through history, people have been greedy. The world is still here.
(4)*****Uniformitarian philosophies (Hebrews 11:7)
I don't even know what this means, to be honest with you.
(5)*****Inordinate devotion to pleasure and comfort (Genesis 4:21)
HUH?! So now it's bad to feel good?!
(6)*****No concern for God in either belief or conduct (2 Peter 2:5; Jude 15)
No comment, since I don't believe in your God.
(7)*****Disregard for the sacredness of the marriage relation (Matthew 24:38)
Marriage was around long before Christianity came around, so this holds no water whatsoever.
(8)*****Rejection of the inspired Word of God (1 Peter 3:19)
Ah yes, the good old "Worship me or burn." Yup, there's a God worthy of my worship (Sarcasm)
(9)*****Population explosion (Genesis 6:1, 11)
Hmm.... maybe this is happening because people aren't practicing safe sex....
(10)*****Widespread violence (Genesis 6:11, 13)
Again, this has been a problem all through human history. The Earth is still here.
(11)*****Corruption throughout society (Genesis 6:12)
See above.
(12)*****Preoccupation with illicit sex activity (Genesis 4:19; 6:2)
I'm just dying to know what your definition of illicit sex activity is.
(13)*****Widespread words and thoughts of blasphemy (Jude 15)
I'm sure this has been an ongoing problem for a LONG time as well.
(14)*****Organized Satanic activity (Genesis 6:1–4)
"Satanic" meaning anything that doesn't involve your God, right?
(15)*****Promulgation of systems and movements of abnormal depravity (Genesis 6:5, 12)
I'm not digging out a dictionary right now, so to this I'll say "Whatever"

These conditions prevailed in the days of Noah and they are all rapidly growing again today. There is good reason, therefore, to believe that these present times are those which immediately precede the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
So because people are thinking for themselves, it's bringing about the end of the world?

Do you have that same compassion for the unborn?
If you're referring to abortion here, I hate to tell you this, but a clump of cells with no brain or nervous system is NOT alive!

Animal rights has become another form of idolatry (Enyart).
Oh noes!! People are treating animals with love and respect! Give me a break!

Alcohol isn't evil. Drunkenness is sin (Eph 5:18).

"Scripture has much to say regarding the drinking of alcohol (Leviticus 10:9; Numbers 6:3; Deuteronomy 29:6; Judges 13:4, 7, 14; Proverbs 20:1; 31:4; Isaiah 5:11, 22; 24:9; 28:7; 29:9; 56:12). However, Scripture does not necessarily forbid a Christian from drinking beer, wine, or any other drink containing alcohol. In fact, some Scriptures discuss alcohol in positive terms. Ecclesiastes 9:7 instructs, “Drink your wine with a merry heart.” Psalm 104:14-15 states that God gives wine “that makes glad the heart of men.” Amos 9:14 discusses drinking wine from your own vineyard as a sign of God’s blessing. Isaiah 55:1 encourages, “Yes, come buy wine and milk…” full text: What does the Bible say about drinking alcohol / wine? Is it a sin for a Christian to drink alcohol / wine? http://www.gotquestions.org/sin-alcohol.html
It's my body and I'll do what I want with it.

Excerpt, Ronald L. Dart Born to Win Radio Program:

"The whole idea behind sin offerings in the Bible is for a man to acknowledge His sin and to recognize that there is a price to be paid for it. Now God didn't make a very big deal out of it. All it took was a little goat [or lamb]--that, that little fella had to die because you sinned-- would have an effect on a normal person, I should think. For the most part when we do something wrong nothing happens...at least that's what we think. and it calls to mind a passage in 'When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.' Ec. 8:11, NLT)."
So the poor little lamb died a horrific death because a HUMAN sinned??? What???

Blood is a symbol. It is ineffectual to remove sin (Heb 10:4). Life is in the blood (Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11, 14; 19:16; Deut. 12:23; Matt. 27:4, 24). Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin (Heb. 9:22).
Seriously, I'm in shock that there's people who still think like this.

"The children of Israel were to put the blood of the lamb outside on the door. Upon seeing the blood, the death angel would pass over the house. I believe there is a picture given here that will answer a question that is asked many times: What will happen to the little children of believers at the time of the Rapture? If small children are in the house when the Lord comes for His own, will He take the Mom and Dad and leave the little ones behind? This chapter shows us that God will not leave the young ones behind.
So.... if Children who were too young to learn about God are taken anyway... what about those tribes in Africa that have never heard of God themselves? Are they going to be raptured as well, or are they hellbound heathens even though they don't know any better?

Inside the home the family is eating the lamb, and by faith they are partaking of Christ. The young children do not know what is taking place. Will they be left behind in Egypt when Israel goes out from the land? If a little one has not yet reached the age of accountability, will he be slain? Oh no, friend, the blood covers everyone in the family. God will not leave small children behind at the time of the Rapture any more than He left them behind when the Israelites were redeemed and left the land of Egypt."
I thought we were all children in the eyes of God....

"The plagues may be viewed as God’s intervention to seek the release of the Hebrew people. They also represented God’s challenge to the Egyptian religious system. To the Egyptians, the Nile River was a god. From it came the power and life of the Egyptian culture. They worshiped the Nile and the abundance of resources that it provided. Since the first nine plagues seem to be a natural progression of God’s attack on the Nile River, all of these plagues relate to God’s challenge to the Egyp-tian religious system.
Following are the ten plagues, as recorded in Exodus 7:14–12:30:

1. The Water of the Nile Turned into Blood (Ex. 7:14–25). This first plague probably was the pollution of the Nile River by large quantities of fine, red earth, brought down from the Sudan and Ethiopia by abnormal flooding. The pollution of the water provided a favorable environment for the growth of micro-organisms and parasitic bacteria. Their presence could have led to the death of the fish in the river (Ex. 7:21).

In addition to depriving Egypt of water and fish—an important part of their diet—the plague also had a religious effect. The Nile River, god of the Egyptians, had been confronted by the power of the Redeemer God of the Hebrew people.

The Nile River near Luxor, Egypt. God turned the waters of this river into blood to punish the Egyptians for not freeing His people (Ex. 7:14–25).

2. Frogs Cover the Land (Ex. 8:1–15). Seven days after the first plague, frogs came out of the river and infested the land. The frogs would have been driven from the Nile and its canals and pools by the polluted water. When Moses prayed to God, the frogs died in the houses, courtyards, and fields. The frogs were symbols of the Egyptian goddess, Heqt, who was supposed to help women in childbirth. This plague was another demonstration of the superior power of God over the gods of Egypt.

3. Lice Throughout the Land (Ex. 8:16–19). Insects of various kinds are common in Egypt. It is not easy to identify the exact pests involved in the third plague. Various translations have lice (KJV, NKJV), gnats (NASB, NRSV, NIV), and maggots (REB).

4. Swarms of Flies (Ex. 8:20–32). Many kinds of flies are common in Egypt. The mounds of decaying frogs would have provided an ideal breeding ground for these pests. Some scholars suggest that the swarms mentioned here were a species known as the stable fly, a blood feeder that bites people as well as cattle. This fly is a carrier of skin anthrax, which is probably the disease brought on by the sixth plague.

5. Pestilence of Livestock (Ex. 9:1–7). Either the frogs or the insects may have been the carriers of this infection. The livestock of the Israelites were miraculously protected (Ex. 9:6–7). This was the second time God had made a distinction between the Israelites and the Egyptians in the plagues He sent (Ex. 8:22–23).

6. Boils on Man and Beast (Ex. 9:8–12). This infection was probably skin anthrax, carried by the flies of the fourth plague. The festering boils broke into blisters and running sores.

7. Heavy Hail, with Thunder and Lightning (Ex. 9:13–35). Egypt was essentially an agricultural country. By destroying the crops, this plague and the next struck at the heart of Egypt’s economy. Moses’ warning gave the Egyptians a chance to save their remaining livestock, and some acted upon it (Ex. 9:19–20). The severe storm caused great destruction (Ex. 9:24–25). The flax and barley were ruined, but not the wheat because it had not yet been planted (Ex. 9:31–32). This would suggest early February as the time of this plague. Again the Israelites received special protection. There was no hail in the land of Goshen, where the Hebrews lived (Ex. 9:26).

8. Swarms of Locusts (Ex. 10:1–20). The destruction from the previous plague was fresh in the minds of Pharaoh’s advisors (Ex. 10:7). The eighth plague must have followed the hail very closely. Heavy rainfall in July–September would have produced conditions favorable for locusts in March. These locusts, swarms of foliageeating grasshoppers, probably were driven into the Egyptian delta by strong winds. They wiped out the vegetation that had survived the earlier destruction. Again, as after the seventh plague, Pharaoh confessed “I have sinned” (Ex. 10:16). But again, after the plague was withdrawn, Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people of Israel go (Ex. 10:20).

9. Three Days of Darkness (Ex. 10:21–29). This darkness could have been caused by a severe dust storm. For three days darkness covered the land (Ex. 10:23). This storm would have been intensified by fine earth deposited over the land by previous flooding. This plague probably occurred in March. Again, the Israelites were spared the effects (Ex. 10:23). By showing God’s power over the light of the sun—represented by one of Egypt’s chief deities, the sun-god Ra—this plague was a further judgment on the idolatry of the Egyptians.

10. Death of Egyptian Firstborn (Ex. 11:1–12:30). The tenth plague was the most devastating of all—the death of the firstborn males in Egyptian families. The Hebrews were spared because they followed God’s command to sprinkle the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their houses. The death angel “passed over” the houses where the blood was sprinkled—hence, the name Passover for this religious observance among the Jewish people. Only a supernatural explanation can account for the selective slaughter of the tenth plague.
I don't recall there being any archeological evidence for the existence of Moses, no writings by Egyptians about any such plagues OR the liberation of their "slaves", etc, etc..

He could have. He chose to reveal the wickedness of Pharaoh's heart.
So he was wicked by staying true to his own faith? And due to the Pharaoh's decision to NOT bow down to the Hebrew God, He decided to kill all their innocent children. What a nice God.

If you assault your neighbor, you may go to jail. If you hit the President, you may be sent away for a long time. If you offend a perfect and holy God, you will go to hell for eternity (Geraci). God is just. His judgment is right.
Ah, yes. An eternity in Hell for a lifetime of sins. I guess I'll say hi to George Carlin for you when I get there.

You do not appreciate the exceeding sinfulness of sin or the holiness of God (MacArthur).
No, I don't.

Your sister is not God. Man is forbidden to murder (Ex 20:13; De 5:17). God is the giver of life so he may take life.
Hmmm.... so he was lying in the OT when he told Man to stone disobedient children to death?

If you had a picnic and ants invaded, would you step on them? Some men act like puny ants (McGee).
Actually, I'd pick up my basket and move someplace else. (I might kill one or two that were crawling on ME, but aside from that, I'd leave the little guys alone. They're just trying to survive)

Of course it makes no sense to men but that is God's way. Man's religion makes sense to man. Trust in Christ is not a religion. It is a relationship.
You mean it makes sense to YOU. "Believe or Burn" is NOT a relationship. It's tyranny.

This is a Greek pagan view of God. This is not the God of the Bible. Time is real. Happenings are real. Choices have real consequences. God has a plan. He is calling out a people for his namesake.
So you just admitted that God isn't all powerful.

Man was created for fellowship with his creator. Adam walked and talked with God. For love to be real, choices have to be real. Although Adam sinned, God provided a way back to himself. Paradise lost will be paradise restored (Hanegraaff). Heaven will be filled with a redeemed people who love the Lord. We will not want to return to a sin-filled world again. Look around. Can you see the effects of sin on our world?
Adam and Eve didn't know the difference between right and wrong. Therefore, they were NOT created to be perfect beings.

Lucifer fell. His fate was set. Angels cannot be redeemed. But men can.
If God created Humans and God created humans, how come one can be redeemed but not the other? That doesn't sound very fair to me.

Look at the Grand Canyon. Does it look like something drastic happened there? It is the result of a catastrophic, worldwide flood. Do you really think that the little Colorado river carved out the Grand Canyon?
Um... no. The Grand Canyon formed over approximately 17 million years through water erosion from the Colorado River. Try again.


In the Beginning: Evidence for Creation and the Flood http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/
Creation Science is not real science. Sorry.

In the book Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study4, creationist researcher John Woodmorappe suggests that, at most, 16,000 animals were all that were needed to preserve the created kinds that God brought into the Ark.
So millions of different species are alive today even though only 16,000 animals were brought onto the ark? Somehow I doubt that.

The Ark did not need to carry every kind of animal—nor did God command it. It carried only air-breathing, land-dwelling animals, creeping things, and winged animals such as birds. Aquatic life (fish, whales, etc.) and many amphibious creatures could have survived in sufficient numbers outside the Ark. This cuts down significantly the total number of animals that needed to be on board.
Okay, first of all, do you have ANY idea how many crawling species of insects there are in the world? How the heck did Noah get to Australia to get all the species that live there? Also, IF there was a worldwide flood, all the fish would die. Sorry, but there are FRESHWATER fish, and there is SALTWATER fish. Freshwater cannot survive in Saltwater and vice versa.

Another factor which greatly reduces the space requirements is the fact that the tremendous variety in species we see today did not exist in the days of Noah. Only the parent “kinds” of these species were required to be on board in order to repopulate the earth.5 For example, only two dogs were needed to give rise to all the dog species that exist today.
Okay, now I'm really curious to know what two dogs were there that were able to eventually birth St. Bernards vs. Pocket Poodles.

Creationist estimates for the maximum number of animals that would have been necessary to come on board the Ark have ranged from a few thousand to 35,000, but they may be as few as two thousand if the biblical kind is approximately the same as the modern family classification.
I'd love to know exactly how people came up with those numbers.

As stated before, Noah wouldn’t have taken the largest animals onto the Ark; it is more likely he took juveniles aboard the Ark to repopulate the earth after the Flood was over. These younger animals also require less space, less food, and have less waste.
I'm sure he would have loved getting a baby hippo or a baby walrus from the mother. And again, how did he get all the animals from overseas? Australia and Madagascar have the most unique animals on the planet, and there's still species being discovered every day in the deep jungles.

Using a short cubit of 18 inches (46 cm) for the Ark to be conservative, Woodmorappe’s conclusion is that “less than half of the cumulative area of the Ark’s three decks need to have been occupied by the animals and their enclosures.”6 This meant there was plenty of room for fresh food, water, and even many other people..." full text: How Could Noah Fit All the Animals on the Ark? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/really-a-flood-and-ark
Uh huh.... I'm sure the animals loved being crammed into there like sardines, being unable to move. How did he keep the cats from eating the mice?

This verse tells us that Noah didn’t have to search or travel to far away places to bring the animals on board. The world map was completely different before the Flood, and on the basis of Genesis 1, there may have been only one continent. The animals simply arrived at the Ark as if called by a “homing instinct” (a behavior implanted in the animals by their Creator) and marched up the ramp, all by themselves.
If this is true, why are there no kangaroo's living in the wild of America? Were they all magically whisked back to their natural habitat after the flood?

Though this was probably a supernatural event (one that cannot be explained by our understanding of nature), compare it to the impressive migratory behavior we see in some animals today. We are still far from understanding all the marvelous animal behaviors exhibited in God’s creation: the migration of Canada geese and other birds, the amazing flights of Monarch butterflies, the annual travels of whales and fish, hibernation instincts, earthquake sensitivity, and countless other fascinating capabilities of God’s animal kingdom.." full text: How Could Noah Round Up So Many Animals? http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/nab/really-a-flood-and-ark
Animals have much more finely tuned instincts and senses than us lowly humans. There's nothing paranormal about how they are able to do the things you've mentioned, trust me.

...The Hard Facts

A biblical model of animal migration obviously must start with the Bible. From Genesis we can glean the following pertinent facts:
This should be good...

1.“And of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. Of the birds after their kind, of animals after their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind, two of every kind will come to you to keep them alive” (Genesis 6:19–20). The Bible is clear that representatives of all the kinds of air-breathing land animals and birds were present on the Ark. A technical term used by some creation scientists for these kinds is baramin—derived from the Hebrew words for created kind. Within these baramins is all the information necessary to produce all current species. For example, it is unlikely that the Ark contained two lions and two tigers. It is more likely that it contained two feline animals, from which lions, tigers, and other cat-like creatures have developed.
You've GOT to be kidding me.

2.Another lesson from Genesis 6:20 is that the animals came to Noah. He did not have to go and catch them. Therefore, this preservation of the world’s fauna was divinely controlled. It was God’s intention that the fauna be preserved. The animals’ recolonization of the land masses was therefore determined by God, and not left to chance.
How the heck could they get to Noah if there was an OCEAN seperating them from him and the ark??? Unless Noah was alive MILLIONS of years ago when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth on Pangaea, that's... not... POSSIBLE!!

3.“Then the ark rested in the seventh month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4). The Bible is clear that the Ark landed in the region of Ararat, but much debate has ensued over whether this is the same region as the locality of the present-day mountain known as Ararat. This issue is of importance, as we shall see. The Bible uses the plural “mountains.” It is unlikely that the Ark rested on a point on the top of a mountain, in the manner often illustrated in children’s picture books. Rather, the landing would have been among the mountainous areas of eastern Turkey, where present-day Mount Ararat is located, and western Iran, where the range extends.
Is this going to start referring to that dumb rock formation that people say is Noah's ark?

4.It was God’s will that the earth be recolonized. “Then God spoke to Noah, saying, ‘Go out of the ark, you and your wife, and your sons and your sons’ wives with you. Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you: birds and cattle and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, so that they may abound on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth.’ So Noah went out, and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives with him. Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, and whatever creeps on the earth, according to their families, went out of the ark” (Genesis 8:15–19). The abundance and multiplication of the animals was also God’s will.
The biblical principles that we can establish then are that, after the Flood, God desired the ecological reconstruction of the world, including its vulnerable animal kinds, and the animals must have spread out from a mountainous region known as Ararat.
The construction of any biblical model of recolonization must include these principles. The model suggested on the following pages is constructed in good faith, to explain the observed facts through the “eyeglasses” of the Bible. The Bible is inspired, but our scientific models are not. If we subsequently find the model to be untenable, this would not shake our commitment to the absolute authority of Scripture.
With so few humans and animals left on earth, that would cause deformities in the children when they started getting together with relatives. If farm animals start inbreeding, it causes deformities and disease. Trust me, I've witnessed this with my own eyes, having grown up on a farm.

These dogs then began to spread out from the Ararat region to all parts of the globe.
Yes, I'm sure the Dingo's swam to Australia. They must have had some darn powerful muscles in those legs.

I'm sure you could articulate your sin in nice words (Ro 14:23).
Even the nicest way of putting it would be pushing the limits of the rules of this forum. I'd rather not risk getting banned, thank you.

Queen of D'enial. :peach:
Okay, this ticked me off somewhat.... Tell me, who the heck are you to tell me that my life is NOT happy and peaceful?! Leave the 'judgement' up to your 'God', and don't go telling me I'm in denial when you are NOT living MY life!!

Wow, I can't believe I responded to this thing!! I've gotta go down some tylenol now >.<


New member
QUOTE=lightbringer;2215163]I will agree with this statement up to and including Christianity and as you say in the name of Allah....but no further...history has a way of showing that.

I am speaking of recent history. The example of Hinduism is current - a missionary family was burned to death in their automobile by Hindu leaders of a small village (in India if I remember correctly). The villagers attacked their car and when the family locked the doors, the people shoved sticks/wood/etc. under their car and set it on fire. This info is from the Voice of the Martyrs, a group that keeps up with Christians who are killed in remote places of the world. I have given to their ministry and get literature from them periodically that tells about these events.

Then they stopped following Christ 1500 plus years ago!

Yes, many who claim Christ do not act like Him, so I see where people can get this idea.

I have never expected it to be, only a near sighted fool would...but then that is not why I came to my faith nor do I expect my God to provide earthly needs or pleasures for me.

Good for you - I mean that, I am not being sarcastic here..

The fall of man is found in Christianity and used as a means of discipline...the distortion of all that God created has not happened, man is still evolving along the path God has placed before him and one day will become the thinking, reasoning, compassionate, civilized creature that is our destiny.

I am sorry, I really disagree with you here. You only have to listen to the news to see that the world and people are not getting better. If evolution is supposed to make people better via natural selection, the only way for that to happen is for the strong to overcome the weak like happens with animals, plant life, etc. It does not work this way with humans. We intervene to save the weak, we have laws to protect us against those who use their strength to harm others, we do not "obey" the law of natural selection, you see? So if we really want evolution/humanism to produce a race of people who are truly kind, compassionate, etc. we would need to actively eliminate the sick, mentally deficient, sociopathic, etc., anyone who does not exhibit the characteristics we ultimately desire in our world. I know you would heartily agree that this would be a terrible idea (Hitler already tried that). We are left with the question then, if we do not allow "natural selection" to rid us of the undesirables, then who is going to decide which humans should be allowed to reproduce so that via selective reproduction, we could truly evolve into the type of human being you describe. Again, I am not being sarcastic here, I am just stating how evolution and natural selection work to produce positive changes in a species (speaking from the viewpoint of an evolutionist here - I am not an evolutionist. I do believe in adaptation of species, but there is little evidence in the fossil record that one species can become an entirely new species and there is currently no satisfactory model for how microevolution or even macroevolution "happens" in light of irreducible systems. )
Additionally, the "Fall of Man" is not intended to be used as a form of "discipline". It is an explanation (a correct one I believe) of the condition we and nature are in today. If God (or evolution or whatever you believe) created everything perfectly at the beginning, yet now all we see in nature and man is violence, death, decay, etc., then what is the cause of all this? If everything in nature and man etc. are supposed to be headed toward more order and perfection, what do we do with the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Systems in chaos do not become orderly without an outside force acting on that system.

One that does not seek wisdom fails in his God given task!

True, my friend. "The fear (respect) of God is the beginning of wisdom"

You are only the second at TOL, you must be new!

Oops, I see I have been found out! :) I am really sorry to hear that others have hurt you.

Man has difficulty when they put their mouth in motion before engaging their mind!

:ha: Yeah, and we are all guilty of that, haha.

She and he has, thank you.

Blessed be, for we are God's children and represent God on the earthly plane.

Namaste = The Light of God in Me recognizes and honors The Light of God in You and in that recognition is our Oneness.[/QUOTE]


TOL Subscriber
I am speaking of recent history. The example of Hinduism is current - a missionary family was burned to death in their automobile by Hindu leaders of a small village (in India if I remember correctly). The villagers attacked their car and when the family locked the doors, the people shoved sticks/wood/etc. under their car and set it on fire. This info is from the Voice of the Martyrs, a group that keeps up with Christians who are killed in remote places of the world. I have given to their ministry and get literature from them periodically that tells about these events.

Sounds as if the missionaries where not wanted in that village...such is the risk you take when in a foreign land teaching an alien faith.

I am sorry, I really disagree with you here. You only have to listen to the news to see that the world and people are not getting better. If evolution is supposed to make people better via natural selection, the only way for that to happen is for the strong to overcome the weak like happens with animals, plant life, etc. It does not work this way with humans. We intervene to save the weak, we have laws to protect us against those who use their strength to harm others, we do not "obey" the law of natural selection, you see? So if we really want evolution/humanism to produce a race of people who are truly kind, compassionate, etc. we would need to actively eliminate the sick, mentally deficient, sociopathic, etc., anyone who does not exhibit the characteristics we ultimately desire in our world. I know you would heartily agree that this would be a terrible idea (Hitler already tried that). We are left with the question then, if we do not allow "natural selection" to rid us of the undesirables, then who is going to decide which humans should be allowed to reproduce so that via selective reproduction, we could truly evolve into the type of human being you describe. Again, I am not being sarcastic here, I am just stating how evolution and natural selection work to produce positive changes in a species (speaking from the viewpoint of an evolutionist here - I am not an evolutionist. I do believe in adaptation of species, but there is little evidence in the fossil record that one species can become an entirely new species and there is currently no satisfactory model for how microevolution or even macroevolution "happens" in light of irreducible systems. )
Additionally, the "Fall of Man" is not intended to be used as a form of "discipline". It is an explanation (a correct one I believe) of the condition we and nature are in today. If God (or evolution or whatever you believe) created everything perfectly at the beginning, yet now all we see in nature and man is violence, death, decay, etc., then what is the cause of all this? If everything in nature and man etc. are supposed to be headed toward more order and perfection, what do we do with the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Systems in chaos do not become orderly without an outside force acting on that system.

I was not speaking of the physical evolution (natural selection) of man but his spiritual evolution.
"one day man will become the thinking, reasoning, compassionate, civilized creature that is our destiny."

If you wish to believe that the story of the fall of man was anything more than a story in order to bring man under control that's your prerogative.

What makes you think we (man) was ever perfect? His history shows otherwise.

Man has always been violent, it's the nature of the beast, but man has progressed a great deal from what he was just a few short centuries ago. He is the outside force that is bringing order to chaos.

True, my friend. "The fear (respect) of God is the beginning of wisdom"

I never have understood why Christians feel the need to fear God?

Fear is not respect, it is subjugation, it is what some one would use to keep people in their place...A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger, A reason for dread or apprehension, why would God even want his children to feel this way?

Have you never felt respect towards an individual without fearing them?

Can you not feel love for your God without fearing him, can you not feel God's love given freely to you without the heavy hand of threats?

I feel sorry for any one in that position!

Blessed be!


New member
Sounds as if the missionaries where not wanted in that village...such is the risk you take when in a foreign land teaching an alien faith.

Not just Christianity is being attacked.... From Voice of the Martyrs Website:

Category: Hostile Nation
Religion: Hindu 79.83%, Muslim 12.50%, Christian 2.40%
Ideology: Hinduism
Head of State: President Pratibha Patil

In the past, persecution was confined to specific regions of India. It has now spread nearly everywhere, as radical Hindus seek to purify India of all religions except Hinduism. At least six Indian states have anti-conversion laws and a seventh state is considering anti-conversion legislation. These laws impose prison terms and hefty fines against anyone who converts Indians by force, fraud or allurement. In 2008 there were about 400 attacks against Christians. Pastors have been killed; wives and daughters harassed and raped. Many Christians have been beaten or subjected to other acts of violence. VOM’s legal network kept busy fighting false arrests and accusations against Christians by radical Hindus. However, many Indian believers rejoice in their suffering; they see it as a way to testify to Christ’s victory in their lives. In late August and early September 2008, the worst anti-Christian violence since India’s independence occurred. Hindu militants burned homes, churches and belongings. More than 100 people were killed, and about 70,000 people were left homeless or in refugee camps.

I was not speaking of the physical evolution (natural selection) of man but his spiritual evolution.
"one day man will become the thinking, reasoning, compassionate, civilized creature that is our destiny."

Question; Where does this quote come from? I have not heard it before.

If you wish to believe that the story of the fall of man was anything more than a story in order to bring man under control that's your prerogative.
What makes you think we (man) was ever perfect? His history shows otherwise.

Sort of my point about how it is unlikely that man is getting better and better - I don't see evidence of that today either.

Man has always been violent, it's the nature of the beast,but man has progressed a great deal from what he was just a few short centuries ago. He is the outside force that is bringing order to chaos.

Kinda depends on where you look, I think. In countries where there is a strong justice system to curb the evil doings of man, yes, there is more order. In countries where there is no strong restrainer, chaos, war, famine, genocide, etc. Living in America gives one the impression that man is improving. Living in a country like Somalia,Rawanda - not so much.

I never have understood why Christians feel the need to fear God?

Fear is not respect, it is subjugation, it is what some one would use to keep people in their place...A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger, A reason for dread or apprehension, why would God even want his children to feel this way?

The "fear" is not fear fear, like terror of something evil. It is respect and awe for a being so much more powerful and holy that in the presence of that being, you would feel great awe and humility. I don't think He wants us to be afraid and fearful of Him. When Christ was with His disciples, they did not experience terror of Him. They were attracted by His love and His friendship.

Have you never felt respect towards an individual without fearing them?


Can you not feel love for your God without fearing him, can you not feel God's love given freely to you without the heavy hand of threats?

Yes. In Christ, there is no need to be afraid of God nor is He threatening to His children. Nothing can separate us from His love.

I feel sorry for any one in that position!

Me too.

Sound like there are a lot of areas where we will just have to agree to disagree! :)


TOL Subscriber
Not just Christianity is being attacked.... From Voice of the Martyrs Website:

Category: Hostile Nation
Religion: Hindu 79.83%, Muslim 12.50%, Christian 2.40%
Ideology: Hinduism
Head of State: President Pratibha Patil

In the past, persecution was confined to specific regions of India. It has now spread nearly everywhere, as radical Hindus seek to purify India of all religions except Hinduism. At least six Indian states have anti-conversion laws and a seventh state is considering anti-conversion legislation. These laws impose prison terms and hefty fines against anyone who converts Indians by force, fraud or allurement. In 2008 there were about 400 attacks against Christians. Pastors have been killed; wives and daughters harassed and raped. Many Christians have been beaten or subjected to other acts of violence. VOM’s legal network kept busy fighting false arrests and accusations against Christians by radical Hindus. However, many Indian believers rejoice in their suffering; they see it as a way to testify to Christ’s victory in their lives. In late August and early September 2008, the worst anti-Christian violence since India’s independence occurred. Hindu militants burned homes, churches and belongings. More than 100 people were killed, and about 70,000 people were left homeless or in refugee camps.

Like I said, that's what happens when some one goes to another country and teaches an alien faith...if you don't want to risk yourself, don't go! Unless of course you want to be a martyr.

Question; Where does this quote come from? I have not heard it before.

Maybe I shouldn't have set it in quotation marks, it was in my last post to you.

Sort of my point about how it is unlikely that man is getting better and better - I don't see evidence of that today either.

Have you traveled out side the US? Man is progressing all around the world, some places slower than others, but still the same, there is a great deal of change going on.

Kinda depends on where you look, I think. In countries where there is a strong justice system to curb the evil doings of man, yes, there is more order. In countries where there is no strong restrainer, chaos, war, famine, genocide, etc. Living in America gives one the impression that man is improving. Living in a country like Somalia,Rawanda - not so much.

Man is improving...in America, in Europe, and yes even in Somalia and Rwanda. If you watch as things change here, it will slowly start moving to other countries, kind of like a virus spreading. Chaos is a necessary thing at times, it creates the need and desire for change.
Chaos brings intervention from other countries and if applied correctly it will bring change.

The "fear" is not fear fear, like terror of something evil. It is respect and awe for a being so much more powerful and holy that in the presence of that being, you would feel great awe and humility. I don't think He wants us to be afraid and fearful of Him. When Christ was with His disciples, they did not experience terror of Him. They were attracted by His love and His friendship.

Fear is fear! If I am in fear of some one I surely will not respect that person or entity.

Yes. In Christ, there is no need to be afraid of God nor is He threatening to His children. Nothing can separate us from His love.

Have you studied the Bible very much? Man has written that you should be afraid of your God or he will do terrible things to you.
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