The "gentile" Jesus said: "Bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me.’ (Lk 19:27). ” He'll be your savior or he'll be your judge."I don't recall Jesus Christ judging people like you are..."
You are a child killer (Prov 23:7). Men are responsible for their worldview (Prov 8:36). You may not personally own blacks or kill Jews but you are ok with it if others do?"[Y]ou're assuming I've had an abortion now?...I LOVE CHILDREN!!! I would NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS HARM ONE!! However.... A CLUMP OF CELLS IS NOT A HUMAN BEING!!!...Just because I don't DISAGREE with abortion, does not mean I think EVERYBODY should get one! What the heck's the matter with you?
You love children? You called children "a clump of cells".
...And you're a fornicator. Again, TMI. The germs and bacteria that you are planning to spread--:vomit:."[L]et's try going with my plan to PRACTICE SAFE SEX."
There is no safe sex but within the confines of marriage (1 Cor. 6:9; 2 Cor. 12:21; Eph. 5:5; Col. 3:5; 1 Thess. 4:3; 1 Tim. 1:10; Heb. 13:4; Jude 7).
Men who impregnate 15 year old girls usually do attempt to destroy the evidence and then leave. Encourage her to seek Christian advice and counseling. Children are not to be put to death for the crimes of their fathers (Deut 24:16). We are free to obey God and choose life (Dt. 30:19, NKJV).I know like ten people who are pregnant right now and only ONE is planning on aborting the child! Want to know why? SHE'S FIFTEEN!!!! AND THE MAN LEFT HER!!
Teens in Need
You will (Isa 48:22)."f heaven exists and it's filled with people like you, I'll take my chances in Hell, thank you."
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