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New member
Not all Christians are like this, thankfully :)

Rather than argue over scripture, why don't you tell us a little more about yourself, NA? (Only if you want to, that is). What hobbies do you have? Do you like to read books? What music are you into?

Oh, thank you SO much for that change of subject! Okay, I'm a reader, a writer, I study the paranormal, I draw (mostly anime style, but I can also do lifelike portraits and scenery), and as for music that I listen to... I can handle just about anything (except for opera or classical music) but I primarily listen to hard rock and heavy metal (Disturbed, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Staind, Papa Roach, Breaking Benjamin, Red, etc, etc.) Feel free to ask me anything :) My life is an open book.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Oh, thank you SO much for that change of subject!

It's what I do best :D

Okay, I'm a reader, a writer,

Very cool. I love to read and attempt to write :)

I study the paranormal,

I am a total Paranormal Geek! I could chat for hours and hours and..well, you get the idea ;)

I draw (mostly anime style, but I can also do lifelike portraits and scenery),

Ah, I'm jealous. My drawing ability doesn't go much past stick figures, I'm afraid.

and as for music that I listen to... I can handle just about anything (except for opera or classical music) but I primarily listen to hard rock and heavy metal (Disturbed, Linkin Park, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Staind, Papa Roach, Breaking Benjamin, Red, etc, etc.)

Awesome choices! Music is in my blood...can't live without it :)

My life is an open book.

Don't say that too loud around here...strange types lurk :plain: :D


TOL Subscriber
Man was made in God's image (Ge 1:26,27; 1Co 11:7) for God (Pr 16:4; Re 4:11) and his purposes (Ge 2:5,7).

Since you seem to prefer NKJV, this excerpt is gleaned from it...just so we will be on the same page, so to speak.

I have also been told that the writers of the Bible where men inspired by God, Verbal inspiration means that each word of the Bible is fully inspired by the Spirit. Plenary inspiration means that the Bible as a whole is specially inspired. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

So, if we are to be believers in Christianity, we accept that these inspired men have written the Bible as words that are God-breathed and to be accepted as the Gospel, Something, such as an idea or principle, accepted as unquestionably true.

Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 1:27

God speaking of the creation of man.

Ge 1:26
Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, etc. etc.

1. Who are the ones referred to as "Us" and also "Our"?

2. Are there more than one of God's race? i.e. "Us and Our".

He is speaking as if referring to more than one person or image or likeness in this passage.

Ge 1:27
So God created man in His own image: in the image of God He created him: etc. etc.

1. Since God says that we are created in his own image, can accept that we look like him?

He is speaking as if there are others of his race but creating man in His specific image, correct?


TOL Subscriber
Hey Lightbringer, I think we might be guilty of taking over this thread. Do you want to start another thread along these lines and continue the discussion?

No, the others don't seem to mind and it gives them the chance to chime in on our points and questions....the more the merrier!

What is your take on the post directed at SnakeBird?

Post # 164

I have also been told that the writers of the Bible where men inspired by God, Verbal inspiration means that each word of the Bible is fully inspired by the Spirit. Plenary inspiration means that the Bible as a whole is specially inspired. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

So, if we are to be believers in Christianity, we accept that these inspired men have written the Bible as words that are God-breathed and to be accepted as the Gospel, Something, such as an idea or principle, accepted as unquestionably true.

Genesis 1:26 and Genesis 1:27

God speaking of the creation of man.

Ge 1:26
Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness, etc. etc.

1. Who are the ones referred to as "Us" and also "Our"?

2. Are there more than one of God's race? i.e. "Us and Our".

He is speaking as if referring to more than one person or image or likeness in this passage.

Ge 1:27
So God created man in His own image: in the image of God He created him: etc. etc.

1. Since God says that we are created in his own image, can accept that we look like him?


New member
Very cool. I love to read and attempt to write :)
Awesome! I'm mostly into fantasy books (favorite author is Charles deLint), but I also like horror or thriller (Ironically enough, The Stand by Steven King is my fave). I primarily write fanfiction and post them on the internet for feedback.

I am a total Paranormal Geek! I could chat for hours and hours and..well, you get the idea ;)
Oh, we could wind up having some LOOOOONG conversations then :)

Ah, I'm jealous. My drawing ability doesn't go much past stick figures, I'm afraid.
Ah, don't be jealous. Anybody can learn how to draw with just a little work. Besides, I'm sure you have many of your own creative talents :)

Awesome choices! Music is in my blood...can't live without it :)
Yay! I think we have a lot in common lol. :D

Don't say that too loud around here...strange types lurk :plain: :D
I'm not too concerned, honestly lol. But thanks for the warning :)


"Children... are... innocent! End of Story! For God to take their lives for the sins of their parents is absolutely unforgivable!"
That is not how God operates (Eze 18:20). You should get to know the real God--not the god of your imagination.

"I'm never planning on getting married, ever! So I'm always going to be having sex out of wedlock..."
Gross (Matt. 15:19)...and TMI (1 Cor 6:9). :vomit:
"Abortion occurs in the first trimester..."
Abortion is the murder of a baby.

"[W]hen the embryo is the size of a frickin' dime or smaller! It has no brain, it has no heart, it has no nervous system.... It.... Is... not... a...baby!"
A woman is pregnant or she is not pregnant. What is it? A hippo? Human mothers have human babies. Did you say you did not like me calling you Queen of D'Nile? :peach:

The baby's heart beats before his heart is formed. He begins to know and love his mother.

"By the way, they can't tell the gender of the child until much, much later into the pregnancy than abortions occur."
The passage of time does not make murder any less evil. Doctors don't know a lot of things. God knows if the baby is a boy or girl. He has a unique set of chromosomes, often a different blood type, and a unique DNA.
"If I'm raped and I wind up pregnant against my will, I would much rather have an abortion than have my body carrying a child I don't want..."
I thought you said that murder of children for the crimes of their parent was wicked? (Eze 18:20).

"[W]hen a child is aborted, it is nothing more than a clump of cells. By your logic, it would be sinful to remove a wart, because the cells in the wart are alive."
Mothers don't mourn the loss of a wart. But they do mourn the loss of their child.

"...[P]rove to me that the Bible is the inspired word of God."

Inspired Scripture http://www.vananne.com/inspiredscripture/

"Adam and Eve were created perfect, Eve would have known that listening to the serpent and disobeying God was wrong! Therefore, they were not created perfect!"
Adam and Eve were created perfect with the ability to choose good or evil. They were responsible before a holy God as men and women today are responsible before a holy God. Sin entered the world through one man, Adam (1 Cor. 15:22, 45).

"God is wrong."
You will find out one day that you are not God (Enyart [Lk 19:27]).


[Gen 1:26] "Who are the ones referred to as "Us" and also "Our"?"
Genesis 1:26, 27

"A most intriguing picture appears in the opening verse of this section. Whereas previous acts of God have followed immediately the phrase “And God said, Let there be …,” in this verse God speaks, as it were, to Himself: “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.”

He was not speaking to the angels, because man was not going to be made in the likeness of angels but in the likeness of God. Thus God could only have been speaking to Himself; one member of the uni-plural Godhead was addressing another member or members.
This fascinating type of exchange within the Godhead appears in a number of other places in the Old Testament (e.g., Psalm 2:7; Isaiah 48:16; Psalm 45:7; Psalm 110:1). Similarly, in the New Testament, such fellowship between Christ (before His human birth) and the Father is noted in such passages as Matthew 11:27; John 8:42; John 17:24; and others.

The divine councils centering on man had first taken place long before the beginning of time (whatever is involved in the concept of “before time”). The Lamb had, in the determination of these councils, been slain before the foundation of the world; the names of the redeemed had been written in His book of life before the foundation of the world; and God had called those who were to be saved by His grace, before the world began (1 Peter 1:20; Revelation 17:8; 2 Timothy 1:9).

On this sixth day, another such council took place, and the ancient plan was now formally announced, recorded, and implemented. The highest, most complex of all creatures was to be made by God and then was to be given dominion over all the rest—all the animals of the sea, air, and land. Man’s body would be formed in the same way as the bodies of the animals had been formed (Genesis 1:24; 2:7). Similarly, man would have the “breath of life” like animals (Genesis 2:7; 7:22), and even have the “living soul” like animals (Genesis 1:24; 2:7). Thus, though man’s structure, both physical and mental, would be far more complex than that of the animals, it would be of the same basic essence; therefore God proposed to “make [Hebrew asah] man in our image.”

And yet man was to be more than simply a very complex and highly organized animal. There was to be something in man which was not only quantitatively greater, but qualitatively distinctive, something not possessed in any degree by the animals.

Man was to be in the image and likeness of God Himself! Therefore, he was also “created” (bara) in God’s image. He was both made and created in the image of God.

This is a profound and mysterious truth, impossible to fully comprehend; therefore it is not surprising there has been much difference of opinion about its meaning. It is not sufficient merely to say that man was given a spirit, as well as a soul, unless these terms are more explicitly defined. The term “spirit” in the Old Testament is the Hebrew ruach, which is also commonly translated “wind” and “breath.” As such, the “breath of life” (or, literally, “spirit of lives”) is a possession of animals as well as man. If, however, the term is used to define that aspect of man which is like God (“the likeness of God”)—an eternal spirit, possessed of esthetic, moral, spiritual attributes—then it may be a proper statement, at least in part. The spirit of man, like the angelic and demonic spirits, and like God Himself, is an eternal spirit; whereas the spirit of an animal ceases to exist when the body dies (Ecclesiastes 3:21) and goes back to the earth.

In any case, there can be little doubt that the “image of God” in which man was created must entail those aspects of human nature which are not shared by animals—attributes such as a moral consciousness, the ability to think abstractly, an understanding of beauty and emotion, and, above all, the capacity for worshiping and loving God. This eternal and divine dimension of man’s being must be the essence of what is involved in the likeness of God. And since none of this was a part of the animal nephesh, the “soul,” it required a new creation.

However, this does not exhaust the meaning. We must also deal with the fact that man was made in God’s image as well. That component of man which was “made” was his body and soul. In some sense, therefore, even man’s body is in God’s image in a way not true of animals.

God in His omnipresence is not corporeal, however, but is Spirit (John 4:24); so how could man’s body be made in God’s image?
We can only say that, although God Himself may have no physical body, He designed and formed man’s body to enable it to function physically in ways in which He Himself could function even without a body. God can see (Genesis 16:13), hear (Psalm 94:9), smell (Genesis 8:21), touch (Genesis 32:32), and speak (2 Peter 1:18), whether or not He has actual physical eyes, ears, nose, hands, and mouth. Furthermore, whenever He has designed to appear visibly to men, He has done so in the form of a human body (Genesis 18:1, 2); and the same is true of angels (Acts 1:10). There is something about the human body, therefore, which is uniquely appropriate to God’s manifestation of Himself, and (since God knows all His works from the beginning of the world—Acts 15:18), He must have designed man’s body with this in mind. Accordingly, He designed it, not like the animals, but with an erect posture, with an upward gazing countenance, capable of facial expressions corresponding to emotional feelings, and with a brain and tongue capable of articulate, symbolic speech.

He knew, of course, that in the fulness of time even He would become a man. In that day, He would prepare a human body for His Son (Hebrews 10:5; Luke 1:35); and it would be “made in the likeness of men” (Philippians 2:7), just as man had been made in the likeness of God.

Both in body and in spirit, Christ was indeed Himself the image of God (Hebrews 1:3; Colossians 1:15; 2 Corinthians 4:4). It does not seem too much to infer that God made man in the image of that body which He would Himself one day assume. In this sense, at least, it is true that, physically as well as spiritually, man was both made and created in the image and likeness of God the Son.

It is also noteworthy that three times it is stated that God created man in His image (as well as making “man in our image”). Again it is appropriate to speak of God in both the singular and plural—God is one, and yet more than one. There is possibly a hint in this threefold statement (as in Genesis 1:1) that God is a trinity. In a sense, man also is a trinity of body, soul, and spirit.

The word “man” is actually adam, and is related to “earth” (Hebrew adamah), since man’s body was formed from the elements of the earth (Genesis 2:7). It may be noted that man was to have dominion not only over all animals but also over the earth (verse 26) from which he had been formed.

Finally, it is made clear that “man” is also a generic term, including both male and female. Both man and woman were created (the details of their physical formation being given in Genesis 2) in God’s image, and thus both possess equally an eternal spirit capable of personal fellowship with their Creator."
Morris, H. M. (1976). The Genesis record : A scientific and devotional commentary on the book of beginnings. Includes indexes. (72). Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

"Since God says that we are created in his own image, can accept that we look like him? He is speaking as if there are others of his race but creating man in His specific image, correct?"
We are regenerated into Christ's likeness, from glory to glory (Psa. 17:15; Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 3:18; Eph. 4:24; Col. 3:10; 1 John 3:1–3).

We were saved ([past] justification), we are saved ([present] sanctification) and are being saved ([future] glorification).

"He is speaking as if there are others of his race but creating man in His specific image, correct?"
In heaven, we may have a body like the risen Lord (John 20:26–29; 21:1, 2). We will be raised (John 5:28, 29), changed (Phil. 3:21), glorified (Rom. 8:29, 30), and finally perfected (1 Thess. 5:23).

Hell is a place prepared for the devil and his angels (Mt 25:41). Eternal bodies are seemingly fitted for heaven or hell (a body appropriate for their respective, eternal dwelling places). Both the body (Mt 5:29; 10:28) and the soul suffer there (Mt 10:28).


New member
That is not how God operates (Eze 18:20). You should get to know the real God--not the god of your imagination.
I say again, your God is not deserving of my worhship.

Gross (Matt. 15:19)...and TMI (1 Cor 6:9). :vomit:
Wow, you're REALLY mature. (sarcasm)

Abortion is the murder of a baby.
A clump of cells is not a baby. Try again.

A woman is pregnant or she is not pregnant. What is it? A hippo? Human mothers have human babies. Did you say you did not like me calling you Queen of D'Nile? :peach:
It's a clump of cells until it actually develops organs that tell us otherwise.

The baby's heart beats before his heart is formed. He begins to know and love his mother.
A heart can't beat if it doesn't exist yet. Can I just say that you're making REALLY dumb arguments?

The passage of time does not make murder any less evil. Doctors don't know a lot of things. God knows if the baby is a boy or girl. He has a unique set of chromosomes, often a different blood type, and a unique DNA.
This is provided your God even exists... which you haven't provided ANY evidence for yet.

I thought you said that murder of children for the crimes of their parent was wicked? (Eze 18:20).
How can removing a clump of cells from your body be considered murder?

Mothers don't mourn the loss of a wart. But they do mourn the loss of their child.
If a woman is absolutely dirt poor and knows she will never be able to care for a child, and that bringing the child into this world would be more cruel than kind, I think it is a wise decision to abort the child. Or would you like yet another child living in poverty on our already over-populated planet?

I'm not even going to look at the links to this website anymore because it is filled with so much fail it's pathetic.

Adam and Eve were created perfect with the ability to choose good or evil. They were responsible before a holy God as men and women today are responsible before a holy God. Sin entered the world through one man, Adam (1 Cor. 15:22, 45).
You're completely ignoring my point as to why Adam and Eve were obviously not created to be perfect being. They were FLAWED!!!

You will find out one day that you are not God (Enyart [Lk 19:27]).
Oh, please. I'm just dying to know where I said I was God. Give it up, your arguments are going absolutely nowhere, and I'm wondering why I'm even bothering to try debating with someone who is clearly ignoring all my arguments.


"[Y]our God is not deserving of my worship...[Nightangel's gross fornication] "Wow, you're really mature. (sarcasm)."
You're really evil (Matt. 15:19).

"If a woman is absolutely dirt poor and knows she will never be able to care for a child, and that bringing the child into this world would be more cruel than kind..."
Murder is better? (Jn 10:10).

"...our already over-populated planet?"
All of the people of the world could live comfortably in the state of Texas (http://hunterkirk.livejournal.com/326561.html).

"Adam and Eve were obviously not created to be perfect being. They were flawed!"
They were made perfect. The flawed blame God for their problems (Ge 3:12).


TOL Subscriber
SnakeBird, you are selling snake oil to the multitudes...just too bad no ones buying any!

You will take anything from anywhere and use it in an attempt to prove a post, have you no integrity?

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Hi Serpentdove,

As someone who has been watching this thread and the conversation between you and nightangel, I have to say, you are going about this the wrong way.

Sometimes, instead of being so full on about saving people with scripture and the 'evils' they are doing, you need to stop for a moment and listen to what they are saying.

Nightangel was raised Catholic, so she has heard these Scriptures before. She had faith in God. Then some really bad stuff happened to her and she was hurt in ways we may not be able to understand. She turned to God for comfort, for answers and got nothing back. She's angry at God. She felt let down by the 1 being who promised He would be there always. I know exactly how that feels.

I can tell you, that getting in her face like this, is not the way to go. If anything, this will make her run even further away.


"I have to say, you are going about this the wrong way."
Hi Thunder's Muse.

Sidebar: I notice you call yourself "more left than right" (Eccl 10:2). Do you think that is a wise place to line up?

"Sometimes, instead of being so full on about saving people..."
We cannot save people. God saves people (Ps 3:8; 37:39; Jer 3:23).

"...with scripture and the 'evils' they are doing, you need to stop for a moment and listen to what they are saying."
I think we hear a little differently (Jer 5:21).

"Nightangel was raised Catholic..."
That's never a good sign.


Roman Catholicism http://vananne.com/culttoasters/#Roman_Catholicism

"She had faith in God..."
1 Jn 2:19.
"...got nothing back [from God]."
We come to God on his terms (in repentance and humility) not on our own.

"She's angry at God."
Ya think?


New member
You're really evil (Matt. 15:19).
I guess you're forgetting about the lovely piece of scripture... Judge not lest ye be judged? You have no right to say that I'm evil. I have not harmed anybody, and quite frankly, you're making yourself look worse with each post.

Murder is better? (Jn 10:10).

All of the people of the world could live comfortably in the state of Texas (http://hunterkirk.livejournal.com/326561.html).
Do you have ANY idea how crowded that would be, for one, and for another.... where would they have the space to grow food? Not to mention a zillion other problems there are with that argument. People need SPACE!!!!!

They were made perfect. The flawed blame God for their problems (Ge 3:12).
Oh, so I suppose your perfect? Nice of you to clarify that for us. It just shows how full of yourself you really are.


New member
Hi Serpentdove,

As someone who has been watching this thread and the conversation between you and nightangel, I have to say, you are going about this the wrong way.

Sometimes, instead of being so full on about saving people with scripture and the 'evils' they are doing, you need to stop for a moment and listen to what they are saying.

Nightangel was raised Catholic, so she has heard these Scriptures before. She had faith in God. Then some really bad stuff happened to her and she was hurt in ways we may not be able to understand. She turned to God for comfort, for answers and got nothing back. She's angry at God. She felt let down by the 1 being who promised He would be there always. I know exactly how that feels.

I can tell you, that getting in her face like this, is not the way to go. If anything, this will make her run even further away.

I appreciate the way you're defending me, but please allow me to point out... I'm not angry at God. I just realized that your God simply doesn't exist. I can't be angry at someone or something that isn't there.
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