"...he [Jesus] said nothing to her"
He opened his mouth and spoke (Prov 31:9). So did John the Baptist to Herod (Mark 6:17, 18).
"Jesus did not quote the OT to her..."
What's wrong with the OT? :idunno: Do you think God changes? (Mal 3:6).
"It is my belief that this is the pattern for evangelism we are to follow. You befriend someone, you care about them and their problems, and you share with them, not preach at them."
That's great. :thumb: Do that--give friends helpful advice.
The full soul loatheth an honeycomb; but to the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet [Prov. 27:7].
"This is the reason we have gourmet cooking in our day. We are a pampered people who have so much to eat that the food must be prepared in unusual ways or the foods must be exotic and unusual to whet our appetites. Some people need hummingbird wings or peacock tongues served to them before they can really enjoy their food. That is why cooking reached such a high degree of perfection in the European countries like France, Italy, Spain, and Germany. The ruling class had such plenty that they got tired of eating plain food. A tenderloin steak or filet mignon or strawberries and ice cream were just not good enough for them. So the chefs of that day had to concoct unusual and tasty foods for them.
Contrast this with the hungry man. Food, all food, any food tastes good to him.
One can also apply this to the Word of God. We are to eat it, chew it, ruminate on it. Actually, this is what it means to meditate on the Word of God. May God give us an appetite, a real hunger for His Word!"
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (3:91). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
"Yes, people need to know the gospel, but let's not make the same mistakes as people in the past - you don't ask people to change their behavior..."
Would have told John the Baptist that?--Rebuked him a little for confronting Herod, maybe? (Enyart). Jesus said of John the Baptist: "Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist (Mt 11:11)."
"...[J]ust share the love of Christ and let the Holy Spirit do the rest."
That's great. Do that. :thumb: God says open your mouth and speak (Prov 31:9).
"Jesus did not sit around telling the disciples what a bunch of losers they were..."
"Get behind me, Satan!" (Mt16:23). Satan does not want the word of God getting out either.
"[Jesus] became their friend first, then their teacher."
Friends are good. They do what God says to do (John 15:14)--like opening their mouths (Prov 31:9). False friends are bad (Mt 26:49). Loving your enemy means telling him the truth (Prov 27:5).