Having received salvation, what is next?

God's Truth

New member
I do not teach soul sleep.

The soul is either alive or it is dead

A dead soul is a dead person

A live soul is a live person or live animal.

The dead have no more reward. Because there is no life in death, death is death, life is life

When the dead are raised, whether it be the believers in this age of grace as described in I Thessalonians 4:13-17 or the rest of man kind who will be part of either the resurrection of the just or the resurrection of the unjust, then they will have access to the rewards they have earned. The believers in this age of grace shall have good reward as will those who are in the resurrection of the just, but the reward to the unjust shall be the second death after they realize they had rejected God Almighty and all that God has made available to them

That is soul sleep a doctrine of death.


New member
There are many scriptures.

Man cannot kill the soul means man cannot kill the body with the spirit.
Doesn't mean the Spirit doesn't experience death for a term. I did just see a verse that said that some will not experience death. That definitely seems to negate some of the confusion. I don't recall exactly where I saw it though.

God's Truth

New member
Doesn't mean the Spirit doesn't experience death for a term. I did just see a verse that said that some will not experience death. That definitely seems to negate some of the confusion. I don't recall exactly where I saw it though.

If the spirit cannot be killed then why do you keep insisting that it can?


Well-known member
That is soul sleep a doctrine of death.

Like I said, God uses the word "sleep" as a figure of speech to refer to death.

It is the figure of speech euphemism, that figure of speech uses a softer, gentler word to communicate a harsh reality.

In other words, death for a believer is like sleep, although it is not sleep, for in sleep a person will wake up again.

God is gentle that way, He knows that we are in pain when one of our loved ones die.

He uses the word "sleep" to refer to death, even though, it is not literal to teach a truth we need to know.,

He gives us words with which we may comfort one another. I Thessalonians 4:18

God's Truth

New member
Like I said, God uses the word "sleep" as a figure of speech to refer to death.

It is the figure of speech euphemism, that figure of speech uses a softer, gentler word to communicate a harsh reality.

In other words, death for a believer is like sleep, although it is not sleep, for in sleep a person will wake up again.

God is gentle that way, He knows that we are in pain when one of our loved ones die.

He uses the word "sleep" to refer to death, even though, it is not literal to teach a truth we need to know.,

He gives us words with which we may comfort one another. I Thessalonians 4:18

So you think Jesus does not speak truth?


Well-known member
Because you say Jesus was just using figure of speech.

I see.

Evidently, you are not familiar with the idea that God uses figures of speech in His word.

It is an important thing to learn, for not all scripture is literal.

For instance, Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Is the Lord literally a rock, a fortress, a horn....

No, God is not literally a rock, horn etc.

But figuratively, the truth is He is as a rock a fortress, etc for those who believe Him.

Oh, by the way, I did not say Jesus said those things, I said God uses the figure of speech euphemism.

It is important to recognize the difference between God and His son.

You would want to confuse me or other believers who are sons of God with God would you?

Why would anyone willfully confuse the son of God with God?

God's Truth

New member
I see.

Evidently, you are not familiar with the idea that God uses figures of speech in His word.

It is an important thing to learn, for not all scripture is literal.

For instance, Psalm 18:2

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

Is the Lord literally a rock, a fortress, a horn....

No, God is not literally a rock, horn etc.

But figuratively, the truth is He is as a rock a fortress, etc for those who believe Him.

Oh, by the way, I did not say Jesus said those things, I said God uses the figure of speech euphemism.

It is important to recognize the difference between God and His son.

You would want to confuse me or other believers who are sons of God with God would you?

Why would anyone willfully confuse the son of God with God?

Maybe you need to study more what figure of speech means?

You are not the Son of God are you?


Well-known member
When I am proving that Jesus is God, you compare Jesus to us.

Actually, since scripture does not teach that Jesus is God, but rather the son of God. Huge difference.

Actually, I do not compare myself with anyone if I can avoid it for it is unprofitable.

2 Corinthians 10:12

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

However since Jesus as some like to call him is but a mere man, though I find nothing mere about him, I do like to learn from his perfect and complete example of what God made humans capable in their love and service to God.

If Jesus is God, then what he did is boring, after all, if he created the heavens and the earth, feeding four and five thousand and healing people and casting out devils is nothing to him.

Yet we are to do the same works and greater works John 14:12

If you really believe that Jesus is God and Jesus told you that you can do greater works than God himself, what works would that be?

God's Truth

New member
Actually, since scripture does not teach that Jesus is God, but rather the son of God. Huge difference.

Actually, I do not compare myself with anyone if I can avoid it for it is unprofitable.

2 Corinthians 10:12

For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

However since Jesus as some like to call him is but a mere man, though I find nothing mere about him, I do like to learn from his perfect and complete example of what God made humans capable in their love and service to God.

If Jesus is God, then what he did is boring, after all, if he created the heavens and the earth, feeding four and five thousand and healing people and casting out devils is nothing to him.

Yet we are to do the same works and greater works John 14:12

If you really believe that Jesus is God and Jesus told you that you can do greater works than God himself, what works would that be?

You are no apostle helping to lay the foundation.

The foundation has been laid.

You think that we could do more than Jesus, but you do not think you could die for the sins of the world, right?

Don't you know that Jesus came from heaven? We did not come from heaven.


Well-known member
When I am proving that Jesus is God, you compare Jesus to us.

Jesus Christ is a human being just like he is supposed to be.

Acts 3:22

Jesus is that prophet that God told Moses about

A prophet that the Lord your God would raise up unto you of your brethren

He was speaking to humans, those brethren were humans, thus Jesus is a human.


Well-known member
You are no apostle helping to lay the foundation.

The foundation has been laid.

You think that we could do more than Jesus, but you do not think you could die for the sins of the world, right?

Don't you know that Jesus came from heaven? We did not come from heaven.

Actually, the phrase, "born again" literally means "born from above"

How's them apples?