Hagee claims Sep. 28 marks 'Hugely Significant Event'

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Attacking Jesus' servants with gossipy rumor without evidence is wicked.

The Bible says wicked will be cut off.

So if you don't repent of your wicked ways, you will not inherit God's kingdom.


Well-known member
Two Christian preachers with huge followings in the US claim the date of the last of four 'blood moons' over the past 18 months, due to occur on September 28, and following a papal visit to the US, will signal the second coming of Jesus Christ. At the same time, the world as we know it will be destroyed by major earthquakes amid heightened tensions in the Middle East and the possibility of a third world war.

The two evangelists have been accused of peddling the false warnings in order to cash in on books they have penned about their predictions - one of which was turned into a movie. The pair claim Armageddon will occur at the conclusion of the ongoing 'tetrad' of blood moons, which began on April 15 last year, followed by another red-coloured lunar eclipse on October 8 last year, and a third on April 4 this year. The fourth in the series of blood moons, which have six full moons in between, is set to happen on September 28.​


Scripture signaled the coming of Jesus Christ many centuries ago. However, not even Jesus Christ knows what the Father has put in His own power. Acts 1:7


Well-known member
Attacking Jesus' servants with gossipy rumor without evidence is wicked.

The Bible says wicked will be cut off.

So if you don't repent of your wicked ways, you will not inherit God's kingdom.

That's a strange thing for you to say, since you admit you don't know you are going to Heaven.


Well-known member
Scripture signaled the coming of Jesus Christ many centuries ago. However, not even Jesus Christ knows what the Father has put in His own power. Acts 1:7

I'm not sure what you're saying here, Oat. So how about you respond to this:

NT eschatology does not mix 1st century Judean events with the coming world wide day of judgement.

Acts 1:7 is about having the apostles cease trying to find "events" for Israel, and about them pursuing the mission instead. We find this consistent with the last things Paul said in Acts 26: that the fulfillment of Israel's hopes had already taken place in the resurrection (this is the short version of ch 13's sermon). And nothing about "events" in or about Israel.


That's a strange thing for you to say, since you admit you don't know you are going to Heaven.

No one is judge of their own salvation except Jesus.

You are usurping Jesus' authority because Jesus is the Lord who judge who will be judged or not.

You don't seem to know what Jesus teaches about salvation.

Totton Linnet

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Attacking Jesus' servants with gossipy rumor without evidence is wicked.

The Bible says wicked will be cut off.

So if you don't repent of your wicked ways, you will not inherit God's kingdom.

The church which you hate is the kingdom of heaven, if you hate the kingdom now in this evil age, how do you suppose you will have any part of it when we are in our glory?

You are at war with the kingdom of heaven, sat on your hole day in and day out pouring venom upon it.

You have shown that if it were possible you would have us murdered for you approve of those who do it...as does jerzy and LA.

murderers the lot of yous

Totton Linnet

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You have been refuted all your claims over and over.

You cannot refute biblically so you resort to personal attacks with gossipy rumors with no evidence like your friends in this thread. All you have is "she said" "he said".

That is your main tactic to defend your faith.

It is obvious it is not of God.

Are you saying you did not boot your husband out? he begged you not to, the Christians counselled you not to....even the JWs counselled you not to.

You called the cops

Are you now saying you have not grabbed the family home? are you saying you do not live off his pension?

Are you now saying you do not approve the slaughter of Christians by Islam?

Are you saying you are not evil?

We got all these facts from YOU.


Well-known member
No one is judge of their own salvation except Jesus.

You are usurping Jesus' authority because Jesus is the Lord who judge who will be judged or not.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment BUT has passed out of death into life."

Did He lie when He said that?

Totton Linnet

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Did He lie when He said that?

That's right we trust to His judgement

"he that hears My word and believes on Him who sent Me hath everlasting life"

We did believe and we do have His life...that's how we know.

Only folk who do not have His life do not know.


Well-known member
Only folk who do not have His life do not know.

Which is Meshak. She refuses His work on her behalf and is trying to earn her own way by her own works. But even she has enough sense to realize she can't ever know if she's done enough work to please God and stay out of the Lake of Fire, so she tells us we can't know, either. It makes her ANGRY AND RESENTFUL to hear about eternal security (and she's not the only one on TOL like that) and that anger is the natural outflow of the guilty, defiled, unclean conscience of one who knows she's under condemnation.

Totton Linnet

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Which is Meshak. She refuses His work on her behalf and is trying to earn her own way by her own works. But even she has enough sense to realize she can't ever know if she's done enough work to please God and stay out of the Lake of Fire, so she tells us we can't know, either. It makes her ANGRY AND RESENTFUL to hear about eternal security (and she's not the only one on TOL like that) and that anger is the natural outflow of the guilty, defiled, unclean conscience of one who knows she's under condemnation.

Her story is woeful

She upped and decided she would become the faithful follower of Jesus....she did not wait for God to do the necessary work of regeneration in her heart, the miracle of a transformed life from the inside which only God can do.

No, she decided to do it all in her own power and strength, like all religious hypocrites instead of being concerned with the evil in her own heart she set out to put everyone else's wrongs straight.

If she had been saved she would have had the love of God for her husband, he was the first victim of her new religion.

But instead she had the religion of the Pharisee

So she confronted him and demanded he change immediately or get out...now this is the true story.

Her husband is more honest than she is, he pleaded with her that he did not know how to change but he would try everything he knew...only he begged "don't send me away"

meshak had set her heart on getting rid of him, she was unhappy in the marriage. She saw her chance and she took it...closed her heart to him.

If she had been saved, God could have healed their marriage and love would have sprung up...that is the true gospel way.

Totton Linnet

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You can always tell religion from true salvation.

Salvation is concerned with getting our own hearts right with God, religion is searching out everybody else's sins and holding them up to shame.

Totton Linnet

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Remember when she used to condemn the church for supporting the military?

Then she admits to believing God is arming the Moslems to punish the church.

LA the same

jerzy the same

Let'sargue has an excuse.


Here it is with your quote Masterion.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears My word, and believes Him who sent Me, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment BUT has passed out of death into life."

Did He lie when He said that?

No, of course He des not lie.

So you use this verse to usurp His authority to judge?

Jesus says we know them by their fruit.

You can claim all you want. But you never know if your judgment of your faith might be different from Jesus' judgment.



You never learn, do you.

You need to get rid of your bitterness.

It is pathetic and claiming to be true and saved Christian.

Your bitter behavior is your wicked fruit.


Well-known member
No, of course He des not lie.

So when He said those who are His already have eternal life and are beyond judgment - because He has saved them - you agree that He spoke the truth. That is good. Very good, Meshak.

So won't you believe it for yourself, right now? His offer is just as open to you as it is to anyone.

You, Meshak, can have confidence in His eternal life and no judgment RIGHT NOW, if you want it.

All you have to do is trust His death, burial and resurrection for your sin and it's yours. That's what God's Word promises, and He cannot lie.

Totton Linnet

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You can run shackles but you can't hide...I've shut you up haven't I....you can no longer post those diatribes you used to.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Yet you desire it of other believers.

It is not Gods will that any should perish, but it is that many Christians NOW are having their heads cut off.

I saw in a vision some years ago a line of believers standing in line going to their deaths, as I shared on this board , and some fools said I am a false prophet and a liar.

Read the papers, watch the news, if hearing from God is beyond you/them.

God has not changed. Grace is not a free ticket to committing the same sins of the OT believers and expecting that God will act different---

1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

However some are being killed for their faith. Is that not Gods will???


You stated: "I saw in a vision some years ago a line of believers standing in line going to their deaths, as I shared on this board , and some fools said I am a false prophet and a liar."

I would say you're either:

1) Mentally disturbed?
2) A liar?
3) Attention seeker?
4) False prophet?
5) Religious fanatic?
6) An Oddball?

Any one of those would most likely fit you. Either way, I highly
DOUBT you had a "Vision?" You've been telling me for a couple
of years now, "I was going to be beheaded." So, I find you a bit
strange. I might add, you may be a religious fanatic/zealot but,
not a "True Believer."
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