Nancy Lieder's "7 of 9"... 1st Tetrad of 4/15/2014 to 3/23/2016 is
709 Days total for Nancy Lieder's Prediction of "7 of 9", in which the Continents of the Earth would suffer great damage due to a Pole Shift.
12210 Days of the Antichrist Lifespan begins on 10/18/1982 and ends on 3/23/2016 ... (2nd Tetrad) 10/18/1982 to 10/8/2014 is 116
79 Total Days (12210 - 11679 = 531, the 153 days begins after the 42 Days of Tribulation (42 for 2nd Tetrad) are completed)
(3/23/2016 to 10/4/2016 is 195 Days)
4/4/2015 to 3/23/2016 is 11 days less than a full year (3rd Tetrad) (Adam the First was in the Garden)
9/28/2015 to 10/4/2016 is 7 days more than a full year (4th Tetrad) (Enoth the Seventh Walked with God)
42 Days of Tribulation when God finishes by throwing out Genetic Dan from the Earth.
153 Days in which "Joseph (denoting Antichrist)" is allowed to reign with mankind.
*The Earth's Moon is what you need to be watching.
The Antichrist's Lifespan is coming to a close, he probably does not believe that you will experience the full blunt of tragedy, from the Moon's Gravity Waves, unless you use enough force to overcome God's mercy stopping these people from taking their own lives as revelation 11 states in using certain levels force repeatedly. (We have a 10 hour walk today) (Its no so much that the Prophecy has failed that is important, the more important fact is does any of this information resonate with other prophecies, or is any of it a coefficient? if the answer is yes, then we need to keep watch for the coming of Lord's Body/Temple Stones).