Hagee claims Sep. 28 marks 'Hugely Significant Event'

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Well-known member
The Bible has already predicted it,

The Scriptures prophecy that it will happen to certain ones during the great tribulation.
You don't know who those persons will be.

and some here are deserving of it.

What arrogance!

You back up the condemning words of John W who calls the believers such things as Christ haters and the like, yet you condemn the speaking of corrective words from Christ.

Are you claiming to be Christ?

Every believer will have their head cut off one way or another.


The choice is yours of which you will end up with.

Some of us, here, have made our choice and it's sealed.

It is impossible to impart understanding to such as yourself.


It is impossible to impart understanding to such as yourself.

Why are you like that?


And there have been others who taught what you slander Darby as having invented. One of them wrote a huge book on many of the same issues.


No one taught the rapture theory before Darby invented it.

You're just another Darby follower in denial.


New member
Two Christian preachers with huge followings in the US claim the date of the last of four 'blood moons' over the past 18 months, due to occur on September 28, and following a papal visit to the US, will signal the second coming of Jesus Christ. At the same time, the world as we know it will be destroyed by major earthquakes amid heightened tensions in the Middle East and the possibility of a third world war.

The two evangelists have been accused of peddling the false warnings in order to cash in on books they have penned about their predictions - one of which was turned into a movie. The pair claim Armageddon will occur at the conclusion of the ongoing 'tetrad' of blood moons, which began on April 15 last year, followed by another red-coloured lunar eclipse on October 8 last year, and a third on April 4 this year. The fourth in the series of blood moons, which have six full moons in between, is set to happen on September 28.​


Well in about 24 hours we will all find out if Hagee is wrong again.


Well-known member
Mormons being sucked in, too.

It's unclear how many Latter-day Saints buy the theory, but Mormon leaders were worried enough that they took the rare step this week of issuing a public statement cautioning the faithful not to get carried away with visions of the apocalypse.

Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints told its 15 million worldwide members that they should be "spiritually and physically prepared for life's ups and downs," but urged them not to take speculation from individual church members as doctrine and "avoid being caught up in extreme efforts to anticipate catastrophic events."

The Mormons preparing to hunker down Sunday night aren't alone. Some from other religions also fear a doomsday scenario. A Christian pastor in Texas has written a book predicting a world-shaking event.

It's all turning aside to myths, more and more all the time. Just as predicted.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
The Bible has already predicted it, and some here are deserving of it.

You back up the condemning words of John W who calls the believers such things as Christ haters and the like, yet you condemn the speaking of corrective words from Christ.

Every believer will have their head cut off one way or another.

The choice is yours of which you will end up with.

It is impossible to impart understanding to such as yourself.


unbelievably dull and stupid, like meshak and jerzy believing it is God's will to slaughter Christians.

...it isn't God it is your own nasty natures.

God is FOR us not against us.


New member

No one taught the rapture theory before Darby invented it.

You're just another Darby follower in denial.

All that is on your part, is the smirk behind your every post, you books based robot.

Your mindless books based knowing "about" taken by you as knowing...

Lazy afternoon

unbelievably dull and stupid, like meshak and jerzy believing it is God's will to slaughter Christians.

...it isn't God it is your own nasty natures.

God is FOR us not against us.

Yet you desire it of other believers.

It is not Gods will that any should perish, but it is that many Christians NOW are having their heads cut off.

I saw in a vision some years ago a line of believers standing in line going to their deaths, as I shared on this board , and some fools said I am a false prophet and a liar.

Read the papers, watch the news, if hearing from God is beyond you/them.

God has not changed. Grace is not a free ticket to committing the same sins of the OT believers and expecting that God will act different---

1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

However some are being killed for their faith. Is that not Gods will???


Lazy afternoon

unbelievably dull and stupid, like meshak and jerzy believing it is God's will to slaughter Christians.

...it isn't God it is your own nasty natures.

God is FOR us not against us.

You keep getting booted out shackles because you booted your husband out. You had no mercy.


You saw your chance to grab everything for yourself.

What a hypocrite you can be Tot.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Yet you desire it of other believers.

It is not Gods will that any should perish, but it is that many Christians NOW are having their heads cut off.

I saw in a vision some years ago a line of believers standing in line going to their deaths, as I shared on this board , and some fools said I am a false prophet and a liar.

Read the papers, watch the news, if hearing from God is beyond you/them.

God has not changed. Grace is not a free ticket to committing the same sins of the OT believers and expecting that God will act different---

1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

However some are being killed for their faith. Is that not Gods will???


Is that the vision that came like a punch in the stomach?

You have been bereft of the Holy Ghost ever since, and it isn't because Christians didn't try to counsel you.

You have been in soul darkness ever since. Now at the last you even deny the Person of the Holy Spirit, everyone can see that you do not know how to understand the scriptures.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Yet you desire it of other believers.

It is not Gods will that any should perish, but it is that many Christians NOW are having their heads cut off.

I saw in a vision some years ago a line of believers standing in line going to their deaths, as I shared on this board , and some fools said I am a false prophet and a liar.

Read the papers, watch the news, if hearing from God is beyond you/them.

God has not changed. Grace is not a free ticket to committing the same sins of the OT believers and expecting that God will act different---

1Co 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
1Co 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

However some are being killed for their faith. Is that not Gods will???


I have never desired anybody's hurt....not even meshak, I desire folk like you and her and jerzy...Letsargue to come to a better mind about God. You'll come to a better mind about His people.



You have been refuted all your claims over and over.

You cannot refute biblically so you resort to personal attacks with gossipy rumors with no evidence like your friends in this thread. All you have is "she said" "he said".

That is your main tactic to defend your faith.

It is obvious it is not of God.
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