God: "Let Us Make Man In Our Image"


Well-known member
Do you always chuckle when you display your ignorance of Jesus?
Sadly, he prefers 5-minute theology rather than understanding, a search engine to digging and being a workman approved of God, engaging me for his pride rather than a depth of conversation about scriptures glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, he was placed on ignore a long time ago. God's Word stands. Isaiah 55:11


If it would do any good I would report you for all of these lies but I know it would not do any good. You do not speak for me: I already explained to you why I am not an Arian, or a JW, or an SDA, or Islamic, any of those other things you have accused me of so as to try to label me and sideline what I have posted, just as you do with all who disagree with your scripture twisting fantasy doctrine. I am speaking the scripture so it really is not me you are at odds with; but by calling me a whiskey man in your ignorance, after myself having been sober for nine years now, (thanks be to Elohim and His Word), you only show once again the hatred that spews from your heart.

I have no hate for you, nor does Christ! He died for your grievous SIN while you are His enemy! It is you who hate HIM!

I simply wish you would let JESUS (JeHosheWaH) cast those demons out!

You are the one who said this;

Daqq said:
That is both too sad and too hilarious; you are exhorting others to be united with you against Ruach Elohim, against Ruach Meshiah, against Ruach Melki Tzedek, and against his Father and our Father, and it is all so that you can have your flesh "God-Man" born of a woman. :chuckle:

So Daqq... May the Power of Christ Compel You!

And... I indeed like Whiskey! Is your pointing out my flesh supposed to upset me? You walk by Sight and not Faith in the ONLY name that Saves!


Well-known member
I have no hate for you, nor does Christ! He died for your grievous SIN while you are His enemy! It is you who hate HIM!

I simply wish you would let JESUS (JeHosheWaH) cast those demons out!

You are the one who said this;

So Daqq... May the Power of Christ Compel You!

And... I indeed like Whiskey! Is your pointing out my flesh supposed to upset me? You walk by Sight and not Faith in the ONLY name that Saves!
He didn't read well did he? :( He is taking offense BUT you called 1Mind1Spirit "whiskeyman, not him." :doh: One day I may be able to have a cogent conversation with him, and about scripture where he actually gets it instead of making all these mistakes.


Well-known member
I have no hate for you, nor does Christ! He died for your grievous SIN while you are His enemy! It is you who hate HIM!

I simply wish you would let JESUS (JeHosheWaH) cast those demons out!

You are the one who said this;

So Daqq... May the Power of Christ Compel You!

And... I indeed like Whiskey! Is your pointing out my flesh supposed to upset me? You walk by Sight and not Faith in the ONLY name that Saves!

None of what you have said has anything to do with what I posted to Lon and Keypurr. I did not even respond to you to begin with but posted two posts to them: why then do you need to make it all about me? It is because you do not know the Word because the Word of the Father is clearly not in you. I actually believe the words of Messiah while you ignore everything that does not fit your privately held dogma. As for the Matthew 11:11 passage, (within its context), and its multiple companion statements; I already explained it to you in one of your call out threads. You by default say that Yohanan the Immerser is greater than Messiah because you say that Messiah is born of a woman. Elohim is not a man. No one has seen or beheld Elohim at any time. This is the scripture, not just some fancy talk from my imagination: but you do not believe all that is written because the Word is not in you. You are exactly what you accuse everyone else of being when they do not agree with your blasphemies, and that is, a rabid wolf full of vitriolic hatred who does not know the Word and therefore must turn every debate into personal attacks and slanderous accusations. In short, you are clearly dead, for the only things that come forth from your mouth when faced with the truth are evil speak, blasphemies, and murders, just as the Master has said your fruits would reveal, (Matthew 15:18-20). You are derailing this thread with all of your attacks and slanderous accusations.


Well-known member
He didn't read well did he? :( He is taking offense BUT you called 1Mind1Spirit "whiskeyman, not him." :doh: One day I may be able to have a cogent conversation with him, and about scripture where he actually gets it instead of making all these mistakes.

He posts so much gibberish it truly is difficult to follow, especially when his posts are so full of vitriolic hatred, I am not surprised that he has now latched onto you even though he clearly hates Calvinists. You are only good for him so long as you remain a useful tool: that is how psychopaths work, they are like politicians, (most of whom are closet psychopaths), in that they can walk into a room full of strangers and within ten minutes know exactly who they are going to use for what. But then you appear to have the same tendencies so good luck with that new found, ehem, friendship. :chuckle:


Well-known member
He posts so much gibberish it truly is difficult to follow, especially when his posts are so full of vitriolic hatred, I am not surprised that he has now latched onto you even though he clearly hates Calvinists. You are only good for him so long as you remain a useful tool: that is how psychopaths work, they are like politicians, (most of whom are closet psychopaths), in that they can walk into a room full of strangers and within ten minutes know exactly who they are going to use for what. But then you appear to have the same tendencies so good luck with that new found, ehem, friendship. :chuckle:
He would befriend you too. You eschew it. :idunno:

You are your own guy, often cantankerous and to me, not well read. You don't even realize how off the mark you were with your post to me, and he is correct: you posted a lot of vitriol treating 'me' rather than scripture. Daqq, you have a lot of hang-ups and are notoriously on the side of Unitarians. You are whom you defend and associate with. Y

ou are not orthodox in your theology. Am I telling you something new? :nono: I just don't want to entertain heresy for the umpteenth time. I have a whole thread on the Triune God you can read. Disagree with, but then you don't read well, and I've shown you this. Actually stop posturizing and try to learn in humility just between you and your God. You don't even have to tell me about it (who am I anyway?). -Lon


Well-known member
He would befriend you too. You eschew it. :idunno:

You are your own guy, often cantankerous and to me, not well read. You don't even realize how off the mark you were with your post to me, and he is correct: you posted a lot of vitriol treating 'me' rather than scripture. Daqq, you have a lot of hang-ups and are notoriously on the side of Unitarians. You are whom you defend and associate with. Y

ou are not orthodox in your theology. Am I telling you something new? :nono: I just don't want to entertain heresy for the umpteenth time. I have a whole thread on the Triune God you can read. Disagree with, but then you don't read well, and I've shown you this. Actually stop posturizing and try to learn in humility just between you and your God. You don't even have to tell me about it (who am I anyway?). -Lon

My response to you was in response to what you posted and that was all:

Heb 1:6 And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all God's angels worship Him.” Luke 4:8
Heb 1:8 But of the Son he says, “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom. Isaiah 45:5 Psalm 90:2
Heb 1:10 And, “You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of your hands; Genesis 1:1 Colossians 1:16-18
Heb 1:11 they will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment, Hebrews 13:8 John 8:58 Psalm 90:2
Heb 1:12 like a robe you will roll them up, like a garment they will be changed. But you are the same, and your years will have no end.” Hebrews 7:3
Heb 1:13 And to which of the angels has he ever said, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet”?
Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation?
Heb 2:9 But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. Philippians 2:9-10
Heb 3:4 (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.) Colossians 1:17
Heb 3:15 As it is said, “Today, if you hear his [God Psalm 95:7] voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” John 8:24
Heb 4:4 For he has somewhere spoken of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested on the seventh day from all his works.” Colossians 1:16-22
Heb 7:3 He is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the Son of God he continues a priest forever.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


Heb 1:6 And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, “Let all God's angels worship Him.” Luke 4:8

That is a quote from the Septuagint and therefore speaks of Israel as the firstborn:

Deuteronomy 32:43 LXX-Septuagint
43 Rejoice, ye heavens, with him, and let all the messengers of God bow to him; rejoice ye Gentiles, with his people, and let all the sons of God strengthen themselves in him; for he will avenge the blood of his sons, and he will render vengeance, and recompense justice to his enemies, and will reward them that hate him; and the Lord shall cleanse the land of his people.

So the Hebrews 1:6 statement speaks of the children of Israel being brought back into the land, (not "the world" as translated in most English renderings from the word οικουμενη [which is first and foremost the "habitable land" as opposed to "the world"]). That is also why the passage says, "again", (as highlighted in your quote), for it concerns the time when the children of Israel were brought up out of Egypt back into the land again, after the sojourn in Egypt, and that is clearly what is about to happen in Deut 32 which is at the close of the Torah. We know also that Israel is the firstborn from Exod 4:22 so there is no doubt that Heb 1:6 speaks of all Israel as the firstborn being brought back into the land:

Exodus 4:22 LXX-Septuagint
22 And thou shalt say to Pharao, These things saith the Lord, Israel is my first-born (πρωτοτοκος).

Israel is also called the "Prototokos", (Firstborn), just as is Messiah.

Heb 2:9 But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels, namely Jesus, crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. Philippians 2:9-10

There is no such thing as "a little while" in that passage. Is that your own translation? If not it is surely a biased Trinitarian scripture twisting rendering. The context is the quote from Psalm 8:4-6 where in the Hebrew text the word Elohim is used, (not Malakim which would be messengers or angels).

Hebrews 2:6-9 ASV (Psalm 8:4-6)
6 But one hath somewhere testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? Or the son of man, that thou visitest him?
7 Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; Thou crownedst him with glory and honor, And didst set him over the works of thy hands:
8 Thou didst put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he subjected all things unto him, he left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we see not yet all things subjected to him.
9 But we behold him who hath been made a little lower than the angels, even Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that by the grace of God he should taste of death for every man.

Psalm 8:4-6 ASV (Hebrews 2:6-8)
4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?
5 For thou hast made him but little lower than God, And crownest him with glory and honor.
6 Thou makest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet:

MADE a little lower than GOD??? :think: :chuckle:

And rather than respond to what I posted you instead did the same as Evil:

Sadly, he prefers 5-minute theology rather than understanding, a search engine to digging and being a workman approved of God, engaging me for his pride rather than a depth of conversation about scriptures glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, he was placed on ignore a long time ago. God's Word stands. Isaiah 55:11

He didn't read well did he? :( He is taking offense BUT you called 1Mind1Spirit "whiskeyman, not him." :doh: One day I may be able to have a cogent conversation with him, and about scripture where he actually gets it instead of making all these mistakes.

You have no response to what I posted because, like your pal Evil, the Word of the Father is not in you; and when you have no response to the scripture that is posted your only option is to deflect, and that you do by way of insults and accusations. My post to you was on-topic, at least concerning what you yourself had posted, for that was all I responded to when I responded to your post. Do you have no answer for what Psalm 8:5 actually says? You yourself referred to it when you posted the quote from Hebrews. If you are so theologically sound in your reasoning then why does it say what it plainly says in the Hebrew text? How is it that the one you claim to worship was made a little lower than God according to the Hebrew text? This is of course over and above all the other plain statements made in the scripture, such as "The Father is greater than I", (John 14:28), and "Therefore God, your God, has anointed you", (Hebrews 1:9), and "I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God", (John 20:17), and so on, and so on, many more passages and statements which refute what you say.


Well-known member
My response to you was in response to what you posted and that was all:
Yes, that is all I saw too. :up:

And rather than respond to what I posted you instead did the same as Evil:
:nono: I have you on ignore. Rather, I responded to your post to him, that you misread him calling you whiskyman, as you also do with scriptures. Think a little harder instead of always being a victim. I am not your enemy, I just ignore you.

You have no response to what I posted because, like your pal Evil, the Word of the Father is not in you; and when you have no response to the scripture that is posted your only option is to deflect, and that you do by way of insults and accusations. My post to you was on-topic, at least concerning what you yourself had posted, for that was all I responded to when I responded to your post. Do you have no answer for what Psalm 8:5 actually says? You yourself referred to it when you posted the quote from Hebrews. If you are so theologically sound in your reasoning then why does it say what it plainly says in the Hebrew text? How is it that the one you claim to worship was made a little lower than God according to the Hebrew text? This is of course over and above all the other plain statements made in the scripture, such as "The Father is greater than I", (John 14:28), and "Therefore God, your God, has anointed you", (Hebrews 1:9), and "I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God", (John 20:17), and so on, and so on, many more passages and statements which refute what you say.
:nono: you are correct. I have no response for you, because I keep you on ignore. We tried this all before and it didn't end well, remember?
You shouldn't be uppity, you ignore me too. It is 'why' I have you on ignore. You are so busy trying to one-up that you will never listen. You have your own problems and few if any of them have a thing to do with me, Daqq. I just ignore you and try not to do the dramaz. I honestly don't know how to do scripture dialogue with you without it....so I leave you on ignore. Here you have had two people in your life that for odd reasons irritate you. As I said, I think EE would be your friend, if you wanted one. He doesn't agree with you, but neither do most on TOL. I'm not even sure how friendly Unitariansare with you but you seem friendly enough with them. I have most of them on ignore as well. It is just drama after drama with them. I honestly believe they emote, rather than think, theology. It is very disruptive. I just don't do dramaz. I want to talk about Christ and His salvation, not do drama. I get along very well with 1Mind1Spirit because he is interested in discussing the scriptures. That should be a sign to you: it isn't as much the content as the demeanor.You threw a few digs into your first post. EE saw it and engaged you. I had you on ignore.


He posts so much gibberish it truly is difficult to follow,

Many posters use this kind of tactics and they get upset when his opponents ignore it.

It is convenient way to attack their enemy.

they go in every where to muddy the focus or point.

That's why it is not good idea to respond in lengthy post.


:nono: I have you on ignore. Rather, I responded to your post to him, that you misread him calling you whiskyman, as you also do with scriptures. Think a little harder instead of always being a victim. I am not your enemy, I just ignore you.

:nono: you are correct. I have no response for you, because I keep you on ignore. We tried this all before and it didn't end well, remember?
You shouldn't be uppity, you ignore me too. It is 'why' I have you on ignore. You are so busy trying to one-up that you will never listen. You have your own problems and few if any of them have a thing to do with me, Daqq. I just ignore you and try not to do the dramaz. I honestly don't know how to do scripture dialogue with you without it....so I leave you on ignore. Here you have had two people in your life that for odd reasons irritate you. As I said, I think EE would be your friend, if you wanted one. He doesn't agree with you, but neither do most on TOL. I'm not even sure how friendly Unitariansare with you but you seem friendly enough with them. I have most of them on ignore as well. It is just drama after drama with them. I honestly believe they emote, rather than think, theology. It is very disruptive. I just don't do dramaz. I want to talk about Christ and His salvation, not do drama. I get along very well with 1Mind1Spirit because he is interested in discussing the scriptures. That should be a sign to you: it isn't as much the content as the demeanor.You threw a few digs into your first post. EE saw it and engaged you. I had you on ignore.

I will launch an OP soon on why I not only buried the anti-Calvinist hatchet, but it will also be on why I think everyone needs to submit to Christ and Scripture alone, but simply embrace one another if said person... Ensures that Christ is proclaimed as Lord, God and Savior and Salvation is on His merit alone... (John 5:39)

You have my allegiance in the cause of the gospel. We are unified in Christ (1 Cor. 1:13)

I'm placing Daqq on ignore as well. It's hard to silence an old friend. Others can sharpen their scriptural sword by exposing his error.

Have a wonderful evening @Lon
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Well-known member
:nono: I have you on ignore. Rather, I responded to your post to him, that you misread him calling you whiskyman, as you also do with scriptures. Think a little harder instead of always being a victim. I am not your enemy, I just ignore you.

:nono: you are correct. I have no response for you, because I keep you on ignore. We tried this all before and it didn't end well, remember?
You shouldn't be uppity, you ignore me too. It is 'why' I have you on ignore. You are so busy trying to one-up that you will never listen. You have your own problems and few if any of them have a thing to do with me, Daqq. I just ignore you and try not to do the dramaz. I honestly don't know how to do scripture dialogue with you without it....so I leave you on ignore. Here you have had two people in your life that for odd reasons irritate you. As I said, I think EE would be your friend, if you wanted one. He doesn't agree with you, but neither do most on TOL. I'm not even sure how friendly Unitariansare with you but you seem friendly enough with them. I have most of them on ignore as well. It is just drama after drama with them. I honestly believe they emote, rather than think, theology. It is very disruptive. I just don't do dramaz. I want to talk about Christ and His salvation, not do drama. I get along very well with 1Mind1Spirit because he is interested in discussing the scriptures. That should be a sign to you: it isn't as much the content as the demeanor.You threw a few digs into your first post. EE saw it and engaged you. I had you on ignore.

That again has nothing to do with what I posted and reposted to you. Why are you here if you are not willing to discuss the scripture? Why do you post scripture and then ignore the responses to what you have posted? Are you the only person who knows what it means? Clearly not so simply posting scripture and ignoring other passages that refute your ideas about what you posted only makes you out to be the arrogant deceiver that you are. You have no response because you are not capable of responding; and even your claim that I also ignore you is clearly false because I clearly did not ignore what you posted when I responded to it.


Well-known member
I'm placing Daqq on ignore as well. It's hard to silence an old friend. Others can sharpen their scriptural sword by exposing his error.

How many times are you going to say this and not do it? In fact the first time you said it I even thanked your post when and where you said it, even though I knew it was not true; just as I knew it was not true when Lon also said the same thing two or three times ago now. Neither of you are men of your word because even when you make such empty threats as these you clearly do not keep your word. I however have not said any such thing and will continue to refute both of you with the scripture: so then, good, finally put me on ignore, and ignore all of the scripture that will be posted to refute your false doctrines, for that is what you already do now anyway. :)


Well-known member
That again has nothing to do with what I posted and reposted to you. Why are you here if you are not willing to discuss the scripture? Why do you post scripture and then ignore the responses to what you have posted? Are you the only person who knows what it means? Clearly not so simply posting scripture and ignoring other passages that refute your ideas about what you posted only makes you out to be the arrogant deceiver that you are. You have no response because you are not capable of responding; and even your claim that I also ignore you is clearly false because I clearly did not ignore what you posted when I responded to it.
Because of your cocky demeanor:
:think: :chuckle:
I am Tri- and -une. Unitarians never understand we about half agree with them. I even used Hebrews to show I 'half' agree with Unitarians. The use of scripture proved that when we are talking about Jesus, Jesus is clearly God AND there is only one God hence: Tri- -une. If you want to leave snarky and cocky behind, like you think you one-up me or something, then I would talk about it (I'm repeating myself)...the 'reason' I ignore you is NOT the content. It is that you think you are a big-man and try to put-me-in-my-place. Well, you didn't. Think of your motive for engaging me. You know I have you on ignore. Think about your own motivations for doing this. When it is about Him, and no longer about yourself or your supposed prowess, that day I will take you off ignore (not as a favor, simply because you and I could talk, as 1Mind1Spirit and I talk about the scriptures). -Lon


Literal lunatic
He posts so much gibberish it truly is difficult to follow, especially when his posts are so full of vitriolic hatred, I am not surprised that he has now latched onto you even though he clearly hates Calvinists. You are only good for him so long as you remain a useful tool: that is how psychopaths work, they are like politicians, (most of whom are closet psychopaths), in that they can walk into a room full of strangers and within ten minutes know exactly who they are going to use for what. But then you appear to have the same tendencies so good luck with that new found, ehem, friendship. :chuckle:

EE mixed our posts together.

It's not the most honest thing to do.

Town Heretic does it alot when he doesn't want to be cornered while slandering others.


Well-known member
Because of your cocky demeanor: I am Tri- and -une. Unitarians never understand we about half agree with them. I even used Hebrews to show I 'half' agree with Unitarians. The use of scripture proved that when we are talking about Jesus, Jesus is clearly God AND there is only one God hence: Tri- -une. If you want to leave snarky and cocky behind, like you think you one-up me or something, then I would talk about it (I'm repeating myself)...the 'reason' I ignore you is NOT the content. It is that you think you are a big-man and try to put-me-in-my-place. Well, you didn't. Think of your motive for engaging me. You know I have you on ignore. Think about your own motivations for doing this. When it is about Him, and no longer about yourself or your supposed prowess, that day I will take you off ignore (not as a favor, simply because you and I could talk, as 1Mind1Spirit and I talk about the scriptures). -Lon

Again that appears to have nothing to do with your post which I quoted and asked you pointed questions about. Why can you not discuss the passages from your own post and the Psalm from which the quote was taken by the author of the epistle to the Hebrews? You have no answers because you are flying blind while claiming to be something that is unheard of in the scripture, "Tri- -une", (and that is not "snarky" but simply taking you at your own words concerning yourself, for you said, "I am", (lol)).


Well-known member
EE mixed our posts together.

It's not the most honest thing to do.

Town Heretic does it alot when he doesn't want to be cornered while slandering others.

Yeah, I know it is one of Evil's usual tactics, so when I went back to look I still could not be sure if he even originally quoted you are changed it after I responded. I let it go because I'm not afraid to say I may have made a mistake, and it really does not matter either way; but I agree with you, I do know that tactic because I have seen him, (EE), do it repeatedly. The CONFUSION is no doubt intentional.


Well-known member
Again that appears to have nothing to do with your post which I quoted and asked you pointed questions about. Why can you not discuss the passages from your own post and the Psalm from which the quote was taken by the author of the epistle to the Hebrews? You have no answers because you are flying blind while claiming to be something that is unheard of in the scripture, "Tri- -une", (and that is not "snarky" but simply taking you at your own words concerning yourself, for you said, "I am", (lol)).
And again: 1) I have you on ignore and didn't even see your original post. 2) EE quoted you, first time I saw your post other than "this poster is on your ignore list." Thus, while since, I have read the first post, none of my interaction was about that until much after, and more regarding your conversation with EE. 3) Now that I have read it, I have largely interacted with other issues than your mentioned first quote . 4) As I have said and am repeating: your demeanor, Daqq. It would be a betrayal of the reason I have you on ignore in the first place: You and I don't discuss well. I tried very hard to do this with you already. You get easily frustrated and yet (still) think that I'm not Tri- (as well as -une). For all intent and purpose, you would have had a guy that actually listened to your distinctions if you'd have shown patience. I believe you even burnt your Bridge with PPS and that's hard to do! Ask 1Mind1Spirit. They both got along really well in the Triune thread and used the thread to discuss rather than heavily debate the Triune view. 1M1S still posts there on occasion. I don't envision that ever changing. I don't want a clone of him in you. That isn't the point. I seldom post in these threads either. I kind of feel we've hi-jacked this thread, don't you? -Lon


Well-known member
And again: 1) I have you on ignore and didn't even see your original post. 2) EE quoted you, first time I saw your post other than "this poster is on your ignore list." Thus, while since, I have read the first post, none of my interaction was about that until much after, and more regarding your conversation with EE. 3) Now that I have read it, I have largely interacted with other issues than your mentioned first quote . 4) As I have said and am repeating: your demeanor, Daqq. It would be a betrayal of the reason I have you on ignore in the first place: You and I don't discuss well. I tried very hard to do this with you already. You get easily frustrated and yet (still) think that I'm not Tri- (as well as -une). For all intent and purpose, you would have had a guy that actually listened to your distinctions if you'd have shown patience. I believe you even burnt your Bridge with PPS and that's hard to do! Ask 1Mind1Spirit. They both got along really well in the Triune thread and used the thread to discuss rather than heavily debate the Triune view. 1M1S still posts there on occasion. I don't envision that ever changing. I don't want a clone of him in you. That isn't the point. I seldom post in these threads either. I kind of feel we've hi-jacked this thread, don't you? -Lon

Is it my problem you have me on ignore? That whole doing is your mess, and your problem, and you brought it on yourself because of your own arrogance, pride, and condescending attitude in the face of scripture when it is posted, just as you are trying to turn it now, (while still yet ignoring what I originally posted to you without showing any supposed bad demeanor). It was your own demeanor which brought about your own supposedly putting me on ignore because I called you out on your arrogance and you flipped out over it. Anyone who has spent any real time around here knows exactly what I am talking about: but I am not here to talk about you or me, as I already tried to say, and the only reason the thread is being hijacked now is because you refuse to answer to what was posted concerning the scripture passages you posted and I commented on with even MORE scripture that refutes your position. In addition to that fact you keep tossing out more accusations to deflect your own inadequacy and lack of understanding of the scripture we are supposed to be discussing. If you do not know anything about the passages you quoted then why did you post them to begin with? You have made yourself look no better off than the OP of this thread and your pal Evil who also both bury their heads in the sand and ignore the scripture when it refutes their positions.