God: "Let Us Make Man In Our Image"



If you were shown your error in scripture... would you acknowledge it?

Knowing how you are prone to take all scripture out of the context in which they were written, I very much doubt that you could prove anyone wrong, as far as scripture is concerned.


Well-known member
Hebrews 10:5-7New International Version (NIV) *Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; with burnt offerings and sin offerings you were not pleased. Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll— I have come to do your will, my God.’”

The body that God had chosen for his Anointed successor, in which earthly host body he revealed himself to the world, was the body of the man Jesus. Which body, the heavenly anointed one (The Christ) filled with his spirit, that descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove, as the heavenly voice was heard to say; “You are my son (My chosen successor) THIS DAY I have begotten thee.”

It appears you actually do the same thing as Jerry and Evil.Eye in that you imagine a "successor" to the Father; the only real difference being that you disagree with them on who that "successor" is supposed to be: for they say, "Jesus is YHWH", while you appear to have said elsewhere that you believe the "successor" is Enoch. There is no successor to the Father because, as John 1:18 plainly states, the only begotten Son, (or only begotten Elohim, whichever version you prefer), is ever-always in the bosom of the Father, (ο ων εις τον κολπον του πατρο). The only begotten Elohim-Son is never going to "outgrow", "succeed", or become greater than the Father because he is ever-always-existing in the bosom of the Father; and therefore Messiah says that the Father is greater than himself. But as for the scripture content which you posted you might want to look at The Logos-Word #80. The passage speaks of a Torah scroll coming into the world, that is, the Word, for as Paul says, not all flesh is the same flesh. Therefore anyone who denies the Torah denies Messiah who is the Word of the Father. :)


Well-known member
Hi Keypurr, yep, there is no way to get around what the opening passage of the epistle to the Hebrews plainly states, that is, that Messiah is the Express IMAGE of the Almighty Creator. That IMAGE is right before our eyes every time we read the Word because the Word is the IMAGE of the Almighty Creator. The Word of the Father contains His attributes, qualities, character, (a word also used in the Greek context with similar meaning, χαρακτηρ, "an exact copy", representation, or even an engraving), and contains everything we need to begin walking with our heavenly Father in uprightness and truth. We worship the Father IN His Word, in the Spirit, (of His Word), and in truth. That is truly what it means to be IN Messiah and therefore the Word by the Testimony of Messiah is utterly critical and cannot be confounded because when we twist it we only destroy ourselves for perverting the truth of Elohim. But those who "worship" the Word, (in the sense that worship is used in modern times), are worshiping the IMAGE. The IMAGE is portrayed in LETTERS on parchment, papyrus, and paper. It is not about "worship" but about bowing to and honoring what is stated and taught in the Word: in other words, actually DOING what it the Word says to do, (worship the Father IN His Word). :)

How true friend but they will never see it. It took me many years to see the words that proved what you post. One needs to be in the spirit.


Well-known member
How true friend but they will never see it. It took me many years to see the words that proved what you post. One needs to be in the spirit.

It was twenty seven years for the former me who had to be put down, (I learned it the hard way just as I suspect everyone will, that is, of those who will understand it). :)


Well-known member
It was many more years for me friend, but one day Hebrews 1:3 awaken me to see the spirit at work. It brought light to John 1. It is so easy to overlook what is in the words until you discard all the baloney we have been subjected to.

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"Man is a 'Trinity.' He is composed of 'Spirit,' 'Soul,' and 'Body.' 1 Thess. 5:23. He is a Trinity because he was made in the 'Image of God.' Gen.1:26. Therefore, like God he is a 'Threefold' being. His 'Spirit' corresponds with 'God the Father,' it can be felt but not seen. His 'Soul' corresponds with 'God the Holy Spirit,' it can neither be seen nor felt. His body corresponds with 'God the Son,' it can be both seen and felt, and makes the man visible"
(Clarence Larking, The Spirit World [Glenside, PA: Rev.Clarence Larkin Estate, 1921], 7).​

No, no this is wrong. Have you ever heard of the Holy spirit? The spirit side of us is moved by the divine Holy Spirit.

This joker you quote is another 'fill in the gap' intellectual' full of armchair intellectualism.


Eclectic Theosophist
No, no this is wrong. Have you ever heard of the Holy spirit? The spirit side of us is moved by the divine Holy Spirit.

This joker you quote is another 'fill in the gap' intellectual' full of armchair intellectualism.

Hi Ktoyou :)

No worries, I'm sure its just an 'analogy' :)


No, no this is wrong. Have you ever heard of the Holy spirit? The spirit side of us is moved by the divine Holy Spirit.

This joker you quote is another 'fill in the gap' intellectual' full of armchair intellectualism.

He doesn't have to quote any one.

Adam was "Clay" and God Provided Breath... Pneuma... Spirit... into the "clay" ... Man became a living soul!

This is right out of Genesis.

We are made in God's image... scripture. When the Spirit departs a man, he returns to dust. Again... scripture.

I'm not cool with commentary because it opens spiritual teachings up to attack... but not a word spoken is false here.

The Logos or Word (Memra) ... is the very, physical Glory of God, within creation. (Body)... (Well, now His Body is in Heaven... We're Waiting to see His Glory Return... )
Spirit hovering over the waters? ... Spirit... Father!

I am in My Father and My Father is in Me... Soul!

Father... Son... ONE! They shared the same Soul!!! The Soul of God is THE HOLY SPIRIT! All three Divine Members of the GodHead make up (Dt. 6:4 and Rv. 4:2)

Scrub the commentary... but Jerry's Words are correct!

To void scripture of "spiritual" understanding is to void God of His unseen majesty!

Scripture is Spiritual and about John 5:39! Please don't dogmatically void it with doctrine and Carnal reading that destroys its beauty!
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Hi Ktoyou :)

No worries, I'm sure its just an 'analogy' :)


It is the unspiritual and dogmatic people that void the metaphysical from scripture! Jesus told Nicodemus he must be born again... and Nicodemus was shocked and replied carnally!

You'll dislike this... but Arians and the Indoctrinated are awesome at scraping every last bit of Spiritual Truth and beauty from the scriptures!

Unimaginative, Spiritually blind habbits... pointing fingers at spiritual truths while clutching Carnal dogma to their chests!

- yup... I know... I know...

Be healing and loving... but what a crock!

Dragons... Time stopping... Angels... Demons... a global flood... The Red Sea parting... the angel of death... Satan... Staffs Turning into Snakes... Water to Wine... God coming as a man... Talking Donkeys, Leviathon... Creation... Tree of life... Heaven... Eternal Life... The ark of the covenant... The pillar of fire at night... Samson... Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo... Jonah and the Fish... Ressurection...

And Jerry saying This is "questionable"...

Okie Dokey!


I think I ment this post to you as well. I know you believe God is TriUNE... but sincerely read what I wrote to Freelight...

It is a wake up call to you to be more cautious before you discount words spoken.
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He doesn't have to quote any one.

Adam was "Clay" and God Provided Breath... Pneuma... Spirit... into the "clay" ... Man became a living soul!

This is right out of Genesis.

We are made in God's image... scripture. When the Spirit departs a man, he returns to dust. Again... scripture.

I'm not cool with commentary because it opens spiritual teachings up to attack... but not a word spoken is false here.

The Logos or Word (Memra) ... is the very, physical Glory of God, within creation. (Body)... (Well, now His Body is in Heaven... Were Waiting to see His Glory Return...
Spirit hovering over the waters? ... Spirit... Father!

I am in My Father and My Father is in Me... Soul!

Father... Son... ONE! They shared the same Soul!!! The Soul of God is THE HOLY SPIRIT! All three Divine Members of the GodHead make up (Dt. 6:4 and Rv. 4:2)

Scrub the commentary... but Jerry's Words are correct!

To void scripture of "spiritual" understanding is to void God of His unseen majesty!

Scripture is Spiritual and about John 5:39! Please don't dogmatically void it with doctrine and Carnal reading that destroys its beauty!

Another blatantly false statement. There is no mention of ruach-spirit in Gen 2:7 and neither in the Greek Septuagint version of Gen 2:7 is there any mention of pneuma-spirit. Do you always just say things without ever even checking for yourself? In addition to that man is likened to the Krubim, that is, having four faces or countenances; and two of those must breathe out their last and die off, (Zec 13:7, 8, 9, Mt 26:31). After those trials in those appointed times what remains will be a pillar in the temple, (Rev 3:12), having two faces: the face of a man, (the new man in Meshiah), and face of a young lion, (Meshiah, the Lion of Yhudah), and the Krubim stand between the palms, (a cherub and a palm, a cherub and a palm, Eze 41:18-21). And the reason you cannot see such things is because you refuse to become olive tree wood, (1 Kings 6:23), grafted into the olive tree of the commonwealth of the all Yisrael of the Father, (Rom 11, and you do not get a free pass for claiming to be "Jewish" by blood as you do because it clearly has nothing to do with your beloved flesh), and likewise because you do not heed the admonishment to Laodicea and all the congregations to purchase from the Son of Elohim gold having been tried in the fire, (as you have been admonished many times before). The Krubim are made of olive tree wood and are overlain with pure hammered gold having been tried in the fire, (1 kings 6:23-27, 28), and without those attributes and attire you cannot enter into the Most Holy Place, (Heb 10:19-22). Too bad you think everything is literal and physical because the kingdom of Elohim is here and now and passing you by: you simply are not capable of "seeing" it with the Evil.Eye. of the natural and carnal minded madmaxman. :chuckle:


Another blatantly false statement. There is no mention of ruach-spirit in Gen 2:7 and neither in the Greek Septuagint version of Gen 2:7 is there any mention of pneuma-spirit. Do you always just say things without ever even checking for yourself?
In addition to that man is likened to the Krubim, that is, having four faces or countenances; and two of those must breathe out their last and die off, (Zec 13:7, 8, 9, Mt 26:31). After those trials in those appointed times what remains will be a pillar in the temple, (Rev 3:12), having two faces: the face of a man, (the new man in Meshiah), and face of a young lion, (Meshiah, the Lion of Yhudah), and the Krubim stand between the palms, (a cherub and a palm, a cherub and a palm, Eze 41:18-21). And the reason you cannot see such things is because you refuse to become olive tree wood, (1 Kings 6:23), grafted into the olive tree of the commonwealth of the all Yisrael of the Father, (Rom 11, and you do not get a free pass for claiming to be "Jewish" by blood as you do because it clearly has nothing to do with your beloved flesh), and likewise because you do not heed the admonishment to Laodicea and all the congregations to purchase from the Son of Elohim gold having been tried in the fire, (as you have been admonished many times before). The Krubim are made of olive tree wood and are overlain with pure hammered gold having been tried in the fire, (1 kings 6:23-27, 28), and without those attributes and attire you cannot enter into the Most Holy Place, (Heb 10:19-22). Too bad you think everything is literal and physical because the kingdom of Elohim is here and now and passing you by:
you simply are not capable of "seeing" it with the Evil.Eye. of the natural and carnal minded madmaxman.

The only two things worth addressing in your post are your butchering of (Gen. 2:7) and your calling me Mad Max.

The exact Hebrew for Gen. 2:7 uses the word ... (vai·yip·pach) ... to breath/blow ... If you were off that bum idea that John 1:1 means "the word" as in Scripture... became lambskin... you would understand.

But... you don't understand that the (Memra/Word/LOGOS) is The Son of God who was imparted to Creation here... (Gen. 1:3) ... how do I know? (John 8:12). It gets better... (Gen. 2:7) goes on to say... נִשְׁמַ֣ת ... which means (The Breath of Life). Jesus says... (John 1:4; John 14:6; John 11:26f; 1 Peter 3:17; 1 John 5:11f; Rv. 22:17; John 5:21; ... John 8:51 shows Jesus using the the "words"... if anyone keeps MY WORD... which is a throwback to God giving the (Memra) or His "Word/Logos" to Creation... which John 1:1 says... (Is God)... and no dumb "A God" reading hold up, because (Is. 45:5). But...

Back to Gen. 2:7 and (נִשְׁמַ֣ת) Breath of Life... My favorite proof text is (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Nice way to define one passage of scripture without scripture! You don't have the foggiest clue that the scripture is written to define itself. Why? Because you're a (Bible Corrector) ... and not a Bible Believer. How about (Psalm 103:14; Gen 3:19; Acts 17:25)...

(Acts 17:25)!!! HE... hmmmmm... (John 14:6)... There is nothing higher than TRUTH (Php. 2:7f, 9f, 11)... HE is the WAY (John 8:24 and John 14:9)... HE is the very LIFE and BREATH of GOD... PNEUMA who even says; (Mt. 4:4)... He IS GOD and every RED LETTER of scripture proceeded from the MOUTH or WORD of GOD!

How about (Job 27:3) for Gen. 2:7 ? How about (Gn. 7:22; Psalm 100:3; John 10:11; Col. 1:15; Is. 45:12)

Daqq... Please stop embarrassing yourself.

And about MadMax... Yup... I'll take it!


It's TriUne ya silly baboon! He is the very purchase of our debt. He is the very Presence, Flesh and Body/Temple of God! (Rv. 21:22) ... but... YOU'RE so CARNAL you are worshiping a manuscript of Lamb Skin and idolatrous doctrine that denies EVERYTHING He (Is. 43:11 and Lk. 2:11) is!
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Wrong analogy. :)

Daqq... I am angry at your deception.

But seriously... let go of the hostility towards God and anyone who honors Him outside of you lens that marginalizes everything meta-physical within scripture!

As long as you spew that God didn't provide eternal life freely, by the purchase of (1 Tim. 3:16 and Heb. 2:14) you get (Titus 1:11) from me!

I have wronged you, not this person that you are being adversarial towards! You trample friends that care about you more than you understand!


Well-known member
The only two things worth addressing in your post are your butchering of (Gen. 2:7) and your calling me Mad Max.

The exact Hebrew for Gen. 2:7 uses the word ... (vai·yip·pach) ... to breath/blow ... If you were off that bum idea that John 1:1 means "the word" as in Scripture... became lambskin... you would understand.

But... you don't understand that the (Memra/Word/LOGOS) is The Son of God who was imparted to Creation here... (Gen. 1:3) ... how do I know? (John 8:12). It gets better... (Gen. 2:7) goes on to say... נִשְׁמַ֣ת ... which means (The Breath of Life). Jesus says... (John 1:4; John 14:6; John 11:26f; 1 Peter 3:17; 1 John 5:11f; Rv. 22:17; John 5:21; ... John 8:51 shows Jesus using the the "words"... if anyone keeps MY WORD... which is a throwback to God giving the (Memra) or His "Word/Logos" to Creation... which John 1:1 says... (Is God)... and no dumb "A God" reading hold up, because (Is. 45:5). But...

Back to Gen. 2:7 and (נִשְׁמַ֣ת) Breath of Life... My favorite proof text is (Ecclesiastes 12:7). Nice way to define one passage of scripture without scripture! You don't have the foggiest clue that the scripture is written to define itself. Why? Because you're a (Bible Corrector) ... and not a Bible Believer. How about (Psalm 103:14; Gen 3:19; Acts 17:25)...

(Acts 17:25)!!! HE... hmmmmm... (John 14:6)... There is nothing higher than TRUTH (Php. 2:7f, 9f, 11)... HE is the WAY (John 8:24 and John 14:9)... HE is the very LIFE and BREATH of GOD... PNEUMA who even says; (Mt. 4:4)... He IS GOD and every RED LETTER of scripture proceeded from the MOUTH or WORD of GOD!

How about (Job 27:3) for Gen. 2:7 ? How about (Gn. 7:22; Psalm 100:3; John 10:11; Col. 1:15; Is. 45:12)

Daqq... Please stop embarrassing yourself.

And about MadMax... Yup... I'll take it!

It's TriUne ya silly baboon! He is the very purchase of our debt. He is the very Presence, Flesh and Body/Temple of God! (Rv. 21:22) ... but... YOUR so CARNAL you are worshiping a manuscript of Lamb Skin and idolatrous doctrine that denies EVERYTHING He (Is. 43:11 and Lk. 2:11) is!

Daqq... I am angry at your deception.

But seriously... let go of the hostility towards God and anyone who honors Him outside of you lens that marginalizes everything meta-physical within scripture!

As long as you spew that God didn't provide eternal life freely, by the purchase of (1 Tim. 3:16 and Heb. 2:14) you get (Titus 1:11) from me!

I have wronged you, not this person that you are being adversarial towards! You trample friends that care about you more than you understand!

Show me where ruwach appears in this Hebrew transliteration deceiver:

Genesis 2:7 Transliterated Hebrew
7 way·yî·ṣer YHWH ’ĕ·lō·hîm ’eṯ- hā·’ā·ḏām, ‘ā·p̄ār min- hā·’ă·ḏā·māh, way·yip·paḥ bə·’ap·pāw niš·maṯ ḥay·yîm; way·hî hā·’ā·ḏām lə·ne·p̄eš ḥay·yāh.


3335 [e]
וַיִּיצֶר֩And formedVerb
3068 [e]
יְהוָ֨הthe LORDNoun
430 [e]
853 [e]’eṯ-
אֶת־ - Acc
120 [e]
6083 [e]
‘ā-p̄ārעָפָר֙[of] the dustNoun
4480 [e]
127 [e]
hā-’ă-ḏā-māh,הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔הthe groundNoun
5301 [e]way-yip-paḥוַיִּפַּ֥חand breathedVerb
639 [e]
בְּאַפָּ֖יוinto his nostrilsNoun
5397 [e]
the breathNoun
2416 [e]
חַיִּ֑יםof lifeAdj
1961 [e]
and becameVerb
120 [e]
5315 [e]lə-ne-p̄eš
a beingNoun
2416 [e]

Show me where pneuma, (πνευμα), appears in this passage deceiver:

Genesis 2:7 OG LXX
2:7 και επλασεν ο θεος τον ανθρωπον χουν απο της γης και ενεφυσησεν εις το προσωπον αυτου πνοην ζωης και εγενετο ο ανθρωπος εις ψυχην ζωσα


Elohim reserves the residue of the Spirit because He seeks an Elohim seed, (Malachi 2:15). If you truly loved the Word and would have paid any attention at all you would have known this by now. And if indeed you were born from above you would also know this because it is the only way Messiah is formed in you, which concerns the nativity accounts in the way in which it has already been explained: through the PARABLES of Messiah whom you claim to know, love, and follow, (lol). The spirit you have now you "acquired" along your merry way somewhere; and it remains the spirit of the world, which clearly never even left your house, poor Bar-Jesus son of Jesus. The Father did not give you the spirit you now have because the Father is not evil, ehem, Evil.Eye. :chuckle:


Show me where ruwach appears in this Hebrew transliteration deceiver:

Genesis 2:7 Transliterated Hebrew
7 way·yî·ṣer YHWH ’ĕ·lō·hîm ’eṯ- hā·’ā·ḏām, ‘ā·p̄ār min- hā·’ă·ḏā·māh, way·yip·paḥ bə·’ap·pāw niš·maṯ ḥay·yîm; way·hî hā·’ā·ḏām lə·ne·p̄eš ḥay·yāh.


3335 [e]
וַיִּיצֶר֩And formedVerb
3068 [e]
Yah-wehיְהוָ֨הthe LORDNoun
430 [e]
853 [e]’eṯ-
אֶת־ - Acc
120 [e]
6083 [e]
‘ā-p̄ārעָפָר֙[of] the dustNoun
4480 [e]
127 [e]
hā-’ă-ḏā-māh,הָ֣אֲדָמָ֔הthe groundNoun
5301 [e]way-yip-paḥוַיִּפַּ֥חand breathedVerb
639 [e]
בְּאַפָּ֖יוinto his nostrilsNoun
5397 [e]
the breathNoun
2416 [e]
חַיִּ֑יםof lifeAdj
1961 [e]
and becameVerb
120 [e]
5315 [e]lə-ne-p̄eš
a beingNoun
2416 [e]

Show me where pneuma, (πνευμα), appears in this passage deceiver:

Genesis 2:7 OG LXX
2:7 και επλασεν ο θεος τον ανθρωπον χουν απο της γης και ενεφυσησεν εις το προσωπον αυτου πνοην ζωης και εγενετο ο ανθρωπος εις ψυχην ζωσα


Elohim reserves the residue of the Spirit because He seeks an Elohim seed, (Malachi 2:15). If you truly loved the Word and would have paid any attention at all you would have known this by now. And if indeed you were born from above you would also know this because it is the only way Messiah is formed in you, which concerns the nativity accounts in the way in which it has already been explained: through the PARABLES of Messiah whom you claim to know, love, and follow, (lol). The spirit you have now you "acquired" along your merry way somewhere; and it remains the spirit of the world, which clearly never even left your house, poor Bar-Jesus son of Jesus. The Father did not give you the spirit you now have because the Father is not evil, ehem,
Evil.Eye. :chuckle:

You are a small man staring at a Massive picture, through a straw. Your cup is full of the bitter, so you have no room for the sweet. You desire to enlighten, but you know nothing of "Light". You are the "Grass Hopper that is stuck in the Well". You grasp what is worthless, thus you have no ability to reach for what is valuable.

You see with your eyes, thus you miss the invisible words of the "Spirit".

You never acknowledge scripture quoted towards you, and this is because you are blind to it. You are a child of GOD. Open your eyes sleeper! OPEN YOUR EYES. NOT EYES OF SITE. Seek the Divine Optometrist!

My prayer for you is that one day you proclaim this...

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Well-known member
You are a small man staring at a Massive picture, through a straw. Your cup is full of the bitter, so you have no room for the sweet. You desire to enlighten, but you know noting of "Light". You are the "Grass Hopper that is stuck in the Well". You grasp what is worthless, thus you have no ability to reach for what is valuable.

You see with your eyes, thus you miss the invisible words of the "Spirit".

You never acknowledge scripture quoted towards you, and this is because you are blind to it. You are a child of GOD. Open your eyes sleeper! OPEN YOUR EYES. NOT EYES OF SITE. Seek the Divine Optometrist!

My prayer for you is that one day you proclaim this...

Open your own evil-eye dreamer weaver and actually look at my previous post which refutes you to your face: those quotes are not my words but the Word whom you claim to know, believe, worship, and follow. How can you say such things and profess your "love" for the Word when you clearly want nothing to do with what is actually written in the Word? How can anyone be so blind and deceived? It is rightly called strong delusion by Paul because you have no love for actual honest truth and prefer darkness and a lie. For every time the scriptures that are quoted refute you to your face, you deflect, make excuses, and change the subject into how stupid, blind, or evil I must be for not "seeing" what you have conjured up in the machinations of your vain imagination. And why should I respond to any more passages you quote when I know you are only throwing up a wall of quotes to get out of the fact that you lied about Genesis 2:7? You talk about holding other people's feet to the fire but you will not allow your own rancid stench of a dogma to be examined. By the way, have you never thought about the implications of the name Bar-Jesus? Bar is Aramaic for "son". You do know that name means "son of Jesus", right? Do you not essentially claim the same thing when you say that "Jesus is YHWH" because we know that YHWH is the Father from so many Tanakh passages? Yes, you by default make the same claim as what is found in the name of the word-sorcerer Bar-Jesus son of Jesus. :)