God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That not my makeup Kat, my mind is always in gear, I wish I could just flip a switch sometimes.

I do realise that examining theological issues is the general appeal to being on the forum. For me, I feel my age; it does not hold my interest debating what I have already come to believe. Now my posting is less because I miss the old crowd and have few I know well enough to draw my interest.


I do realise that examining theological issues is the general appeal to being on the forum. For me, I feel my age; it does not hold my interest debating what I have already come to believe. Now my posting is less because I miss the old crowd and have few I know well enough to draw my interest.

I am still here:)


Well-known member
It says Jesus is God.
Your Apple7 Greek is showing again.

Twist all you wish but the truth will rise to the top.

YHWH is the only true God as told by by his Son.

You need to deal with it Apple7.

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New member
Your Apple7 Greek is showing again.

Twist all you wish but the truth will rise to the top.

YHWH is the only true God as told by by his Son.

You need to deal with it Apple7.

Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk


The Second Person of The Trinity is Yahweh.

Deal with it.


I think TOL is better for you. I will tell you, Knight will not stand for any nonsense; he is a very experienced web site owner.

It was so wild before.

Mad bullies dominated here, they reported every chance they get with even minor things when they don't like what their enemy posters say. I am not being liked by Knight and Sherman so if some reports me, I will get it, most of the time.

Even gt is so quiet.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It was so wild before.

Mad bullies dominated here, they reported every chance they get with even minor things when they don't like what their enemy posters say. I am not being liked by Knight and Sherman so if some reports me, I will get it, most of the time.

Even gt is so quiet.

Just ignore the bullies and I can tell you Knight and Sherman will not ban you if they see you are not the one arguing with them. Let them stalk you, then ignore them and if they keep it up, report them as stalkers.

Try it and see. Now I have to go lay down and watch Colombo.


Well-known member
Some notes I saved over the years, I did not write them but I agree with them:

You will never understand because you do not look at the whole gospel. You ignore the prophetic oracles of Moses…

Many prophecies indicated that the Coming One would arise from the "seed," the stock of humanity, in a particular from Abrahamic and Davidic stock. The Messiah would be from the biological chain within the human family, specifically of Jewish pedigree: "The Lord your God will rise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your own countrymen [literally, brothers]; you shall listen to him" (Deut.18:15). In this passage, Moses predicts that the coming Messiah would be a person "like me," raised up from "among" the people of Israel, and that God would not speak to the people directly, because they were afraid that if God spoke without a mediator they would die (V16). The coming "prophet" would be a man of whom it is said that God would "put his word in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him. And it shall come about whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My name, I Myself will require it of him” (v. 18-19). To say that the Messiah is God Himself is to contradict the whole point of this prophecy.

Let see how Jesus fulfilled Moses prophecies:

John 8:40 But as it is, you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God; this Abraham did not do.

Did Jesus hear it from God or was He God? Read Jesus’ own words again!

John 12:49 "For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak.

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