God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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Who died for your sin? Messiah. Jesus is Messiah. Who is Messiah to the Jew?

Jesus is a Jew. The Messiah is of Israel. Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus is the Messiah to the Jew, and understood to be the Messiah to the world and others even those who would join with or to Israel, become a part of the commonwealth of Israel, become Jews, become Christians, or believe on Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah, turning from their sin to the one and only true and living God, Yahveh, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, God of Israel, God of the Jew and the Greek or Gentile.



Bright Raven

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Jesus is a Jew. The Messiah is of Israel. Jesus is the Messiah. Jesus is the Messiah to the Jew, and understood to be the Messiah to the world and others even those who would join with or to Israel, become a part of the commonwealth of Israel, become Jews, become Christians, or believe on Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah, turning from their sin to the one and only true and living God, Yahveh, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, God of Israel, God of the Jew and the Greek or Gentile.



Is Messiah God to the Jew?


Messiah is not God to anyone.


The Church is the Body of the Messiah, our relationship with Him is as an individual member of a single body of people who are married to the Messiah.
The Church is also typified as the temple of the Holy Spirit, each of us Christians being living stones.
Also, the Messiah is the Shepherd, and His people are His flock of sheep.

In the Old Testament:
The LORD was married to His people.
The LORD had a temple made of stones.
The LORD was David's Shepherd.

All these things suggest that the Messiah is the LORD.


The Church is the Body of the Messiah, our relationship with Him is as an individual member of a single body of people who are married to the Messiah.
The Church is also typified as the temple of the Holy Spirit, each of us Christians being living stones.
Also, the Messiah is the Shepherd, and His people are His flock of sheep.

In the Old Testament:
The LORD was married to His people.
The LORD had a temple made of stones.
The LORD was David's Shepherd.

All these things suggest that the Messiah is the LORD.

Today is Sheni, 10-21.

I do not agree and do not have or see any need to agree with any of what you have said here. The important thing is that you recognize your need to understand the truth of God's word.




Well-known member
I received an email from a Bible search website this morning that was entitled “God is Jesus.”

I was surprised by my reaction. I have no doubt that Jesus is God. That is clear from the scriptures.

I have a different feeling about the sentence “God is Jesus.”

Perhaps my discomfort with “God is Jesus” is that Jesus described the Father is greater than He.

I would like the opinion of others on the topic.

Anyone else have discomfort with the statement “God is Jesus.”

Anyone who spends a little time with scripture would have problems with both phrases

Jesus is not God and God is not Jesus, I can agree with both of those,

But since I doubt your thread was initiated to discuss whether God is human or a human could be God, I will leave it at that.


Eclectic Theosophist
A ridiculous statement..............

A ridiculous statement..............

I received an email from a Bible search website this morning that was entitled “God is Jesus.”

I was surprised by my reaction. I have no doubt that Jesus is God. That is clear from the scriptures.

I have a different feeling about the sentence “God is Jesus.”

Perhaps my discomfort with “God is Jesus” is that Jesus described the Father is greater than He.

I would like the opinion of others on the topic.

Anyone else have discomfort with the statement “God is Jesus.”

This is but con-fusion.

Only 'God' is 'God', properly or classically defined, as 'pure Deity'.

God is Spirit.

God is Light.

God is Love.

God is Reality.

All 'else' is but an extension, expression, image, modification, offspring, embodiment, manifestation, creation or distortion of 'God'.

Jesus taught one to recognize God, the Father of all (including Jesus) as 'spirit'...and to worship this Spirit-reality as 'God', in spirit (not in a particular form necessarily) and in truth.

Jesus (if he can be identified or actually known) would probably NOT agree with much of the 'theology' formulated about him. With all the 'versions' out there, its hard to even know what is what, and what 'criteria' can even be established to come to any valid 'knowing', and thats just the tip of the epistemological iceberg :) ;) :p


New member
This is but con-fusion.

Only 'God' is 'God', properly or classically defined, as 'pure Deity'.

God is Spirit.

God is Light.

God is Love.

God is Reality.

All 'else' is but an extension, expression, image, modification, offspring, embodiment, manifestation, creation or distortion of 'God'.

Jesus taught one to recognize God, the Father of all (including Jesus) as 'spirit'...and to worship this Spirit-reality as 'God', in spirit (not in a particular form necessarily) and in truth.

Jesus (if he can be identified or actually known) would probably NOT agree with much of the 'theology' formulated about him. With all the 'versions' out there, its hard to even know what is what, and what 'criteria' can even be established to come to any valid 'knowing', and thats just the tip of the epistemological iceberg :) ;) :p

So both phrases bother you?


New member
Glorydazed is harshly misjudging me and calling me so many things outside my name.

She is going on in a mean and hateful way about my truly thinking someone was trying to convey something to me...then she misunderstands me and continues to badger me for what she herself does. What confusing hateful nonsense.




Eclectic Theosophist
Beyond bothering.......

Beyond bothering.......

So both phrases bother you?

Hi cobra,

I'd ask you to slowly go over my initial response, and then I will add to that :) - but the prior logics and points are essential to consider my continued discourse on the subject.

No matter how you spin 'Jesus is God' or 'God is Jesus', yes...both are 'presumptuous' and 'presuppositional'.

The ridiculousness first of positing 'God is Jesus' in that grammatical order I find nonsensical. Now if you want to reverse the order of this profession, its still presumptuous, and becomes a theological or merely 'Christological' CLAIM. - as far as my discourses supporting a simple traditional monotheistic Unitarian Christology, within a belief-system holding Jesus as the Messiah, the SON of God,...I've written extensively in other threads on the subject. The fact that the earlier followers of Jesus were traditional Jewish monotheistic Unitarians goes without saying.


User Name

Greatest poster ever
I have no doubt that Jesus is God. That is clear from the scriptures.

I have a different feeling about the sentence “God is Jesus.”

Perhaps my discomfort with “God is Jesus” is that Jesus described the Father is greater than He.

If Jesus is God and the Father is God, then how can the Father be greater than Jesus? Is God greater than Himself?

Ask Mr. Religion

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Avoid the Kenotic Error

Avoid the Kenotic Error

If Jesus is God and the Father is God, then how can the Father be greater than Jesus? Is God greater than Himself?
The greatness here relates to role, not to the essence of God. During the incarnation, Our Lord freely relinquished the prerogative of exercising His divine attributes subjecting Himself to the will of God the Father. Nothing ontological took place here that would mean a change in the one divine essence of God. The Second Person of the Trinity that assumed a human nature was still God when walking the earth.

Php 2:6
Seems clear the verse teaches...being in the form of God and, therefore, not considering His being on an equality with God a prize or booty but an inalienable possession, He made himself of no reputation.

The emphasis falls upon the fact that equality is something in rightful possession, not something to be possessed. Christ, being equal to God was not an equality He needed to access by robbery or attainment, that is, His equality was not something He considered He had gained or was to gain.

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