God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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TOL Subscriber
That doesn't make Him less in any way.

Did I say Jesus Christ was "less?"

The volitional subjection of the Incarnate Son, to the "greater" will of God the Father, did not effect the Divine equality of His unique Being at all . . It only reveals and explains His vicarious obedience unto a substitutional death for His people.


Well-known member
Did I say Jesus Christ was "less?"

The volitional subjection of the Incarnate Son, to the "greater" will of God the Father, did not effect the Divine equality of His unique Being at all . . It only reveals and explains His vicarious obedience unto a substitutional death for His people.

Chill out, Mr. Nang. :wave:

I didn't say you said it. I was saying that for whoever else might be reading.


New member
You miss me over there in the trinity thread don't you?

One Spirit three ways would be good.

One Spirit revealed in three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Nah, don't miss you in the Trinity thread for you do not BELIEVE in the Trinity.

I am sure if we ever met we would like each other.

I HATE YOUR false doctrine, though. We would go at it face-to-face also.

You, gt, have a thingy with definitions. You make up your own to fit your false doctrine. Therefore, mixing God's Truth with your Untruth, which only brings confusion to the Body and to UNbelievers.

So, 'three what' means 'one spirit'? Got it. :nono:


New member
If Jesus is God and the Father is God, then how can the Father be greater than Jesus? Is God greater than Himself?

Jesus said the Father was greater than He was.

Jesus, in declaring before Abraham was I AM, made it clear that He was God.

How is that possible?

Jesus never told us, never declared in any way, that we humans would fully understand God. The Roman Catholics tried with the doctrine of the Trinity. In doing so, they declared more than we know. There is no shame in recognizing:
1) God’s nature cannot be reduced to math formulas and proofs
2) God’s nature may be greater than our ability to understand it.

Right Divider

Body part
Nah, don't miss you in the Trinity thread for you do not BELIEVE in the Trinity.

I am sure if we ever met we would like each other.

I HATE YOUR false doctrine, though. We would go at it face-to-face also.

You, gt, have a thingy with definitions. You make up your own to fit your false doctrine. Therefore, mixing God's Truth with your Untruth, which only brings confusion to the Body and to UNbelievers.

So, 'three what' means 'one spirit'? Got it. :nono:
She calls them "figures". ::juggle:

God's Truth

New member
She calls them "figures". ::juggle:

You can say God reveals Himself in three ways.

He reveals Himself as a Spirit without a body who is the Father, and the same Spirit with a body as a Son, and His same one and only Spirit that goes forth without limit.

He is a Father figure, and a Son figure.

His titles or names are Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, the Holy One; the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, King of kings, Lord of lords, and God.

Right Divider

Body part
You can say God reveals Himself in three ways.
I'll go ahead and stick with the Bible, which says God is three persons.

He reveals Himself as a Spirit without a body who is the Father, and the same Spirit with a body as a Son, and His same one and only Spirit that goes forth without limit.
The Bible NEVER, NEVER, NEVER says that the LORD Jesus Christ was "AS a Son".... It says that He IS and WAS a SON.

He is a Father figure, and a Son figure.

His titles are Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Savior, Redeemer, Deliverer, the Holy One; the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, King of kings, Lord of lords, and God.
God is called all of those things.

This does NOT mean that the Father put on a "Son mask".

John 17:5 (AKJV/PCE)
(17:5) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

This verse CLEARLY, UNAMBIGUOUSLY and INCONTROVERTIBLY shows that the SON had glory WITH HIS FATHER before the creation.

Just give up your nonsense and believe the Bible.

God's Truth

New member
Nah, don't miss you in the Trinity thread for you do not BELIEVE in the Trinity.
I meant you miss debating with me there.

I am sure if we ever met we would like each other.

I don't think you would like me.

I HATE YOUR false doctrine, though. We would go at it face-to-face also.


You, gt, have a thingy with definitions. You make up your own to fit your false doctrine.

Prove it that I do that. What definitions do I make up. That is ironic for you to say that since your church fathers came up with the word 'trinity'.

Therefore, mixing God's Truth with your Untruth, which only brings confusion to the Body and to UNbelievers.

It is not confusion. There is only one God not three different Gods that you make.

So, 'three what' means 'one spirit'? Got it. :nono:

One Spirit revealed in three ways.

God's Truth

New member
I'll go ahead and stick with the Bible, which says God is three persons.
Could you give me that scripture?

The Bible NEVER, NEVER, NEVER says that the LORD Jesus Christ was "AS a Son".... It says that He IS and WAS a SON.

The Bible says AND WAS GOD.
There is only one God and He is the Father.
Since Jesus is God, then he is also the Father.


God is called all of those things.

This does NOT mean that the Father put on a "Son mask".

John 17:5 (AKJV/PCE)
(17:5) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

This verse CLEARLY, UNAMBIGUOUSLY and INCONTROVERTIBLY shows that the SON had glory WITH HIS FATHER before the creation.

Just give up your nonsense and believe the Bible.

God the Father is an invisible Spirit that lives in unapproachable light.
He also made Himself a body for Himself and gave that body up to come as a man in the flesh.
Jesus is that man in the flesh who is God, the one and only God the Father come as a Son.

Right Divider

Body part
Could you give me that scripture?
I have MANY, MANY times. I'm not going to do it again.

The Bible says AND WAS GOD.
There is only one God and He is the Father.
That's not what the Bible says. The Bible says that there is one God and that He is FATHER AND SON AND HOLY SPIRIT.

Since Jesus is God, then he is also the Father.
Your logic is ILLOGICAL (but what else is new?).

God the Father is an invisible Spirit that lives in unapproachable light.
He also made Himself a body for Himself and gave that body up to come as a man in the flesh.
Jesus is that man in the flesh who is God, the one and only God the Father come as a Son.
You just conveniently IGNORE the verse the says that they were together BEFORE creation.

God's Truth

New member
I have MANY, MANY times. I'm not going to do it again.
If you had, you would do it again. Why withhold it?
That's not what the Bible says. The Bible says that there is one God and that He is FATHER AND SON AND HOLY SPIRIT.

That is not correct. The Bible says there is only one God and he is the Father.

Your logic is ILLOGICAL (but what else is new?).

You just conveniently IGNORE the verse the says that they were together BEFORE creation.

I told you they were together before.

Right Divider

Body part
If you had, you would do it again. Why withhold it?
Withhold it? When I've shown you at least TEN TIMES?

That is not correct. The Bible says there is only one God and he is the Father.
No, the Bible says that Father, Son and Holy Spirit ARE GOD.

I told you they were together before.
So the Father came and left the Son in heaven?

You are completely insane.... back to the ignore list for you.


New member
I meant you miss debating with me there.

I have NEVER debated with you. I have had 'conversations' with you. DEBATE is what you and AMR did, which BTW you lost miserably 'cause you have a thingy with 'what I, gt, say, is the truth. I, gt, can care less that you prove things to me with the Bible.'

I don't think you would like me.

I like you now. I can see a lot of good things in what you say, however, your tendency is to mix truth with UNtruth, which does nothing but bring confusion to everybody.

We would go at it face-to-face also.
I am sure I would like you.
I'll repeat myself, I HATE YOUR false doctrine, though.

Prove it that I do that. What definitions do I make up. That is ironic for you to say that since your church fathers came up with the word 'trinity'.

You've got to be kidding me.

How about 'repent' means 'stopped sinning'.

It is not confusion. There is only one God not three different Gods that you make.

I serve ONE God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit).

One Spirit revealed in three ways.

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