God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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Well-known member
Ok, so this human had Mary as His mother, and Joseph as His father or was God the Father making this human who will have the Logos put upon Him really some sort of demigod?

That is not what I said.

God is the Father of Jesus, but he was created as a human. Jesus is a man. The Lamb, the savour, the sacrifice. The perfect Lamb that was sinless and was qualified to receive the power of the logos. Keep in mind the logos laid the foundation of the Universe for his Father. Jesus had to grow in wisdom, he was not born with the power or fullness of God.

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Well-known member
That is not what I said.

God is the Father of Jesus, but he was created as a human. Jesus is a man. The Lamb, the savour, the sacrifice. The perfect Lamb that was sinless and was qualified to receive the power of the logos. Keep in mind the logos laid the foundation of the Universe for his Father. Jesus had to grow in wisdom, he was not born with the power or fullness of God.

Seems your borrowing heavily from Roman and Greek Mythology.

So given this quote of yours, you're saying:

1. Jesus was born a man, but His father was God Himself. Mary was His mother

2. Jesus was just a man UNTIL His baptism.

3. After His baptism, the Logos came upon Him and now in this state, Jesus was able to save all of humanity when He was crucified.

4. Since it was the Logos that saved humanity, not only did Jesus the man die on the cross, but the Logos as well. And rose again on the 3rd day.

5. The Logos was also a created being.


Well-known member
Seems your borrowing heavily from Roman and Greek Mythology.

So given this quote of yours, you're saying:

1. Jesus was born a man, but His father was God Himself. Mary was His mother

2. Jesus was just a man UNTIL His baptism.

3. After His baptism, the Logos came upon Him and now in this state, Jesus was able to save all of humanity when He was crucified.

4. Since it was the Logos that saved humanity, not only did Jesus the man died on the cross, but the Logos as well. And rose again on the 3rd day.

5. The Logos was also a created being.

3. He was still just a man but he had the power of his Father IN him.

4. Question still unanswered but did not Jesus send his spirit back to his Father on the cross?

5. Heb 1:3, The Father created his express, exact image in everyway. In Col 1 you will see that this Son was given the fullness of the Father.

The logos is a godlike creation, creature. There is only one God, the Father. However God himself calls this spirit Son O God in Heb 1. The logos is a created FORM of God, Phil 2, yet he is not God.

This is a great subject to study friend, it will give you a better understanding of our Lord.

Paul tells us that we have One God, the Father and One Lord, Jesus Christ. I believe that.

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Back to original post,

Since I haven't seen anyone other than GT reply to this yet as I'm scanning the thread, I figure I'll add my two cents.

I was trying to think of a parallel set of sentences.

What about:
A pear is a fruit
A fruit is a pear.


All pears are fruits.

But not all fruits are pears. An apple is a fruit, but it is not a pear, nor is a pear an apple.

Compared to
Jesus is God
God is Jesus.

Is anyone uncomfortable with either:
A pear is a fruit
A fruit is a pear.

Jesus is God is fine.

God is Jesus is not, because of the fact that Jesus is only one Person, but God is three Persons, and Jesus is one of those three Persons.

Therefore, to use the pear/fruit/apple analogy phrasing I used above:

All Jesus is God, but not all God is Jesus. But that doesn't work quite completely, because Jesus is the utter fullness of God in one Person.

To put it more accurately, All Jesus is all God, but not all God is all Jesus.

Does that make sense?

God's Truth

New member
Since I haven't seen anyone other than GT reply to this yet as I'm scanning the thread, I figure I'll add my two cents.


All pears are fruits.

But not all fruits are pears. An apple is a fruit, but it is not a pear, nor is a pear an apple.

Jesus is God is fine.

God is Jesus is not, because of the fact that Jesus is only one Person, but God is three Persons, and Jesus is one of those three Persons.

Therefore, to use the pear/fruit/apple analogy phrasing I used above:

All Jesus is God, but not all God is Jesus. But that doesn't work quite completely, because Jesus is the utter fullness of God in one Person.

To put it more accurately, All Jesus is all God, but not all God is all Jesus.

Does that make sense?

Jesus is Gods?

God's Truth

New member
3. He was still just a man but he had the power of his Father IN him.

4. Question still unanswered but did not Jesus send his spirit back to his Father on the cross?

5. Heb 1:3, The Father created his express, exact image in everyway. In Col 1 you will see that this Son was given the fullness of the Father.

The logos is a godlike creation, creature. There is only one God, the Father. However God himself calls this spirit Son O God in Heb 1. The logos is a created FORM of God, Phil 2, yet he is not God.

This is a great subject to study friend, it will give you a better understanding of our Lord.

Paul tells us that we have One God, the Father and One Lord, Jesus Christ. I believe that.

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Keypurr, who died on the cross, who experienced the pain?

patrick jane

Then you should have no problem disproving them with scripture friend. My thoughts go deep so start digging.

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You've been proven wrong with scripture for years on end. Do you think God is directing you to post anti-Trinity "thoughts" to save others from the horrors of believing that God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are one? I don't think God wants you to.


Keypurr, God the Son died on the Cross

Acts 20:28 King James Version (KJV)

28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.


I am preparing for the Sabbath.




Literal lunatic
Keypurr, God the Son died on the Cross

Acts 20:28 King James Version (KJV)

28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

You ripped that right out of context.

This is who paid with blood.

But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.

Because he paid, God has made him both Lord and Christ.

36 Therefore let all Israel know with certainty that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified,” both Lord and Christ!
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